Path To Liberation, A Knight Full Of Scars (Chap 44)

Synopsis: Ranma and Hou Ren reunite and restart their channel. Shiloh also joins them but things suddenly took a wrong turn...

In the previous story, Tasuku calls Hou Ren, Lost Ren & Shiloh as well as Light & Agent Ren for a meeting. Hou Ren, Lost Ren & Shiloh are chosen to investigate the tournament as they battle while Light & Agent Ren must assist Tasuku for the rest. Da Dan then challenges Hou Ren but he is ultimately defeated and was disquallified and banned for cheating. In the end, the prelims are over and the second round starts in a week.

Anime Opening: Black & White.

A live stream is being held on Ranma & Hou Ren's ex channel as the intro is being played out. After awhile, the two appear on stream.

Both: Wadddup Pals.

Hou Ren: It's been awhile since we did a live stream and we apologise for not uploading lately but we are back now.

Ranma: And today we are here at Singapore and we are going to perform dangerous massive skateboard stunts at this dangerous skateboard park.

The stream shows an overview of the dangerous skateboard park and immediately moves to Ranma filming Hou Ren with no gear and on a skateboard at the start of one of it's rides...the comments are coming in like crazy.....

Hou Ren: Uh Ranma.....I still don't think this is a good Idea you know.

Ranma: Relax. You're the Ace of Games. You got this.

Hou Ren: Alright, guess we're doing this.

Hou Ren immediately sets off on his skateboard. His stunts are amazing as he did some flips around. The comments are pouring in like crazy regarding about his tricks. Just then, Shiloh joins in and greets Ranma.

Shiloh: Hey Guys.

Ranma: (Turns his attention) Shiloh. What are you doing here. Oh wait what the.

The comments are once again spamming excitedly about Shiloh's appearance. Saying nice stuff about her and so on.

Ranma: Oh god. The comments are going in like crazy.

Shiloh: Wait are you live streaming?

Ranma: Oh uh....sorry, I'll turn around.

Shiloh: No No, it's fine. I'm okay with it.

Hou Ren: Woooooohooo. This is great.....Feels Like Old Times. Huh (Spots Shiloh) SHILOH, OVER HERE. NO HANDS.

Shiloh: Woah. I didn't know Hou Ren can skate like that.

Ranma: There's alot you don't know about him.

With one last flip and spin from Hou Ren, he immediately lands down in a smooth way. Ranma and Shiloh cheered and so did the comments.

Ranma: Now that's what I call an epic landing. Nice work dude. (High fives)

Hou Ren: (High fives back) Yeah. And check it out, the comments are even more wild.

Shiloh: You're right. They're saying, "that's aces", "wicked" , "do more stunts".

Ranma: I know. I wonder what should we do next.

Hou Ren: Also Shiloh? What are you doing here at Singapore?

Shiloh: I've called you multiple times. And you didn't pick up.

Hou Ren: Wait what? (Check his phone and saw a bunch of missed calls) Oh....Oops.....Sorry.....

Shiloh: I then decided to use the portal card to bring myself to you and well, I didnt expect you and Ranma are live streaming.

Hou Ren: Sorry...

Shiloh: It's okay. (Holds Hou Ren's hand) But don't do that again or else I will breakup with you. You know how worried I am.

Hou Ren: I know.....I'll give you heads up next time. I promise.

Ranma: Wait....what's this?

Suddenly the three are seeing a bunch of mean comments on their live stream, such as saying "eww are you dating her", "How Dare He", "arrest this man". They are even losing views and so on.....

Hou Ren: Uh Oh.....

Ranma: This is bad, We're losing subs and views.....Oh god.

Hou Ren: End the stream. End The Stream.

Ranma immediately ends the stream and both Shiloh and Hou Ren are shocked regarding what just happened. After a while, night time has arrived. Hou Ren is at his room thinking about what just happenned with his arms on the table. Hou Ren remembers the aftermath.

Hou Ren: It's just mean comments right?

Shiloh: Yeah. Even I get mean comments too sometimes.

Ranma: But I'm worried. There were 20000 people watching and...i don't know what's going to happen next.

Hou Ren: I'm sure everything will be fine. I mean it's just jealous people. 

As the flashback cuts back to the present, Hou Ren feels abit anxious.

Hou Ren: (Thought) But why does my gut tells me that I am wrong.

