Path To Liberation, Master Vs Apprentice (Chap 26)

Synopsis: With the knights out of the arena, Hou Ren confronts the two intruders himself. Meanwhile, Tasuku confronts his former apprentice.

In The Previous stories, battles are concluded. Champions winning and losing in the aftermath. New powers are shown countlessly, and so does emotions. Now, it's time to focus on the next match. Which side will win?

Anime Opening: Knock On Your Date.

Tasuku & his buddy Jackknife Dragon are walking in the hallways of the sanctuary. Feeling incredibly fascinated by the scenery and structure.

Tasuku: (Thought) Interesting....quaint.....How much power was it used.....(Thought)

Jack: Something the matter?

Tasuku: I just felt stunned because of this structure. It's well built.

Jack: I can sense a lot of power used to build this sanctuary. That young man has grown.

Tasuku: Even still…..

Tasuku stops and spots something up ahead. A young man was walking towards them while wearing a blue B.P. uniform. He also wears a blue police hat. White jeans and blue fingerless gloves.

Tasuku: Agent Ren.....

Agent: Commissioner.....

Jack: It's been a while.

Agent: Likewise.

Tasuku: I don't want to fight. I just want to talk.

Agent: Unfortunately, if you want to see him, you have to defeat me first. I made a sworn vow to protect him. Even from you.

Tasuku and Jack felt stern.

Tasuku: Very well. Show me what you got.

Agent Ren pulls out a stage activator. He sets it on the ground and activates it. The pads were created and both fighters step on them. Henceforth, a buddy fight stage is created.

Tasuku: Where's your prison? You're not using it?

Agent: We don't need that now. The Stars Shines Bright while The Moon Shines Dark. Luminize, Dra-Agent "Luna".

Tasuku: Gather. Future Agents Of Cosmos. Time To Go To Work. Luminize, Future Dragoner.

Both: Raise The Flag.

Tasuku: Star Dragon World.

Agent: Star Dragon World...(Thought) This fight. (Thought)

Tasuku: (Thought) This match. (Thought)

Both: (Thought) I will WIN. (Thought)

While this goes on, Hou Ren confronts the two fighters in the Arena. He looks at the full moon with his hands behind him.

Hou Ren: Go ahead ask away.

Eden: I…..Why did you shield yourself away?

Hou Ren remain silent.

Eden: I want to help you. And I don't want you to be like my former self.

Hou Ren: Here's the real question. Why did you team up with those who despise me? This never concerns you in the beginning.

Hearing this, Eden & Daryl are stunned.

Eden: I….

Hou Ren: At the same time, wouldn't you attend your duties as Saint Order's Student Council President? I don't intend to drag those I know for some trivial matter.

Eden: Even still, You need help. You help me once and now it's my turn to help you. I couldn't bear to see the person you are right now.

Hou Ren: By dragging me back to my horrible life? A life where traitors like him (points at Daryl) looks down on me? The whole nation wants me out, Eden. You know it.

Daryl: No Hou Ren. I promise you I've changed. I was wrong. I should have taken you seriously as a friend. I shouldn't have betrayed you.

Hou Ren: Please. I know you're full of lies. Admit, you would prefer me gone. You're forced to be here. You said it yourself, I'm a joke.

Daryl: That's not true. I'll prove it to you. (Shows his deck) Fight me. You won't accept our help, but me & Eden will reach you no matter what.

Eden pulls her deck in agreement. Hou Ren close his eyes in a calm rage.

Hou Ren: Fools. (Pulls out his deck)

Resuming the fight, two turns have passed. Tasuku unleashed new cards with Agent being curious. Both players at 6 life, 2 gauge and 4 hand cards. It's currently Agent's turn.

Agent: What in the...Search Remnant, Safety Beacon, Star & Brave? New cards?

Tasuku: You're not the only one who gained new powers.

Agent: So it seems. Draw. Charge & Draw. Equip. (Equips a new set of Pistols) Agent's Star, Gar & Shadow.

Tasuku: He's got new pistols too.....

Agent: I call Blackout Cat to the left.

