Path To Liberation, Love Is In The Air (Chap 25)

Synopsis: Despite the battles are going on, a break is required. And as the full moon shines bright in a beautiful night, two people decided to.....Anime Opening: Knock On Your GateAt his Throne room, Hou Ren was feeling saddened and disappointed that Magician & Rockstar lost as he reacts to them through a screen.Hou Ren: You both did your best.....(Shuts the screen down) (Activates Comms) Garga. Sensei. Retrieve them to the healing bay.Sensei & Garga: Got It.Hou Ren: (Thought in calm rage) They grown stronger....Just Great.....Even still, I won't be swayed by them.....But if I were to lose then....Hou Ren then took out his phone and looks at his pictures of him and Shiloh sharing happy moments together. Looking at them, he smiled sadly.Hou Ren: Shiloh. Can we talk for a sec?Shiloh heard his voice and walks to him.Shiloh: Yes Hou Ren?Hou Ren: Would you...(Pause in surprise) Woah.....You look....Shiloh is wearing a new beautiful pink dress. Her hair became longer a bit. She sparkled bright as a glowing sun as she smiles warmly. Her Aura was even shown.Hou Ren: ....pretty.Shiloh: Do you need something?Hou Ren: Well...One question: Why are you such a goddess? Like why?Shiloh: (Blushing Cutely) Stop...You flatter me.Hou Ren: What's the occasion?Shiloh: I thought why not try a new look and surprise you. But never mind that. What do you want to talk about?Hou Ren: Oh....uh...After a brief transition, the two of them are at the Sanctuary's Arena. They are standing right in front of the full moon.Shiloh: So you're worried that you're gonna lose?Hou Ren: It's not that I'm worried about. It's the aftermath. Like if I lose in a match later, then does this mean we...Hearing this, Shiloh turn from curiosity to warm smile. She comforts him along the way.Shiloh: Don't worry. I know how you feel. It's okay. I don't care that you lose a match or not. I just want to be with you regardless. After all, it's just a game.Hou Ren: Shiloh....She then walks in front and leans herself towards the latter and grab his hands.Shiloh: Wanna know something? My Love for you....kinda grown stronger ever since that accident.....Hou Ren: Is it?Shiloh: Yeah....But please, don't try risking your life like that again Okay? (Leans her head on his chest) I don't want to lose you.....Shiloh begin to cry as tears came out sadly. Feeling surprised and saddened, now it's Hou Ren that's comforting her.Hou Ren: Hey Hey, It's okay.....It's okay. (softly pat her) I'm right here.....(kiss her head)Shiloh felt warm after the kiss and comfort.Shiloh: Regardless, I want to be with you nonetheless. I want to be with you till the end.Hearing this, it's Hou Ren that's being in tears. In terms of emotions, joyful is the only word to describe how he's feeling.Hou Ren: (hug her) I'm glad I met you.Shiloh hug back in respond. It was warm and comfortable as the two did it with smiles on their face. Suddenly, Hou's Blue Aura and Shiloh's Pink Aura awakens, leaving them in surprise. Many glowing white feathers appear and are flying around them.Shiloh: Woah....Hou Ren: What is....As the feathers flew, their aura had their energies combined and it crafted two new cards. The cards slowly fall down until it reaches their fingertips. Looking at it with curiosity, they are surprised.Shiloh: Two cards....Hou Ren: were created?As they look at the cards, the feathers turn into beautiful white birds. They are flying around the scenery. It was completely angelic. Radiant so to speak. The stars shines bright aligning with them. The two of them are curious and Hou puts away his card. Hou Ren: Pretty...Shiloh: Mmmh...Hou Ren: I you want to...well...Shiloh: What is it?Hou Ren lets go of Shiloh and takes off his shoes and took two steps behind Shiloh and offer his right hand.Hou Ren: May I have this dance?Shiloh blushed for a moment and smile in a warm way. She bow in response with a curtsy.Shiloh: Of course you may, My love. (Takes of her shoes and proceeds to take Hou Ren's arm)Hou Ren: This reminds me of a song.As Romantic Music plays in the background, The couple dance in a classical ballet duet style. It was elegant smooth, passionate, graceful. The water ripple and glisten even more as they dance. It's a fascinating sight to see. It was certainly a fascinating sight to see. Suddenly Halfway, Shiloh lose balance. As she's about to fall, Hou Ren catches her just in time and they both look at each other eye to eye while blushing.Shiloh: You didn't have to do that....Hou Ren: I kinda did...didn't I?The duet smile and continue their