Path To Liberation, Reunion (Chap 33)

Synopsis: Six months have passed with everyone returned to their daily lives. Unfortunately, chaos strucked once again as.....

In a dark room, there is a desk with a computer with some documents on the table. An unknown silhoutte entered and grabbed the documents. The documents revealed to be photos of a few certain people. It tossed them on the ground before sticking them with knives.

???: Revenge will be mine.

Anime Opening: Black & White.

A bright morning appears above the school. From the school's foyer to the hallways to an English Class. Ms Lydia was talking about shakesphere while Everyone else is taking down notes, including Hou Ren.

Ms Lydia: So as we all observe right here, you can see that this part of the book includes a dramatic cliche. The emotion of the scenario is....

After a few minutes, the bell ranged and it's lunchtime. 

Ms Lydia: Okay everyone, we'll continue tommorow. For Now, Have A Nice Lunch Break.

The Scene then switches to the Cafeteria. Gwen and her friends then sits on a table.

Gwen: (Exhausted) Ugh....I thought there's no ending to that lecture. Thank gosh We can finally eat. (Opens her Lunchbox and reveals her gourmet lunch, Lemon and blue cheese pasta) 

Natalie: Woah, that looks good. 

James: Pfft....That's nothing compared to my lunch. (Opens his lunchbox and reveals some Aglio Olio. He then takes a bite out of the Aglio Olio and.....) SPICYYYYYY. 

Masato: I went ahead and add somemore.

James: (Angry as his face went red) Masato.....

Later James noticed Hou Ren sitting infront of them, about to take his lunch. He puts on his earphones and listen to some music from his phone. They sat beside him.

Masato: Mind if we join you?

Hou Ren: Uh not at all. Go ahead.

Gwen: What you listening to?

Hou Ren: Just.....a new song....from a certain someone.

Daryl: Oh.....her.....

Hou Ren: Yeah.....I miss her.....

Gwen: It's okay. We feel you.

Natalie: It's good to have you back, Hou Ren.

Hou Ren: Thanks. It kind of feels like yesterday after what happenned. 

A flashback was shown regarding what happenned 6 months ago. In the middle of the sky, an airship is flying. Inside, Everyone is having a conversation.

Hou Ren: You sure Ms Pauline is willing to accept me back?

Daryl: She didn't remove your name so.....

Gwen: Though now you mentioned it, things kinda went downhill after you left....

Light: Most of the students found out about the incident left the school.

Hou Ren: You don't say.....

Ranma: Don't worry, Everything's gonna be fine.

Hou Ren: Sure.....I doubt that.

Ranma: (Comfort him) Come On Hou Ren. Have some faith. 

Hou Ren: Okay Okay. I got you.

After a brief flash, afternoon arrives. The airship drops Ranma off at Singapore & Eden at her school. It took a long while but at last they landed at Hou Ren's school. Once landed, the teachers were outside to meet them. Ms Pauline walked forward slowly and hug her beloved student.

Pauline: I'm so sorry for everything.

Hou Ren: (Softly hug her back) It's okay.....It's water under the bridge.

Principal: Welcome Home, Hou Ren. Come, Let's go say Hi to your classmates.

Hou Ren: Wait you mean right now?

Everyone followed the principal and then they landed outside of Ms Lydia's classroom. Ms Lydia was seen teaching her class before.....

Pauline: Ms Lydia, I'm sorry to interrupt your class but.....I believe you all had someone to meet.

Ms Pauline then moved out of the way and reveals Hou Ren infront of everyone. Daryl and Gwen pushed him abit. Everyone is surprised to see their former classmate is right infront their very eyes.

Ms Lydia: (Shocked At First and then suddenly in Tears) It can't be....Hou Ren?

Hou Ren: (Calmly Depressed) Hey.

Ms Lydia: (Rushes In and pat on her former classmate's shoulders) I can't believe it. You're really have returned.....You look handsome I see.

Hou Ren: (Abit Shy while scratching his backhead) Thank you.....

Hou Ren was then welcomed back by his classmates and received a few gifts. After a while, Ms Pauline, Ms Ruth and Even The Principal presented a few awards for him in the Main Hall. Reporters even came in and asked him questions and there's even newspapers having headlines saying "Beloved Knights Returned" and "Thrashers turned Heroes" and so much more. Everyone then partied and Happy Memories were made along the way as the flashback ends.

Hou Ren: We sure had good memories that day...Though it's a shame that the Computer Science class is still off.

Daryl: It's a good thing Masato, Natalie & Alec's memories are restored.

Hou Ren: Sorry....

Gwen: Don't worry about it. We understand your anger back then.

Hou Ren nodded in agreement. Suddenly, the bell rang.

Masato: Welp Gotta Go. See you guys later.

Hou Ren: Kay. Let's go.

Everyone then heads back to class. Later at the security box, a security guard is reading a magazine. Later, the same silhoutte then threw some gas and knocked the security guard out. With the guard down, the silhoutte entered easily. With a menacing grin, he walks through the foyer with ease.

????: You're Mine.

In maths class, Ms Crystlyn is discussing the pythogram theorem theory with students taking notes as usual.

