Path To Liberation, Meltdown (Chap 18)

Synopsis: Having heard that his former companions arrived, Hou Ren felt absolutely enraged. He sends an opponent to deal with them.

Daryl: (Narrates as a flashback sequence was shown) Once, there was a great man. But he was seen as a troublemaker. Now he has fallen and it's up to us to bring him back.

All: (Heroic Pose) LET'S BUDDYFIGHT.

Anime Opening: Knock On Your Gate.

A Hologram Of the Young King has appears before the fighters. Feeling disgusted, Hou Ren looks at them with unclouded eyes. Gwen however, felt worried as she sees him.

Gwen: Hou that you?

Daryl: We don't want to fight.

Hou Ren's Father: We just want to talk.

Hou Ren: Talk about what? You invaded my turf, broke into my House and you expect me to trust you?

Hou Ren's Mother: Please, we want to help you.

Hou Ren: Shut Up. If you want to see me so badly, defeat my brothers first. Be warned, lose against them and say goodbye to your memories. Be prepared. (disappears)

Ranma: Oh man, what happened to you?

Light: Guess we must fight him.

Tasuku: Alright then.... who's our first opponent?


Trickstar appears before them via teleportation. He's in his true form. Orange T shirt. White Sleeveless Jacket. Light Brown Jeans. Orange Sneakers and Wrist Pads. Plus an Orange Headband.

(Slight Note: True form means actual casual clothes)

Tasuku: Trickstar.....

Trickstar: I can't believe you all. You dare interfere and stick your nose where it doesn't belong? What more do you want from us?

Everyone stares in worry.

Trickstar: But it's fine. Because I get to pummel you.

Daryl: Then I'll be your opponent. How's that?

Trickstar: Sure. Allow me to select the field.

Trickstar then holds out a bomb in his hand and throws it onto the ground.

Masato: What the....

Trickstar: Relax, I'm not gonna kill you. Earth is steady and still like a rock, and eventually becomes Lava. Disposing everything it sees. Awaken, Volcano Land Prison.

The bomb explodes and creates a Prison. Surrounding everything with Hot Volcanos. The sky is even clouded with black mist created by those volcanos. Everyone is surprised.

Masato: Whoa....this is extreme.

Suddenly, the ground becomes a buddyfight stage. Both Players step onto their platforms.

Trickstar: Scorch through everything, melt those on sight. Luminize, Magma Trickstars.

Daryl: Guided by the celestial stars. My Constellations shall grant me my promised victory. Luminize, Godful Galaxy Triangulum.

All: Buddy...fight.

Both players: Raise the flag.

Daryl: Star Dragon World.

Trickstar: Dungeon World.

Daryl: I'll go first. Draw. Charge and Draw. Govern Star Dragon, Bordure to the center.

Bordure: (Appears) The Stars have called me.

Daryl: (Adds an item) Fret to the right. (gain 2 gauge)

Daryl's Gauge: 4.

Daryl: Bordure, attack Trickstar.

Trickstar's Life: 10 -> 9

Daryl: My turn is over.

Trickstar: Draw. Charge and draw. Set spell, Volcano's Meltdown.

A Giant Volcano appears behind Trickstar.

Daryl: What the.....

Trickstar: Trickcat "Asher" to the left.

Trickcat appears on the left in a new form.

Trickcat: I'm ready to rumble, cat.

Daryl: Trickcat has evolved?

Trickstar: Trickcat's effect, I gain 1 gauge and look at the top 3 cards of my deck. I place them back on top in any order.

Trickstar's Gauge: 4

Trickstar's hand: 5

Daryl: Deck Manipulation.....

Trickstar: I buddycall Deity Gargantua Dragon REB to the right.

A copy of Garga appears on the right.

Trickstar: I cast, reset button. My gauge becomes 4. And then I cast Tactical Trickstar. (Moves a card among the top 5 cards to his hand while sending rest back on top) I also draw 1 card.

Daryl: More Deck Manipulation....

Trickstar: I equip...Magma's Meltdown, Gar-Launcher. Trickcat, attack Fret.

Trickcat: You got it. (Attacks) When I attack, I discard the top card of the player's deck. (reveals A Spell) Just what I need. MELTDOWN.

