Path To Liberation, Duality Vs Duo (Chap 23)

Synopsis: The battle is still ongoing. This time It's Magician & Rockstar vs Gwen & Ranma. None of them had ever tag fought before. Which side will win?

In the previous story, before the match against Natalie, Hou Ren is seen guiding Shiloh as his student. Shiloh picked up the rules well and defeats her boyfriend. After witnessing her potential, Hou Ren felt confident in seeing Shiloh achieving great success in future.

Anime Opening: Knock On Your Gate.

Magician Ren is first seen walking down a sanctuary hallway. His true form includes him wearing a dark green & white school uniform, dark green tie and dark green trousers. A dark green shirt is also being worn as a cape. While walking, he observes his watch with smiles.

Magician: I still can't believe Shiloh was able to win against Natalie. I knew she had amazing potential. I wonder how much Hou has taught her though.

???: I'm pretty sure he taught her like a lot.

Magician notice Rockstar standing in front of him with smiles. Rockstar's outfit consists of black sleeveless jacket, a dark green t shirt, black jeans, spiky hair and spiky bracelets.

Magician: You won your match or something?

Rockstar: Nah I'm just strolling around. But man, Shiloh winning her match is surreal.

Magician: I know. But we might be next. Gotta be On Guard.

Rockstar: Pfft, I can handle them with ease.

Magician: (Awkward) Dude. You need to watch your attitude.

Suddenly the two heard footsteps. Behind Rockstar were two buddyfighters. One is a short haired girl wearing a pink t-shirt, red skirt and white sneakers. The other is wearing a white-collared shirt with a yellow jacket tied over it and light brown shorts with yellow sneakers. Both knights stare at them in calm anger.

Ranma: Rockstar....Magician.....

Magician: Ranma.....Gwen.....

Gwen: Listen, we don't want to fight. Just let us see him.

Rockstar: Hard pass. You ain't gonna see him, traitor.

Magician: Rockstar, be nice.

Rockstar: Dude.....

Magician: I know but still. Be polite.

Rockstar felt reluctant but he calm down afterwards.

Magician: You know the rules right? Defeat us and you may see him. Lose however....

Gwen: And we'll be banished.

Magician: Correct.

Ranma: Challenge accepted. (Turns into his Vile Form)

Gwen pulls out her deck in accordance to transformation.

Rockstar: Then I'll set the field. (Summons a boombox) Rock to the core with the power of sound. Unleash, Mega Boombox Prison.

The boombox was played with soundwaves created from it's speakers. The soundwaves blast through everyone and created 8 massive Amplifiers behind them. The environment turned from Cyan to Grey as the stage is summoned. This made everyone surprised.

Magician: How many of those you own?

Rockstar: Plenty. (Taps his deck) Time To Rock And Roll. Dance to our hearts content. Luminize, Rockstars Diabolos.

Magician: Razzle and Dazzle. Spread your magic like no tomorrow. Luminize, Dra-Magic Excelsior.

Gwen: Purge Evil. Purify the Unclean. Luminize, Wisteria Heavenly light.

Vile Ranma: Reveal the gateway to the lost dimension. Awaken, Warriors of Lost. Luminize, Dimension Gate Rebirth.

All: Raise the Flag.

Both knights: Magic World.

Vile Ranma: Dragon World.

Gwen: Katana World.

Vile Ranma: By the way, who goes first?

Magician: Simple. Rockstar. Then Ranma. Then Me. Then Gwen.

Rockstar: In that case, Draw. Charge And Draw. Equip.

Rockstar equips a new Guitar. It's quite dark so to speak.

Rockstar: Gar-Guitar "Diabolos".

Vile Ranma: (Thought) As I thought, they evolved too. (Thought)

Rockstar: I buddycall Garga to the right. (Pays 2 gauge)

Rockstar's Garga was summoned.

Rockstar: Let's Rock.

Rockstar strums the guitar in one blow. Creating a soundwave that burst through Gwen's ears, causing two damage.

Gwen: Ah!

Amaterasu: You alright?

Rockstar: That's for looking down on him. My turn is over.

Vile Ranma: (Pays 2 gauge) Behold. (Holds Up His Flag and cover his original flag with it) Cover the Flag. Lost World.

Ranma's flag has changed into the Lost World.

Vile Ranma: You know how this goes.

Several Lost World Cards are flying around him and when Vile Ranma hold out his right palm, the cards are stacked on top of each other being a deck.

Vile Ranma: Deck Change. (Placed the Deck) Lost Vanity Endgame.

Destroyer then appears beside him in his true form.

