Path To Liberation, Unknown Reasons. (Chap 37)

Synopsis: Invitations arrive to a few fighters. What could it all mean? Is it war? Is it a treasure hunt? Or is it...A Tournament!!

The buddyfight news is being displayed live on Televisions everywhere. Ion and Takokichi appear on screen.

Ion: Hello Folks, I am Ion, guiding here through the world of Buddyfight. Today, I'm proud to announce the GAEN Cup is back. What do I mean you ask? Here to answer with me is Mr Kyoya Gaen.

Kyoya: Thank you, Ms Ion. Hello Everyone. The Gaen Cup is a tournament where powerful fighters are gathered. I have selected the best of the best and only one will earn the right to face me.

Ion: But how does one earn the right to face you?

Kyoya: I love to explain the rules, but that's only available on the day of the tournament itself. I don't want to spoil the fun moment.

Ion: Uh.....right. Well, you all heard what he said. Until then, stay tuned as the Tournament starts next Saturday At Sunway Pyramid.

Anime Opening: Black & White.

On a beautiful morning in his room, Hou Ren is watching videos on his laptop. He later hears a voice calling his name. He goes downstairs to see what's going on.

Hou Ren: Yes Dad?

Hou Ren's Father: This letter came in for you. (Hands the letter)

Hou Ren takes the letter and has a look at it. He opens it and finds an invitation.

Hou Ren: Hmm? (Reads the letter) To Master Hou Ren, you are eligible to participate in the GAEN Cup. Please bring the invitation for registration at the location enclosed. Looks like I'm invited.

Hou Ren's Father: I'm not surprised. You are talented in the game.

Hou Ren: Yeah well, Can I even participate?

Hou Ren's Father: Well, if you want, you can.

Hou Ren: Huh?

Hou Ren's Father: What's wrong? Is it wrong to support my son?

Hearing this, his curiosity turns to a warm smile. Later that afternoon, Hou Ren & Garga are walking in a park. They chit-chat as they talk.

Hou Ren: I wonder who else got invited.

Garga: Beats me.

Hou Ren: Actually, the knights got invited too but...

In a flashback, the knights discuss something with Hou Ren & Garga in his room.

Hou Ren: You're not going to compete?

Sensei: I think our power can be too overwhelming for the participants.

Blaze: Besides, now would be a good time to step aside and let others take the spotlight.

Hou Ren: Oh....Okay, I guess it's just me & Garga.

Lost Ren: And me as well.

Garga: Lost Ren?

Lost Ren: I don't trust that Kyoya Gaen. I'm willing to bet Kyoya sent Davide to face you.

Hou Ren: You don't say.

Lost Ren: Just think. Kyoya sent Ms Shafi to do his bidding the other day, which is targeting you. Davide is also the same but as far as I know, they would have done it sooner.

Hou Ren: But why are they targeting me? Is it my powers or the Mirage Crystal?

Lost Ren: No. My guess is because of your current skill level. But it's only a hunch, which is why I'm competing to find out.

Garga: Interesting.

Lost Ren: You may say I'm protecting you. That as well as I'm also interested in facing you on equal grounds.

Hou Ren: I see. May the best man win.

Lost Ren smiles and shakes hands with his counterpart. The flashback ends.

Hou Ren: And that's all we know.

Hou Ren stops and notices Daryl & everyone else talking at a park. He joins them.

Hou Ren: Hey, what are you guys talking about?

Masato: Oh. Hou Ren. We're just talking about this invitation we got. (Shows the same invitation)

Hou Ren: Wait... (Shows his invitation)

Daryl: What? You got invited too.

Hou Ren: And I'm competing. Are you guys?

Masato: Same.

Daryl: So it's me, you, Masato, Natalie, and Gwen. I'm not even sure who else is chosen.

Hou Ren: The knights got invited too but they declined. Well, minus Lost Ren.

Masato: Oh.

Daryl: Well, the tournament starts in a week so I guess we got training to do.

Masato: Speaking of which, we have a...small request. Hou Ren, can you....train us?

Hou Ren & Garga: What?

Garga: Why?

Daryl: You're like.... way world-class than all of us. Like you won a few tournaments. You even defeat the toughest teacher at school.

Gwen: Please, Hou Ren.

Hou Ren: Hmm....

Hou Ren pulls out a stage activator and makes settings to it before setting it down. The stage activates and everyone feels surprised. Hou Ren snaps his fingers and teleports everyone including himself.

The stage becomes a one-on-two fighting field and everyone teleports in. Hou Ren stands on the one side while Daryl & Masato stands on the other two. Gwen & Natalie teleports in at virtual stands beside the stage.

Daryl: What's going on?

Masato: Why are we?

They see Hou Ren in front of them and he pulls out his deck.

Hou Ren: You have 15 seconds. A deity's dragon brigade descends. Come On. No matter how many times I fall, I will succeed. Luminize, Dradeity Exspecta.

Daryl: Uh.....