Trickcat activates a cannon full of molten lava and shoots it directly at Daryl's left position, melting it in the process.

Daryl: My Left...what happened to my Left?

Trickstar: You'll find out eventually.

Fret was destroyed by the Trickcat.

Trickstar: Activate Volcano's Meltdown's ability. Meltdown.

The volcano launches a molten lava and shoots it at Daryl's Right Position.

Daryl: My Right.....

Trickstar: I also move 3 cards from my dropzone to the bottom of my deck. My turn. (Jumps and fires a lava rocket)

Bordure: (Hit) I'm hit. Sorry, Daryl. (Destroyed)

Trickstar: MELTDOWN.

Molten Lava comes out of the rocket and Daryl's center is also on melt....

Daryl: Again?

Trickstar: If I manage to destroy a monster and if the position is open, I can Melt that Position. Bon Appetit.

Daryl: Why you.....

Trickstar: Save your complaints. Garga.

Garga flies and deals 3 damage. And the Double attack.....

Daryl: I cast, Mars Barrier. (Nullifies the attack)

Daryl's Life: 7.

Trickstar: My turn is over.

Gwen: What do these Lava fields means?

Masato: Also, how did Trickstar...

Trickstar: What Can I say, Hou Ren gave me a boost. I'm stronger than you think.

Tasuku: (Thought) He must have used the Mirage Crystal (Thought).

Daryl: I don't get what's going on but I will still win. Draw. Charge and Draw. I equip Skyseer Bow, Caelum Rex. (Equips a new bow) Cast, Edict: Divination. I pay 2 gauge to gain 1 life and draw 2 cards.

Daryl's gauge, hand & life: 1, 5, 7

Daryl: Cast, Proclaim: Decisive Point. (Acquired effects) Finally, I cast Proclaim: Steer the Stars. (Acquired Resources) Buddycall to the center. Deity of Knowledge and Hope, Godcross Astrologia.

Cross: (Summoned) Behold My Evolved Brilliance.

Trickstar then smirks.

Trickstar: You fell for it.

Suddenly, the melted center begins to light up and Daryl is scorching in Lava out of nowhere.

Daryl: Ahhhh.

Daryl's Life: 8 -> 6

Everyone is surprised.

Masato: What just happened?

Trickstar: When stepped on a melted field, the chosen monster is forced to be destroyed. But since it can't, it deals 2 damage instead.

Daryl: What?

Trickstar: Call a monster. I dare you.

Cross: He must have known about our strategy and set bombs for us to trigger it.

Daryl: We don't have a choice. Barry to the right. Seerfight Dragon, Tink to the left.

Both monsters are summoned and Daryl receives 4 damage.

Daryl's Life: 6 -> 2

Daryl: Activate Tink's effect. I gain 3 life and draw a card. Shine Bright, Diamond of the Sky. Galaxy Dragod Formation Activate.

All of Daryl's Cards glows bright.

Trickstar: So that's your new power.

Daryl: Cross, Attack Trickcat.

Cross destroys Trickcat.

Daryl: Double attack. This time On Garga.

Trickstar: Cast. Divine Protection Of Shalsana. (Gain 1 life) Counterattack.

Daryl: With Galaxy D Formation, My cards gain 10000 defense.

Trickstar: Then I cast, Lava Aura. Attack Garga. I dare you.

Daryl: Cross. Triple attack.

Cross manages to destroy Garga's soul.

Trickstar: Counterattack.

Cross somehow loses 1 soul card.....

Daryl: How the...

Trickstar: Lava Aura increase power & defense by 5000 to all of my cards for each melted field the opponent has. Also, I draw 3 cards.

Daryl: Fine. Barry. Attack the fighter.

Trickstar: I cast Lava Shield. (Blocks the attack) For each melted field, I gain 1 life.

Trickstar's Life: 10 -> 13

Daryl: Tink. It's your turn.

Trickstar's Life: 13 -> 11

Daryl: Caelum Rex.

Trickstar's Life: 11 -> 7

Trickstar: I cast Magma Enforcement. For each melted field, another 3000 defense. Since Garga's here, doubling it.

Daryl: Darn. My turn is over.

