Path To Liberation, Bloom Of Beauty (Chap 21)

Synopsis: Natalie was alone in one of the hallways after being teleported. However, she realize her opponent is none other than.....

In the previous story, Sensei & Eden face off. Eden was absolutely cornered with Sensei unleashing new powers and forcing her to discard her hand. But Eden was able to pull of a few last-ditch attempts and win. Now, who will fight next?

Anime Opening: Knock On Your Gate.

Natalie is wandering around the hallways while feeling a bit scared and alone.

Natalie: This is.... creepy. Although....(Thought)...I guess now I know how he feels to be separated and alone.....Poor thing.....(Thought)

Suddenly, Natalie spots someone teleporting in front of her. The person is none other than...Shiloh. She is currently wearing the same casual clothes when Hou Ren Left HIS. Her shoes and inner clothing remain the same. Only the jacket's size is smaller and instead of trousers, it's a white medium skirt instead. She also wears fingerless gloves. Natalie was surprised.

Shiloh: Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm Shiloh from Shiloh & Bros.

Natalie: What in the.....Why are you here? I thought I'm going to be facing.....

Shiloh: Starting today, I'm also a Draknight. Or rather, Junior Draknight to be exact. If you want to see Hou Ren, defeat me first. (Pulls out her deck from her pocket)

Natalie: I see....

While the conversation is going on, Lost Ren and Garga decide to question Hou Ren as they observe what's happening.

Lost Ren: You sure that you made the right choice?

Garga: I agree, Shiloh's a beginner and she just started buddyfighting.

Hou Ren remains stern. A flashback was then revealed. In the flashback, Hou Ren is quite surprised as Sensei shows him something on a tablet.

Hou Ren: You built that?

Sensei: Yeah. But not just me. Blaze Ren, Kaizer & Agent gave me a hand too.

Kaizer: Garga & the Gar Trio too.

Blaze: We started building this during the 1-week time.

Agent: Think of it as a "Second Fortress".

Hou Ren: I see. Well, I'm game. You guys in?

Trickstar Ren: Yep, We're back in business Boys.

Shiloh: Wait. (Raise up her hand) Can I....join too?

Everyone, including Shiloh's Brothers are surprised.

Rockstar Ren: Wait wait what, Shiloh what did you just say?

Shiloh: It's just that.....I want to join you guys on this mission.

All: WHAT?

Blaze: Woah woah woah, Shiloh hold up. The opponents we're facing have...more experience than you.

Kaizer: Yeah and didn't you just get your first buddy rare.....

Shiloh: As in?

Garga: (Cross his arms while feeling stern) What they're saying is that our opponents are tough. The harsh truth is that if you were to face them, you might lose.

Trickstar: Also, don't you guys have videos to film?

Shiloh: I know. But hear me out. Hou Ren, I want to be by your side and help you out. I want to protect you too from any sort of danger. I know it's wrong but.... shouldn't love always stick together?

Hou Ren thought about it and then smiled as he was touched by Shiloh's Words.

Hou Ren: I can't say no to you. You're right. And I do need to face my problems like you said... Welcome to the Team.

Shiloh felt excited and honoured. Everyone was semi-stoked and even Lost Ren was surprised.

Elijah: (Stops them) Hold Up. We're joining too.

Trickstar: Elijah?

Josiah: Shiloh's literally our youngest sibling and well we need to like look after her so.....

Hou Ren: True....You guys okay being Junior Draknights?

Micah: Sure. I will use my jedi powers to protect you, Hou Ren.

Shiloh & Bros: YOU'RE NOT A JEDI.

Hou Ren chuckled slightly and suddenly turned serious.

Hou Ren: Then it's settled. And you know what, I think it's time I bestow you all with some new powers.

Hou Ren then holds out the Mirage Crystal and charges it's energy towards everyone. Everyone absorbs the energy as they receive the new powers. They felt incredible as the power surges inside them.

Shiloh: Woah...

Elijah: This feels.....incredible.

Hou Ren: Learn to master these new powers well. I look forward seeing your success.

Flashback End.

Hou Ren: I train her afterwards. Preparing her best for the worst. I believe in her. She can do this.

