Path To Liberation, Out On The Edge (Chap 24)

Synopsis: Halfway During The Battle However, Hou Ren's Parents Interrupted. Now, the two knights are infuriated upon seeing them. Here they lay out their deepest grudge.

In the previous story, Ranma & Gwen stumble upon Magician & Rockstar. They tag fought each other and Rockstar & Ranma unleashed their new gifts. Halfway however, Hou Ren's parents interrupted.

Anime Opening: Knock On Your Gate.The battle was paused as Hou Ren's parents entered the foray. All of the fighters are facing them in calm surprise.Magician: Well. Well. Well.....How nice of you to join us, Father.Hou Ren's Father: Where is my son?Rockstar: Be specific.Hou Ren's Mother: Please. We just want to talk to him.Magician: Absolutely. In your dreams. After all, Your son is an idiot and a liar. And Lying Idiots has no place with you. Isn't It?Hou Ren's Father: I....Magician: You know what. As soon as we're done with those two, you both are next. And we'll make sure that you will never ever see him again.Rockstar: Uh dude. I thought you said be polite?Magician: Can you don't?Rockstar: Well now you know how I feel. (Turn to Ranma) It's your turn now. Hurry Up.Vile Ranma was hesitant but he begins his turn.Vile Ranma: Draw. Charge And Draw. I cast, Dragonic Charge. Once Again, Destroyer REB to the right.Destroyer is once again summoned.Rockstar: I cast, Barbed Wire. Lostless Saber is forced to rest.Vile Ranma's item is rested.Vile Ranma: Tch. And I cast, Dimension Draw. I draw 4 cards. Ire. Attack Magician's Garga.Magician's Garga is destroyed.Magician: Idiot. He has Soulguard. (As Garga Revives) Counterattack On Ire.Ire is hit.Vile Ranma: Destroyer. Follow Him.Destroyer: Dimension Door. Origin Slayer.Magician's Life: 5 -> 3Magician: I cast, Magician Ren's Wild Ace.Magician creates a spell and unleash it on Destroyer. The spell is like rainbow fire and Destroyer felt affected as he got hit by the spell.Destroyer: What?Magician: May I present my own spell. Wild Ace pays 1 gauge and return 5 spells from my dropzone to my deck. Do so, Destroyer's power & critical is reduced to 0.Vile Ranma & Destroyer: WHAT?Garga then counterattacks Destroyer with ease.Destroyer: I failed.....(Destroyed)Vile Ranma: Destroyer.....It's fine. I'll still call him.Magician: I cast, Excelsior Arts, "Gravdown". Your call is null and void.Vile Ranma: WHAT?Magician: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. But sadly, there's no twice is there?Vile Ranma: No....Magician: Are you done?Vile Ranma: I don't have a choice. My turn is over.Gwen: Ranma couldn't do a thing. Oh my.....Magician: My turn. Draw. Charge and Draw. Once again, I call Magicat "Excelsior" to the left.Magicat: (summoned) I'm back.Magician: Once again, another spell to my hand. I cast, Examinate. (Increase stats and dropzone) Activate Garcat and Gar-Excelsior's ability.Ranma's life: 6 -> 4Magician: And I cast Nice one. (Draw 2 cards) Garga. Attack Vile Ranma.Vile Ranma: I cast, Dimension Drain. (Blocks the attack) I gain 10 life.Rockstar & Gwen: Did he say 10?Magician: Double attack.Vile Ranma's Life: 14 -> 11Magician: Magicat. Follow Him.Magicat: (Attacks) Leave it to me.Vile Ranma's Life: 11 -> 9Magician: My turn. (Shoots Yellow Lightning from His Dragon Arm)Vile Ranma: Cast, Dimension Absorb. (Absorbs the attack and deal damage to him)Magician: So be it. G-EVO activate. Change. Distinguish Sorcerer, Gargantua Excel Mage.Garga changes to his new Magic World Form. His form consists of him very a black wizard hat with dark green linings. His natural green turned to black, pink and violet colouring. Multiple Palettes appear behind him and he gains new wings. His right arm turned to what's similar to Gar-Excelsior. Everyone is surprised.Vile Ranma: How the....

Magician summons a wizard hat and put it on.

Magician: A magician never reveals his secrets. When placed, I discard the top 3 cards of my deck. When entered by G-EVO, I can cast a spell from my dropzone while ignoring conditions.Rockstar: So this means you can cast a spell regardless of the gauge or other requirements. All you need to do is activate the effect.Gwen: WHAT?Magician: And I have the perfect spell in mind, I cast, Ultimate Excelsior, Shuffle Finale.Suddenly, all of Vile Ranma and Gwen's cards are returned to the deck. Including the gauge.Vile Ranma: Wait what my hand cards are returned as well.Gwen: Mine too.Magician: And now you draw 6 cards from the deck.Both player's hand cards increased.Vile Ranma: My hand cards....they're totally randomized.Hou Ren's Father: How can this be.....Magician: Magic world can be weak in power. But as the name implies, we have strong spells in the pack.