Ms Crystlyn: Based on this diagram right here, the only way to solve this problem is to use the pythogaram theorem. So if we take A square plus B square.....

Suddenly, what was supposed to be a Right Angled Triangle diagram on screen turned into a television static animation, leaving everyone confused.

Ms Crystlyn: That's odd, what is....

The TV Static then changed and show the same Female Silhoutte on screen, which was then revealed to be none other than Ms Shafi. Everyone was shocked.

Hou Ren: (Devastated).....OH NOT HER AGAIN.

Ms Shafi: Hello everyone. I'm sure you all remember me. I have hacked the class presentations for one reason. Where. Is. Hou Ren.

Hou Ren was shocked to hear his name out loud as he stands up. He summon his sword while shaking his head dissaprovingly.

Hou Ren: I will K I L L her. TEN FOLD.

Crystlyn: Hou Ren Don't. Let me try removing it. (No avail) I can't.

Suddenly, Ms Crystlyn's phone rang and she picks it up.

Ms Crystlyn: Yes.....What? Your presentation is hacked too.

Everyone's surprised. It seems all presentations are being hacked.

Ms Crystlyn: Oh No.....I don't think we have a choice.

She then looked at Hou Ren while the latter looked back eye to eye. Hou Ren nodded in response and transformed into his casual clothes. His expression remains hateful as he holds his sword.

Hou Ren: Come On Out, Garga. 

Garga appears out of his card in response.

Garga: Let's get her.

Ms Crystlyn: I'll call the Buddy Police. Good Luck.

Hou Ren & Garga walk out of the door in slow motion while music plays in the background. The Gar Trio came out as they walk. Everyone is staring at them in piqued curiousity. With a brutal kick from Hou Ren's Right Leg, the door to the stage was busted down. In the stage, Ms Shafi is waiting them with a menacing grin on her face. They all look each other eye to eye with sheer hate as they walk around each other.

Hou Ren: What. Do. You. Want?

Ms Shafi: Simple. You took everything away from me. Now I will take everything away from you.

Garga: You really are a vixen. Unable to learn your lesson and here you are being a rogue criminal. Have you had no shame at all?

Ms Shafi: Be quiet you salamander. I came to fight, not for a boring chit chat. I will make you both...

All of the sudden, Hou Ren rush forward at quick speed and lightning punched squared her right face. She got knocked down as she looks at the leader's hateful expression. Hou Ren's voice become so demonic.

Hou Ren: Don't You Dare Talk To Garga That Way. SCUM.

Ms Shafi: How dare you hit me? I'm your teacher.

Garcat: EX teacher.

???: That ought to hurt.

They heard a voice. As the knights turned around, Daryl, Masato & Gwen stepped in with their buddies. They were quite surprised.

Hou Ren: What the....guys you're not supposed to be here.

Daryl: Hou, let me fight her. Please.

Masato & Gwen: What he said.

Hou Ren: The heck are you three saying?

Daryl: I know. I'm crazy. But I didn't step up for you back then so I might as well do it now.

Hou Ren: But....

Cross: Please Hou Ren. Give Him a chance. Give US a chance.

Masato: Me & Gwen are here if Daryl lose.

Hou Ren look at them. In their eyes, it spelled determination, willpower & commitment. Their spirit grows in unity. Convinced, he made his decision.

Hou Ren: Good Luck, Ace Of Study.

Daryl: I won't let you down.

The knights stepped back to give Daryl room. 

Daryl: One more thing. Can you summon your prison?

Hou Ren: Sure. But you know what happens if you lose.

Daryl: I do.

Garga summons his sword while Hou Ren lit up his arms with lightning. 

Garga: Slender & Sharp. Point to it's precise.

Hou Ren: Shocking & Violent. Frightening to it's wrath.


Hou Ren then charge his lightning through Garga's swords. Garga then stabbed the floor with his lightning charged swords and...Giant Swords are formed from the ground with Massive Amount of lightning surrounding everyone. A flash was then created and the prison was born. The others are shocked as they look at the prison.

Ms Shafi: What the heck...What is this place?

Hou Ren: Your "shocking graveyard". Don't even think about escaping.

A stage was formed inside the prison with both fighters stepped on respectively.

Daryl: Guided by the celestial stars. My Constelations shall grant me my promised victory. Feel the wrath of the stars itself. Luminize, Godful Galaxy Triangulum.

Ms Shafi: Virus spreading all over, infecting one after another. You shall be infected. Luminize, Deadlock Insignia.

Ion & Takokichi appears inside the prison. As Ion commentates live, everyone in

Ion: (Begin Commentating) Whenever there's a buddyfight, you can find us, Ion & Takokichi. We have interesting matchup in Hou Ren's prison. Both of them never face each other before and as we can all recall that Ms Shafi experience her first loss against our beloved leader of the Draknights. Will Daryl follow his footsteps and Win? Hou Ren?


Both: Raise the Flag.

Daryl: Star Dragon World.

Ms Shafi: Star Dragon World...Daryl. Daryl. Daryl. You made a huge mistake. When I'm done with you & the rest, (points at Hou Ren) You're Next.....Boy.

