Path To Liberation, Winds Of Wise (Chap 20)

Synopsis: The match is set 1 to 2. This time, it's Eden Hanazono vs Sensei Ren and the wise Ninja has the power of ...

In the previous story, the intruders have been forced to split up. Masato & Alec are facing Blaze & Kaizer in separate matches. Unfortunately, they lost and ended up losing their memories and vanished into the unknown.

Anime Opening: Knock On Your Gate.In one of the hallways of the sanctuary, Eden and Gavrail suddenly teleport in. Luckily, no one was hurt.Gavrail: Ms Eden are you alright?Eden: No worries, I'm fine. Except, what happened?Gavrail: We were glowing first then all of the sudden we were teleported. We're on our own.Eden was curious and also spots someone entering. The man walk towards them and it reveals to be Sensei Ren. His hair becomes blonde and spiky. He wears traditional short green x black ninja robe. His wrists wraps and headband are also seen.Sensei: Hello, Eden.Eden: Sensei Ren....Sensei: (Pointing the other side of the hallway) Hou Ren's on the other side. If you can defeat me, you may proceed. But I warn you, I've grown stronger since we last met.Eden: I've grown stronger too and I have some business with him.Sensei: Prove it to me then. (Throws A Smoke Bomb) Unleash. Fields of the misty forests. Bamboo Mystic Prison.The Smoke Bomb was activated and tall Bamboo trees surrounds both fighters like crazy. It was quite misty so to speak. There's even a red bridge in front of each player.Eden: So this is your prison.....Sensei: Winds Of Destiny. Alter yourself and be at your greatest peak. Luminize, Draninja Aftermirage.Eden: Step forth. Keepers of regulation. Luminize. Elysium Order!Both: Raise the Flag.Eden: Legend World.Sensei: Katana World. I'll let you go first.Eden: Thank you. Draw. Charge and Draw. I equip, Immortal Angel Wing.Eden equips her new item. Her new Angel Wings becomes more larger and stronger with armour.Sensei: A new item...Eden: Angel Troop, Caldeen to the centre.As Caldeen is summoned....Eden: Caldeen. Execute an attack on Sensei Ren.Sensei's Life: 10 -> 8Eden: That's it for my turn. Angel Wing's effect.Caldeen is returned to Eden's hand and Eden gains 1 life.Eden: I can return as many empyreal corps monsters to my hand. For each monster returned, I gain 1 life.Sensei: Interesting.....Draw. Charge and Draw. I have 6 words. Your tactics won't work on me.Eden: What do you mean?Sensei: I equip..... Aftermirage Blades, Gar-Shuriken. (Equips a giant pair of Metal Shurikens)Eden: A new item too.....Sensei: I set Dojo Of Aftermirage. I buddycall Garga to the right.Sensei's Life: 7 -> 8Sensei: To the left, Nincat "Aftermirage".Nincat: (Appears) Leave it to me, cat. Nin.Eden: Nincat has evolved too....Sensei: Nincat's effect. I discard one card from my hand and I draw 1 card. I gain 1 life and 1 more gauge for me.Eden: Deja vu....Sensei: Sadly, the card that's discarded was "Sensei Ren's Silent Strike". I steal 2 life, 2 hand and 2 gauge from the opponent.Eden: What?The effect was activated as followed.Sensei: I cast, Aftermirage Arts, Bind Burst. Nincat returns to my hand and since it has a critical of 2, the opponent must discard two cards from their hand.Eden: Again?Eden's hand: 4 -> 2Sensei: Sadly for you, Garga's on the field. 2 damage to you.Eden's Life: 9 -> 7

Eden: I see, so that's what he meant by it won't work. He knew I would summon cards so he took his chance to remove them.

Sensei: Precisely. Castle of Aftermirage's effect. When a card on my field is returned, I move one spell from my dropzone to my hand. Once Again, Nincat to the left.

Nincat is summoned.

Sensei: This time, I discard Fuuton Sweeping Whirlwind.

Sensei's hand, gauge & life: 6, 4, 12

Sensei: Garga. Nincat. Attack Eden one at a time.Eden's Life: 7 -> 4 -> 2Gavrail: Uh Oh.....Eden: I thought this would happen. Gavrail. It's time to Advent. Buddycall.Gavrail REB is summoned.Gavrail: (Appears) All Shall Be Judged By Me.Sensei: So Gavrail Evolved...Eden: Through Advent, I draw 2 cards. And I move a card from my dropzone to my hand.Sensei: Garga, attack Gavrail.Eden: I cast, Sacred Holy Grail. I take 2 damage and nullify the attack. I also end your attack phase.Sensei: Tch....Gavrail: Final Phase, Execute.Sensei: What?Gavrail: (Glows Bright) Judgement.As Gavrail Shines Bright, Sensei Ren got hit by the light as he blocks himself from it....Sensei's Life: 12 -> 6Sensei: So that's your new power....Eden: I gain 6 life and 6 gauge.Eden's Life: 1 -> 7Gavrail: That's More Like It.Sensei: I'll say. My turn is over.Eden: Draw. Charge and Draw. I cast, Symbel Gard. I draw 2 cards.Sensei: So.....they came back to you...Eden: Gavrail. Attack Garga.Garga lost one soul card.Sensei: Counterattack.Now Gavrail Lost One Soul Card.Eden: Double attack on Nincat.Nincat: (Crushed) I failed. (Destroyed)Sensei: Well Played.....Eden: My turn is over. Tell me something I don't know. Why did Hou Ren shield himself away? Why couldn't he ask for help?

Sensei: Unfortunately, if you want answers, you'll have to get it from Hou Ren himself. I'm in no position to respond.

