Path To Liberation, Answers (Chap 34)

Synopsis: The match continues between the Ace Of Study & The Vixen. Both players released their trump cards but Daryl is absolutely cornered. How will he turn the tables?

Anime Opening: Black & White.

The match continues as Ms Shafi unleashed her new power. Everyone quite's surprised at Immobolizer's new form. What is she going to do?

Hou Ren: Immobilizer evolved?

Garga: But How?

Shafi: Like I'll ever tell you. R E B O O T can only be summoned when the original Immobilizer is defeated or finished attacking. By discarding one hand card, I remove all of the opponent's soul cards and infect them.

Immobolizer plants a curse onto Cross's Body. Cross felt affected as he lost his soul cards.

Daryl: (Surprised) Cross !!!

Immobolizer starts to infect Cross but.....

Daryl: No Way. I cast. Celesociation. (Pays 1 life)

The Cross is returned to the hand. Shafi is surprised.

Ion: Say what? Daryl returned Cross to the hand.

Garga: (Impressed) What Timing?

Masato: (Excited) For Share.

Shafi: Whatever. I don't care. R E B O O T, attack the fighter.

R E B O O T attacks.

Shafi: I activate R E B O O T's ability. I pay 1 gauge and for this fight, your cards.....cannot be cured at all.

All: WHAT?

Gwen: He can't cure them?

Masato: That's cheating.

Hou Ren & Garga's eyes remain still but their expression becomes angrily worried as they grit their teeth. Immobilizer locks on his attack and launches its attack from its hand cannon.

Daryl's Life: 14 -> 11

Shafi: Double attack.

Daryl's Life: 11 -> 8

Daryl: Thank gosh. I survived.

Shafi: I wouldn't be so sure. You may have survived but your downfall is guaranteed on my next turn.

Daryl: What does that mean?

Shafi: At the beginning of my next turn, since you have 3 infected cards, I win the game regardless of the opponent's life points. And this ability is active even if he's defeated.

All: WHAT?

Ion: Then this means Daryl must win this turn or else he'll lose.

Hou Ren: (Disgusted) What did I say? She really stole Lost Ren's tactic.

Garga: We better sue her for plagiarism.

Masato: Uh What?

Daryl begins his turn.

Daryl: Draw. Charge & Draw. Once again, I call Cross to the center.

Cross: (Appears) Daryl. This is our last turn. Do you have some sort of plan?

Daryl: I do. I cast. Galaxy Formation Territory. For this turn, Galaxy Dragod Formation can be activated regardless.

Shafi: What?

Masato: Oh yeah, He has that spell.

Daryl: Don't underestimate me. Hou Ren defeated you and I will too. I can't believe I'm saying this but Ace Of Games, You're awesome.

Hou Ren: (A bit surprised for a while before turning confident) Go get him.

Daryl: (Nod) I cast. Proclaim: Steer the Stars. (Acquire Resources) Then I cast. Proclaim: Decisive Point. Increase power by 3000. And I cast Tesla-line Field. Cross's critical cannot be reduced.

Shafi: What?

Daryl: Cross. Attack the fighter.

Cross: Gladly. (Attacks) You'll pay for mistreating Hou Ren long ago.

Shafi: (Hit) AHHHH.

Shafi's Life: 9 -> 6

Cross: Double attack.

Shafi: Cast. Mars Barrier.

Cross: Triple attack.

Shafi's Life: 6 -> 3

Shafi: You have no attacks left.

Daryl: I cast. Notify: Skyseer Pulse. Cross stands back up and I deal 1 damage to you.

Shafi's Life: 3 -> 2

Ion: Oh My God. Shafi's like a candle in the wind.

Daryl: Cross. Finish her.

Cross attacks.

Shafi: Not so fast. Cast. Virus: Overboard. I nullify your attack and Cross once again loses its soul cards and becomes infected.

Daryl: No way. I cast Blockage Pulse. I nullify your spell.

Cross lights up his eyes and glows his wings. Stars came out of nowhere and Shafi's spell is null and void.

Shafi: WHAT?

Ion: SAY WHAT? Ms Shafi's spell is nullified? HOW?

Daryl: You always look down on us. Thinking you're better than us.

Cross: But we improve our skills daily. Predicting the unexpected.

Ms Shafi: How dare you insult me like that? Respect your elders.

Hou Ren: Yet you're unable to accept defeat. What are you, a child?

Shafi got roasted as Gwen & Masato react in shock. Even Garga was shaken.

Masato: For share.....Hou Ren just cooked her.

Hou Ren & Daryl: Finish Him, Cross.

Cross: On it. (Flies and Delivers The Final Blow) Your time...Is Up. (Slashed her)


Shafi's flag is once again destroyed.

Ion: Game End, Winner, Daryl.

In the classrooms, everyone cheered and applauded.

Ion: What an incredible match. Daryl was cornered by Shafi's new power and yet he was able to turn the tables on her. No wonder he's the ace of study because he is absolutely a genius.