Garcat is summoned but he is wearing a dark purple police outfit.

Blackout Cat: We got this cat.

Agent: When placed, I gain a gauge & draw a card. Cast, Shadow Stockpile. I gain 2 gauge, draw 2 cards & Gain 2 life.

Tasuku: Interesting.

Agent: Oh yeah. My flag is also regarded as Hero & Darkness Dragon World Thanks to My Item.

Jack: How is that possible?

Agent: Let's just say...

Agent remembers the moment he got hit by Lost Ren's attack by accident.

Agent: I have a helping hand.

Jack: So you gained Lost Ren's power too....

Agent: Accidents turned to opportunity. Don't underestimate me. Buddycall. (Gain 1 life)

Agent's Garga has summoned.

Agent: I set Blackout's territory. Here goes.

Tasuku: Search Remnant. Move to the center.

Search Remnant move to the center.

Agent: Blackout's territory's effect. During each player's attack phase, I draw a card. Attack.

Garga defeats Search Remnant Twice. And Blackout Cat attacks next, dealing 2 damage.

Agent: Blackout Cat's effect. 1 damage to you.

Tasuku's Life: 4 -> 3

Agent attacks with his pistols.

Tasuku: I cast, Earth Barrier.

Agent: Gar & Shadow's effect. (Pays 1 gauge)

Agent Ren's body suddenly glows in sparkles.

Agent: Blackout's Future, Agent Ren.

All of the sudden, he emerges in his same form but his right side becomes a cyborg. Equipping comms on his left side.

Tasuku: What is.....

Agent: My New Form. During each player attack phase, I can select a monster with "Agent Ren" in its name from my hand and equip it as an item.

Tasuku: I see.

Agent: Blackout's Future's effect. I look at the top 4 cards of my deck. 1 goes to my hand while the rest back to my deck. Here goes.

Agent Ren summons a cyborg cannon and fires at Safety Beacon.

Agent: It hit, I get to attack again and gain 1 life. (Fires Cyborg Arm)

Safety Beacon is destroyed again. Agent fires one more time at Tasuku.

Tasuku: I cast, Proto Barrier.

Agent Ren returns to normal.

Jack: Why did he change?

Agent: When I finished attacking, I must return my form to my deck. I equip my item at no cost. My turn is over.

Tasuku: Interesting.

Agent: Although, there's one more thing.

Tasuku: Which is?

Agent: Even though I'm facing you, I still see you as my superior. That's why earlier I didn't finish you off.

Tasuku: Is that so? Draw. Charge & Draw. I buddycall Star Dragoner, Jackknife Dragon to the right.

Jack enters play.

Tasuku: Jack's ability activate. Crossnize with Elgar Cannon.

Jack Crossnizes.

Tasuku: Cast. Buddy Police Order. (Draw 2 cards) Cast, Buddy Police Recharge. (Gain 2 life & 2 Gauge & Draw 2 cards) It's time.

Agent: Here it comes.....

Tasuku: "Buddy Police Agent" Golden Dragoner, Jackknife to the right.

Jack evolves and turn into his golden form.

Agent: (Thought) Knew It. (Thought)

Tasuku: Buddy Police Agent, Rainbow Scare to the left.

Rainbow Scare: (Summoned) Okay Master.

Tasuku: Rainbow Scare's effect. I move two Dragon Arms from the dropzone to Jack's Soul. J Igniter & Radiant Scudo.

Jack Crossnize even more.

Tasuku: Rainbow Scare. Attack.

Agent: I cast. Blackout's Clone. I change the attack to Blackout Cat.

Rainbow Scare's attack was changed.

Agent: Increase defense by 10000.

Tasuku & Jack: What?

Blackout Cat blocks the attack. He then counterattacks on Jack.

Jack: Ahhhh. (Destroyed)

Tasuku: JACK.

Agent: And 1 damage to you.

Tasuku's Life: 7 -> 6

Jack: (Revives) I'm okay. But I lost Radiant Scudo.

Tasuku: It's fine. Attack the fighter.