Eden: So I have to win then.Sensei: Correct. Draw. Charge and Draw. Nindog "Aftermirage" to the left.Nindog: You howl, I answer dog. Nin.Sensei: Nindog allows me to gain 2 gauge while I also get to add a Monster from my deck to my hand. Cast again, Bind Burst. Nindog to my hand. Now.Eden: Again?Nindog vanishes while Eden discards two hand cards and takes 2 damage.Sensei: With Nindog, he destroys 2 gauge when returned to the hand. Castle's effect. (Activates Effect) Nindog Once again to the left.Nindog: (Appears) And I'm back in a flash.Sensei: Garga. Attack Gavrail.Gavrail is wiped.Eden: Gavrail!!!Sensei: Double attack.Eden: I cast, Regeneration. I gain 3 life.Sensei: Nindog.Eden: I cast, Highest Authority. (Nullifies the attack) Gavrail Advent Now.Gavrail Appears Once Again.Gavrail: (appears) Even if we're having limited options, Eden will Win.Sensei: We'll see about that. G-EVO activate. Change. Winds Of Destiny, Gargantua Dvalin.Garga changes to his new Ninja Form, this made Eden & Gavrail Surprised. His form has even more larger shurikens and katanas. His colour scheme becomes even more green and purple.Eden: So that's.... Gargantua Dvalin.Sensei: Activating it's effect. I call 2 replicates from my dropzone. Dismissing Nindog.Garga's replicates were summoned.Sensei: When summoned through G-EVO, I gain 2 life. All of you. Triple Link attack On Gavrail.Eden: I cast, Angel's Warning. I nullify the attack and end your attack phase.Sensei: In that case, Dvalin's Skill. When the replicates finished attacking, I return them to my hand. The opponent must discard two hand cards and take 2 damage.Eden: Say what?The Replicates have disappeared and Eden's hand & life is reduced.Sensei: Also, I activate Gar Shuriken's effect. When a replicate or a card on my field is returned to my hand, I deal 2 damage and gain 2 life.Eden's Life: 4 -> 2Sensei's Life: 8 -> 10Eden: Full Life already?Sensei: A Ninja is always prepared for the unexpected. Nincat and Ninbird are the replicates that returned. You must discard one more hand card and I gain 2 life.Eden: What?Sensei's Life: 10 -> 12Eden: Regardless, Final Phase, Execute.Sensei was quite surprised.Eden: Gavrail.Gavrail: Judgement.Sensei Ren receives 6 damage while Eden gains 6 life.Sensei's Life: 12 -> 6Eden's Life: 2 -> 8Sensei: I know your impact is in your hand. Sadly, it can't finish me off.Eden: Think again. My impact has also evolved.Sensei: What?Eden: I cast. (Pays 2 gauge) Wrath Of Heavens, Judgement Holy Rain.Eden's New Impact was activated and behind Eden were 3 pairs of angel wings. Those wings flapped and created a powerful blow that wipes out Sensei Ren easily...Sensei: AHHHHHH.....Sensei's Life: 6 -> 0Sensei: How the....Eden: This impact deals damage to the opponent equal to the number of times the opponent attacked times 2.Sensei: (Surprisingly impressed) Well Played....Sensei's Flag is destroyed and so does his deck case....Gavrail: Nice Work Eden.Eden: Thanks, Gavrail.Sensei: (Sigh) it then. Just say Judgement.Eden & Gavrail look at Sensei for a bit and then.....Eden: No.Sensei: Huh?Eden: I said no. Not even you deserve it. It's true. Punishing others is my way. But.....It's not my way anymore.Sensei: (Mesmerized at first but then he smiled) I'll close the prison. (Snapped his fingers)The Prison disappears and the two of them are standing on the same spot they once were. They shake hands afterwards.Sensei: You really have improved.Eden: You as well. To be honest, I was only lucky to win.Sensei: I see.....(Sigh) Okay, As Promised, (Shows the way) You may Proceed.Eden: You're not gonna help me?Sensei: I only say proceed. I didn't say I'll help.Gavrail: He has a point.Sensei: However, I do need you to do something. (Whispers to her ear) Save him. No matter what it takes.Eden hears the request and nod in agreement. The two then walk in opposite directions. Meanwhile, Hou Ren & Garga are observing them through a screen.Hou Ren: I'm impressed. This match ain't bad.Garga: Indeed, but like Prince Alec, she chose to tag along even though this doesn't concern her. Why?Hou Ren: No clue. Regardless, I might as well confront her later. But nothing will change my mind. You with me?Garga: Of course. I'm your buddy. We stick together till the end.Hou Ren: Good. (Thought) I had given everything up in order to have the life I want.....I won't let anyone or anything ruin it....I promise. (Thought)COTDSensei: It's time for.....Trickstar: Sensei & Trickstar's.....Both: Card of the Day.Sensei: Today We're gonna have a look at Garga's new Ninja form. Gargantua Dvalin.Trickstar: This New Garga can not only summon replicates but also activate some other effects too.Sensei: During each player's attack phase, you can call up to 2 replicates from your dropzone onto the field. If Dvalin is entered by G-EVO, you gain 2 life.Trickstar: When the replicates are attacked or finished attacking the opponent, you can return those replicates to your hand. Do so, you can destroy the opponent's life and hand cards.Sensei: Use this card to summon replicates and prevent your opponent from activating any powerful cards.Trickstar: So what do you think guys?Sensei: Think you can open up one of these?Both: You never know until you try.Anime Ending: Promise You.

Story End.


Shiloh: My name is Shiloh and in the next story, my battle is next. Sadly, I am a beginner but I can do anything if I put my mind to it. Next time, "Bloom Of Beauty". Join us for a Buddyfight.