Rockstar: Wanna know something? When your cards are removed, it's just like how your son lost his voice to the likes of you. His words. His actions. His intentions are like those randomized cards. Complete nonsense.

Hou Ren's Mother: No....Magician: Excel's effect. When I cast a spell, I destroy one of the opponent's cards. But since I can't, I gain 1 life instead. Garga. Attack Vile Ranma.Vile Ranma's Life: 11 -> 9Magician: Showtime. (Returns 5 spells from the dropzone to the deck)

Magician summons a staff and casts a powerful spell. He jumps up while casting the spell. Meanwhile, Garga backs him up.

Magician: Excel Mage.....Blaster.

The Spell blasts the attack and strike at Vile Ranma.Vile Ranma: AHHHHHHH.Vile Ranma's Life: 9 -> 4Magician's Life: 1 -> 6Vile Ranma: Oh no.....Magician: Cauldron's effect. When I return spells to the deck, I draw 2 cards and gain 2 life. Cast, Key Of Solomon. First Volume. Garga. Revert.Garga revert and attacks Vile Ranma.Vile Ranma: I cast, Blue Dragon Shield.Vile Ranma did not block the second attack.Magician: I cast, Excelsior Arts, "Risio". I stand Magicat back up. He gains 1 critical and his attack cannot be countered when attacking alone.Vile Ranma: WHAT? (Notice his hand) Uh oh.....Magicat: (attacks) Fare thee well, Vile Ranma.Vile Ranma: NOOOOOOOOO.Vile Ranma's Flag is destroyed.Gwen: RANMA.Hou Ren's parents: No.....Vile Ranma: I failed.....I'm sorry Gwen. It's up to you now.Gwen: I.....Vile Ranma: You can do it. I know you can make him see the light.Gwen was afraid but nonetheless she felt determined as she nod back.Magician: So you accepted your fate. My turn is over.Gwen: Okay. Draw. Charge and Draw. I equip Kagura Bell Of Selfless Worship. (Equips Item) Guardian Electrobeast, Hakuro to the left & right.Gwen gains life & gauge due to the effects.Gwen: I cast, Ceremonial, Electrodeity Return. I search my deck for a Size 3 Electrodeity and add it to my hand. Both of you, Attack Magician Ren.Magician's Life: 8 -> 4Gwen: Here I come.Magician's Life: 4 -> 3Gwen: My turn is done.Vile Ranma: Only 5 damage.....Rockstar: (Annoyed) Really? I thought its gonna be challenge. I guess not. Draw. Charge & Draw.Gwen: Buddy Posses. Amaterasu.Amaterasu once again possessed Gwen.Amaterasu: My ability activates. (Gain 2 life and Draw 2 cards)Rockstar: I cast, Razzle & Dazzle. Increase power by 3000. Diabolos Trio. Triple link attack on the fighter.Amaterasu: I cast. Ceremonial, Water Mirror. (Gain 2 life)Rockstar: Diabolos Cat. Link attack with Garga.Amaterasu: I cast, Ceremonial, Wisteria Sun Mirror. (Gains 2 life, 2 gauge and draw a card)Rockstar: Garga, Link attack with me.Gwen's Life: 12 -> 6Rockstar: We're doing this. G-EVO activate. Change. Rockstar's Ace, Gargantua Bruce.Garga changes to his new rockstar form, leaving everyone in surprise.Amaterasu: So he's your trump card.Rockstar: Yep. He can attack every single monster on the opponent's field. Garga, finish Gwen off once and for all.Garga attacks and destroys all of Gwen's Monsters.Rockstar: By discarding one hand card, Bruce gains 10000 power and defense for each different size 1 in the dropzone.Amaterasu: This means Bruce has 40000 power...Gwen's Life: 6 -> 4Rockstar: After Garga finished attacking, for every size 1 on the field, I deal damage plus 2.Vile Ranma: That means.....Garga and Rockstar lift their right arm and prepare to strum their guitar. Combining with the Gar-Trio prepping their instruments. As the two strums, the Gar Trio played their instruments at LOUD VOLUME. The Loud Blast was created through the Boomboxes inside this prison. Creating A Strike towards Amaterasu. When hit, an explosion occurred and massive waves of smoke was created around Gwen's side.Vile Ranma: GWEN.Hou Ren's Parents are shocked.Rockstar: And that takes care of that.Magician then noticed something is going on.Magician: Hmmmm.....I think you spoke too soon.As the waves cleared, Gwen was still possessed by Amaterasu. She was looking very brave and determined. Rockstar was surprised.Amaterasu: I cast, Amaterasu Reviver.Gwen's Life: 0 -> 1Rockstar: You revived?Amaterasu: As long as I'm possessing Gwen, I can revive myself and force end your turn.Rockstar: You what? Fine I end my turn.Amaterasu releases her possession.Amaterasu: All yours Gwen.Gwen: Okay Posses. Great Electrodeity of Freedom, Izanami.Izanami appeared and possessed Gwen.Izanami: Time for me to take charge.Amaterasu: Please Mother. Be careful with her.Izanami: I will don't worry. I cast, Ceremonial, Summoning Ritual. I discard the top 5 cards of my deck and I move as many Size 3 electrodeities to my hand. (Does so) Looks like all 5 of them are, so I move them to my hand.Rockstar: Why does she need a lot of size 3s?Izanami: I cast, Ritual, Harvest Prayer. I draw 3 cards. I call Komaichi to the right and left. And I cast, Ceremonial, Execution of Divine Punishment. Reducing all of Rockstar's card's defense by 3000.Rockstar: Great....

