Path To Liberation, Disaster Struck (Chap 36)

Synopsis: Illegal Monsters appear and Hou Ren & Garga must purge it. Meanwhile, Kyoya has recruited a few fighters to aid him...In the previous story, Hou Ren explains how he plans Path To Liberation to his friends, as well as how he acquires new gifts.Anime Opening: Black & WhiteA beautiful night arises above Hou Ren's house. In his bedroom, Hou Ren is having a video call on his laptop with a familiar face.Hou Ren: And then she literally hack the presentations.Shiloh: Seriously?Hou Ren: I had to interrogate her some more and I do not like it.Shiloh: Sounds like she's tough to crack.Hou Ren: Yeah. But enough of that. How are you?Shiloh: I'm doing fine. We just finished filming our latest video.Hou Ren: Can I see?Shiloh: (Teasing Mood) Nope.Hou Ren: Bruh....Shiloh: Sorry Hou Ren, we can't give out any spoilers.Hou Ren: I know. (Shrugs) I really wish I can be with you right now.Shiloh: I know. Me too. I missed you. Hou Ren: I really wish I can give you a hug and spend time with you. And well..... (Blushed) Give you a kiss.Shiloh: (Blushed) Oh you... I wish I can go on a date and dance with you and.... also give you a kiss.Hou Ren: (Forehead shadowed and be serious) Welp, I'm officially fallen.Shiloh: What?Hou Ren: (Rizz Up) For you. (Finger bang)Hearing this, Shiloh covers her face in cute embarrassment.Shiloh: (Smile and blush cutely) STAWP... On a scale of 1 to 10, I'm a 9.Hou Ren: Why?Shiloh: Because you're the 1 I need.Now Hou Ren's the one who blushed happy and cute.Hou Ren: You got me. I gotta go.Shiloh: Okay see you.Hou Ren: Go Buy A Camera because you look so GORGEOUS.Shiloh: (Flattered cutely) STAWP.Hou Ren: Hehehe. Okay for real this time. See you, Sweetie. (Ends call)With the latter ending the call, Shiloh blush even more, wave her right hand and felt happy.Hou Ren: (Lies In Bed) Ahhh, I'm in love.Garga: (shakes his head while smiling) Typical Hou Ren. Can't say I'm not happy for him.While this goes on, Kyoya is watching him via drone outside his window while feeling pleased.Kyoya: (Phone calls) It's me, bring him in. (Ends call)The next day, the three Aces do some shopping. They are carrying plastic bags full of items. Dumbbells, Books, etc.Hou Ren: You sure you need these?Masato: Definitely. I need to work on my weights man.Daryl: And I have a lot to study in these books.Hou Ren: I suppose. Let's get lunch.Suddenly they hear an explosion, which surprises them. To their shock, illegal monsters are rampaging across the mall. Citizens are seen fleeing and screaming.Daryl: EhHou Ren: Oh my goodness, I better do something.Daryl: Let's help too.Hou Ren: No it's too dangerous. Quickly, run while you still can.Suddenly Hou Ren's phone rings to which he picks up.Hou Ren: Commissioner?Tasuku: Yes. I assume you know what's going on.Hou Ren: Yeah.Tasuku: Proceed with caution. Be careful.The call ends.Hou Ren: What are you waiting for? Get to Safety.Daryl: Good luck.Both Daryl & Masato run out with their items. Garga comes out of his card while Hou Ren puts on his wrist wraps and tightens up his shoes.Hou Ren: Go.Garga: On it. (Transforms into full form)Garga destroys monsters while Hou Ren lets everyone else outside.Hou Ren heads back inside and shoots bolts of lightning through his palms at the monsters and destroys them.Hou Ren: How are we looking?Garga: Almost all of them are destroyed. Others are still on the lower ground.Hou Ren: Then let's go.The two head to the lower ground floor. Hou Ren uses Kaizer's energy enhancement to give themselves a boost.While Garga surpasses some, Hou Ren singlehandedly defeats most of the tough ones at immense speed. Garga was surprised.Hou Ren: (Feeling concern) What's wrong?More and more monsters stampede towards them.Garga: Get Ready.Hou Ren: I'm always prepared.Suddenly out of nowhere, Cross and Agito appear and destroy the monsters, leaving the