Path To Liberation, The Moment We Strike Back (Chap 17)

Synopsis: With The Draknight's Cover Blown, the team must plan on what to do next. Hou Ren is forced to do that one thing he does not want to do...

In the previous story, Lost Ren trains Micah on his buddyfight skills. Meanwhile, Hou Ren & Shiloh experience some third wheeling during their date. With his cover blown and after saving Shiloh, what will he do next?

Anime Opening: Knock On Your Gate

At the broken scenario, Tasuku and Light are examining the debris left by the Car Accident. Meanwhile, the Driver who hit Hou Ren is being sent to the Hospital.

Daryl: Again....He Disappeared....How?

Gwen: Moreover, I can't believe that just happened....

A flashback was seen revealing Hou Ren saving Shiloh from the Car Accident. But the Damage dealt to him was...indescribable.

Hou Ren's Mother: I still cannot believe our son did that.

Hou Ren's Father: He's grown.

While the conversation goes on, Tasuku & Light continues to examine the debris.

Light: Any Luck?

Tasuku: No....this isn't going to be easy. Light, I'm afraid we may need a few battery boost.

Light: Not to mention a suitable network. We need to head back.

Tasuku: Yes. Everyone Back to Ship. That's An Order.

Everyone heads back to the Airship as per Order. Gwen however felt very insecure and afraid after witnessing Hou Ren's actions.

Gwen: (Thought) What happened if I was the one...(Thought)

Eden: Is Something Bothering You Gwen?

Gwen: Just very shocked that....well you know what it is.

Eden: You're not fooling me. But it's fine. You and I have something common when it comes to our friend here.

Gwen: Interesting?

While This Conversation Goes On, Daryl, Ranma and Masato are just thinking weird while overhearing their conversation.

Masato: I guess Hou Ren is gonna be a ladies man like he wanted.

Daryl: Nah no way.

Ranma: Yep. (Thought In Worry) Why won't you talk to us man? We just want to help you. (Thought End)

Back at the Mansion, Hou Ren's Brothers along with Shiloh's are waiting sternly at the living room.

Sensei: What's taking them so long.....

Suddenly, A portal opens on the ceiling, catching everyone's attention. Shiloh and an injured Hou Ren came out of it. Shiloh somehow land on Hou Ren's back.

Shiloh: Ahhh...Owww.

Blaze Ren: There You Are....wait.....(noticed Hou Ren's wounds) WHAT THE?

Garga notice Hou Ren's injured body as blood came out of it. He was so wounded as he struggled to move, leaving Garga very horrified.

Garga: OH MY GOODNESS. (Rushes in and Checks Up On Him) What Happened To You? Are You Okay?

Hou Ren: Erghhh...Yeah...But...I need help.

Lost Ren: (Annoyed) What did you do this time?

Elijah: Yeah and Why is Shiloh with you? Are you two dating?

Shiloh: Shut Up Eli. We need to take him to a doctor.

Magician: No. I'll handle this. Come On Hou Ren, Stay with me. (Carries Him To A Sofa and prepares a spell) Healius Maxim.

The spell activates and roams from Hou Ren's feet to his head. During the Process, all of his wounds, scars and bruises are healed. Everyone is very surprised. However, his stamina is still drained.

Hou Ren: Thanks Man.

Judah: What's with that spell?

Magician: My most powerful healing spell. Capable of healing even scars. It's not easy when it comes to learning it but it gets the job done after a few weeks of practice.

Micah & Judah: Cool...

Kaizer: Still....(turn to his leader) what happened to you?

Hou Ren breaths and drinks a cup of hot water. When finished, he and Shiloh look at each other eye to eye sadly. Hou Ren then turned his attention back to his peers.

Hou Ren: Okay, basically...

(Scene Transition)

Trickstar Ren: So after you both notice the Commissioner arriving, you decide to flee.

Sensei Ren: Along the way, a car was about to end Shiloh's Life before you pushed her out of the way.

Lost Ren: In a last-ditch attempt, you used the last of your strength to throw a smoke bomb and escape through a portal.

Shiloh: I tried to stop him from getting up injured but he did it otherwise.

Elijah: Oh man.....(Proceeds to look at Shiloh) How long were you two dating?

Shiloh:(Blushing with guilt) About like a week.

Daniel: A WEEK? You should have....

Shiloh: What difference will it make, you still wouldn't have approved.

Everyone was surprised, including Hou Ren himself.

Shiloh: He saved my life even in a terrible state. He cared for me and gave me attention. He's more than just himself. Disapprove then fine. I still want to be with him.

Hou Ren: (Feeling Moved) You really think of that of me?

Shiloh: Of course I do. (Wrap around Hou Ren's neck) I wouldn't have accepted you otherwise.

Shiloh hugged him tight and Hou Ren was semi-stunned but he hug her back while smiling. Everyone's a bit surprised while Elijah becomes stern.

Elijah: You really want to date her?.....I'll allow it.

Hou Ren & Shiloh: (After letting each other go) Elijah.....

Elijah: Just...make sure.....Just Keep Her Safe From Harm's way.

Judah and the rest of his brothers agreed.

Hou Ren: (Nodded) I will. I promise.

Kaizer Ren: (Interrupts) Okay Sorry for Ruining This Moment. In case you guys forgot, our cover's been blown.


Sensei Ren: I knew they would come but I didn't expect it would be this soon.

