Path To Liberation, Harshness (Chap 29)

Synopsis: Despite Shiloh's victory, the couple senses something is up with Gwen. So Hou Ren faces her. Along the way, Gwen wants to.....

In the previous story, the intruders arrive and the knights confront them. Ranma challenges Hou Ren to a fight but Gwen steps to the plate. Shiloh also steps up and once again, Shiloh is victorious. However, despite the win, Shiloh wants Hou Ren to fight her.

Anime Opening: Knock On Your Gate

From the top of the Arena to the scenery of the Arena where two groups confront one another. The young king holds out his deck. Feeling calmly stern he looks at his deck with his own eyes.

Hou Ren: To think it's finally my turn to fight. Why did things become like this? So much for being liberated...

Gwen: Hou Ren....I don't want to fight. But if this is the only way then I will.

Hou Ren: By all means...

Gwen: Purge evil, purify the unclean. Luminize! Wisteria Heavenly Light!

Hou Ren: A deity dragon brigade expects the unexpected and strikes back. Come On. Luminize, Dradeity...Exspecta.

All: Buddy...Fight.

Both: Raise the flag.

Gwen: Katana World.

Hou Ren: Dragon World.

Gwen: Wait what?

Hou Ren: Did you honestly think I was gonna use my Dragon Ein Deck? I know you guys have planned strategies, so I decided to switch things up a bit. And my hunch is correct.

Gwen & Ranma: (Thought while being surprised) He saw right through us. (Thought End)

Gwen: Regardless. I will win. Draw. Charge and Draw. Komaichi to the center.

Komaichi: (Summoned) To fight or not to fight.

Gwen: Equip, Kagura Emblem of Selfless Worship. Komaichi, attack the fighter.

Hou Ren's Life: 10 -> 8

Gwen: My turn is over.

Blaze: Make us Proud Bro.

Elijah: You got this.

Hou Ren: Draw. Charge & Draw. Equip.....

Hou Ren equips a new sword. A gold sword with green linings around them...

Hou Ren: Deity Dragon Sword, Garblade.....Exspecta.

Lost Ren: (Curiosity Piqued) That sword.....

Garga: That's right. It's the same sword I gave him earlier.

Hou Ren: Thanks Garga. I owe you one.

Garga: Don't mention it. But focus.

Hou Ren: Right. I call Garcat "Exspecta" to the right.

Garcat: (summoned) Oh yeah, It feels good to be me, cat.

Hou Ren: Gardog "Exspecta" to the left.

Gardog: (summoned) You howl, I answer dog.

Hou Ren: When placed, they increase my gauge by 2. Garcat lets me draw and Gardog pulls a Dragod to my hand. Cast Gar Oracle. (Draw 2 cards)

Eden: He increased his hand so quick.

Hou Ren: Garcat.

Garcat: (summons his saber) Right. (Attacks)

Komaichi is defeated.

Gardog: My turn. (summon cannons from behind)

Gwen's Life: 9 -> 7

Hou Ren then wields his sword and attacks with Garblade.

Gwen's Life: 7 -> 5

Hou Ren: My turn is over.

Ranma: I'm surprised. I thought Hou Ren would call Garga immediately.

Daryl: Just wait and see, man. (Thought) I've been there (Thought)

Gwen: Draw. Charge & Draw. I want to confess something.

Hou Ren: What is it?

Gwen: I....have a crush on you.

Hou Ren: What?

Draknights: WHAT?

Trickstar: No Way. You don't have a crush on him.

Gwen: I do.....When you left that day...I miss you... a lot. I kept seeing you on my mind. Even in my dreams. I refuse to admit first but this whole time I have a crush on you.

Blaze: Woah Woah Woah. Hold Up. You? Have a crush On Him? You rejected him remember?

Gwen: I know that. But still...My mind is made up. I didn't know what I did would affect you. Ranma even shared with me your issues and I want to help.

Ranma nod in response.

Hou Ren: Shut your mouth.

Everyone felt a bit surprised.

Hou Ren: Two things. One, I was immature. Two, you're not my crush, you're my greatest weakness.

Gwen: (Heartbroken) I...

Hou Ren: Every day, I prayed for help. But they were never answered. This world has forgotten about me. You've forgotten about me.

Gwen: No...

Hou Ren: So if you're saying that you have a crush on me means you can just ignore what you did in the past. NO. If I'm forgotten then I'm forgotten. Especially by dirtbags like you.

Everyone felt shocked when he said that.