Jack: (Attacks) With a critical of 6.

Agent's Life: 11 -> 5

Tasuku: Double attack.

Agent: I cast Agent's Barrier. (Blocks the attack and draws a card) Gar & Shadow. I need your help. (Paid 1 gauge)

Once again, Agent's body glow bright. Now, his body remains the same form but he gains a blue professional jacket with his symbol on it and wear it as a cape. Gar and Shadow become long and powerful laser swords.

Agent: Blackout's Justice, Agent Ren.

Tasuku: What? Another Form?

Agent: I'm full of surprises.

Tasuku: In that case, I'll attack Garga instead. (Shoots)

Agent: Nope. (Pay 1 gauge & 1 hand card)

Agent Ren creates a slash with his swords and slashed the shot.

Agent: Nobody Hurts Garga for this turn. Face Me Instead.

Tasuku: Not bad. Activate Star & Brave's ability. I draw a card and deal 1 damage to you and gain 1 life.

Agent's Life: 5 -> 4

Tasuku: Double attack.

Agent: I cast, Oath Of Agents. (Pays 1 gauge & blocks the attack) Due to it's effect, I gain 10000 defense.

Tasuku: Even still, Star & Brave's effect. (Activates ability)

Agent's Life: 4 -> 3

Tasuku: That's it from me.

Agent closes his eyes and breathes in and out for a second. He open his eyes and become even more serious.

Agent: Draw. Charge and Draw. Cast. Agent Ren's Force Of Justice. Increase Power & defense by 10000. Bonus, Garga's on the field meaning, they also gain penetrate.

Jack: We have his power reduced, and now he's up?

Agent: I cast, Shadow Stockpile. (Gain effects) Here goes.

Tasuku: Jack. Move to the center.

Jack move to the center. Agent Ren use his sabers and creates two slashes towards Jack & Rainbow Scare and destroyed them.

Tasuku: How did Jack & Rainbow Scare got destroyed?

Agent: I can attack all monsters on the opponent's field. (Deals damage) Penetrate.

Tasuku's Life: 8 -> 6

Agent Ren returns to normal and equip Gar & Shadow and shoots Jack.

Tasuku: I cast, Vesper Barrier. (Acquire resources)

Agent: Garga. Cat.

Blackout Cat & Garga successfully destroy Jack. Garga attempts to double attack.

Tasuku: I cast, Tasuku & Jack's Sheer Bond. Another 100000 defense for Jack and I place it into his soul.

Agent: HUH?

Jack powers up as golden energy surges around him.

Agent: You leave me no choice. G-EVO Activate. Change. Cloak and Dagger, Gargantua Midnight.

Garga G-EVOs and he wears a dark trench coat with a blue crystal in his chest and his right side of is cyborg. He equips an arsenal of guns behind him. Jack & Tasuku are surprised.

Agent: Time To End This, Master.

Tasuku: Come On.

Agent: Midnight's ability. I look at the top 3 cards of my deck. One goes to my hand and the rest went back to my deck. When entered by G-EVO, I also gain 10000 power.

Jack: That still won't be enough.

Agent: Gar & Shadow's effect.

Agent Ren once again pay 1 gauge. This time his hat turns dark purple. He wears a dark trench coat with a suit inside. His coat is equipped with items. He also wears black fingerless gloves and a dark half facemask.

Agent: Blackout's Shadow, Agent Ren.

Tasuku: Interesting….

Agent: Let's just say I became myself and Lost Ren. Activating my ability.

Agent destroys Blackout Cat and deal 2 damage to Tasuku.

Agent: Garga.

Garga attacks.

Jack: No use. As Long as I'm here. You'll never…

Garga moves in a dark manner. He teleports left and right and jumps over Jack. They are surprised.

Tasuku: HOW THE?

Agent: Midnight has Shadow Dive.

Tasuku: I cast, Vesper Barrier. (Gain effects)

Agent: Midnight's second ability. When finished attacking, if I have no other monsters on the field, I can stand it back up and his attacks cannot be countered.

Tasuku: Uh Oh.....