Hou Ren: (Thought) I should have erased her memories when I had the chance. Regardless...Come On Daryl.(Thought)

Ion: Shafi will go first.

Shafi: (Already draw) Charge & Draw. Call. Infector, Geocrona Dragon. 

Geocrona appears.

Shafi: Due to it's effect, I gain 1 gauge. Attack the fighter.

Daryl's Life: 10 -> 8

Ion: And with that it's move end.

Daryl: Draw. Charge & Draw. I buddycall GodCross Astrologia REB to the center. (Paid 3 gauge)

Cross: (Appears) Behold my evolved brilliance.

Ion: It's here. Daryl's Buddy. GodCross Astrologia REB.

Ms Shafi: So that's Cross's New Power.

Daryl: Fret to the right. Due to the effect, I gain 2 gauge & draw a card. Equip.....(Equips his bow) Deityseer Bow, Lumen Deus. 

Ion: Oh. Looks like Daryl has a new item.

Daryl: Cast. Proclaim, Battle Supplies. (Gained resources) Seer Dragon, Tink to the left. 

Tink: (Appears) Here I am.

Daryl: I gain 4 life & draw a card. Shine Bright, Diamond of the Sky. Galaxy Dragod Formation, Activate.

All of Daryl's cards glowed bright.

Ion: There it is. Galaxy Dragod Formation.

Hou Ren: This means his cards gain 10000 power & defense and critical + 2. 

Daryl: Cross. Attack Geocrona.

Cross: Leave it to me. (Destroys Geocrona) Penetrate. 

Shafi's Life: 10 -> 6

Cross: Double attack. 

Shafi: Cast. Earth Barrier.

Daryl: Triple attack.

Shafi: Cast. Mars Barrier.

Ion: Unbelievable. Shafi casted twice and defended herself.

Shafi: Cast. Phase Seal Chains. I force end your turn.

Daryl's bound by chains all of the sudden.

Daryl: What? 

Hou Ren: Ey. She stole Lost Ren's tactic.

Garga: Uh No. I think that spell already existed before Lost Ren.

Hou Ren: Oh.

Daryl: I can't do anything.....My turn is over. 

Ion: Daryl literally has the advantage but all of the sudden Ms Shafi pulled the Uno Reverse and force end Daryl's Turn.

Ms Shafi: Daryl. You were once my proudest students. I'm impressed you improved....or that's what I would say if I am still around. 

Daryl: Blame it on him all you want but you did it to yourself. The mistake I made is that I should have ratted you out sooner.

Ms Shafi: Traitor. Draw. Charge & Draw. I buddycall Immobolizer to the right.

Immobolizer is summoned.

Ms Shafi: I equip...(Right Hand wrapped in codes) Virus arm, C O D E. 

Hou Ren & Daryl: (Thought) A new item too.... (Thought)

Ms Shafi: Infector, Geocrona to the left. Activating Skill.

Tink is infected all of the sudden.

Daryl: Tink!!

Ms Shafi: Geocrona doesn't just increase my gauge, it also infect another card on the opponent's field. Virus Arm's effect. 

Now Fret is infected.

Daryl: Great....

Garga: Oh no....A chain reaction is happenning.

Hou Ren: But at least Cross is fine. He has a two card soul.

Shafi: I cast, Infection: Virus duplicate. (Gained 2 gauge, 2 life & draw 2) Immobolizer. Take out the trash. 

Immobolizer attacks.

Shafi: Lock On Lumun Deus.

Lumun Deus is infected.

Daryl: Uh Oh....

Immobolizer cannot hit Cross.

Shafi: Huh?

Daryl: Buddy, Immobolizer has 7000 power while Cross has 10000 defense. Oops.

Geocrona is defeated due to counterattack.

Hou Ren: This is why you don't mess with Dragods.

Garga: Wha?

Shafi: Fine I cast. Infection, Firewall Down. Reduce defense by 3000 for each infected card.

Cross: This means I have 1000 defense....

Shafi: Immobolizer.

Immobolizer attacks Cross.

Daryl: Cast. Notify, Blessed Rain Tactic. (Blocks the attack & Gain 1 life) 

Shafi: I'll deal with you myself. (Attacks)

Daryl: Cast. Mars Barrier. (Blocks the attack)

Shafi: Oh so you think you're powerful. Very well. Time to show my new power.

Daryl prepares himself in a defensive stance.

Shafi: Deadlocker, Immobolizer R E B O O T. 

A card was called to Ms Shafi's right. A gaint black tornado was swirling around the card and outcomes Immobolizer's new form. Gusts of winds were created as everyone tries to prevent themselves from getting blown away. When the wind stopped, everyone is surprised to see the form.

Masato: What's That?

Shafi: Immobolizer's evolved form. That's what.

Hou Ren: It evolved again.....

Garga: How can this be?

Shafi: Let's just say.....I'm just about to have some fun. You're finished, Daryl.

Ion: Incredible. Ms Shafi also has bought out his trump card. With Daryl on edge, things are heating up. Which side will win?

Anime Ending: Gonna Be Right.

Story End.