Daryl: I don't think I'm much of a genius.....Besides, All I did was to be a good friend.

Daryl looks at Hou Ren while the latter looks back at him while smiling. The latter closes his eyes and walks forward to his friend.

Hou Ren: I'm surprised. You manage to defeat her without unsealing your cards.

Garga: Very impressive.

Daryl: No sweat man.

Hou Ren: Although to be frankly honest, you did the right thing. I kinda would have lost in my current state.

Daryl: (In agreement) Yeah....but ah well, the game is won and that's that.

Both of them fist-bump each other. Then they hear a noise. Ms Shafi is absolutely angry as she punches the floor. As she complains, The two aces feel disappointed as if they are upset with their child.

Shafi: I can't believe it. I was supposed to get my revenge. First I lost to him, Now I lost to you !? How can this be?

Hou Ren: Revenge. Revenge. Revenge. Is that all you can think about? Seriously, I should have wiped your memories.

Daryl: You can do that?

Hou Ren: Uh Yeah? I mean don't you remember what happened 6 months ago?

Daryl: Oh right yes.

Hou Ren: Regardless. (Pat his left shoulder) You wanna do the honors?

Daryl looked at Ms Shafi as she felt defeated and angry and he agreed to so

Daryl: Why Not.

Daryl let out his right hand and...

Daryl: Judgement.

Suddenly the swords on the ground form a circle around Ms Shafi. More Longer Blades came from above and stabbed around Ms Shafi. When it's all set, lightning charges the swords and deals 5 times the damage to Ms Shafi. Ms Shafi screams in agony as she receives the Judgement.

Ms Shafi: AHHHHHHHHH.....NO.....PLEASE.....STOP....AH

The prison disappears as Ms Shafi fell wounded on the ground. Everyone felt unfazed as they saw the vixen fall. The students and the teachers in their classrooms are quite shocked to see what happened. Ms Shafi gathers the rest of her strength and manages to get herself back up barely.

Shafi: You....may.....have defeated me.....but..... I'll be reve....

Before she can continue, Hou Ren immediately electrifies her with lightning from his right palm. Ms Shafi was electrified in pain as she yells loudly. When stopped, everyone's quite surprised but Hou Ren is enraged as he walks forward. His eyes become filled with lightning as he feels hateful.

Hou Ren: One More Time You Say That Word, (Summons a lightning sword) I will kill you TEN FOLD.

Shafi: (Super afraid) I....I....I.....

Hou Ren: NOW TELL ME. Why are you here right now? ANSWER ME OR ELSE!!!

Hou Ren angrily threatens her former teacher with the sharp tip of his lightning sword. The sword sparks strong as its sound becomes electrifying. Ms Shafi stares and quivers even more in fear. Suddenly, Daryl and everyone else step in and stop him.

Daryl: Hou Ren don't.

Masato: Yeah man, she's not worth it.

Garga: Calm down.

Hou Ren is feeling so enraged until his anger wavers and his sword disappears.

Hou Ren: (Sigh) I hate it when you're right.

Suddenly, the teachers & the Buddy Police arrive at the stage. They were surprised to see what happened.

Ms Pauline: Oh my goodness, what happened?

Hou Ren: A rat is dealt with what else? Or rather...a sly fox.

Tasuku: Come On Hou Ren, I know you hold a grudge but still. Regardless, Ms Shafi, you're under arrest for trespassing.

Hou Ren: And for breaking CCP out of Prison.

Tasuku & Shafi: How did you know?

Tasuku felt surprised the moment Shafi responded and covered her mouth in shock.

Tasuku: Looks Like I don't need evidence for this.

Hou Ren: Charge her extra sentencing & fine. Lock her in a maximum security prison. Code 119, 107 & 118 broken included.

Tasuku: (felt a bit surprised) Okay.....

Jack: He learned fast. I give him that.

The Buddy Police took a once again yelling Ms. Shafi away as she screamed she'll break out of prison. Hou Ren & Garga felt unfazed while everyone stared in shock. When the two turned around they were quite curious.

Hou Ren: What?

Pauline: What's know?

Hou Ren: You do know I'm with the Buddy Police too right?

Masato: We do, we just.....felt shooked.....

Ms Pauline: Either way, you didn't have to go that far with the judgment part.

Daryl: (step in) Ms, Don't Blame it on Hou Ren. It's my idea. I asked him to summon his prison and took his place to fight. He's just helping me out.

Pauline: Regardless, what's done is done. Please don't try using this method again unless necessary.

Hou Ren: (Bewildered) But that was....forget it.

Pauline: Alright, (claps her hands) head back to your classes. Come On.

All: Got it.

As everyone left the stage, little did they know that someone was in the stands spectating the whole thing. It's a hooded figure and she then activates a portal and walks through it. At a tall building, the same unknown figure teleported and stood before another person who was staring through the window.