Hou Ren: (Surprised and angry) You knew and you didn't tell me about this?

Magician Ren: How Can We? You were happy man. We don't want to ruin your happiness.

Hou Ren: Yeah but still...I just can't believe it. Like.....

The knights started arguing.....

Shiloh: Guys!!!! Just calm down. It doesn't matter who found out what. We need to focus on what to do now.

Everyone is surprised by what Shiloh's said, leaving her confused.

Shiloh: What?

Agent Ren: Hate to say it but Shiloh's right. We need to plan. NOW.

Lost Ren: (Turned to Hou Ren) It's your call. What do you want to do?

Hou Ren: (Thought for a while then sighed) Honestly, I.....have no words. But I don't have a choice....(Turn Serious and Deadly) We Fight.

At the teacher's office, Ms Pauline was looking at a few footage of the Playoffs at her table. She was mostly observing Hou Ren's matches and as she does, she remembers well about her meeting with Hou Ren's Mother.


Ms Pauline: Hou Ren you take that back right now. You know what you said is hurting Ms Shafi.

Hou Ren: I don't care, it's the truth. No matter what I do, I'm getting scolded.

Ms Pauline: Lies. Do you have any proof for that?

Hou Ren: Well....

Ms Pauline & Hou Ren's Mother: Then Sit Down and Be Quiet.

Hou Ren grunts....

Flashback End.

Ms Pauline: Even though he doesn't have proof, maybe I should have gone undercover.....Moreover.....(remembers the times she scolded him) What had I done.....

Ms Lydia and Ms Ruth came in while chit chatting....

Ms Lydia: And then I was like.....(noticed Ms Pauline) Oh, Ms Pauline I didn't see you there.

Ms Pauline: (Realize) Wha.....oh, it's you two.

Ms Ruth: Is everything alright dear hon?

Ms Pauline: Yes I'm okay. I'm just...(sigh) I wish I can apologize to him....

Ms Lydia: Oh.....Now that you mentioned it, my class.....It's like a quiet library.

Ms Ruth: Yes.....Hou Ren is a bad student sometimes, but he is still a good person.

Ms Lydia: His skills in buddyfight are no exception.....But now he's changed. We are part of the reason why.

Ms Pauline: True.....but what's worse is regarding our shutstone was wrong.

Ms Ruth: Speaking of which, how's the search coming along?

Ms Pauline: Daryl Texted Me. He said they found him but he disappeared again.

Ms Ruth: How does he keep doing that?

Ms Pauline: I don't know.....I really wish he can come home. I miss him.....

The two then comfort their friend by tapping on her shoulder. Now at the Air Ship, which is floating mid-air in the skies, Tasuku and Light are still investigating where Hou Ren is. Ranma then somehow notice something through the window.

Ranma: What the..... Commissioner, Look there.

Tasuku: (Grabs some binoculars) Is that...Trickstar.

Light: What should we do?

Tasuku: Pilot, find somewhere to land first.

Pilot: Yes Commissioner.

The Pilot then proceeds to land the airship.

Tasuku: Listen up, this seems like a trap ahead but I suggest we secretly follow Trickstar. It could be our only chance to find him. Is everyone ready?

All: Yes.

Tasuku activates the airship door and Trickstar walking in front of them. They secretly follow him. Along the way, they notice him entering a Mansion. They manage to get in without being spotted. However, it was empty. The only thing they saw is furniture.

Daryl: Jeez, since when Hou Ren is this rich to buy this Mansion.

Hou Ren's Father: I don't know.

Natalie: I think there might be booby traps. Be careful.

Tasuku: Good point.

Suddenly Gwen notices something on the ground. A Launchpad or some sort.

Gwen: Wait, what's that? (Points at the launchpad)

Tasuku: Hmmm, stand back everyone. Light, with me.

Light and Tasuku wear gloves and examine the launchpad. Light notices a part of the launchpad is not moved correctly.

Light: Commissioner, I found this.

Tasuku: Interesting.....this launchpad might activate if we move this part correctly.

Ranma: Which might take us to where Hou Ren is.

Daryl: How do we even know, just because Trickstar entered this building doesn't mean this will bring us to Hou Ren.

Natalie: Depends, but we'll never know until we try.

Hou Ren's Father: I agree. It's our only chance.

Everyone else nodded.

Tasuku: Then Light, do the honors.

Light moves the part of the launch pad to its correct position. Suddenly the launchpad activates while everyone stands on it. The Launchpad glows and everyone is teleported away. Suddenly, everyone has land in some sort of hallway of an unknown space. There were cyan pillars stuck to cyan walls. Basically, the environment is all Cyan.

Masato: Woah....

Everyone was shocked and surprised at the atmosphere they're in.

Tasuku: This


Ranma: What the....I know that voice.

Suddenly, a hologram of Hou Ren appears right in front of them. He was looking serious. Despite being a hologram, he wears a white long streamlined buttoned tailcoat with a black shirt inside. The collar was up and the Draknight's symbol is shown on his coat. He also wears black trousers.

Everyone: (Shocked) Hou Ren !!!

Anime Ending: Yume no Hikari Kimi no Mirai.

Story End.


Trickstar: Trickstar Here. It's finally time to confront them and I'm going first. I have a few new tricks in store. Next time, "Meltdown". Join us for a Buddyfight.