Path To Liberation, R is for Revenge (Chap 43)

Synopsis: The prelims are almost over and many points are gathered one after another. Only one day and left and a villainous mind returns...

On Live TV...

Ion: Hello Folks. Ion & Tako Here. Only One Day left for the Gaen Cup Prelims and it seems matches are heating up. Note has defeated Mamoru and Rei has defeated Kei. So many points are gained one after another. 

Takokichi: BUT. Only 16 players are allowed to move on. Meaning there are limitted spots. So who will be the ones to move on? Let's find out.

Ion: Since today is the last day, we decided to amp up the points a little. Meaning the points gained will be doubled. To all competitors out there, May fortune smile upon you.

Takokichi: Till the next match...


Anime Opening: Black & White

At the Buddy Card Office, Hou Ren & Garga enters Tasuku's office.

Hou Ren: You asked for us, Commisioner?

Tasuku: You're late, Hou Ren. I expect you to be on time.

Hou Ren: It's only 5 minutes. 

Tasuku: Even still. Anyways, now that you're here, I have things to discuss with all of you.

It's revealed that Light, Agent Ren, Lost Ren and even Shiloh are also gathered at the office.

Agent: What's this about, Commisioner?

Tasuku: It's regarding the Gaen Cup. Hou Ren, do you remember that day we talked about Davide Yamazaki?

Hou Ren: Of Course. 

In a flashback, Hou Ren deducts that Kyoya is behind Davide's actions. Tasuku finds it very curious.

Hou Ren: Davide wouldn't show up unless someone tells him too. The same with Ms Shafi. Like if they want to target me, they would have done it sooner.

Lost Ren: Don't forget Shido as well.

Hou Ren: Wait what?

Lost Ren: It's true. Right before the tournament, Shido was caught spying on me while I was training in the mountains.

Hou Ren is surprised.

Tasuku: Three Spies yet Kyoya sent them for what? What is it that makes him fond of you?

Garga: That's the thing. We don't know.

Shiloh: But how do we know Kyoya sent them? And what does this have to do with the Gaen Cup?

Lost Ren: How bout the fact that Shido couldn't kept his poker face when he is exposed for working alongside Kyoya?

Hou Ren: Or the fact that Ms Shafi reveals that Kyoya sent her during interrogation?

Garga: And Davide literally felt scared when he was caught about doing Kyoya's work.

Shiloh: Oh...

Tasuku: Plus, As someone who worked with Kyoya before, I have more than just a hunch. After all...

In a flashback, Tasuku reveals his origin as the Purgatory Knight back in his youth.

Tasuku: I was once known as the 'Purgatory Knight'. I was willing to accept his help in order to become an adult. But that led me on the wrong path. Thankfully, a friend saved me and made me realize my wrongs.

Flashback end.

Tasuku: Davide & Shido were his subordinates. And the Gaen Cup was held back in the days with major secrets behind it. Seeing this right now is Deja Vu.

Hou Ren: Funny. All three of them have Kyoya backing them up. Then there's the Gaen Cup, which Kyoya hosts. I can literally see a connection.

Tasuku: Indeed. However this doesn't explain the actions before the tournament. As well as the tournament's true intentions. Which is why I need you four to investigate.

Garga: Four?

Tasuku: To be precise, Hou Ren & Garga, Lost Ren & Shiloh.

All three: Huh?

Hou Ren: Okay, Not To Object but I understand me & Lost Ren but why Shiloh? This doesn't concern her.

Tasuku: I know that, but you guys are Draknights no? And if I have to be honest, Shiloh personally wish to help out right before we have this meeting.

Shiloh: It's true. (Flashback) When Commisioner called me about it, I couldn't say no. I want to help out, even if it means endangering myself. (Flashback End)

Hou Ren: But still...

Shiloh: Besides, think of it as spending time together. As Us.

Hou Ren: I....(Determined) You did play a major role during the Sanctuary Crisis. Okay.

Tasuku: Then it's decided. Agent. Light. You both will need to assist me here. I can't handle the Buddy Police alone.

Both: Right.

Tasuku: Alright that's all. Good Luck with the matches. And report back if you see anything suspicious.

Outside, Hou Ren, Lost Ren, Shiloh & Garga discuss their next move as they walk.

Hou Ren: Knowing you Lost Ren, you can look after yourself. But Shiloh, I think I need to do some carrying.

Shiloh: I'm not a baby you know.

Hou Ren: (Awkwardly smiling) I'm not even teasing.

Garga: (Calmly Explain) What Hou Ren is trying to say is that you are still new to missions. Especially from the Buddy Police. You need some help.