Vile Ranma: Vile Demonic Dragon, Vanity Husk Destroyer REB.

Magician: Destroyer evolved?

Vile Ranma: My turn. Draw. Charge and Draw. Agonia to the right.

Agonia is summoned with a howl.

Vile Ranma: Now tremble in fear, quake in terror and be consumed by despair. I buddycall Vile Demonic Dragon, Vanity Husk Destroyer REB to the right.

Destroyer is summoned to the right and Agonia's effect increased his hand & gauge.

Vile Ranma: Equip. (Equips his Item) Vile Demonic Swords, Lostless Saber.

Rockstar: New item huh?

Vile Ranma: Iregeit Delusion to left.

Iregeit: (Summoned) Now, let's get started.

Rockstar: I cast, Terruca-Le. I rest Saber and Iregeit.

Both cards are rested.

Vile Ranma: Then Destroyer, attack Magician Ren.

Destroyer: I shall grant that wish. (Attacks) Dimension Door, Origin Slayer.

Both knights receive 2 damage.

Magician: What the....

Vile Ranma: Destroyer normally destroys cards. But since he can't, he deals 2 damage instead.

Destroyer: And I have double attack. Dimension Door. Origin Slayer.

Rockstar's Life: 8 -> 6

Magician: I cast, Chillax.

Magician's Life: 8 -> 9

Vile Ranma: Tch. I cast, Dimension Wave. I destroy Destroyer.

Destroyer is destroyed while Vile Ranma gains gauge and life.

Rockstar: Great, here he comes.

Magician: Yep.

Vile Ranma: That's right. Vile Demonic Deity Dragon, Vanity Epoch Destroyer REB to the center.

Vanity Epoch Destroyer REB is summoned.

Gwen: Say what? I didn't know you had that.

Vile Ranma: Gwen, I'm full of surprises. Epoch's effect.

Destroyer: Dimension Door, Impetus Break. Garga. Begone From Sight.

Destroyer fires a ray towards Rockstar's Garga and it destroyed him.

Rockstar: Say what? My item cannot save him?

Vile Ranma: That's right. Anything Destroyer sent is null and void. Destroyer. Attack Magician Again.

Destroyer attacks and deal 3 damage to Magician.

Vile Ranma: My turn is over.

Magician: Tell me something Ranma. Why do you have to barge in even though this doesn't concern you? And Gwen, you dare to interfere after what you did to him?

Vile Ranma: I know this doesn't involve me but I want to save my friend. He saved me once and now it's my turn.

Gwen: I owe him an apology for betraying him. I looked down on him and I want to save him too.

Rockstar: Aight Aight, you can cut the act, drama queen. We ain't gonna believe you no more.

Gwen: It's the truth. I mean it.

Magician: Uh huh, sure. Low Blow, Karen. Draw. Charge and Draw. I equip.

Magician's right arm turned into a violet Dragon Arm engulfed in yellow lightning.

Magician: Mythical Arm, Gar-Excelsior.

Vile Ranma: (Surprised) What happened to your arm?

Magician: You'll find out eventually. I call Magicat "Excelsior".

Magicat: (summoned) Tada meow. I'm ready for real, cat.

Magician: When placed, a spell from the top 3 cards goes to my hand. I cast, Excelsior Magic, "Summondo". Discard the top 2 cards of my deck, every spell revealed lets me draw a card. (Does so) Since both are spells, I also gain 2 life.

Vile Ranma: He increased his hand.....

Magician: Activate Magicat and Gar-Excelsior's effect. When I cast a spell, Magicat increase my gauge and life by 1.

Rockstar: And Gar-Excelsior deals 2 damage to the opponent.

Gar-Excelsior creates yellow lightning and blast it towards Gwen.....

Gwen's Life: 8 -> 6

Vile Ranma: You rather go after woman?

Magician: Can't I just do what I want? You see, that's the thing about judgmental people like you. People always have issues with what we do regardless.

Rockstar: I know right. No wonder Hou Ren fled away.

Vile Ranma: I didn't mean it as a harsh comment.

Magician: Save your pity. I buddycall Garga to the right.

Magician's Life: 8 -> 9

Magician: Garga attack Destroyer.

Garga duels against Destroyer and successfully destroys him.

Vile Ranma: Destroyer!!!!

Magician: And with that my turn is over.

Gwen: My turn. Draw. Charge and Draw. Equip. Kagura Emblem Of Self Sacrifice. (Equips her emblem) Posses, Radiant Electrodeity, Susanoo.

Susanoo appears in his new form.

Susanoo: Now that I evolved, we got a strength of a thousand. I'm gonna posses Gwen right now.