Hou Ren: 5 seconds.

Masato: Uh....The Linked Spiral is the chain of bonds. Luminize. Ultimate Spiral Linkdragon Order.

Daryl: Guided by the celestial stars. My Constellations shall grant me my promised victory. Luminize, Godful Galaxy Triangulum.

All: Raise the Flag.

Hou Ren: Dragon World.

Daryl: Star Dragon World.

Masato: Ancient World.

Daryl: Why are we buddyfighting?

Hou Ren: Why don't you try to figure it out? Draw. Charge & Draw. I buddycall Garga to the right.

Garga: (Appears) All are powerless before my blade. Why are you fighting them?

Hou Ren: Just trust me. I cast, Gar Oracle. (Draw 2 cards) I cast. Boost On. (Gain 3 gauge) I equip Garblade Exspecta & Garcat Exspecta to the left.

Garcat: (Appear) Dummy cat rules.

Hou Ren gains another gauge & draws a card. He attacks Daryl with Garblade.

Daryl's Life: 10 -> 8

Hou Ren: My turn is over. Just a reminder, Masato is next, then Daryl, then me again.

Masato: Okay? Draw. Charge & Draw. I cast. Linkdragon Order's Links. I buddycall Agito to the left. Mazuru to the center. Harahara to the right.

Linkdragon Order: We are the Linkdragon order, loyal to Masato.

Hou Ren: I cast. Dragotrap. (Pays cost) Agito cannot attack.

Masato: It doesn't stop me. I equip Wildaxe thanks to Mazuru. I cast, Linkdragon Order's hunt. (Draw 3 cards and gain 3 life). Time for Dragon Share guys.

Linkdragon Order: Right. (Glows)

Hou Ren: Typical....

Masato: Harahara. Mazuru. Attack the fighter.

Hou Ren's Life: 11 -> 9 -> 7

Garcat: You dealt damage to Hou Ren. You'll pay for that. (Blast lightning)

Masato's Life: 20 -> 18

Hou Ren: Discard two cards from your hand. (Blast lightning with his sword)

Masato's Life: 18 -> 16

Masato: Dah....I forgot about the Exspectas. (Attacks) Wildaxe.

Hou Ren: I cast. Exspecta's Forcefield. (Takes 1 damage & blocks the attack with his bare hands)

Masato: What?

Hou Ren: You attacked more than 3 times. Your attack phase must stop. Since I've taken at least 3 damage, I draw a card.

Masato: turn is over.

Hou Ren: You lack perception.

Masato: What?

Hou Ren: Why do you think I'm fighting you both right now?

Masato: So that you can...crush us?

Hou Ren: Wrong. Daryl. It's your turn.

Daryl: Okay....Draw. Charge & Draw. I buddycall GodCross Astrologia to the center.

Cross: (Appears) Behold my brilliance.

Daryl: Tink to the left. Barry to the right. I cast, Proclaim: Battle Supplies. (Gain resources) Equipping Lumun Deus. (Does so) Shine Bright. Diamond Sky. Galaxy Dragod Formation activate.

Now all of Daryl's cards glow.

Daryl: (Thought) I know if Hou Ren takes damage, he'll strike back. In that case...(Thought) Cross. Attack Garga.

Cross: Leave it to me. (Attacks)

Hou Ren: I cast. Deity Dragod Shield. (Blocks the attack)

Hou Ren's Life: 6 -> 8

Garga: Counterattack. (Destroys Barry)

Daryl: Barry!!!

Hou Ren: Is that it?

Daryl: Cross. Attack Garcat instead.

Hou Ren: Sacrifice. Protect Garcat.

Sacrifice: (Appears) Right. (Becomes a shield and protects Garcat)

Hou Ren: (Draws a card) I cast. Loud Voice. (Discards two cards) Your power & critical are reduced.

Daryl: WHAT?

Cross: This means...I can't attack at all.....

Gwen: Incredible.....

Natalie: You said it.

Hou Ren: Is that all you got? If this is how you guys are, you'll never be able to win in the Gaen Cup.

Daryl: But.....

Hou Ren: I'll ask again. Why do you think I'm fighting you?

Daryl: I...

Hou Ren: Nothing? You're the Ace of Study. Surely you can figure it out.

Daryl: I....What are you trying to say?

Hou Ren: I'm need to wake up. Draw. Charge & Draw. I equip GargaSabre Exspecta. (Does so) I cast Gargantua Linkage. (Increase Resources) I then cast Gar Oracle. Garga. Attack Mazuru.

Garga: As you wish. (Defeats Mazuru)

Mazuru: I'm sorry, Masato. (Destroyed)

Garga: Double attack.

Hou Ren: Get Rid of Harahara.

Garga defeats Harahara.

Harahara: I'm sorry....Masato. (Destroyed)

Masato: What is he doing?

Hou Ren attacks with Garblade towards Agito but Agito revives with Soulguard.

Hou Ren: With me, Garcat.

Garcat: Roger that.