Masato: Aww man. If Barry's attack landed, the game would have been over.

Trickstar: Tell me something Daryl. I thought you called Hou Ren a joke. What changed your mind?

Daryl: I was an idiot back then. I shouldn't have looked down or accused him. I should have backed him up as a friend.

Trickstar: So you noticed. Unfortunately, It's too late for you.

Daryl: Even so, I want to make things right with him.

Trickstar: We'll see about that. Draw. Charge and Draw. I cast Ultimate Buddy. I place this into Garga's soul. Trickdog "Asher" to the left.

Trickdog: (Summoned) You howl, I answer dog.

Trickstar: I gain 2 gauge. Then I look at the top 2 cards of my deck. I place them back in any order.

Eden: Here he goes again.....

Trickstar: I cast Magma Slam. (Slams the ground)

Cross felt some lava melting on him from above.

Cross: Ahhhh. (Lost his last soul card)

Daryl: Cross.

Trickstar: I removed all of Cross soul cards. And Garga can also attack all of the opponent's monsters. Dispose of Cross right now.

Garga attacks Cross.

Daryl: I cast Cross Astro Shield. (Blocks the attack) I gain 2 life, 2 gauge and draw a card.

Daryl's Life: 5 -> 7

But Tink and Barry are out.....

Trickstar: Garga's double attack.

Daryl: Cast, Celesphere Force. (Blocks the attack) One more soul for Cross.

Trickstar: I cast Trickstar Advantage. I discard the top card of my deck. (Does so) It's a monster. I reduce the opponent's defense equal to the monster's power. In this case, 6000.

Tasuku: This means Cross has 14000 defense.

Trickstar: Trickdog.

Trickdog attacks.

Trickstar: When attacking, Trickdog discards the top card of my deck. (Does So) It's a spell. I destroy two of the opponent's gauge and MELTDOWN.

More of Daryl's fields melted and Daryl lost 2 gauge.

Daryl: Great.....

The attack hit with Cross reviving with Soulguard.

Trickstar: Now it's personal. (Fires A Missile)

The attack hits.....

Cross: Ahhhhh...

Daryl: Cross !!!!

Cross is destroyed.....Everyone is shocked.

Trickstar: Meltdown. (Fires a lava missile)

Daryl's center is also melted.

Gwen: Now all of Daryl's Fields are melted.

Trickstar: Now to bring out my ace. G-EVO activate. Change. Magma Rocker, Gargantua Scorcher.

Garga changes to his new Form. Harnessing the abilities of pure Lava. Wearing Sheer Lava Armor while equipping a huge Lava Saber. Everyone is shocked.

Gwen: What in the.....

Trickstar: You thought I don't have a trump card up on my sleeve? Look again. Activating Scorcher's effect. (Activates ability) Looking at the top 4 cards of my deck. 1 to my hand. 1 to my gauge. And the other 2 to my deck.

Masato: His resources increased.

Trickstar: Since I used G-EVO, I also melt the opponent's fields. But I can't, so 3 damage to the opponent.

Daryl's Life: 7 -> 4

Daryl: Uh Oh....

Masato: He's cornered. Daryl....

Trickstar: Embrace it. Accept it. Your defeat...(Proceeds to have Garga attacking) is set in stone.

Scorcher attacks.

Trickstar: When attacking, I discard the top card of my deck. If it's a spell, the melted fields cannot return to normal even after the end phase. If it's a monster, Garga gains the monster's power and critical.

Trickstar discards the top card and it's a spell.

Trickstar: It's a spell.

Daryl: What? My fields can't return to normal.

Trickstar: Tick tock. Tick tock. Are you gonna defend or not?

Daryl: I cast Earth Barrier. (Gains 1 life)

Trickstar: Double attack. (Repeats ability) It's a Monster. He gains 7000 power and 1 more critical.

Daryl: Cast, Proto Barrier. Thank gosh he has no attacks left.

Trickstar: I cast "Trickstar Ren's primeful explosions". I discard the top 3 cards of my deck. For each spell revealed, I deal 1 damage to the opponent. (Does so) Two spells. Okay, 4 damage since Garga's on the field.