Susanoo posses Gwen as she glows gold.

Rockstar: So now she can posses even during her turn?

Susanoo: Guardian Electrobeast, Micott to the right. And Electrobeast Emissary, Kouki to the left.

Both monsters are summoned at will.

Magician: New cards?

Susanoo: My ability activates. I pay 1 life and I gain triple attack. I also deal 1 damage every time I attack. Furthermore, Kouki's effect. I add a monster to my hand. And I cast, Ceremonial, Blessful Guidance. Increase gauge, hand and life by 2.

Gwen's gauge, life & hand: 2, 5, 4

Susanoo: I'll dispose of Magicat first.

Magicat: (Hit) I failed. (Destroyed)

Magician's Life: 9 -> 8

Susanoo: Double attack.

Magician's Life: 8 -> 5 (Including Effect Damage)

Susanoo: Triple attack.

Magician: I cast, Chillax. (Gain 1 life)

Susanoo: Micott and Kouki, all yours.

Both cards attack.

Magician: I cast, Excelsior arts, "Spinnado".

Magician's dragon arm shoots a violet spiral blast at both cards, blocking them.

Magician: This nullifies your attack and blocks your other cards from attacking.

Magician's Life: 6 -> 5

Susanoo: My turn is over. I'll return to the hand cards.

Susanoo release his possession.

Rockstar: Finally. Draw. Charge and Draw. Cast, Key Of Solomon, First Volume. (Gains 2 gauge) Once again, Garga to the right.

Garga is once again summoned.

Rockstar: I set Diabolos Band. Time To Call Diabolos Cat & Bird to the center.

Both Monsters are summoned. Vile Ranma & Gwen are surprised.

Vile Ranma: Two of them in the center?

Gwen: And it's over Size Limit.

Rockstar: Diabolos Band enables two monsters in the center. And it also increases our size limit to 6.

All of them are shocked.

Rockstar: Diabolos Cat's effect. For each size 1 on the field, I discard the top card of my deck. I gain a gauge and draw a card afterwards.

Diabolos Bird: And I can increase all of my card's power & defense by 3000 for each size 1 on the field.

Vile Ranma: What is he up to?

Rockstar: I call Diabolos Dog to the left.

Diabolos Dog: (Summoned) You're close to the edge. When placed, I destroy Vile Ranma's gauge equal to the amount of size 1s on the field.

Vile Ranma's three gauge is out as he responds with a grunt.

Diabolos Cat, Bird & Dog's stats: 14000 power each.

Rockstar: Time For A Performance. Garga. Attack Ranma Twice.

Vile Ranma's Life: 12 -> 9 -> 6

Rockstar: Diabolos Trio. Crush Gwen Right Now.

Gwen: Not so fast. Posses. Amaterasu.

Amaterasu: Right.

Amaterasu emerges in her new form, catching Rockstar's attention. She possess Gwen right after.

Amaterasu: My ability activates. (Draws 2 cards and gain 2 life) Increase Defense to 20000.

Rockstar: I was going for a link attack in the first place.

Amaterasu: What?

Gwen's Life: 7 -> 2

Rockstar: Diabolos Cat gains double attack when I have size 1 in the dropzone. And my item can attack even when my centre is blocked. And it's critical is 3.

Rockstar strums his guitar while Diabolos Cat play it's drums. Their link attack creates a massive soundwave.

Gwen: I cast, Ceremonial, Water Mirror. (Gain 2 life)

Gwen's Life: 2 -> 4

Rockstar: I want to finish you but I'll save the finale for later. My turn is over.

Vile Ranma: Thank gosh. Okay My turn.

???: What's going on?

All four fighters then heard a voice. They turn their attention towards to the voice. It came from Hou Ren's Father as they arrive in the prison.

Vile Ranma: Mr Teng. You're alright.

Hou Ren's Father: I am. But what's going on?

Vile Ranma: Uh we're in a match?

???: Great.

They turn their attention towards another voice, it came from Magician. Both knights are displeased.

Magician: (Forehead shadowed) Of all people that came here, why these two?

Rockstar: (Forehead shadowed) Unbelievable.

Hou Ren's Parents are a bit saddened to see their sons against them.

Magician: You know what? As soon as I win this fight, I wish banish you both on sight.

Rockstar: Make that two of us.

Magician nod in agreement. The story ends with a massive cliffhanger where 4 of the rebels are facing two knights in scene.

Anime Ending: Promise You.

Story Ends.


Ranma: Rockstar & Magician may be strong but they should know that we too should not be underestimated. Next time, "Out on the Edge". Join us for a Buddyfight.