Path To Liberation, Day Of Disclosure (Chap 16)

SYNOPSIS: The Draknights are having a wonderful day and Shiloh receives a gift of her own. However, their cover is blown....

Anime Opening: Usseewa

Micah trains with Lost Ren as they battle at a stage. Kaizer and Agent are watching from the side before Josiah and Judah join them.

Micah: Come on, Big Bang. Attack the Fighter.

Big Bang Dragon charges at Lost Ren.

Lost Ren: Good Micah Good.....But..... I cast, Black Dragon Shield. (Damage Reduced to 0)

Lost Ren's Life: 9

Micah: Aww man. Leftes and Rightes, attack Lost Ren. One at a time.

Both monsters attack Lost Ren. Lost Ren takes Leftes's first attack and then when Rightes is about to strike Lost Ren down.....

Lost Ren: I cast, Lost Ren's Shackles Of Sin.

All of the sudden, the environment turn shade as grey and dark chains came out of nowhere and chain all of Micah's cards. Everyone's frozen in time while Lost Ren remains unchanged.

Lost Ren: I force end your turn and I deal damage equal to Rightes's critical.

Micah takes the damage and the environment returns to normal.

Micah's Life: 6 -> 4

Judah: He can force end the opponent's turn.....Okay now purple's sus.

Josiah: Bro....this ain't Among Us.

Lost Ren: Draw, Charge and Draw. Watch & Learn. I cast, Lostknight Sacrifice. (Pays 1 life)

LostDog: For the Lostknight's Victory. (Destroyed)

Micah: (Surprised) You destroy your own monster?

Lost Ren: I can also choose to destroy a card on the opponent's field. But I rather not, so I draw 2 cards instead. With Lost Dog's effect, I destroy 2 of the opponent's gauge.

Micah's gauge: 2

Micah: Hey, that cheating.

Lost Ren: Lostbird to the left.

Lostbird appears on the left.

Lostbird: Let's destroy.

Lost Ren: I cast, Devil Stigma.

Lostbird is destroyed but revives with soulguard.

Micah: (Shocked) You destroy another one of your monster.

Lost Ren: And with Lostbird Destroyed, Garga gains 10000 power and defense along with critical +1.

Micah is surprised as Garga powers up as amount of dark power surges around him.

Lost Ren: Micah, you're strong. But you still lack technic. Let's go!!!!

Lost Ren and his team charges at Big Bang Dragon. Meanwhile elsewhere at the city, Hou Ren & Shiloh are on a lovely date. They took selfies, enjoy some Ice Cream and Milkshakes, buy some stylish clothes and try them on. They even watch a horror movie despite Hou Ren's distaste. When sunset arrives, they sit on a nearby bench.

Shiloh: Ahh, what a beautiful day. I had a blast that's for sure.

Hou Ren: You tell me, but the Horror Movie part, this I don't want to do it again.

Shiloh: (In a Teasing mood) Awwww, you being a scaredy cat now?

Hou Ren: (Blushing awkwardly) Am Not.

Shiloh: Are too. (Tickles Hou Ren by the waists while continues teasing him)

Hou Ren: (Laughing and blushing) H-Hey....S---Stop it. It ticks (Laughing more) Tickles.

Shiloh: Hehehehe. (Stops) Okay okay, I understand. I actually don't like Horror as well. I just want to keep things Interesting.

Hou Ren: You don't say. I'm gonna be honest. I haven't felt this enjoyable ever since I moved here. I even get to be with the most beautiful woman in the world.

Shiloh: (Happily Blushed and wave) Hey....Stop it. I'm curious. I thought you would be interested in your female classmates. Why the interest in me?

Hou Ren: (Feeling a little surprised after hearing what she said) Wow...where do I start? To be honest, you're not the first girl I had a crush on.

Shiloh: (Curious) Oh?

Hou Ren: I had a crush on two girls from my class once. Only....I was....shot down. It's really heartbreaking and I don't want to talk about it if can.

Shiloh: It's okay. I understand.

Hou Ren: However, I kinda watched your channel during spare time.....I couldn't stop thinking of you and I just....admire you so much. In fact....I kinda wish I am with you. No offence.

Shiloh: Is that so?

Hou Ren: (Smiled Warmly) Yeah.....I don't just admire your skills and all. I'm just quite jealous because you're surrounded by alot of friends and family. I wish I can have that too...

Shiloh: Is it?

Hou Ren: But I toss aside my feelings because I had a lot on my plate back can guess what happens next.