Izanami: Komaichi and the right and left, attack Diabolos Cat and Bird.

Both monsters are defeated.Izanami: My turn. HA. (attacks)Rockstar's Life: 6 -> 2Izanami: Double attack.Rockstar: I cast, Rockstar Ren's Melodious Tunes. Activate second skill. When I have more than 3 size 1s in the dropzone, your cards cannot attack further.Rockstar strums his guitar hard creates a massive soundwave once again through the boombox and blows Izanami away. Izanami is knocked away.Izanami: AHHHHH. (Knocked down)Rockstar: Too bad but your turn is....Izanami: (Interrupts) My ability activates. (Discard 5 size 3 electrodeities) I gain an Extra Turn.Rockstar & Magician: What?Vile Ranma: It's Gwen turn again.Izanami: Alright Amaterasu. All yours. (Release Possession)Gwen: Draw. Charge And Draw. Posses, Amaterasu.Amaterasu posses Gwen.Amaterasu: Thanks Mother. My ability activates. (Draws 2 cards and gain 2 gauge) Another 10000 power and double attack.Rockstar: Garga. Move to the center.Garga moves to the center.Amaterasu: I cast, Ceremonial, Sun of Surpassing. (Paid 1 gauge) All of my cards gain penetrate and critical plus 1.Rockstar: Great.....(Thought) I can't defend (Thought)Amaterasu: I'll start. HA. (Shoots Meteors towards Garga)The meteors destroy Garga and penetrate means the meteors hit Rockstar Ren.Rockstar: AHHHHHH. (Knocked Down)Magician: ROCKSTAR.Rockstar's Flag is destroyed.Amaterasu: I'm not done yet. Komaichi, attack Magician Ren.Magician: I cast, Jumtesta. I gain 5 life.Magician's Life: 3 -> 8 -> 4Amaterasu: Time To End This. I cast, Electrodeity Festival. I can attack again.Magician: Eh.....Oh No.....Amaterasu: This is it. My Last Attack. (Shoots Meteors)Magician took the damage.....Magician: AHHHHHH...Magician's Flag is destroyed. Vile Ranma and Hou Ren's Parents are very surprised at the result.Vile Ranma: No way.....Amaterasu release her possession and came out in full form. Gwen react in surprise.Gwen: I won.....I WON.Vile Ranma: LET'S GO.Hou Ren's Mother: Thank Goodness. (Hugged Hou Ren's Father in relief)Vile Ranma & Gwen: Judgement !!!!Magician Ren and Rockstar Ren end up receiving the judgement as the speakers plays very loud music through their ears. Damaging them. Their deck cases are also destroyed...Hou Ren's parents are shocked in the process....Hou Ren's Mother: Oh my goodness.....why?Hou Ren's Father: It is to get back at us.....When the Judgement was over, Magician and Rockstar faint on the ground. Vile Ranma and Gwen looked at them worried and Ranma change back to his original form.Ranma: Oh dear.....Gwen you did well I'm having second doubts about later.....Gwen: Yeah....but we can't dawdle, we need to keep going.Ranma: Agreed. Shall we?Everyone nod. As they walk away, Magician and Rockstar are lying down on the hallway floor. Magician Ren open his eyes barely and so did Rockstar Ren in an exhausted way.Magician Ren: You know....even though we fought well.Rockstar Ren: Same to you.....So....what do you want to do?Magician Ren: Let's rest for a bit....I'll handle the talking after that....Rockstar Ren: Sure thing.....(close his eyes)Anime Ending: Promise You.Story End.


Hou Ren: It's important to take a break sometimes. And looks like it's time for a ballad. Next time, "Love is in the Air". Join us for a Buddyfight.