Path To Liberation, First Time For Everything (Chap 22)

Synopsis: Everyone has to start somewhere, especially for those who starts Buddyfighting. This is the story of how Shiloh begins her career as a Buddyfighter.

In the previous story, Natalie was wandering in a hallway before stumbling upon her opponent. Shiloh appears before her and once again a match has begun. However, despite Natalie having more experience, Shiloh was able to defeat her, scoring a win for her side…..

Anime Opening: Knock On Your Gate.

In One of the Rooms in The Sanctuary, two fighters are about to face each other in a match. Their buddies are standing beside them.

Hou Ren: Okay Shiloh, now that you acquired your first buddy, it's time to teach you how to buddyfight. So, are you ready for your first lesson?

Shiloh: Yep. And I'm going to surpass you.

Hou Ren: Slow down. Now, do you have your deck with you?

Shiloh: (Shows her deck) Right here.

Hou Ren: Great. (Creates a Playmat)

A playmat appears in front of Shiloh, much to her surprise. Hou Ren then place the required items into the zones while explaining the rules.

Hou Ren: First. Place Your Flag Face Down in the Flag Zone. Then Place Your Buddy into your Buddy Zone. And just a heads up. I'm not using my real deck against you.

Shiloh: Okay. (Does as followed)

Hou Ren: Now, Do as I do. (Taps his deck) Howl with Thunder. Knights Of Great Flash. Luminize, Thunder Knights Reborn.

Shiloh: Okay. (Taps her deck) Once Upon A Time, the Maiden Blossoms Bright. Luminize, Folktale Wonderland.

Hou Ren: Okay with the cards assembled, the deck will automatically set two gauge for you. Now. When Garga gives the signal, repeat after me.

Garga: (Nodded) Buddy...Fight.

Both: Raise The Flag.

Hou Ren: Dragon World.

Shiloh: Dungeon World.

Hou Ren: We both have 10 life points. First one to reach 0 loses. And In order to help you understand the game, I need to see your cards. Why don't you go first. Draw a card and call a monster. Any monster.

Shiloh: (Draws a card) I call this one to the center.

A monster is summoned and it's "Man Eating Wolf, Wolff".

Shiloh: Woah.

Garga: That is one big bad wolf.

Hou Ren: Buddyfight is an intense game, Shiloh. Now remember, the player who goes first can only attack once. Now, go ahead and attack me.

Shiloh: Wolff, go attack the fighter.

Wolf: I'm hungry for Meat. (Attacks)

Hou Ren braces himself for the attack. Wolff lands the attack with it's claws slashes the young king.

Hou Ren's Life: 10 -> 9

Shiloh: Wow.

Garga: Your Wolff has a critical of 1. Meaning it dealt 1 damage.

Hou Ren: It's a start but you need to take out my 9 life points to win.

Shiloh: I see. My turn is over.

Hou Ren: Great. It's my turn. Draw. I call Thunder knights, Iron Fist Dragon to the left. And I call Thunder knights, Halberd Dragon to the right.

Both monsters are summoned respectively.

Halberd: It's an honour to fight alongside the leader of the Draknights.

Iron: And it's a great honour to be a part of his teachings.

Shiloh: Two of them?

Hou Ren: You can call as many monsters as you want, but the total size has to be 3 or less. Like three size 1 monsters or one size 3 monster.

Emma: And you have a size 3, you can call as many size 0s as you want.

Shiloh: I see.

Hou Ren: Now I love to attack you but.....I can't. Your Monster's in the way.

Shiloh: Huh?

Garga: As long as you have a monster in the center, the player cannot attack you directly.

Shiloh: Phew, I'm safe.

Hou Ren: Nope. Halberd. Attack Wolff.

Halberd: Right. (Flies)

Hou Ren: When monsters fight each other, their power and defense become keen.

A mini screen shows up in front of the two. A mouse cursor is also seen labelling the cards.

Hou Ren: Wolff has 3000 defense. Halberd has 6000 power. If my monster's power surpasses your defense.....