Shiloh: (In a Teasing Mood) Are you sure you're not saying that you came here just to find me?

Hou Ren: Come On. I'm not a stalker. You know that.

Shiloh: (Happy) I know, I'm just teasing you.

Hou Ren: In fact, all I want to do is to restart my life and be free. I somehow bump into you and here we are. Coincidence.

Shiloh: I see.....(Leans her head on Hou Ren's left shoulder) Believe me, my life is not too wonderful as you think. Frankly offscreen, I kinda.... have some sibling rivalries....and mean comments too sometimes.

Hou Ren: (A bit surprised) Wait really? I didn't know.....I thought you're usually...happy.

Shiloh: Don't judge a book by it's cover. In fact.....I should be the one admiring you because you get to buddyfight and get to be.....actual vigilantes. I want to do something else for a change to be honest.

Hou Ren: I see.....

Shiloh: Mmmh....speaking of you, I want to confess something. When I saw you facing against your ex teacher live, I was a bit...mixed.

Hou Ren: Mixed?

Shiloh: I was having a bit of a mixed emotions. I'm glad you were able to win the match, but I'm also sad because of the things you said during the match.

Shiloh remembers the moments where Hou said a few things regarding the situation.

Shiloh: Those questions you asked and the statements you made, it really echoed through my brain. And I was kind of scared when you chose to abandon your peers. You're almost like... a monster.

Hou Ren: (Surprised) I...I didn't know...I'm so sorry.

Shiloh: (Shakes her head) Don't apologize. I completely understand how you feel back then. There's a saying: Mistakes doesn't always define who we are.

Hou Ren: You don't say...

Shiloh: (Smiles) Look on the bright side, the past is already over. We have each other. And I will always accept you for who you are.

Hou Ren: (Smiles) Yeah....Gotta admit, I wish I can be bright like you.

Shiloh: Don't. (Kiss Hou Ren's Left cheek) You already are.

Hou Ren: (Blushed) You're kinda cute though....

Shiloh: (Blushing while shrugging her body towards him) Hey.....

The two warmly cuddle on each other's heads while holding hands. They felt warm around each other as they closed their eyes and smile calmly.

Hou Ren: Well, what do you want do now?

Shiloh: I'm not sure.....(spots something)Huh, a card shop. Maybe we should check it out?

Hou Ren: Sure, why not?

The two went into the card shop and tour around. Cards and Products are displayed everywhere. Hou Ren then bought a whole box while Shiloh bought a few packs and a start deck.

Hou Ren: Oh you bought a start deck.

Shiloh: Yep. I'm about to start buddyfighting and who knows I might surpass you.

Hou Ren: (Teasing) We'll see about that.

Shiloh: (Teasing) Hehe. Okay I'm just gonna open a pack.

As Shiloh opens her first pack, a card was glowing inside and flew out in a star shape form. Both of them were surprised. In other words, a buddy rare is born and outcomes a beautiful monster.

???: Greetings. I'm the little Red Riding Hood Emma, hailing all the way from Dungeon World. Pleased to meet you both and (hands at Shiloh) you must be my buddy?

The two stare in surprise.

Hou Ren: (Walk backwards two steps) No way. Your first pack and you got a buddy rare? Lucky.

Shiloh: I know. And it's a beautiful red riding hood. Cool.

Emma: Ah shucks. I forgot to ask. What's your name?

Shiloh: (Blushed) Oh sorry. Where are my manners? I'm Shiloh. Nice to meet you.

Emma: Shiloh huh? That's a beautiful name. Nice to meet you.

Shiloh blush even more while Hou Ren is feeling happy for her. Suddenly, winds are gusting across the street, catching his attention. What he see is an airship landing 8 meters behind him on the road.

Hou Ren: What in the? Wait... (spots the Logo) Oh no...

A few familiar entities walk out of the airship...

Hou Ren: (Panic) No no no no no no.....

Shiloh: (Curious) What's wrong?

Hou Ren: (Shush Them) Hide.

All three hide inside an alleyway between the card shop and another store. Hou Ren then made all of the things they bought disappear in thin air. Emma was curious.

Emma: What's going on?

Hou Ren: Long story but.....Why is Commissioner Tasuku here? And My Parents too.

Shiloh: Don't tell me they.....

Hou Ren: They must've came to take me back.....(slightly angry) Great...Just when I thought I can relax but then kapao. Hyenas just escaped the zoo.