Tasuku's Life: 8 -> 5

Agent: My turn.

Agent also moves by shadow and teleports in fast motion. He moves pass Jack and dealt damage to Tasuku.

Tasuku: You have Shadow Dive too?

Agent: I cast. "The Good, The Bad, The Blackout". I stand Midnight back up. And give him an extra critical and 10000 power. Once again, you cannot defend.

Tasuku & Jack: No....

Agent: This is the end for you. Midnight. Finish my former master once and for all.

Midnight moves in the same motion again and finished Tasuku off.....

Tasuku: AHHHHH.....


Tasuku: Not yet..... Cast, Star Jack Revival.

Immediately, Tasuku's wounds are healed as he stands back up.

Agent: WHAT?

Jack: Nice One.

Tasuku nod in response.

Tasuku: Agent Ren. I admit you have grown. But sadly, you still have a long way to go.

Agent: I.....Cast Hyper Energy. Garga Revert. (Return to normal) My turn is over.

Tasuku: Draw. Charge And Draw. Jack Arms J igniter to the left. Crossnize.

Jack Crossnize again and Shadow Scare and Search Remnant are summoned.

Agent: Uh, you do know you can't attack right?

Tasuku: Star And Brave can attack even if I have a monster in the center.

Agent: Say What? Garga. Change to Sonic Mode. (Gain resources)

Tasuku fires his pistols at will.

Agent: I cast, Earth Barrier.

Tasuku: Star & Brave's effect.

Agent's Life: 7 -> 6

Tasuku: Double attack. (Shoot)

Agent: I cast, Heroic Agent's Shield. (Blocks the attack)

Agent's Life: 6 -> 8 -> 7

Tasuku: Jack.

Jack: (Attacks) With a critical of 5.

Agent's Life: 7 - > 2

Tasuku: Double attack.

Jack: Right. (Attacks)

Agent: Even if I defend, Shadow Scare & Search Remnant will finish me off.

Jack lands the finishing blow....

Agent: AHHHHH.....(Knocked Down)

Agent's Flag is eliminated. The Stage disappears.

Jack: Nice One.

Tasuku: Yeah.

Both fist bump each other. Meanwhile, Agent Ren slowly gets back up and felt in regret.....

Agent: I failed.....(Looked Down) I'm sorry Hou Ren.....

Tasuku walks up to his former pupil and offer his hand. Agent felt ashamed.

Agent: I get it. You come to gloat.

Tasuku: Not quite. Although I am displeased of your actions, I'm still very proud of you.

Agent: What?

Tasuku: You fought well. I was only lucky to win when I had Star Jack Revival in my hand.

Agent: Oh.....(Accepts the hand and gets back up)

Tasuku: Agent Ren. I know you had your reasons. But you should have told me about what happened with your brother.

Jack: You both are like sons to us. We were very concern.

Tasuku: Nonetheless, We want to help. But We can't do it alone. Will you help us?

Agent was feeling hesitant but he agrees.

Agent: Okay. I'll take you to where Hou Ren is.

Tasuku: That's my boy. Lead the way.

Agent Ren turns around and walk his direction while Tasuku and Jack follow him. Meanwhile at the Sanctuary's Healing Bay, Blaze Ren & Shiloh are watching after Magician & Rockstar.

Shiloh: Are they going to be okay?

Blaze Ren: They'll be fine, don't worry. They're sleeping at the moment.

Shiloh: Oh....(Phone Rang and pick up the phone) Hello? Really, it's all set?

Blaze Ren: That was quick. Then I guess we better heal them fast.

Shiloh: Right.....I wonder how Agent & Lost Ren are doing.

Blaze: Uh.....(Activates his watch) Uh Oh....Agent Lost....Good thing his prison didn't activate.

Shiloh: Oh no.....(Thought) It's up to you. Good Luck. (Thought)

Anime Ending: Promise You.

Story End.


Light: One last battle to go and I'm here taking Lost Ren on. Let's see what new powers he got. Next time, "Countdown to Demise". Join us for a Buddyfight.