two in surprise.Garga & Hou Ren: Cross? Agito?Cross: Are you both alright?Hou Ren: Yeah but.....Daryl & Masato appear behind their buddies, leaving Hou Ren furious.Hou Ren: What are you both doing? Get Out.Daryl: You didn't think we would let you both fight and get hurt right?Masato: We want to help. We may not be trained but friends help each other, don't we?Hou Ren's anger turns to calmness.Hou Ren: (Sigh) Hand me your item cards.Masato hands Wild Axe & Daryl hands, Lumun Deus.Hou Ren: Future Force. Activate.Hou Ren's hair suddenly grows long and his blue aura glow. Everyone's surprised when he summons the two items.Hou Ren: Use them well. (Hands them their items)Daryl: Woah.Masato: For Share.Suddenly, more monsters appear running towards them.Hou Ren: (Summons Garblade & GargaSabre Exspecta) Just be careful. Their powers are real.Both: Got It.Garga: Let's get to work.All 6 of them attack back. Masato swings his Wild Axe while Daryl shoots using his Lumun Deus. Cross, Agito, and Garga use their powers and Hou Ren uses his swords and slices them. But despite their efforts, more illegal monsters came out.Hou Ren: (Made Garblade disappear) Deity Dragod Shield. (Summons it and blinds them)Daryl: Woah.Hou Ren: Focus Guys. (Destroys a monster)Daryl & Masato: Right.They keep fighting but the moment Garga lands his sword, the monsters disappear into thin air.Cross: Huh?Agito: They vanished?Hou Ren's future force and the cards disappear.Daryl: But they zeroed in on us. What's going on?Hou Ren stares at what happened in stern confusion. Later at the BP HQ, Hou Ren & Tasuku talk in his office. Daryl & Masato are also there.Tasuku: They vanished?Hou Ren: Yeah. We had the advantage but then they just poof, gone.Tasuku: Very Strange.....By the way, using the future force is prohibited.Hou Ren: The situation called for it. I had no choice. Also, I don't need the power but Daryl & Masato stepped in so....Tasuku: I can see that. Daryl. Masato. You know that earlier was Dangerous.Masato: (Felt guilty) Sorry Commissioner. We just want to help.Tasuku: Safety first. You could have gotten hurt. I'll let you two off easy but next time please watch yourself.Daryl: (Felt Guilty) Yes Commissioner. Sorry.Tasuku: (Smiled) But seeing that you both put in an amazing effort, how would you like to join the Buddy Police?Daryl & Masato are quite surprised.....Daryl: Uh...Maybe not.Masato: Yeah. I think that's Hou Ren's thing.Tasuku: Suit yourself. Hou Ren. Garga. I need to speak with you both alone.Hou Ren: Understood.Once everyone else leaves the office.....Tasuku: Earlier, did you notice anything suspicious?Hou Ren: No?Tasuku: I see. Well, check this out. (Plays a video from his phone) I was watching the news about Earlier's rampage and I found this. (Zooms in a part of the video)A part of the video reveals that someone is behind a wall during a rampage. It wasn't quite clear.Garga: Who is that?Hou Ren: It can't be.....At the Gaen Tower, inside a meeting room, Kyoya walks towards a very long table. His hands are behind him as he stands in front of the table.Kyoya: To think I would be working with most of you all again. We really share common reasons, don't we?At the table, a few familiar faces are there. Davide Yamazaki. Sophia Sakhrov. Magoroku Shido. Devil Destroy Bigmachine. Elf Kabala. J Genesis.Davide: (Annoyed) Whatever, I'm just here because of some debt I owe.Shido: And you're lucky that Master Kyoya took care of it for you.Sophia: You lost to a bunch of loan sharks.Kabala: You didn't have the money to pay them and luckily Kyoya does.Davide: Psh. Yeah Yeah. In return, I'm working for him again.Kyoya: That's enough. All of you. And speaking of which Davide, you did amazing.Davide: Yeah. I just love seeing people screaming for their lives as they ran. (Laugh hysterically)Devil: You're a hyena. But I don't understand boss, why the rampage?Shido: And why are