Suddenly, his phone just rang. A notification pops up. Hou Ren looks at it and it's very shocked. Apparently, someone made an annoymous account and posts alot of false rumors regarding the two. A bunch of mean comments and death threats are also made. Allegations one after another. This made him very terrified.


Hou Ren: N....No....

The next day at a park, Hou Ren is sitting alone on a bench. He is incredibly stern and sad. He wears his old white hoodie and covers his face. Shiloh then joins him.

 Shiloh: Hey Hou Ren, you said you wanna talk alone. So what's up?

Hou Ren: Yeah...about that.....Can you please sit down first? 

Shiloh: What's wrong? (Sits down) Is everything okay? 

Hou Ren: I'll explain in a minute. Thank gosh this place doesn't have cameras. 

Shiloh: What's this all about?

Hou Ren: Did you...happen to see what happened yesterday?

Shiloh: I...I did. I can't believe it. Someone made up some false rumors about us. How could they?

Hou Ren: I know. The worst part is that we received a lot of death threats. Being labeled badly one after another. (Despaired) I just don't know what to do...

Shiloh: I know. I was deeply saddenned. When my brothers found out about it, they are absolutely upset. Like...who would say such things about us?

Hou Ren: I don't know...but I have a solution. I don't think you'll like it.

Shiloh: What is it?

Hou Ren: (grips his left wrist) I....I'm breaking up with you.

Shiloh: What? You...You're joking? Is this some sort of prank?

Hou Ren shakes his head in regret while feeling sad....

Shiloh: But.....Why? They are just false rumors. We can address them online. You even....said we shouldn't care about what people said about us.

Hou Ren: But still, the situation is very massive and we can't afford to turn a blind eye. A lot of people would just hate us even more if we just be together. Or worse. I can't bear to see you in danger. 

Shiloh: But Hou Ren.....that's not true. We can still be together. Who cares about the hate comments and the rest. I want to be with you...Please.....(Crying) I don't want to lose you.

Hou Ren: (Crying) You think I want this? I want to be with you too so badly but I had no choice. I'm sorry but this is the only way.....

Suddenly, it starts raining and Shiloh tearfully slapped Hou Ren's face very hard. Hou Ren immediately gets up and ran off in the opposite direction.....

Shiloh: (Crying and yelling) NO!!!! HOU REN!!!!!! COME BACK!!!! (Drops down on her knees in tears) 

As Hou Ren runs without looking back, his forehead is absolutely shadowed. His tears are shown as he runs. He feels so angry and upset. He ran and ran, wanting to forget what had just happened. He is deeply heartbroken. Meanwhile, Shiloh was still on her knees crying over what just happened. Like Hou Ren, she is deeply heartbroken.....Somewhere nearby, Garga was shocked to see what happened and immediately rushed to Shiloh's aid to cover her with an Umbrella.

Garga: Come On Shiloh.


Garga: NO. IT'S DANGEROUS FOR YOU TO BE OUT IN THE RAIN. YOU'RE GONNA GET SOAKED...(Comforts her) It's okay....It's okay...I'm right here.....

As Garga comforts her and softly takes her to shelter, he feels devasted regarding what just happenned. Especially with his Buddy.....

Garga: Hou Ren...

The Rain is so heavy as thunder sparks loud. Hou Ren ran even more without looking back while feeling even more depressed and angry. His clothes are all soaked and he stops for abit. He feels exhausted and he feels so defeated as he drops down on his knees. He looks up at the stormy sky and the rain follows his tears down his face. His eyes are still completely shadowed. He finally looks down feeling officially defeated with his hands on his laps in a very upset manner. 

A week has passed and the mood is incredibly down. Shiloh is currently in her hotel room, feeling sad while she looks at her phone. Elijah steps into her room. He is incredibly concern.

Elijah: Shiloh? Are you okay?

But Shiloh didn't respond as she continues looking at her phone feeling emotionless.

Elijah: (Sigh) You need to move on, Shiloh. It's been a week and if you're still like this, I don't know how to help you.

Shiloh as usual didn't respond. Outside of her hotel room, her reamaining siblings watches in sadness.

Judah: It's a good thing we're able to clear the allegations. And they are not getting arrested.

Micah: But the culprit is still on the loose. 

Josiah: And the damage....has been done.

