Path To Liberation, Confrontment (Chap 28)

Synopsis: At last, the young king and his greatest adversaries met face to face. Confronting them face to face and refusing to accept their pleas. Gwen wants to save him but...In the previous story, Lost Ren & Light face each other. They both try to win automatically. Fortunately, Lost Ren reigns victorious. Finally, it's time to face the final boss. What's going to happen next?Anime Opening: Knock On Your Gate.At the arena, everyone was staring at the young king with worry. Agent & Lost however remain calm and stern instead. Eden & Daryl are being taken care of by Light & Gwen. Hou Ren remains calmly hateful.Gwen: Hou Ren....Hou Ren's Father: Son...Hou Ren: Don't you "son" me. I'm not your son or your friend. Traitors.They felt hurt when he said that out loud. Fear goes through their faces.Ranma: I...We came to take you back.Hou Ren: (Closed his eyes and becomes menacing) What is with people nowadays? You say something but it's absolute trash.They all feel even more scared while Lost Ren & Agent walk and stand beside their brother.Hou Ren: I don't understand. What part of "Please Don't Come & Find Me" do you not understand? Why can't I just live my Life? (Enraged with his eyes wide) Haven't I suffered ENOUGH?Ranma: We don't want to fight.Light: We just wanna talk.Hou Ren: LIAR.Agent: After everything between us.....Lost Ren: There's nothing to talk about.Hou Ren: Yeah. Because we're nothing but rejects. Isn't it?All of them felt even more worried and hurt.Hou Ren: Do you have any idea how much I have to endure every single day? No matter what I do, I get judged badly. Every day, I get tarnished. I really am a joke huh?Agent: Were people grateful when he saved them from our enemies? No. Instead of a thank you, he was accused of setting it all up.Lost Ren: Was he even trusted and allied when he was mistreated? NO. The only thing that happened was pure neglect. Stupid.Hou Ren: And every day we have to face unfair backlash like we're villains despite no wrong. WOW. This sickens me a lot.Gwen: That's Not True. You're not villains. You guys are friends to us.Hou Ren: Then Answer Me This. Where were you when I needed help? That's when I needed you most and you weren't even there. After all, you stabbed me, insulted me, left me in my own pain to ROT. Gwen: I...We...Agent: Luckily it's thanks to us that we're able to liberate ourselves from this madness. Hou wouldn't have seen the error of his ways. He also wouldn't have defeated that traitorous Ms Shafi. Lost Ren: Alongside the fact that he was able to wake everyone up with a victory. But despite that, you all had to come here and ruin our life. WHY? Are Our Souls Being OWNED? ANSWER ME!Ranma: No Lost Ren. We're not trying to take away your life.Gwen: We just want to make things right with you.Hou Ren: SHUT UP. People like you sicken me. You have no say.Everyone feels even scared.Hou Ren: Moreover.....Ranma, Commissioner, Light. I don't understand. Why did you choose to team up with them? This doesn't concern you.Tasuku: I know Hou Ren. But you're like a son to me. I was really concerned about what you're going through.Ranma: Yeah man. I don't want you to be like my past self too.Light: We came to save you.Hou Ren: I only have 6 words: I don't want to be saved. I want you out.Eden & Gwen become even more worried.Eden: (Thought) He's changed. (Thought)Gwen: (Thought) And we're the ones to blame.... (Thought)Hou Ren then heard a knock from one of the entrances to the arena.Hou Ren: Come In.The remaining knights, including Garga & Shiloh & Bros enter the arena.Hou Ren: So there you are.Kaizer: Hou no offense but you should have told us something is going on.Hou Ren: But weren't you guys in some sort of errand?Blaze: Yeah. But still.Hou Ren: You're right. I'm sorry. Then again....