Shiloh: Fine...

Lost Ren: Then it's settled. Let's get back to the tournament and continue the matches.

Hou Ren: Speaking of which, What's our rankings? (Checks his phone) 

All three have look at their rankings through Hou Ren's phone.

Hou Ren: Looks Like I'm in second place.

Shiloh: I'm in third.

Lost Ren: And I'm first.

Hou Ren: (Annoyed) Of course, you're first. 

Lost Ren: What?

Shiloh: Wait...someone's in second place too.

All: Huh?

They all look at the rankings and see that Da Dan is in second place, alongside Hou Ren.

Hou Ren: DA DAN?

Garga: That Scoundrel?

Shiloh: Who?

Suddenly they hear an evil laughing walking towards them. Da Dan is walking towards them like a gangster with his hands in his pocket.

Hou Ren, Garga & Lost Ren: (Angry) YOU.

Hou Ren: That's Da Dan, Shiloh.

Shiloh: Oh...he looks....ugly.

Da Dan: (stabbed) don't have to hurt me like that.

Hou Ren: What are you doing here? Leave.

Da Dan: Aww, don't be like that. A little birdie told me you're in second place with me. How about it, Friend? (Laughs Maliciously)

Hou Ren: No.

Da Dan: Huh? Why Not?

Hou Ren: Want my honest opinion? You're absolutely annoying. You're a cunning douchebag who refuses to change. I have no interest in facing you.

Da Dan: (Stabbed again) Not again....

Garga: Agreed. You tricked my buddy once. Framed him. Stole his deck. Get Lost, Scoundrel.


Hou Ren: (Sigh) Fine. I'll make this quick.

At a stage, Da Dan and Hou Ren are about to face off. Lost Ren & Shiloh spectates. Ion & Takokichi appears.

Ion: Whenever there's a buddyfight, you can find us, Ion & Takokichi. Today's the last day and of the Gaen Cup Prelims and we have these two facing off.

Tako: They are tied for second place and whoever loses will be plummeted to third place. 

Hou Ren: A deity's dragon brigade expects the unexpected. Come On. Luminize, Dradeity Exspecta.

Da Dan: Dragonblood Sect. Appear with the Great Da Dan. Luminize.....Deadly Nightmare.

Ion & Takokichi: And.....Buddyfight.

Both: Raise the flag.

Both: Dragon World.

Ion: Da Dan will go first.

Da Dan: Draw. Charge And Draw. I cast, Dragonic Charge Plus.

Da Dan's Gauge: 5

Da Dan: I pay 3 gauge and Buddycall to the right. Say Hello To My New Buddy.

Da Dan's Buddy arrives....but something feels sinister.....

Garga: What's this feels wrong.

Hou Ren: I sense it too....

Da Dan: You're darn right. May I present...FATAL EYES.

Fatal Eyes Appears, leaving everyone surprised.

Da Dan: Fatal Eyes. Size 3. 20000 power. 15000 defense. A critical of 4. He's my buddy's evolved form with soulguard, double attack and counterattack.

Hou Ren: How did he evolve his buddy?

Garga: No Idea.

Da Dan: I equip, Nemesis Soul. (Paid 1 gauge) Ugh....

Fatal Eyes: Forgive me, my friend. You must endure pain due to the laws of darkness.

Da Dan: Yeah Yeah I know. To the left, Madness Luna. Fatal Eyes. Show me your new power.

Fatal Eyes: Slake Your Pain. (Shoots)

Hou Ren's life: 10 -> 6

Ion & Shiloh: 4 damage in 1 blow?

Da Dan: My turn is over.

Hou Ren: Draw. Charge And Draw. I equip Garblade and GargaSabre Exspecta. (Equips Both Swords) Temple Of Endurance. Garcat Exspecta. Come On.

Both Cards are summoned.

Ion: With Garcat's effect, Hou Ren gains a gauge and draws a card. 

Hou Ren: Garga. Buddycall.

Garga: (Appears) All are powerless before my blade.

Da Dan: Hold it, before you continue, Fatal Eye's effect.

Fatal Eyes: Fall To Slumber, my friend.

Suddenly Hou Ren's monsters are under hynopsis.....

Da Dan: With Fatal eyes's effect, all of your cards are forced to attack him. 

Shiloh: He can do what?

Hou Ren: Why am I not surprised.....Gargantua Switch Mode. Change. Gargantua Exspecta. 

Garga: (G-EVO) Whether I live or die, I share the same fate with my buddy. I am. Gargantua Exspecta.