Lost Ren: I hope you're right..... where's Eli and the rest.

Garga: They say they got something to do. They'll be back in a moment.

Hou Ren: An Errand huh?

Back to the fight. Both players have 7 life points while Shiloh has 3 gauge and Natalie has 1. Shiloh has 6 hand cards while Natalie has 4. Natalie also equips Balmung.

Natalie: Siegfried take the wolf out.

Siegfried: Roger that.

Wolf was destroyed and Siegfried proceed to double attack.

Shiloh's Life: 7 -> 5

Natalie: Here I come, Shiloh.

Shiloh: I cast, Divine protection of Shalsana.

Shiloh's Life: 5 -> 6

Shiloh's gauge: 2

Natalie: That's it from me.

Shiloh: Draw, charge and draw.....Can I confirm something?

Natalie: Sure.

Shiloh: I heard that he saved a bunch of people once. But instead of a thank you, they were ungrateful. You're one of them, are you?

Natalie: (Guilty) I am...

Shiloh: So it seems. Why?

Natalie: Because back then he wouldn't share anything with me, like how he did so well in buddyfight and so on. It's like he doesn't trust me.

Shiloh: But did you ever think of the reason why he does so? Instead of judging him?

Natalie: I...

Shiloh: Let me guess. You named him names. Judged him badly. Become jealous and ended up when he saved you once, because of what's what, you become ungrateful.

Natalie: I...

Shiloh: And because his ex teacher created the unfair backlash, you followed and become even more judgemental.

Natalie: I...Yes.

Shiloh: Hou maybe an idiot to keep secrets, but I'm sure he had his reasons. No harm whatsoever. When you were jealous and so on, it's almost similar to peer pressuring him into saying his secrets. 

Natalie: I know. I realize that now. I want to make things right with him for what me and the rest did. I just want him to come home.

Shiloh: (Feeling curious and doubtful) We'll see about that. I equip, Illusions Folktale, Echt Biblio.

Shiloh equips Echt Biblio.

Shiloh: I buddycall to the right. Moonlight Fleur, Emma REB.

Emma appears on the right.

Emma: Greeting To You Folks At Home. I'm the Moonlight Fleur Emma REB. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Natalie: So that's her buddy monster?

Shiloh: Folktale attribute. Size 1, 7000 power and 6000 defense. A critical of 2. She has double attack and ensures Echt Biblio not to be destroyed. Hurrying White Bunny, Henry to the right.

Henry Appears.

Shiloh: Henry's effect lets me add a set card to my hand. I set Happiness Wonderland. To the centre, I also call Wonderland Walker, Alice.

Shiloh's hand: 2

Alice: (Appears) Hi there.

Natalie: Woah, 3 fairy tales in one go. Wait, isn't Alice a size 2? That's over the size limit.

Shiloh: It's all thanks to Alice's effect. Size 1 folktale monsters become size 0. I cast, illusions Tea Time. (Activates Effect) Emma. Henry. Link attack on Siegfried.

Emma: Come on Henry.

Henry: With you, My Lady.

Shiloh: Emma's effect, I move a card from my dropzone to Happiness's Wonderland's soul. (Does So) I draw a card. With Happiness Wonderland's effect, I draw 2 more.

Natalie: I cast, Holy grail. Your attack is nullified.

Shiloh: Emma's double attack. This time, to Echt Biblio's Soul.

Siegfried was destroyed by Emma.....

Natalie: Siegfried!!!!

Shiloh: Alice, attack the fighter.

Alice: Sure thing. (Attacks)

Shiloh: Alice's effect. Henry goes to Echt Biblio's soul.

Natalie's Life: 7 -> 5

Shiloh: Alice stands back up. Attack again.

Natalie: I cast Clear Slash. I nullify the attack and Siegfried goes to my hand.

Shiloh: Emma, it's time. Are you ready?

Emma: Yes I am.

Shiloh: (Pays 2 gauge) Come On Out. GodCape Dragon.

Emma suddenly glows and transforms herself. She is suddenly wrapped in red and pink clothing and then emerged as a dragon....

GodCape: Yay.

Natalie: Woah!!!!!