(Points at Tasuku at the rest) Turn left.The knights turn their attention.Trickstar: (Disapproved) Not You Guys Again.Garga: (Disapproved) You just had to step in.Shiloh: So they're the ones you guys talked about?Kaizer: Yeah, Shiloh. They're the ones who held me hostage. They just don't know how to read the signs. I swear, they're blind. Ranma: Ahhhhh That's It. (Point at his former rival) Fight Me Right Now, Hou Ren. I dare you.Everyone's surprised.Hou Ren: Why?Ranma: I've been wanting to face you for a while. And I want to speak my heart out. If I win, you have to come home with us no matter what.Hou Ren: And what if you lose?Ranma: Then you can do whatever you want. And we won't come back to this place.Hou Ren: Fine. You asked for it.Gwen: Wait. Ranma. I'm the one who should be facing him. It's because of me he's become like this.Ranma: Gwen...Fight hard.Gwen nods.Hou Ren: Wow....Some Deal You Got. Guess I have to take out two birds with one stone.Shiloh: Two can play in that game. Hou Ren, let me fight her. Please.Again, Hou Ren felt surprised.Garga: Are you sure? I know you got your first win, ((break the 4th wall) twice actually) but still.Shiloh: I know. But I want to see for myself if she even is worthy of facing you. Give Me A Chance.Hou Ren & Garga feel reluctant but they nod in response.Hou Ren: Don't hold back.Shiloh: I won't let you down.Hou Ren moves back and lets Shiloh step forward. Gwen however felt curious and surprised.Gwen: Wait I thought you.....Hou Ren: If you want to fight me, Defeat Shiloh first.Shiloh: You intercepted so I might as well do the same thing.Gwen: I.....Very well.A stage arises from the sacred pool of water. Both Fighters step on. Shiloh then transforms into her true form, which consists of the outfit she used against Natalie.Gwen: No Prison?Shiloh: Why do we even need it? (Holds Up her deck) Once Upon A Time, The Maiden Blossoms Bright. Luminize, Folktale Wonderland.Gwen: Purge Evil. Purify The Unclean. Luminize....Wisteria Heavenly Light.All: Buddy...Fight.Both: Raise the Flag.Shiloh: Dungeon World.Gwen: Katana World.Hou Ren: Gwen will go first.Gwen: Draw. Charge & Draw. Equip. Kagura Emblem Of Self Sacrifice. (Equips her emblem) Posses. Radiant Electrodeity, Ameno Wakahiko. (Possessed)Ameno: Here goes. (Summons his bow and attack)Shiloh's Life: 10 -> 8Ameno: My turn is over. (Return to hand cards)Shiloh: Draw. Charge and Draw. Equip. Folktale's Blade, Slayer Biblio. (Pays 1 gauge & 1 life)Shiloh equips a new sword and the wind blows through her jacket as she stabs it and taps it in a brave manner.Blaze: (Stoked) Woah.Sensei: She's One Of Us.Shiloh: Buddycall. (Gains 1 life)Emma appears on the right.Emma: What's this? An Encore Performance? You couldn't get enough of me, can you?Shiloh: Jordan to the center. (gain effects) Alice to the left. And I set Happiness Wonderland.Both cards are summoned respectively.Shiloh: I cast, Folktale's Lovely Companions. Look at the top 5 cards of my deck. Two for Wonderland and Two For Biblio. I add the remaining one to my hand.Shiloh does so as follows.Lost Ren: Impressive. She increased her hand cards and soul. And with Happiness Wonderland, her hand increases even more.Shiloh: You know Gwen. I heard a lot about you. I'm aware you used to be his previous crush before rejecting him.Gwen: Yeah and?Shiloh: A few people accused him, looked down on him, and abandoned him despite being saved once. (Shakes head and sigh) I don't have to guess to tell that you're one of them.Gwen: I am...I want to make amends.Shiloh: I'll only say it once. If Hou Ren lost trust in you, then I'm the same way. Shiloh's Aura glows bright. Lost Ren & Gwen are seeing in surprise. Shiloh's eyes becomes so brave that it matches the eyes of a sharp eagle, marking on it's prey. Marking