Shiloh: Woah calm down. It's okay. We can face them together.

Hou Ren: No Shiloh, it's too risky. Plus you haven't even....

Shiloh: (Interrupts) Who cares. I want to do this with you. Besides, I don't mean to say this but you need to face your problems instead of running away.

Hou Ren then spots a few of classmates, Light, Ranma, Eden & Alec drop down from the Airship.

Hou Ren: If by facing them as in just buddyfight them all by ourselves, no chance.

Shiloh: Huh? I was going for a peaceful talk.

Hou Ren: No, they'll never listen. They would just.... snatch me. They might even trap me in vengestone cage like Last Time.

Shiloh: Oh yeah....

Hou Ren: It's too risky. The odds are against us. We need help.

Suddenly, Hou Ren's phone rang and he picks it up. Rockstar was on the other line.

Rockstar: Hou where you.....

Hou Ren: (Interrupts) Shhhh. Quiet. What do you want?

Rockstar: We need you man. We got company.

Hou Ren: You mean a bunch of stubborn donkeys arrived? I know.

Rockstar: What? You're near them. (To another person) We're too late.

Sensei: (Barges In) Hou, Listen To Me. Don't Engage. I know you have powers but your deck is at home. Don't make a scene.

Shiloh: Don't worry Sensei, We're on our way.

Rockstar: Wait. Shiloh's with you? (Teasing) Are you two dAtInG?

Both blushes awkwardly and angrily.

Hou Ren: Uh no, why would you care?

Shiloh: Yeah, what he said.

Sensei: (Same mood) Uh huh. Sure.....(Serious) Anyways Come On.

Hou Ren: OMW. (Ends Call) You sure?

Shiloh: Where you go, I go as well. Emma, I need you to go back into your card. It's a run and hide scenario.

Emma: No worries. I don't get what's going on but I'll do it anyway. (Turns back into her card)

Hou Ren: Alright. Let's go.

The couple came of their hiding spot and run on the opposite direction of the Airship. Unfortunately, A tattletale alert the Commissioner about what's what.

Natalie: THERE HE IS.

Hou Ren & Shiloh run without looking back while everyone else chase him. They run like the wind with nothing stopping them. No hesitation.

Daryl: Hou Ren Wait.

Masato: We just want to Talk.


Cross: Please. Hou Ren. We're not trying to hurt you.

Agito: Also, who's the girl beside him?

Ranma: Doh, I know her. That's Shiloh Nelson from Shiloh & Bros. She's part of the reason why Hou Ren and I created our channel.

Light: Save the History for Later. Hou Ren wait Please!!!!

All of them run. They even did some parkour such as sliding under tall signs, jumping over objects, even on cars.

Hou Ren: I know I did some Training and all, but I'm surprised you can keep up. Oh right, you took gymnastics.

Shiloh:(Exhausted but excited) You know me well, wanna race to home?

Hou Ren:(Same reaction) Yeah, why not?

Both of them run like the wind. Along the way, they look at each other eyes and enjoy each other's company. The Bright Blue Sky sparkle above the shiny blue ocean as they ran. Suddenly, their joyride ends as a car is approaching Behind of Shiloh's Direction.

Hou Ren: NO.

Shiloh was surprised as Hou Ren immediately push Shiloh out of the Car's Way and take the damage instead. The Car flip and bounce around and the young knight spin around injured. Everyone was shocked.

Shiloh & Gwen: NOOOOOO.

Hou Ren's Parents & Tasuku: IT CAN'T BE.

The young king is severely injured. Blood is dripping out of his body while his face had a black eye and its very wrecked. Shiloh immediately rushes in to check on him as she felt very devastated.

Shiloh: No no no Please Be Okay....(Tearfully Angry)Why do you have to do that?

Hou Ren: (Struggling to get up as he is still badly wounded) It's....ugh....Okay..... Run....while you still can. (Fainted)

Shiloh: No No Hou Ren, don't say that, you're gonna be okay.

Tasuku and the rest are about to check on him but just as they enter, a smoke bomb was thrown and activates a bunch of smoke while blocking them from entering. They start coughing and after a while, the two disappeared along with the smoke.

Light: Again?

Ranma: They disappeared.

Everyone felt even more worried.

Hou Ren's Father: Son.....

Anime Ending: Horizontal Oath.

Story End.


Shiloh: I can't believe my boyfriend actually saved me. I need to help him but how? Next time, "The Moment We Strike Back". Join us for a Buddyfight.