Da Dan: Huh?

Ion: That's New...

Hou Ren: I take 2 damage and....(Adds a card to his hand) And even though Garcat is under your control, I can still activate his ability.

Hou Ren uses Garcat's ability by borrowing his powers and deal damage to Da Dan.

Da Dan: OWWW. Again?

Da Dan's Life: 11 -> 10

Hou Ren: Also, Garblade and Gargasabre's ability.

Da Dan's Life: 10 -> 8

Hou Ren's Life: 4 -> 6

However Garcat is still under hypnosis and attacks.

Hou Ren: Hang On Garcat. I cast. Gar Heilen.

Garcat is destroyed.

Ion: Woah, Hou Ren's back at full Life.

Da Dan: Huh? You destroyed your own monster?

Hou Ren: I won't let him fall to someone like you. Scumbag.

Da Dan: (Stabbed) Ouch...

Shiloh: (Awkward) He looks tough but has weak heart for some reason...

Da Dan: (Back to malicious sense) But in case you didn't notice, my buddy now has 25000 defense thanks to Madness Luna. You can't defeat him through attacks, bozo.

Hou Ren: Who says I'm going to attack him? I cast, Exspecta's Aura. I increase all of my card's critical by 2. In exchange, I take 2 damage. And because I took damage....

Garga: (Charges his strike) His Pain Makes Me Stronger. Exspecta Conclusion Slayer.

Garga's strike then charges at Fatal Eyes. Destroying Him.

Fatal Eyes: Im...possible(Destroyed)


Ion: WOAH, Fatal Eyes Got Destroyed Instantly. Including his 5 card soul.

Hou Ren: Did you honestly expect me be the same as before? How Naive. I'll start by destroying Madness Luna. (Creates a strike)

Madness Luna is destroyed.

Hou Ren: You're next. (Slashes Da Da)

Da Dan: OWWW....

Da Dan's Life: 8 -> 4

Tako: Now Da Dan receives 4 damage in one shot.

Ion: And Now Da Dan is in the reds. If the next attack lands, it's game over.

Hou Ren: Garga. All yours.

Garga: With pleasure. (Swings his sword spear and attacks)

Da Dan: Cast. Green Dragon Shield. (Gains 1 life)

Shiloh: So close...

Hou Ren: I could G-EVO again but I rather not. Garga Revert.

Garga reverts.

Hou Ren: I end my turn.

Ion: Incredible. Hou Ren corners his opponent with ease. And the best part is that Da Dan's Iron wall defense is destroyed. Talk about a turnout.

Da Dan: Dah....How did he get so strong? Doesn't matter. Draw. Charge and Draw. You may have destroyed Fatal Eyes. But you certainly won't defeat me. I cast. Dragogenius. (Pays 2 gauge) I draw 2 cards.

Ion: Da Dan just increased his hand.

Da Dan: I cast. Dragonic Charge Plus. (Gain 5 gauge) I call Fatal eyes to the right again.

Fatal eyes: The laws of darkness has called upon my powers once again.

Ion: Fatal Eyes is revived.

Da Dan: I cast. Dragonic Grimoire. (Draw 3 cards) Fatal Eyes. Attack Garga.

Fatal Eyes: Fall to demise. (Shoots Garga)

Da Dan: (Thought maliciously) He has one card left. He has a low chance of defending. 

Hou Ren: Cast. Deity Exspecta Shield. (Defends Garga)

Garga: Thank you, Hou Ren.

Hou Ren: No sweat. For this turn, Da Dan can only attack me.

Ion: WHAT? Is he Insane?

Shiloh: What is he doing?

Hou Ren: Well? You say want revenge. Come and Get Me.

Da Dan: You asked for it. Double attack. 

Hou Ren's Life: 8 -> 4

Hou Ren: You fell for it. (Stabs Garblade to the ground)

Da Dan is electrified.

Da Dan's Life: 5 -> 3

Hou Ren's Life: 4 -> 6

Ion: My once again, Da Dan took damage.

Da Dan: Argh...That's It. (Attacks) You're Mine.

Hou Ren: I cast. Exspecta Strikes Back. (Blocks the attack with Garblade)

Hou Ren singlehandedly swings back the attack and throws Garblade at Da Dan.

Da Dan: OWWW!!!

Da Dan's Life: 3 -> 1

Ion: Wait What???? What just happenned?

Hou Ren: Simple. That spell not only blocks the attack but since I also took damage this turn, I also deals damage equal to the attacking card's critical.

Ion & Da Dan: WHAT?