the sign of her determination. Shiloh: He suffered enough. I won't let you lay a finger on him.Hou Ren: (Calmly surprised) Shiloh...Shiloh: Everyone. Attack the fighter one at a time.Gwen starts receiving damage from Jordan & Alice. Shiloh moves Jordan to Biblio's soul. Alice stands back up.Gwen: Amaterasu.Amaterasu appears in full form & possesses Gwen.Amaterasu: Ability activates. I gain 10000 defense.Hou Ren: But, Happiness Wonderland is still active. For each card in the soul, Shiloh's cards are enhanced by 5000.Shiloh: And I cast Reduction Curse. I reduce your defense by 9000.Amaterasu: 9000?Agent: In other words, Amaterasu has 11000 defense.Shiloh: Alice.Gwen's Life: 8 -> 6Emma: My turn. (Attacks)Gwen's Life: 6 -> 2Amaterasu: I thought Emma had a critical of 2.Shiloh: When Wonderland has more than 3 soul cards, all folktales gain 2 critical.Emma: Double attack.Amaterasu: I cast, Freed Flower Of Yosen. Your turn is forced to end.Shiloh: What?Emma's attack was blocked.Elijah: Aww, so close.Sensei: It's okay. She can do this.Amaterasu releases her possession. Gwen feels extremely desperate.Gwen: No matter what you say, I will make things right no matter what. (Thought) I must win. I must reach him. I just have to... (Thought)With that expression, Shiloh, Garga & Lost Ren felt something strange.Garga: You felt that?Lost Ren: Hmmm.Gwen: Draw. Charge & Draw. Posses, Susanoo. (Possessed)Susanoo: Komaichi to the left. And Micott to the right.Both monsters were summoned respectfully.Susanoo: Double Cast. Ceremonial, Blissful Guidance. (Gain Resources) Ability activates. (Pays 1 life) Komaichi. Defeat Emma.Komaichi: Acknowledged. (Attacks)Emma lost a soul card.Shiloh: I cast. Hou Ren & Shiloh: The Yin & Yang.With that spell, A giant pink Yin & Yang spell is cast across the field. Everyone is surprised.Susanoo: What did you do?Shiloh: You'll find out eventually.Micott attacks.Shiloh: Slayer Biblio's effect. (Pays 1 life)Emma returns to the hand while Jordan takes her place.Blaze: She traded her monster with another one?Kaizer: I guess that way she can save Emma. With Slayer Biblio, Gwen receives one damage.Blaze: And with Jordan, she gains 1 life.Shiloh stabs the ground with her sword and lightning comes from below and electrocutes the opponent.Susanoo: My turn. (Shoots Lightning) 1 damage to you.Susanoo dealt 3 damage twice in total.Shiloh's Life: 9 -> 3Agent: This is bad. If the next attack lands, Shiloh will lose.Susanoo: This will end you.Shiloh: I cast. Deadly Serious Teuffel. (Blocks the attack)Shiloh's Life: 2 -> 4Susanoo: Not bad. I cast...Once again, the pink Yin & Yang symbol appears and Susanoo's spells disappear.Susanoo: What?Shiloh smirks in response.Susanoo: I cast...Again, Susanoo's spell vanished.Daryl: Gwen's spells keep vanishing.Shiloh: Don't even think about it. I know you're planning to cast Electrodeity Festival And Your Impact. Am I wrong?Everyone was surprised while Hou Ren was looking with pride with his arms crossed. In a flashback, he remembers the moment they received new cards. One of the cards was Yin & Yang.Shiloh: To be precise, I already know how you fought. I watched your fight alongside Ranma against Magician & Rockstar. I was able to study how you play and so on.Hou Ren: Well I be. Even I don't know about it.Susanoo: No.....My turn is over.....