we so focused on that boy?nKyoya: Let's just say I find him interesting. And he's going to be a key part of our plan. You'll see.....It's another casual day. Hou Ren is eating lunch alongside his friends at a park. Daryl & Masato are surprised.Daryl & Masato: A timeout?Hou Ren: Yep. Because I used the future force without permission and you guys were involved....I got a timeout.Masato: Oh man. We're so sorry.Hou Ren: It's fine. On the bright side, I have a week off.Masato: Looks like it.....Hou Ren: However...there's something else Commissioner and I talk about.Daryl: What is it?Hou Ren shows a picture of an unblurred image. All three of them observe in care.Hou Ren: This guy was also in the incident yesterday. I don't know about you guys but I know who he is.Daryl: Davide Yamazaki.Masato: Who?Daryl: He's a fighter like us.... only long ago in tournaments, he tends to cheat.Masato: What?Hou Ren: He distracts his opponents and when they're at their lowest, he pulls cards out of his pocket. (sigh) I'm willing to bet he's behind the scenes.Masato: But how do you know he's responsible?Hou Ren: Well right now it's just a hunch and Commissioner has Light to investigate the crime.???: Hey what-cha talking about?They hear a voice and behind them is the man they're talking about. Davide grins menacingly with the three react sternly.Masato: Well speak of the devil.Hou Ren: What do you want? Get Out.Davide: Get out? I see no door. You lack brain cells you know.Hou Ren: When I say get out, I mean leave dude. Maybe YOU should get brain cells cause you are so dumb to understand what I mean.Davide: (Angry) Why you...Hou Ren: Save the pity. I'm not facing you. Now Leave.Davide: Huh? Why not?Hou Ren: You're nothing but a pathetic cheater. I'm not interested in fighting cheaters like you.Davide: (Provoked) think you're so better than me huh? Then I might as well destroy you using force.Masato: (Stands up) Then face me instead.Hou Ren: What are you doing?Masato: Isn't it obvious? Besides, you're on timeout, No????: I concur.Hou Ren: Light. What are you?Light: I trace Davide here. Fancy seeing you all. As your superior, I'll allow the match.Hou Ren: Fine, but I'm staying. I don't want anyone getting hurt.At a buddyfight stage on the ocean.....Davide: It rocks so hard it crushes. Dark Luminize, Black Dragon Reborn.Masato: The linked spiral is a chain of bonds. Luminize, Ultimate Spiral Linkdragon Order.Ion & Takokichi: Buddyfight.Both: Raise the flag.Masato: Ancient World.Davide: Darkness Dragon World.Ion: The first move goes to Masato.Masato: Draw. Charge and Draw. Cast. Linkdragon Order's Links. (Activate effects) Mazuru to the center. Harahara to left. Buddycall Agito to the left.Ion: Right off the bat, Masato summons his allies. He also equips Wildaxe with Mazuru's effect.Masato: Here we go, guys.All: Dragon Share. (Glow)Ion: There it is. Masato's specialty: Dragon Share.Masato: Agito.Agito: On it. (Attacks)Davide's Life: 10 -> 7Masato: My turn is over.Davide: So that's your buddy huh? Draw. Charge and Draw. I equip Evil Death Scythe. (Equips) And I call Coldblade to the left. (Calls) I buddycall Deathgaze REB to the right.Deathgaze: (Appears) Hehehehehe. Who's prepared to be slaughtered?Davide: I cast. Guillotine Cutter. (Destroys Wildaxe)Masato: Oh no...Ion: Oh my. Wildaxe is defeated.Davide: That's the look I want. I'm going to enjoy this. Deathgaze, go and attack Mazuru.Deathgaze attacks Mazuru and destroys him.Mazuru: Sorry Masato. (Destroyed)Davide: Spectral Strike.Masato's Life: 14 -> 13Davide: There's more. You must discard a hand card. And I destroy your gauge.Masato: What?Masato does so and Davide destroys a gauge.Hou Ren: Spectral Strike huh?Garga: A very rare skill.Daryl: If successfully destroys a monster, the fighter gets to deal damage as well.Davide: Alright Deathgaze. Double attack. Destroy Harahara.Deathgaze defeats Harahara.Davide: Spectral Strike.Masato's Life: 13 -> 12Davide: Okay Coldblade, destroy Agito.Coldblade defeats Agito but he revives with Soulguard.Masato's Life: 12 -> 11Davide: (Laughs hysterically and attacks) Here's Davide.Masato: I cast, Undying Linkdragon Order. (Blocks)Davide: Tch. My turn is over.Ion: Despite Masato hanging on, Davide brutally annihilated his cards. Oh my, what's going to happen next?Light: Not to mention, he's having limited options. I'm not sure how this will turn out.Masato: I may be down, but I'm not out. Draw. Charge and Draw. I cast. Divine Dragon Creation. (Draw 2 cards) Once again I equip Wildaxe. Deity of Enthusiasm and Bonds, Godagito to the center.Godagito: (Summoned) Incredible power flows within me.Davide: (Smirked) I cast, Spectral Rest. (Pays 1 life) Your cards can't attack.Masato & Agito: What?Davide: Hehehehe. So much for the Ace of Sports. You should be the Ace of Failures. After all, you couldn't even surpass Hou Ren himself.Masato & Agito: (Angry) What's that?Davide: Oh yes. I've seen your matches. You couldn't beat Hou Ren even once. Your buddy may have evolved, but you're still weak.Agito: Don't listen to him, Masato. You're better than that.Masato: I know. And that's why I cast, Rise & Fall of Dragons. (Gain 4 gauge) I cast Linkdragon Order's Oath. Agito & Wildaxe stand up.Both cards stand up and Davide feels surprised.Masato: For Share. Agito's ability. Jisen, Kaina, and Wings to his soul. (Does so) Here we go.All: Yeah. Spiral Dragod Share.Agito lights up like crazy with golden lightning surrounding him.Masato: Agito. Attack Deathgaze.Agito: Got it. (Attacks)Deathgaze is hit but revives with soulguard.Agito: Double attack.Deathgaze is hit again.Davide: Deathgaze!!!Agito: Triple attack. (Destroys Coldblade)Masato: (Attacks) Wildaxe.Davide's Life: 4 -> 3Davide: Ha. I know my life is 3 and below, but you can't cast your impact loser.Masato: In case you didn't notice, Agito has Jaunty Bodolo in his soul. I drew 3 cards thanks to his Dragon Share.Daryl: There's more. With Wings's Dragon Share, Davide receives 3 damage.Davide: WHAT? (Thought) I see....that's why you got rid of my monsters. In that case...(Thought)Davide attempts to pull a card out of his pocket but Hou Ren teleports and points his lightning saber behind him. Davide felt surprised.Davide: How did you...Hou Ren: Buddy. You're live. Cheating now? Really?Davide: Why you...Hou Ren: Masato.Masato: I got you Hou Ren. I cast. Linkdragon Order's Renewal. Agito stands back up.Godagito stands back up and Davide feels shocked.Masato: Finish Him, Agito.Agito: With Pleasure. (Attacks)Davide: (Thought) Even if I cast Midnight Shadow, it's no use. (Thought)Davide is defeated by GodAgito's slash and his flag is destroyed.Ion: Game End, Winner, Masato.Masato: For Share.At the park, they confront the loser.Davide: How dare you? (Activates his dark core and summons Death Scythe)With the Dark power activated, he attacks a frightened Masato.Davide: Here's Davide.Hou Ren activates his Dark Core and summons Garblade and blocks him. Davide feels shocked.Davide: WHAT?Hou Ren: Wow. Real smooth. First the illegal monsters, now this?Davide: I have no idea what you're talking about.Hou Ren: It's spelled out all over your face. I can see the fear in your eyes. I can feel your heart aching like crazy. It's obvious. Kyoya sent you didn't he?Davide feels afraid and he makes his dark core disappear and activates and walks in a portal. They felt surprised.Hou Ren: No wait. (Rush in)The portal vanished and so did Davide.Hou Ren: (Dark core deactivated) Is he even worth arresting?Light: Nah. Then again, I'm sure we'll see him soon.Daryl: Yep.Masato: So it's not over.Garga: No. I'd's only the beginning.Anime Ending: Gonna be right.Hou Ren: We just received an invitation of some sort. What could all this mean? Next time, "Quest of unknown". Join us for a Buddyfight.Story End.