Halberd and Wolff fought each other but Halberd easily wipe him out in one fell swoop.

Shiloh: My Wolf!!!

Hou Ren: And Just Like That, you're monster's out of here.

Shiloh: Come On. Can't you show mercy?

Hou Ren: Sorry Shiloh but that's how it goes. Iron Fist.

Iron Fist: Got it. (Attacks)

Iron Fist continuously punch Shiloh, causing two damage. Shiloh also braces herself from the attack.

Shiloh's Life: 10 -> 8

Shiloh: Woah...I really took damage. But I'm okay for some reason.

Emma: Cards are not allowed to unleash their true power in game.

Garga: Cause if it does, then there would be consequences.

Hou Ren: Anyways, my turn is over.

Shiloh: Okay. Draw.

Hou Ren: Hold on. Do you remember the two cards in the gauge zone?

Shiloh: Yeah?

Hou Ren: Well, you're allowed to place one card from your hand into the gauge and draw another card.

Shiloh: I can do that?

Hou Ren: Yeah. But Only Once Per Turn. We call this "Charge and Draw".

As Hou Ren talks, Shiloh proceeds to charge & draw as followed.

Shiloh: So, what's the gauge for?

Hou Ren: When you play stronger cards, the gauge is what we so call made "Payments". Like if my cards require 1 gauge, then I must move one card from my gauge to my dropzone to use them.

Shiloh: Wait what's this? (Holds out a card) Echt...Biblio?

Hou Ren: What? (Opens a screen and realized) Oh. An Item Card. Meaning You Yourself Can Fight.

Shiloh: Seriously?

Garga: Just pay 1 gauge and equip yourself.

Shiloh: Okay. Equip Echt Biblio. (Equips a book) Woah, (reads) what's in this book?

Hou Ren: Maybe Flowers For You?

Shiloh: (Blush) Stop.

Hou Ren: (Chuckled) Items aren't limited by size. Meaning you can call more monsters.

Shiloh: Then I call 3 size one monsters.

Emma: Hang On Shiloh.

Shiloh pause for a moment.

Emma: If you do that, you yourself cannot attack. The monster in your center will be like....blocking your way.

Hou Ren: Emma's right. That would be bothersome.

Shiloh: Then I'll leave the center open. Hunter, Jordan to the left. Wonderland Walker, Alice to the right.

Both Monsters Summoned Respectively.

Hou Ren: Halberd. Move to the center.

Halberd moved to the center.

Hou Ren: A unique ability that applies for good defense. It's called "Move".

Shiloh: But wait. Halberd has 6000 defense. My cards have power less than 6000. It won't be enough.

Emma: Shiloh, you should do a link attack.

Shiloh: What's that?

Emma: By combining two monster's power, you can create a powerful strike. So if you add Jordan's power with Alice....

Shiloh: That would be a total of 9000 power. Alice. Jordan. Link attack On Halberd.

Both: Right.

Both monsters attack and Halberd was cornered. Eventually, Halberd was defeated.

Halberd: I'm sorry, Hou Ren. (Destroyed)

Hou Ren: You Did Well Halberd.

Shiloh: And Now to Attack with Echt Biblio. (Attacks)

Hou Ren: Of course, you don't really have to take on the attacks. Let me show you how to use a spell. I cast, Blue Dragon Shield. (Blocks the attack)

Shiloh: Woah.

Hou Ren: The Blue Dragon Shield blocks your attack and I gain a gauge.

Shiloh: Then I guess my turn is over.

Hou Ren: Draw. Charge And Draw. Equip. Dragonblade, Dragobrave. (Equips Dragobrave) Buddycall. (Pays 2 gauge)

Garga appears but in his original form.

Garga: All are powerless before my blade.

Hou Ren's Life increased.

Shiloh: A buddy gift, right?

Hou Ren: Correct.

Shiloh: Mmmh.... Wait. Why is Garga....

Garga: This is my original form. The Original Deity of Combat to be precise.