Garga, Ranma & Shiloh: (Worried) You don't mean that....

Hou Ren: I DO.....(Bangs the Playmat) I don't want your stupid lies. I know you're just trying to deceive me. Newsflash, but you and your friends...are nothing but POISON.

Tasuku's side felt heartbroken to see that their friend would say such a thing.

Shiloh & Gwen: No...

Lost Ren: I can feel his hatred. Growing.

Hou Ren's blue aura glows bright. But it's so incredibly sinister and powerful as it burns like blue flames. His hateful expression becomes more demonic. Gwen feels incredibly scared but stands bravely.

Gwen: (Thought) I will save you. (Thought) Amaterasu, lend me your strength. Bring Hou Ren to the light.

Amaterasu: As you wish. (Posses Gwen) If my buddy wants you home, I will grant her wish. I cast, electrodeity return. Komaichi and Micott to my hand and I call them to the right and left.

Both Monsters summoned respectfully.

Amaterasu: My ability activates. (Draw 2 cards and gain 2 gauge) Komaichi. Deal with Garcat.

Hou Ren: I cast. Dragon Guard. (Brace himself) I take on the attack.

All: What?

Hou Ren takes on the attack.

Hou Ren: (Smirks) Now you've done it. GARCAT.

Garcat: You dealt damage to Hou Ren. You'll pay for that. (Shoots lightning from his claws)

Gwen's Life: 6 -> 5

Gwen's hand is also discarded by 1.

Gardog: And my ability activates. (Fires his cannon)

Gwen's gauge is reduced.

Amaterasu: My gauge.

Hou Ren: Save some for me. (Stabs the ground)

Amaterasu is electrocuted from below as she screams.

Gwen's Life: 5 -> 3

Ranma: Wait What?

Daryl: It's how he beat me and Eden.

Eden: When he takes damage, he strikes back.

Hou Ren: If I have any regrets, is that I should have dealt with you sooner. Now you know what pain feels like.

Amaterasu: No...This is wrong...You're not like this. You never fight like this.

Hou Ren: Sadly for you. All things were crossed the moment you stepped in. Are you done or not?

Amaterasu: I...Micott. Attack Garcat.

Garcat is defeated.

Garcat: I failed....(Destroyed)

Hou Ren & Garga: Garcat!!!!

Micott proceeds to attack Gardog.

Hou Ren: I cast. Dragosucceed. Sorry Gardog.

Gardog: You better win. (Destroyed)

Hou Ren's Life: 4 -> 6

Eden: He destroyed his own ally.

Amaterasu: My turn. (Attacks)

Hou Ren's Life: 6 -> 1

Amaterasu: Double attack.

Agent: Amaterasu's attack cannot be avoided.

Shiloh: Oh No.....

Hou Ren: I cast, Exspecta's Resilience. (Pays 1 gauge) If I have taken at least 5 damage, 25000 defense.

Amaterasu: What?

Hou Ren's aura glows and blocks Gwen's punch with his hand.

Hou Ren: You think just because you evolve, you're a match for me? Tch Tch Tch.

Hou Ren grips Gwen's hand even harder and holds her down. Amaterasu felt scared.

Hou Ren: You see. You only trained yourself for a week.....while I trained for over a month.....You never stood a chance.

Hou Ren singlehandedly swings Amaterasu back, making her fall to the ground.

Amaterasu: Ahhhh...Ough.

Hou Ren: And come to think of it, you lost to Shiloh, who has less experience than you. Sure she won by luck but even still...She shows promise, skill, and a bright resolve.

Shiloh: (Warmed) Hou Ren...

Hou Ren: You, however, I see nothing from you. All I see are lies and what happened earlier proves that.

Amaterasu: I...

Ranma: He is like my past self...

Garga: My Buddy...

Amaterasu: Hou Ren...You don't deserve to be forgotten. Even I know this. Remember when you save Shiloh from a car accident?

Hou Ren: What about it?

Amaterasu: My buddy told me something earlier herself. She said you are more than just who you are. I believe in that as well because, to all of us, you're a kindhearted selfless person.

Hou Ren: What?

Amaterasu: Truth be told, you even made Gwen's love for you stronger.

Hou Ren, Shiloh & Garga: WHAT?

Ranma: She's telling the truth. I heard from herself as earlier speaking with Amaterasu alone before deploying.

Hou Ren's Father: And what you did back there proved me wrong about you being self-centered. I'm proud of you...Son.