dance. In one last moment, Shiloh and Hou Ren pulled themselves towards each other and wrapped their arms around each other while smiling.Shiloh: Since when you can dance?Hou Ren: Hey, there's a lot you don't know about me.Shiloh: Come Here.The two embrace and kiss each other once again. It's completely passionate, loving, warm. Just like the first time when they express their feelings towards one another. But as they kiss, suddenly, Large Beautiful Angel Wings appear behind them. Feathers flew out of it and the two stop themselves in shock and are very surprised to see their new wings. Hou Ren: Wha....You...You got Wings!!!Shiloh: Y....You too. How is this...possible?Hou Ren: I don't know...but...this is amazing. So does this mean...Shiloh try flapping her wings and all of the sudden, she's flying in the air.Shiloh: I....I CAN FLY. (Flies around in Joy)Hou Ren feels incredibly surprised as he watches her fly in the air. Joy is the only emotion that's currently displayed and he also flaps his wings and fly in the air. Shiloh: (Stops Midair) You're Flying Too.Hou Ren: I know. This is incredible. I get it now. When I gave you powers via the Mirage Crystal, and when your emotions becomes heightened, you must have unlocked your new wings.Shiloh: I don't think my emotions have to do with it. I mean you didn't give yourself any new powers. Hou Ren: Maybe. Then I guess it's true what they say. Love makes anything possible.Shiloh: (Flies Forward) And I love you. (Pecks his cheek)Hou Ren blushed cutely and smiles. The two kiss each other for a few seconds.Hou Ren: Shall we go down?Shiloh: Sure, but I want to fly some more.Hou Ren: I know you do. But I had some work to do. Shiloh: Aw. Okay. I understand. Let's fly down.The two fly down and land on the waters. Then Garga enters the Arena.Garga: Hello You...(Stuns and Shocked) WHAT? Hou Ren: Garga!!!The two were surprised as they close their wings. Hou Ren: I can explain.Garga: Where did you both acquire those wings?Shiloh: Is that a bad thing?Garga: What? No. This is Wonderful. But How?Hou Ren: Long story short. We kinda talked, received new cards, did a dance and...well it's mostly Love stuff.Shiloh: Yep. What he said.Garga: I see. You both really are something.Hou Ren: Never mind that. Why are you here?Garga: I heard something going on the arena. So I came to check it out.Hou Ren: I see.....Wait, where are the knights? Garga: Lost Ren is facing Light. While Agent is facing Commissioner Tasuku. And the remaining ones are on some sort of errand.Hou Ren: Ah....Wait. (Opens up a screen) This guy....Shiloh: He released his prison.Hou Ren: Darn it. I specifically told him not to.????: Hello? What's going on?Garga: I know that voice.....Once again, they turn their attention towards the Entrance and are surprised to see Eden & Gavrail entering.Hou Ren: (Sternly) Eden....Garga: (Sternly) Gavrail....Eden: (Surprised) Hou Ren.....It really is you....Gavrail: Master Garga...Hou Ren: So you found me at last...???: Hello?Another voice is heard. And Daryl enters the Arena.Hou Ren & Garga: (Angry) YOU.Daryl: Hou...It...It really is you.Shiloh: Who is he?Hou Ren: That's Daryl. The Ace of Study. (To Daryl) You got nerve.Daryl: Hou look. I don't want to fight. I just want to talk.Hou Ren: Uh Huh. Sure. Shiloh. Garga. Leave us.Garga: Are you sure?Hou Ren: I'll be fine. Besides, That's An Order.Shiloh & Garga: Yes, My King.They both bow and leaves the arena. This leaves Hou Ren, Eden & Daryl in the room.Eden: What's going on?Hou Ren's expression turn deadly serious.Hou Ren: We....have a lot to talk about.COTDHou Ren: It's time for....Garga: Hou Ren And Garga'sBoth: CARD OF THE DAY.Hou Ren: Today we're gonna talk about "Hou Ren's finale, Piercing Through Heavens".Garga: It's a very powerful spell card, made specifically for Hou Ren himself. How does it work?Hou Ren: While this spell card can be used in all worlds, you need to pay 1 gauge and 1 life in order to activate one of the two abilities.Garga: You can either nullify an opponent's card when attack of your card fails, OR, you can nullify the card activated by the opponent during the their turn.Hou Ren: Basically, it nullifies cards as mentioned. You just have to decide which one to use. Offense for the first. Défense for the second. Use it well.Hou Ren: So what you think guys?Garga: Think you can open up one of these?Both: You never know until you try.Anime Ending: Promise You.Story End.Preview:Agent: My name is Agent Ren & Commisioner Tasuku is my opponent. You know how this goes. Next time, "Master Vs Apprentice". Join us for a Buddyfight.