Meanwhile at Hou Ren's house, the latter is also looking at his phone feeling emotionless. Garga, just like Elijah, feel incredibly concern.

Garga: Come On Hou Ren. You need move on. I know what happenned was rough but you need heal your wounds.

Hou Ren: Except those wounds are scars...

Garga: Enough. I can't bear to look at you feeling so upset all day.

Outside his room, Hou Ren's parents are feeling worried.

Hou Ren's Mother: He's gone through alot...

Hou Ren's Father: But a breakup...My son....

Suddenly, Hou Ren's phone rang and it's revealed to be Ranma...

Hou Ren: (picks up the phone) Yes Ranma? ... Umm....Okay? (Ends the call)

Later at a mall, Hou Ren and Garga are walking and what stands before them is Ranma and Destroyer.

Ranma: You made it.

Hou Ren: Yeah. You said you want to talk at this location. So, what do you want?

Ranma: Only one answer: I challenge you to a buddyfight.

At the stage.

Ion: Whenever there's a buddyfight, you can find us, Ion & Takokichi. It's the second round of the Gaen Cup and today's match features Ranma and Hou Ren. 

Takokichi: Those two displayed fierce spirit during the playoffs long ago. Along with the fact that they are the "Ace of Games". I wonder what will we see today. Now both players please luminize.

Vile Ranma: Hold on. Before that. Can I make a request? I want to this match to not count as a second round match.

Ion: Huh? Oh...Okay Sure.

Vile Ranma: Thanks, Ion. Let's do this.

Hou Ren: (Moodless) Whatever you say. A deity dragon's brigade expects the unexpected. Come On. Luminize. Dradeity Exspecta.

Vile Ranma: Reveal the gateway to the lost dimension. Let this world roam in despair. Luminize...Dimension Gate Rebirth.

Both: And....Buddyfight.

Both: Raise the flag. Dragon World.

Ion: Hou Ren will go first.

Hou Ren: Draw. Charge and Draw. I buddycall Garga to the right.

Garga: (Appears) All are powerless before my blade.

Hou Ren: Cast. Deity dragon tribe's banquet. I equip...Deity Dragon Sword, Garblade "The Future". (Equips his sword) 

Hou Ren's Life & gauge: 12, 2

Ion: Oh my, I haven't seen "The Future" in a while.

Hou Ren: Garga, attack the fighter.

Garga: As you wish.

Vile Ranma's Life: 10 -> 7

Ion: Garga deals 3 damage to Ranma. And with that Hou Ren's turn is over.

Ranma: Behold...(Reveals the Lost World flag in his hand) Cover the flag.....LOST WORLD REBORN.

Ranma's flag immediately changed to Lost World Reborn.

Ion: There it is. Lost World's evolved version. It's Lost World Reborn.

Ranma: Deck Addition. Lost Vanity Endgame.

Destroyer appears.....

Ranma: Vile demonic Dragon, Vanity Husk Destroyer REB. My turn. Draw. Charge and Draw. Agonia to the center.

Ion: Ranma then uses D suction to destroy Agonia and draw 2 cards and gain 1 life. With Agonia's effect, he increases his hand even more, along with his gauge.

Ranma: Now tremble in fear. Quake in terror. And be consumed by despair. I buddycall to the right.

Vile Ranma's Life: 8 -> 9

Destroyer REB appears.

Ranma: I equip Lostless Saber. Agoniagyll Dlhyvalam to the left. Destroyer, attack Garga.

Destroyer: I shall grant that wish. (Attacks) Dimension door, Origin Slayer.

Hou Ren's Life: 12 -> 10

Destroy succesfully hits Garga and Garga revives with soulguard.

Hou Ren: Counterattack on Agonia.

Garga counterattacks Agoniagyll.

Ion: With Agoniagyll destroyed, Ranma gains 3 life.

Vile Ranma: Double attack.

Destroyer: Dimension door, Origin Slayer.

Hou Ren's Life: 10 -> 8

Destroyer once again hits Garga....

Garga: Curse you.....(Destroyed)

Ion: Oh no, Garga is destroyed. But for some reason, Hou Ren feels down instead of reacting to it....(thought) what's going on? (thought)

Ranma: Here I come, Hou Ren. (Attacks) Lostless Saber's effect.