Daryl's Life: 5 -> 1

Everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

Tasuku: If it's all trap spells, Daryl would have lost.

Trickstar: I call Garga from the soul. (Reverts Garga) My turn is over.

Daryl: Why'd you stop? You got more attacks incoming.

Trickstar: Can't I just enjoy this a little longer?

Daryl: If you say so. Draw. Charge and Draw. I cast, Proclaim: Astro Recharge. I gain 2 life and draw 2 cards. Once again, Cross to the center.

Cross: I reappear once more.

Daryl's Life: 3 -> 1

Trickstar: Too Bad. The moment you call more monsters, I win the game.

Gwen: He's right. Daryl's in trouble.

Daryl: Who says I'm gonna call? I cast Galaxy Formation Territory. For this turn, I can activate Galaxy Dragod Formation regardless.

All: WHAT?

Trickstar: You can do that?

Cross: Shall We?

Daryl: Go for it. Attack The Fighter.

Trickstar's Life: 7 -> 3

Cross: Double attack. This will finish you.

Trickstar: Oh please. I cast Lava Wall. (Block the attack) I draw a card.

Cross: Triple attack.

Trickstar: I cast, Lava shield. (Gain 3 life)

Daryl shoots his bow.

Daryl's Life: 6 -> 2

Daryl: Sayonara.

Trickstar: I cast, Trickstar's Decoy. I change your attack to Trickdog.

Trickdog is hit.

Trickdog: You snooze, you lose. (Nearly Destroyed)

Daryl: Not so fast. I CAST, Notify, Blockage Pulse. I nullify your spell.

Suddenly time just rewinds itself and Trickdog wasn't hit. Trickstar's spell was neutralized.

Trickstar: YOU WHAT?

Everyone was shocked about what Daryl Did.

Daryl: Arrogance has become your downfall. (Shoots His Last Arrow at Trickstar)

Trickstar: (Got Shot for the last time) No.....

Trickstar Ren lost as his flag was destroyed...Everyone was shocked at the result.

Eden: Daryl.....did it.

Gwen smile at Daryl, while Daryl gave a thumbs up for his team.

Trickstar: I can't believe this.....(Trickstar's Core Deck Case is destroyed) deck....I was supposed to win.....

Daryl: Sorry dude. Now, where is he?

Trickstar: I'll never tell you. Find him yourself. (Disappears via teleportation)

Masato: Guess he's not much of a talker.

Tasuku: (Shook his head) Oh dear.....Come on. We need to move.

All: Right.

Meanwhile, Hou Ren is observing them from his throne. He feels impressed and a guilty Trickstar then teleports in to his side.

Hou Ren: Well this is quite surprising.

Trickstar Ren: I'm sorry bro.....they got stronger...I couldn't win.

Hou Ren: It's alright... Though I have to agree with Daryl for once, You need to stop being arrogant.

Trickstar: Yeah yeah.....

Hou Ren: Okay go get some rest.

Trickstar: Yeah...again, sorry bout what happened. (Walks off in another direction)

Hou Ren: (Thought) You all should have stayed where you belong. But seeing that you came this far, let's see what else you can do.


Trickstar: It's time for.....

Hou Ren: Hou and Trickstar's

Both: Card Of The Day.

Trickstar: Check out today's card. It's Magma Rocker, Gargantua Scorcher.

Hou Ren: When this card enters play, you can look at the top 4 cards of your deck. One among them goes to your hand, gauge and the rest go back on top in any order.

Trickstar: If Scorcher is also entered by G-EVO, You can melt the opponent's empty fields instantly. If you can't, deal 3 damage instead.

Hou Ren: There's more, when Scorcher attacks, you can discard the top card of your deck. If it's a spell, the melted fields cannot return to normal even after the end phase.

Trickstar: And if it's a monster, Scorcher gains the discarded monster's stats. Talk about a failsafe.

Trickstar: So what do you think guys?

Hou Ren: Think you can open up one of these?

Both: You Never Know Until You Try.

Anime Ending: Promise You by YuiKaori

Story End.


Blaze: Blaze Ren here. It's me and Kaizer's turn next. Too bad we're fighting separately. Next time, "Tryhard Kings". Join us for a Buddyfight.