Shiloh: I get it now. He purposely took damage so that he can strike back. 

Lost Ren: Combining with his incredible luck, he was able to draw the card he needs and corner him.

Garga: Impressive. I expected nothing less from my buddy.


Hou Ren: Sadly for you this game is over. G-EVO Activate. Change. Magma Rocker, Gargantua Scorcher.

Garga: (G-EVO) Earth becomes solid lava. And I have become one with it. Magma Rocker, Gargantua Scorher.

Ion, Da Dan & Takokichi: (Shocked) WHAT? Another One????

Hou Ren: There's alot you don't know about me. Okay Garga. Let's end this ready?

Garga: You bet. Do it.

Hou Ren: Activate Scorcher's ability. Since I can't melt all of the opponent's fields, 3 damage to the opponent.


Garga shoots out Molten Lava from his launcher and Da Dan reacts in horror.

Da Dan: NOO.....WAY!!!!!

The Lava hits Da Dan and he suffers from it as he screams. Da Dan's flag is destroyed.


Hou Ren: Exspecta. It means one who expects the unexpected. One who is willing to sacrifice themselves to shield their love ones. I preservered, I believed, and thus my winning image has come to life.

Shiloh: Incredible. 

Lost Ren: You said it.

Ion: Well, I have no objection. As a result, Hou Ren's points are gained and doubled. Da Dan however only gain a few cause he used less cards.

Da Dan: Nah Nah....No Way....My Revenge...

Hou Ren: Honestly, that was the lousiest fight I have ever seen. Was it even worth getting revenge? No. 

Garga: Your buddy may have evolved but I say you still lack perception. If you knew this would have happen, then you should have change tactics and could have won.


Ion: Unfortunately, you won't be facing him. Apparently I found out the reason why Da Dan was tied with Hou Ren for second place.

Hou Ren: Why?

Ion: According to the tournament comittee, (shows a footage) they were able to detect Da Dan hacking into the points system and increased his points. 

All: WHAT?

Garga: (Angry) DA DAN!!!!

Tako: Bonus, you both would have tied for first but Lost Ren beaten you guys to it. That's why you both were tied in Second.

Hou Ren: AH? Nevermind Lost Ren, but is this true? Da Dan?

Da Dan: (Shivering) I...I...I should have been first!!! I want to win the entire tournament and be the best for crying out loud.

Hou Ren: (Sigh) I was right. He is not worth fighting. 

Ion: Because of this, the comittee has decided that Da Dan is disqualified and hereby banned from all tournaments. Additionally, he will lose all buddyfighter rights.

Da Dan: No...No...No....NO WAY.....(Faints)

Ion: And with that, the prelims are over. The sixteen players who are moving on are these players.

A screen appears in the air and shows that the sixteen players are Hou Ren, Lost Ren, Shiloh, Ranma, Daryl, Masato, Devil Destroy Bigmachine, J Genesis, Sophia, Rouga, Ageha, Shura, Alec, Elijah, Shido and Davide.

Ion: To all players who moved on, Congratulations. The second round will start in a week. Until then, stay tuned and be prepared. Good luck.

Hou Ren: Gotta Admit Shiloh, you really have come this far. I'm proud of you.

Shiloh: Thanks. I just couldn't believe it as well.

Lost Ren: But still, don't forget what we came to do. We still have a case to solve.

Both: Right.

???: You shouldn't celebrate just yet.

Sophia Sakhrov then appears before them.

Hou Ren: Do I know you?

Sophia: Sophia Sakhrov. I have a message for you. It's from Master Kyoya.

Lost Ren: Kyoya?

Sophia: (Nods) He says he's impressed on your progress. At the same time, he wants me to give you a warning.

All three + Garga: (Serious) Hmmm.....

Sophia: He wants you to know that the second round is going to be tough. If you know what's good for you, I suggest you forfeit.

Hou Ren: I think you know my answer at this point.

Garga: Obviously. 

Sophia: And you, Ms Nelson. He is also interested in your progress too. I suggest you don't disappoint him.

Shiloh: That so?

Lost Ren: But May I ask? What is Kyoya's true intention with the tournament? And why are Davide and Shido sent to target us?

Sophia: I have no obligation to answer that. All I can say is that no matter what you find, it will never succeed in stopping Master Kyoya's plan. (Walks away)

The four stare sternly.

Hou Ren: What is Kyoya up to...

Anime Ending: Gonna Be Right.


Ranma: Ranma here, Me and Hou Ren decided to re-activate our channel. Wait, what's all this? Next time, "A knight full of scars" Join us for a buddyfight.

Story End.