Lost Ren: So that's her true form.....

Hou Ren: (Cheering) Way to go girls. You got this.

GodCape: I gain 5000 power and 1 critical for each card in Echt Biblio's Soul. I now have 40000 power and 7 critical.

Natalie: 7?

Hou Ren: (Feeling Awkward while smiling) Okay, maybe I taught them too well.

Shiloh: There's more. Her attack cannot be countered when attacking alone.

Natalie: In that case, I cast Bladeful Reduction. I pay 1 life and reduce a card's critical by 3.

Shiloh: Even so. GodCape attack the fighter.

Natalie's Life: 5 -> 1

Natalie: Thank gosh that's it....

Shiloh: Echt Biblio's effect. Marchen Panic. Come On Out Everyone.

The book opened and all of the sudden, Emma, Wolf and Alice were revived.

Natalie: She can attack again?

Shiloh: This Is For Hou Ren. Go Emma.

Emma: I'm on it.

Natalie: Even if I did defend....It's no use. Oh no....

Emma lands the finishing blow to Natalie. She was defeated as her flag was destroyed, along with her deck case.

Lost Ren: (Surprised) Incredible.

Garga: (Happily Surprised) She Did It.

Hou Ren: (Also Happily Surprised) YES.

Hou Ren and Shiloh's Brothers were alerted that Shiloh just won. (P.S They are all in separate locations)

Magician Ren: Wait What!?

Blaze Ren: (Excited) SHE WON!!!!

Kaizer Ren: YES SHILOH.

Micah: Nah nah nah, she did it?

Josiah: I never Kissed A GIRL.

Everyone look at Josiah weird as they turn their heads slowly...

Shiloh: You see that Hou Ren? (Cheerful) I WON.

Hou Ren: Yes I Did. I'm So Proud Of You. (Mind Blown) Ah Man. I just wanna give you a hug. I'm so happy.

Garga: Haha. Calm Down, Hou Ren.

Emma pop out of her card and hug Shiloh mid-air.

Emma: You Won.

Shiloh: (In a happy mood) No, We've Won. We did it together.

Hou Ren: Yes indeed, girls. But don't forget about your prison. That being said....

Shiloh: Uh....

Shiloh look at the defeated Natalie and then her mood become serious as a bald eagle. Her eyes become sharp as a pitchfork.

Shiloh: I won't let anyone lay a finger on him.

Natalie: Wait, I just want to...

Shiloh: Memory Judgement.

Natalie felt her painful head and suddenly she vanished. Shiloh then teleport to where Hou Ren is.

Shiloh: Oh wow, this isn't scary at all. I hope everyone else is okay.

Hou Ren: Trickstar kinda lost and so did Sensei Ren.....The score is like us having 3 wins and 2 losses and this includes yours as well.

Shiloh: Oh....let's hope for the best.

Hou Ren: (Nod in agreement) Anyways, (place his hands on her shoulders) you were amazing out there. (kisses Shiloh on the forehead)

Shiloh: (Blush and feeling cheesy) Stop.....

They both butterfly kiss each other with smiles while hugging each other comfortably. Lost Ren feels disturbed while Garga looks proud.

Lost Ren: Get a room for crying out loud.

Hou Ren:(Looking annoyed) Do you mind?

Shiloh slightly chuckled.


Emma: It's time for

Shiloh: Emma and Shiloh's

Both: Card of the Day.

Emma: Today we're gonna be looking at "Illusions Moonlight Beast, GodCape Dragon".

Shiloh: It's Emma's true form and it's incredibly powerful.

Emma: You may only call this card during your attack phase and pay 2 gauge. When placed she gains 1 critical and 5000 power for each card in your item's soul.

Shiloh: If your item has 3 or more cards in it's soul, Godcape's attacks cannot be countered. Bonus, she also has double attack and penetrate. Talk about impressive and cool.

Emma: So what do you think guys?

Shiloh: Think you can open up one of these?

Both: You never know until you try.

Anime Ending: Promise You

Story End.


Hou Ren: Every fighter has to start somewhere and now it seems it's my time to guide a promising player. Next time, "First time for everything". Join us for a Buddyfight.