Tasuku and everyone else nod in agreement. Hou Ren however remains shadowed.

Hou Ren: What a joke. Open your eyes.

Everyone feels surprised.

Hou Ren: Made your love stronger? I'm your son? Are you just saying that if I don't save Shiloh's life then I'm none of those things? In fact, Are you also saying that if I don't defeat that traitorous vixen then I'm a fraud?

Ranma: What?

Hou Ren: (Bang the playmat) It's true. I saved Shiloh's life. But I only did it because I cared for her. I didn't do it just to gain your stupid approval. I'm not the same pathetic man you once knew.

Shiloh & Garga: Hou Ren...

Amaterasu: No...that's not true. And I'll...or rather we, will prove it. I cast. Electrodeity festival. I get to attack again.

Lost Ren: Predictable. He has 25000 defense. She doesn't have enough power.

Amaterasu: I cast. Ceremonial, Execution of Divine Punishment. I reduce your defense by 3000.

Hou Ren: What?

Amaterasu: This will end you. (Jumps) Please Hou Ren, Come Home.

Hou Ren stares at her attack. His emotion remains unfazed. Amaterasu comes out in her true form and strikes her opponent. Hou Ren gets knocked down. His eyes are completely shadowed. Everyone's surprised.

Hou Ren's Life: 1 -> 0

Ranma: Gwen....did it...

Daryl: Incredible...

Unfortunately to their surprise, Hou Ren gets up. He takes out a hand card tosses it into his dropzone and pays one gauge.

Hou Ren: I cast...Hou Ren & Shiloh's...

Shiloh hears her name mentioned as she recognizes the card...

Both: Unwavering Love...

All of a sudden, Feathers fly down and swirl around the young king intensively. He feels the power of those feathers. Like's he feeling blessed. His eyes glow as behind him appears several spirit wings.

Hou Ren's Life: 0 -> 10

All: WHAT?

Ranma: 10 LIFE?

Hou Ren: (Echoed Voice) Nobody defeats me...NOT EVEN YOU.

The feathers slowly turn back into the card and softly land on Hou Ren's fingertips. Hou Ren returns to normal. He remembers Shiloh giving him a card. That card was unwavering love.

Hou Ren: Thanks, Shiloh. Your blessing will not be in vain.

Shiloh was surprised but then she smiled.

Shiloh: You're welcome. Happy to help.

Hou Ren: (nods) Since my hand cards are three or less, I draw until I have 6 cards in my hand. (Does So)

Agent: Incredible...

Ranma: What in the world...

Eden: that card?

Amaterasu: (Despaired) It can't be...I...end my turn.

Amaterasu released her possessions.

Gwen: Again...How can this be?

Hou Ren: I told you. You lack resolve. My turn.

Gwen feels afraid.

Hou Ren: Draw...Charge...and...DRAW. EQUIP...Deity Dragonfang, Gargasabre...Exspecta. (Equips an item on his left hand)

Hou Ren wields and spins them in a kung-fu stance.

Ranma: What?

Light: Two Items?

Hou Ren: (Place Garblade behind him) I cast, Boost On. And I.....Buddycall.

Garga: (appears) All Are Powerless Before My Blade.

Gwen: There's Garga.

Garga: I must admit Hou Ren. Earlier when you cast that spell, I was so amazed on how beautiful it is. And when you pointed out Gwen's flaws too, even I did not notice that you become much of a master.

Hou Ren: I know Garga. But believe me, I still have a long way to go to reach the rank of a master. For now, I'm just a champion, a leader, a teacher and of course, your buddy. 

Garga: So even when you become somewhat dark, you remain humble as ever. Very impressive, My friend.

Hou Ren: (Nods) Garbird "Exspecta" to the left.

Garbird: Finally, this bird gets to fight.

Hou Ren: Garbird increases all of my card's power by 5000. (Destroys one life) By taking one damage, increase all critical by 1.

Eden: Wait...He also took damage...that means...

Hou Ren's sword blasts lightning towards Gwen.

Gwen's Life: 3 -> 1

Eden: Oh no. She's on edge.

Hou Ren draws a card. He notices what he drew in calm shock. He smiles warmly.

Hou Ren: Hey Shiloh.....(Stab the floor with GargaSabre while offering his left hand) Want to fight together?

Shiloh is feeling hesitant but she smiles.

Shiloh: I thought you never asked.

She gladly takes Hou Ren's hand and steps onto stage. After equipping the swords, the two look at each other and then look at Gwen as they hold their swords in a prepared stance.