Hou Ren: Iron First. Attack the fighter.

Shiloh's Life: 8 -> 6

Hou Ren attacks with Dragobrave. He charges like no tomorrow while wielding his sword. Looking front with determination as he looks into Shiloh's eyes as hers stares back at his. Witnessing her opponent's strength with her beautiful eyes, Shiloh takes the attack.

Shiloh's Life: 6 -> 3

Hou Ren: Garga. All yours.

Garga: As you wish. (Attacks)

Shiloh's Life: 3 -> 1

Shiloh: Uh Oh....

Hou Ren: (Rests his Buddy) Gargantua Dragon has double attack. Sorry Shiloh, but.....Game Over.

Garga attacks one more time.

Shiloh: I cast. Divine Protection of Shalsana. (Blocks the attack) I gain 1 life.

Garga: Looks like she learned how to use defense spells too.

Hou Ren: But I'm not done yet. G-EVO activate. Change. Gargantua Dragon Sonic Mode.

Garga changes to Sonic Mode.

Garga: Sonic.... MODE.....When Placed, Hou Ren gains 2 life. And if through G-EVO, he can also draw 2 cards.

Hou Ren does as followed.

Hou Ren: And he gets to attack again. Finish her.

Garga attacks one more time.

Shiloh: I cast, Quiescence of Cassiade. (Reduced Damage by 3)

Hou Ren smiled as he felt impressed on how Shiloh manages to learn fast.

Hou Ren: It's a shame I can't revert him. My turn is now over.

Shiloh: Draw. Charge and Draw. (Noticed what she drew) Whoa.

Hou Ren: What did you just…..

Shiloh: (Looked at her buddy with smiles of bravery) Emma. Ready?

Emma: Gladly.

Shiloh: I buddycall Moonlight Fleur Emma REB to the centre.

Emma: (Appears) Surprise and Giggle bombs. Jumping from joy. Here's to me being Emma Version 2.0.

Garga: Gotta give props for enthusiasm.

Hou Ren: Hang On. How is Emma here? Alice's a size 2 and Jordan is already a size 1.

Shiloh: It's thanks to Alice's effect. Emma's size is reduced by 1.

Hou Ren: I see.

Shiloh: I cast, Illusions Tea Time. I move Wolff from my dropzone to Biblio's soul. I gain a gauge and draw a card.

Hou Ren: Garga. Move to the center.

Garga: As you wish. (Moved)

Hou Ren: You do realize you can't attack right?

Shiloh: That's true but watch and learn. Emma. Jordan. Link attack on Garga.

Both: Right. (attacks)

Emma: My ability activates. I move a monster from my dropzone to my Biblio's soul. (Does so) And Shiloh draws a card.

The two monsters battle against Sonic Mode. Garga held his ground but eventually he was defeated. Garga however revives.

Shiloh: Revived?

Hou Ren: A skill where it uses a card in its soul to revive. It's called "Soulguard".

Shiloh: Unfortunately, Emma has double attack. Link attack with Alice.

Both: Right.

Again, the link attack hit and Shiloh sends a monster to her item's soul. Garga once again revives.

Garga: No Use. As long as I'm here, you won't lay a finger on my buddy.

Shiloh: I'm not done yet. Emma, it's time to release our full power.

Emma: I'm ready.

Shiloh: (Pays 2 gauge) Illusions Moonlight Beast, Godcape Dragon to the right.

Emma immediately wraps herself in pink and red clothing. Immediately, she emerged as Godcape Dragon.

Godcape: Yippee.

Hou Ren: (Surprised) Say what?

Garga: (Surprised) She transformed into a Dragon.

Shiloh: Yep. This is Emma's true form. It's a shame Jordan and Alice are gone because of size limit.

Godcape: And there's more. I gain 3 critical and 15000 power thanks to Echt Biblio. I have 35000 power and a critical of 7.

Garga & Hou Ren: 7?

Shiloh: Furthermore, she also has penetrate and her attacks cannot be neutralized.