Masato: I cast. Linkdragon Spirit. (Blocks the attack)

Hou Ren: G-EVO activate. Change. Oblivion's Arrival, Gargantua ONI.

Garga: (G-EVO) I am Darkness. I am Despair. Gargantua ONI.

Daryl & Masato: Woah.....

Gwen & Natalie: Oh boy...

Hou Ren: 10 cards to both of your dropzone. Garga. Dispose of Daryl.

Daryl: What? Cross is in the center so...

All of a sudden, ONI moves in shadow here and there and moves past Cross.

Cross: Wha...

Daryl: Oh right....Oni has Shadow Dive.

Garga: There's more. (Stabs his scythe)

All of a sudden, Dark portals appear beneath Daryl's Cards and suck them in.

Cross & Tink: AHHHH!!!!! (Vanished)

With all of his cards vanished, Garga slices Daryl with his scythe.

Daryl's Life: 16 -> 13

Hou Ren: I cast, Gar-Siegen. (Increase hand to 4) I cast, Sunlight Beam.

All of Hou Ren's cards stand, and Masato & Daryl are shocked.

Hou Ren: Since I attacked 5 times, increase power by 20000 and critical by 2.

Natalie & Gwen: Seriously...

ONI attacks again, directly at Masato. Agito & Wildaxe are Out and Masato receives damage.

Masato's Life: 15 -> 10

Masato: (Thought) So that's what he's doing. He's targeting our cards so we can't use our tactics. (Thought)

Hou Ren attacks with his two swords at Masato.

Masato's Life: 10 -> 2

Garcat: (Attacks) This will end you.

Masato: (Thought) I can't defend...

Masato is defeated and his flag is destroyed.

Daryl, Gwen & Natalie: Masato!!!

Masato: Darn it. Sorry, Daryl.

Daryl: It's fine. (Thought) So this is how much he's grown...(Thought)

Daryl looks at Hou Ren's brave expression eye to eye.

Daryl: (Thought) When I first saw you, you were unconventional.....but as time've changed(Thought)

Hou Ren: Garga. Revert at once.

Garga reverts and attacks.

Daryl's Life: 13 -> 10

Garga: I have Double attack.

Daryl's Life: 10 -> 7

Daryl: You know you can't cast your Impact.

Hou Ren: Is it? I cast Dragonic Charge. Final Phase. I cast Combat Deity's Arises. (pays 2 gauge)

Once again, Garga, Garcat, and the two swords stand back up.

Daryl & Masato: Again !?

Hou Ren: Finish him.

Garga & Garcat: With pleasure.

Daryl's Life: 7 -> 4

Hou Ren: I cast. Earth Barrier.

Hou Ren attacks with his swords.

Hou Ren: I cast. Mars Barrier.

Daryl's Life: 5 -> 1

Daryl: Thank gosh I have one life remaining.

Hou Ren: My final phase isn't over yet. I cast....

Daryl: NO.

Masato: IT CAN'T BE!!!!

Hou Ren: I cast.......Impact...Deity Gargantua.....PUNISHER!!!!

Punisher strikes and lands Daryl hard. With that, Daryl's flag is destroyed. Everyone's shocked...

Natalie: It's just one turn and he defeated them both.

Garga: (Astonished) My buddy has grown.....

He snaps his finger and teleports everyone out of the stage. The stage disappears and deactivates.

Daryl: Man...Who would have thought you can take on 2 people at once.

Cross: Incredible...

Masato: can you train us?

Hou Ren: That's what I did isn't it? I fight you so that I can train you. Consider it as a wake up call.

Agito: That's why...

Hou Ren: You both are strong yes, but you need to step it up. Earlier the way you fought is as if you're not prepared. If this is how you are, I guarantee you both will lose quickly.

Garga: My buddy...

Hou Ren: I know I'm being harsh but it's the truth. I'm sure Kyoya has invited several strong opponents. Even stronger than me perhaps. Life is harsh, but it's important to be prepared.

Everyone felt a bit surprised.

Hou Ren: The real training starts the day after tomorrow. Be prepared. (Walks away)

Garga follows him and walks away. Everyone stares in surprise.

Masato: He sure is something...

Daryl: But he's right. We need to become stronger.

Gwen: Yeah....

While walking, the two talk....

Hou Ren: I'm sorry about the way I act earlier...

Garga: Don't worry. I must admit, you have absolutely become a mentor.

Hou Ren: Maybe. Besides, I need to become stronger. Not just to win. (Remembers Kyoya) But to also protect those from harm's way.

Garga: Kyoya huh...I understand. As the Deity Of Combat, I will support you to my fullest.

Suddenly Hou Ren's deck glows. This catches him and Garga's attention in surprise and stop walking.

Garga: What's that light?

Anime Ending: Gonna Be Right.

Story End.

Lost Ren: So I heard Hou Ren is training. I need to do the same. But it looks like we have a mole. Next time, "Rogue Slayer Alone". Join us for a Buddyfight.