???: She's been captured.

???: Is that so? And what of....the boy?

???: He's doing well in school. However, he's not the one who battled.

???: Interesting.....So she didn't deliver the message.

???: No. I'm terribly sorry Master.

???: Don't worry about it.....we have other ways. Don't we?

???: Da.

The unknown figure walks out of the office. It's revealed that the unknown figure was talking to the man himself. The head of the Gaen Financial Group, Kyoya Gaen.

Kyoya: I only want her to deliver a message. But it didn't work out as planned. Regardless.

Kyoya opens up his phone and have a look at Hou Ren's match with Shafi long ago.

Kyoya: You may have not fought but I have high expectations of you. I hope you will entertain me soon enough.

After school, Hou Ren's Mother is driving her car while Hou Ren's in the front seat.

Hou Ren's Mother: How was school today?

Hou Ren: It was.....dramatic. Ms Shafi's back.

Hou Ren's Mother: Oh my goodness. How?

Hou Ren: I don't know. But don't worry, she's dealt with. She's with the Buddy Police.

Hou Ren's Mother: I see.

Later Hou Ren's phone rings, which he picks up.

Hou Ren: Yes?

Tasuku: Hou Ren, are you still at school?

Hou Ren: No, I'm in my mom's car, on the way home.

Tasuku: I see. Well, Agent Ren & I already interrogated Ms Shafi and it didn't go well.

Hou Ren: Do you need me to come to the station?

Tasuku: Yes. But are you sure, you just finished school and it's getting late?

Hou Ren: I'll be fine. It's time to get to work.

Immediately at the Buddy Card Office, Hou Ren interrogates Shafi alone. The lamp was dim with the brightness on medium level. The room environment was very dark. The only thing that is in the room is a medium-sized table, a stern Draknight & a stern criminal handcuffed to a stool.

Hou Ren: Alright Vixen, Spill It Out. Why did you Invade HIS?

Shafi: I'll never tell...

Hou Ren came in with a slap on her face. The vixen felt shocked as she got slapped again.

Hou Ren: Really. You sure got a lot of nerve now I give you that.

Shafi: I don't fear students like you.

Hou Ren: Oh Really? You're all bark no bite. After all, you felt so afraid to your knees when you lost to me & Daryl. And you were even more afraid when your crimes got exposed. I want you, to spit out Every, Single, Detail on what you're true intentions are.

Shafi: Oh my goodness what happened to you? You're...a monster.

Hou Ren: Oh don't think for a moment you're a victim. Did you ever wonder what it's like to suffer or go through terrible abuse? No, you don't. Because you're nothing but a sly Vixen.

Shafi: Quit calling me a Vixen.

Hou Ren: But you are. (Grab the chin) Look at me while I say these words. You're nothing but a sly vixen who feed everyone poison so that they support you. You're worse than the snake that gave the apple to (ruthlessly push her back) Eve.

Shafi: (Looking fearfully) No.....

Hou Ren: So if you don't want be insulted further, I suggest you confess now or I will not hesitate and tear you limb from limb.

Shafi: Okay Fine. Kyoya Gaen is the one who sent me.

Hou Ren: What?

Shafi: Yes. But I bought the sleep bomb from the black market. The rest I did all by myself.

Hou Ren was quite surprised but he remained unfazed.

Hou Ren: Is that so?

After a while, Hou Ren walks out of the interrogation room. Tasuku was outside waiting while feeling displeased.

Hou Ren: You got all of that?

Tasuku: I have. You don't necessarily have to insult her.

Hou Ren: Out of every single criminal, she's my least favorite and I want her dead.

Tasuku: Now Now, Hou Ren, We talked about this. It's wrong to harbor a grudge, even if it's towards a criminal.

Hou Ren: Well here's a saying commissioner, sometimes the people who are closest to us are the ones who tend to hurt us most. Especially when it's someone you look up to for months.

Tasuku: I can see that. But you still need to calm down. Hou Ren, I know she mistreated you a lot. But you still should be grateful and kind to have her teaching you previously.

Hou Ren: Yeah well in my defense, It's better to villain the villain. 

Tasuku: (Stern) Hou Ren...Anyways, leave the rest to me. Next time, please don't use violence for interrogation.

Hou Ren: Fine. Gotcha.

Hou Ren walks away while Tasuku looks at him with concern. Jack came out of his card.

Jack: He sure has become something.

Tasuku: But like I said he needs to cool down. He still has much to learn about growing up.

Evening arrives. Hou Ren walks out of the Buddy Card Office. The winds were gushing through his jacket and his hair breezes with it. His expression becomes cool as his eyes become sharp.

Hou Ren: Kyoya huh? What does he want from me?

Anime Ending: Gonna be right.

Story End.


Hou Ren: A journey begins somewhere and the same goes for "Path To Liberation". Next time, "Mysteries Revealed". Join Us For A Buddyfight.