(Release possession)Gwen: No...I was supposed to win.Trickstar: Who would have thought Shiloh predicted Gwen's Next move.Sensei: She's improved.Shiloh: Draw. Charge & Draw. Emma to the right.Emma: (Summoned) Here I am.Shiloh summons more monsters to aid her.Shiloh: Cast. Hands Down. Discard two cards from your hand.Gwen is forced to discard.Gwen: Amaterasu. Now.Amaterasu: Right. (Posses Gwen) Ability activates.Shiloh: It doesn't matter. Christa. Alice. Attack Micott one at a time.Both: Right. (Attacks)Amaterasu: Double Cast. Wisteria Sun Mirror.Gwen's Life: 6 -> 10Alice: Ability activates.Christa went to Biblio's soul. And Alice attacks again.Amaterasu: I cast. Art of Body Replacement.Shiloh: Emma.Emma attacks twice but Amaterasu defends twice. Now, Shiloh attacks.Amaterasu: I cast. Ceremonial, Fire Mirror. (Blocks the attack) I won't lose.Shiloh: I cast. Shiloh's Feathers Of Truth. (Pays 1 gauge & 1 life)All of a sudden, tons of angelic feathers fly down and weave around everyone's cards and return them to their hand. Everyone's surprised.Shiloh: All monsters on both player's fields cannot stay on the field. Their souls are discarded and thus, they're returned to the hand.Hou Ren: And Shiloh gets to pick up to three monsters from her hand and call them at no cost.Shiloh: Emma. Jordan. Christa. REVIVE.All three monsters were revived.Magician: (Excited) She's gonna win.Shiloh: This is for Hou Ren...All of you, Finish her off.All: Gladly.All Monsters attack.....Amaterasu: Even if I defend...I can't survive.Amaterasu was defeated by the attacks.....Amaterasu: AHHHHHH.....Gwen's Flag is destroyed.Hou Ren: Game over. Winner. Shiloh Nelson.Elijah: She...She did it.Shiloh brothers are excited and...Draknights(minus Lost Ren): LET'S GOOOOO!!!!!!!Lost Ren: (To Hou Ren while feeling impressed) You taught her well.Hou Ren & Garga nod in agreement. Shiloh was feeling in stun. But then.....Shiloh: (Cheerful) I DID IT. I REALLY WON!!!!However, it seems not everyone is in smiles.....Daryl: Gwen.....Lost.....Ranma: How.....what.....Tasuku: (Thought) How much....has he taught her?Shiloh places her deck away and suddenly they heard a clapping.Hou Ren: I got to be honest, Shiloh. That was one of the best matches I'd ever seen. Shiloh: Thank you. But...I lost.Hou Ren: Why?Shiloh: I was only able to draw Yin & Yang thanks to Lovely Companions. I don't feel honest when I only win by sheer luck.Lost Ren: (feels impressed) Is that so? I respect that.Shiloh: Besides, I also sense her desperation. I couldn't figure out why and I think you should fight her.Lost Ren: I agree. I think Gwen's fullest can be unleashed through fighting you.Garga: Hou. I insist you fight her as well. I can also sense something from her.Hou Ren: (Surprised for a moment) Very well.Shiloh nods before realizing something else.Shiloh: Oh right. I want to give you this. (Hands a card from her deck)Hou Ren: What's this?Shiloh: Well....(hugs him) Happy Birthday, Hou Ren.Hou Ren feels so surprised and suddenly the knights pop Party Poppers.Draknights(Minus Lost Ren): Surprised!!! Happy Birthday, Hou Ren. (Party Blowers)Hou Ren: (Happily astonished) didn't...this is all for me?Ranma: Wait what...(check his phone) It really is...Daryl: Wha !? How old is he?Hou Ren's father: Sixteen...I forgot...Hou Ren: I didn't tell you my birthday is today. How did you know?Shiloh: Your brothers told me about it. Surprised?Hou Ren: I am.Elijah: We even baked a birthday cake. Chocolate Strawberry.Hou Ren: My favorite.Trickstar: And we prepared a birthday party back at the mansion. You should see how it goes.A flashback reveals some of the brothers preparing the party. Some are messing up. Some are preparing their best. Eventually, it's done.Hou Ren: (Happy tears) So that's why...Thank you so much. (Squeeze her in joy) You're so sneaky you know that. Hmm. Come here.Shiloh: Okay Okay, Cheesy. Hehe.Hou Ren: (Stops) But wait first okay? I'll be right back.They let go of each other gently and He walks forth and confronts the fallen Maiden.Gwen: You...Hou Ren: You want to face me yes? I'm giving you the chance. But over.Gwen stares in fear.Anime Ending: Promise You.Hou Ren: It seems I have to get past one last hurdle before facing Ranma. Next time, "Harshness". Join us for a Buddyfight.Story End.