Hou Ren: Wha.....

Hou Ren notice his hand includes shield cards. Sadly, they can't do a thing.

Hou Ren: (Thought) Uh Oh.....(Thought)

Hou Ren then look up and notice Shiloh smiling bright and excited.

Shiloh: This is so cool. Who knew buddyfight is so fun.

The moment the word "fun" was heard, it echoed through Hou Ren's ears and soul. Hou Ren react in surprise as suddenly Shiloh becomes his joyful younger self enjoying the game.

Hou Ren: (Thought) I..... (Thought) (Smiling with tears) Who knew....

Garga notice Hou Ren's tears and was slightly worried.

Garga: Hou Ren?

Hou Ren: (Wipe his tears off) I'm okay.....Well Shiloh, (Open Arms) Bring It On.

Shiloh: (Excited) You asked for it. Godcape.

Godcape: Roger that. (Attacks) Dragon Breath.....The End.

Garga is wiped out.

Garga: Well played. (Destroyed)

Hou Ren took on the attack.

Hou Ren's Life: 10 -> 3

Hou Ren: Amazing…..

Shiloh then attacks with Echt Biblio.

Hou Ren: I cast, Green Dragon Shield.

Hou Ren's Life: 3 -> 4

Shiloh: I'm not done. Echt Biblio's effect. Marchen Panic. Come On Out Everyone.

Suddenly, The book opens and outcomes Wolff, Alice and Emma.

Hou Ren: (Surprised) You can attack again?

Shiloh: Surprised? I can call up to three monsters from Echt Biblio's soul.

Hou Ren: I.....(Noticed he has limited options) Ah…..

Shiloh: Let's Go Everyone. Finish him off.

Shiloh's Monsters attacks and immediately finish him off. Hou Ren got knockdown while smiling with his eyes closed.

Hou Ren: (Thought) It's been a while since I had fight like this...(Thought)

Hou Ren's flag is destroyed.

Shiloh: Wait....I won?

Moment of silence.....

Shiloh: I won....I WON!!!! (Starts cheering)

Emma came out of her card and starts congratulating her.

Emma: Yay Shiloh. You did it.

Hou Ren claps his hands while catching their attention.

Hou Ren: I hate to say it but Well-Done Shiloh. You beat me.

Shiloh: Hehe. I told you I would surpass you.

Hou Ren: (Teasing mood) Hey Now. I'm not using my real deck remember.

Shiloh: Yeah Yeah. You're such a sore loser.

Hou Ren: (Teasing mood) Who are you calling a sore loser eh?

Shiloh: You.

Hou Ren: Okay I deserve that. And thank you.

Shiloh: Why?

Hou Ren: You remind me of something about this game. It's important to stay confident and have fun no matter what.

Shiloh: Oh.....

Garga then pops out of his card.

Garga: That's right. Now get some rest. You must be tired.

Shiloh: No. I want to fight again. Against a real opponent.

Hou Ren: What?

Shiloh: I felt brave after our match. I feel like can take someone on. I can do this.

Emma: I concur.

Hou Ren & Garga then notice their Aura glowing bright and stronger.

Garga: (Thought) Such potential.....(Thought)

Hou Ren: Hmmmm....(Opens up a screen) I suppose she can be a good fit. (Flips the screen around)

The screen shows Natalie walking in the hallways.

Hou Ren: Fight hard. Show your passion. Unleash your power.

Shiloh look at the screen and nod in agreement.

Shiloh: I won't let you down. (Runs off in different direction)

As Shiloh leaves, Hou Ren & Garga looked at her with smiling confidence.

Garga: You know, she is quite like you when you first play the game. And you have become an excellent teacher.

Hou Ren: Knowing her, I have no doubt about seeing her achieving great heights in future. Good Luck, Shiloh.

Anime Ending: Promise You.

Story End.


Magician: My name is Magician Ren and me & Rockstar must team up for our next battle. Great, not them. Next time, "Duality vs Duo". Join us for a Buddyfight.