Ranma: Woah....

Lost Ren: Well I'll be.

Hou Ren: Ready?

Shiloh: Yep.

Hou Ren: I cast...Wings.

Shiloh: Of.

Both: Freedom.

Suddenly, their Wings awaken. The wings are incredibly beautiful & radiant and feathers came out of it. Everyone is very shocked as they fly into the air.

Shiloh's Brothers: WHAAAAAT????? (Going excited on loop)

Kaizer: (Excited) THEY GOT WINGS????

Blaze: (Excited) HOW?

Hou Ren: I don't know why but this kinda makes me blush. 

Shiloh: Same...Race You.

Hou Ren: You're on.

They flap their wings and fly fast while carrying their swords...

Gwen: Amaterasu. (possessed)

Amaterasu: Ability activates.

Shiloh: No Use. Our Power is at 24000 combined.

Amaterasu: WHAT? I forgot...Garbird's ability. Cast, Wisteria Sun Mirror. (Blocks the attack)

Hou Ren: Garga. Garbird. Go.

Both: Right.

Garga launches his swords and Garbird enhances them with eye lasers.

Amaterasu: Cast. Sol Aurora. (Blocks the attack) Garga cannot stand.

Garga: What?

Hou Ren: Looks like my turn is done.

With that said, Amaterasu releases her possession. However, both of their wings glow even brighter. Feathers are swirling around them like crazy.

Gwen: Wha....what's going on...

Shiloh: Wings of freedom. Not only cleans our dropzone...It also gives us an Extra Turn.

All: WHAT?

Shiloh: Garga.

Garga: Got it, Shiloh. (Attacks)

Gwen: I cast. Art of Body Replacement. Also posses. (Possessed)

Amaterasu possesses Gwen again and activates her ability.

Shiloh: I cast, Gar-Up. Increase power by 20000.

Amaterasu: WHAT?

Garga attacks and deals damage.

Hou Ren: Garbird, you're next.

Garbird shoots his lasers and also deals damage. Hou Ren also flaps his wings and attacks with his sword, dealing damage.

Shiloh: This will end you. (Attacks)

Amaterasu: I cast. Ceremonial Water Mirror. (Blocks the attack) You have no attacks left. I win.

Hou Ren: In your dreams. I cast "Hou Ren's Finale, Piercing through Heavens". I nullify your spell.

With that being cast, Shiloh's sword is enhanced with lightning. She flies forward and pierce the mirror in just one go. The mirror shatters to debris. Everyone is shocked.

Amaterasu: WHAT?....Impossible.

Shiloh flies up high. Her wings are sharp and strong. With a sharp edge of her sword, she flies forward and pierces through Gwen's chest like it's no tomorrow.

Amaterasu: Ahhhh...

Gwen's Flag is destroyed. The couple hold hands and held them up high excitedly.


Draknights: ALRIGHT.

Magician: New Cards. New Wings. And a two on one. Now that's what I call "razzle and dazzling up the opponent".

Elijah: I know. Talk about an Epic Comeback.

The two look at each other with cheerful smiles and sparkly eyes. They hug each other as they made their wings disappear.

Hou Ren: Hey, about my behavior just now, I'm so sorry about it.

Shiloh: That's okay. I really felt your anger. Believe me, I would have done the same thing in your shoes. 

Hou Ren: Promise me you won't be like that.

Shiloh: Of course I will. There's no one I rather be like and be with than you.

The two look eye to eye and kiss each other. It's passionate and soft as they continue embracing each other. 

Trickstar: Okay yep they're busy. 

Rockstar: Come On. Love hits hard.

The remaining knights react with smiles. But...

Eden: Wait...

Ranma: You guys...

Gwen: Are dating?

They heard their response and stop themselves.....

Gwen: (Thought) So that's why..... (Thought)

Hou Ren: What can I say? I found my true love.

Shiloh: What he said.

They both stand and cuddle.

Gwen: I.....I see. (In Tears)

Eden is also in tears.

??? : It's not over yet.

Everyone then looks at Ranma. He just transformed to his Vile Form. He is more like his old self in the Ace Buddyfighter Playoffs.

Vile Ranma: We still have a score to settle. Old friend.

Hou Ren turns serious again while gently letting Shiloh Go.

Hou Ren: Just like Old times.

Both face Eye to Eye to each other. Their Glares are bright and scary.

Anime Ending: Promise You.

Story End.