Hou Ren's hand: 4 -> 3

Hou Ren's Life: 8 -> 7

Ranma: Double attack.

Hou Ren's hand: 3 -> 2

Hou Ren's Life: 7 -> 6

Ion: Woah, Ranma attacked so many times and yet Hou Ren has shown no signs of stopping them. 

Ranma: My turn isn't over yet. I cast, Dimension Wave. I destroy Destroyer.

Destroyer is destroyed while Ranma gains 2 gauge, 2 life and draw 1 card.

Ranma: Now Behold and Listen. And sear this moment into your soul. Vile demonic deity dragon, Vanity Epoch Destroyer REB to the right.

Vanity Epoch Destroyer REB appeared on the right.

Ion: It's here. Destroyer's other evolved form. Vanity Epoch Destroyer REB. With his effect, Garblade the future is destroyed.

Garblade is defeated.

Vile Ranma: Honestly Hou Ren, this is pathetic. I thought you would fight with passion. I even heard that you were trained by Guru Bunbuku. Now look at you, you look so weak and depressed. Did Breaking Up With Shiloh throw off your game?

Hou Ren: (Moodless) I have no comment.

Vile Ranma: Is this really you? Letting mean comments damage your spirit easily? I thought you are stronger than that.

Hou Ren: It's not just mean comments. There were death threats for crying out loud. Multiple allegations were against me.

Vile Ranma: Even still, the case was solved wasn't it?

Hou Ren: Maybe...but the damage...left a stain in my heart. You got no idea Ranma. 

Vile Ranma: Yes. I. Do. Literally you want to know what it's like seeing my friend drift away from me once? It was hurtful. I couldn't heal myself even after being Vile Ranma. But You. You brought me back to light. You made me realize you were always by my side.

Hou Ren: That was different. (Sigh) What happenned now is literally bigger than you think. 

Vile Ranma: Even still. What happenned to the Hou Ren who is full of compassion? Where's the Hou Ren who saved me when I was consumed by Hate?

Hou Ren: He's gone. Gone for life.

Vile Ranma: That's not true. I know somewhere in there that the real Hou Ren still exists. And I will break through that thick skull of yours to get him back. Destroyer. 

Destroyer: I shall grant that wish.

Hou Ren's Life: 6 -> 3

Destroyer: Double attack.

Ion: If this attack lands, Hou Ren's gonna lose.

Hou Ren: I cast, Blue Dragon Shield.

Hou Ren's gauge: 2 -> 3

Ion: He blocked the attack.

Vile Ranma: My turn is now over. I practically got this in the bag.

Hou Ren: (Moodless) Whatever. My turn.

Vile Ranma: There's something I wanna ask, Hou Ren. Are you sure what you did was right? Is this what you want?

As Hou Ren responds, elsewhere, Tasuku, Elijah and his siblings, Hou Ren's parents and his friends are watching from their homes.

Hou Ren: What other choice do I have? I don't want to see her getting hurt. (Grips his left wrist) I just couldn't...I just want to stop the hate that's coming. Never again...never the same situation once again.

Vile Ranma: What situation? 

Hou Ren: You know exactly what I'm talking about. The unfair backlash the Draknights, including myself face. The neglection from my parents, my friends, everything. I just...(crying) I just don't understand. Why won't people just let me do my thing in peace?

Ion & Garga: (Worried) Hou Ren....

Hou Ren: My biggest regret is having a crush on her in the first place. If I had just kept my feelings and emotions to myself, then none of this would have happenned.

Tasuku: (Worried) Hou Ren...

Hou Ren: But I was incredibly stubborn and blind. As punishment, I received a lot of hate. Here I thought love is all that matters. But there are some things I must consider.

Vile Ranma: Exactly. There are things you need to consider. Let me ask. What are you going to do with Shiloh in relationship terms?

Hou Ren: Spend time with her? Teach her more on Buddyfight? Respect her privacy and choices. Support her? 

Vile Ranma: Exactly. You didn't want to hurt her. Or involve in anything illegal right? You just want to support and be with her in any way you can. After all, you still care for her don't you?

Hou Ren: (Realized) Yeah.....(wipes off tears) Yeah I do.

Ranma: As long as you don't do anything bad to her, you're fine. You yourself want to be with her and see her smile bright no matter what. After all, you loved her dearly.

Hou Ren: You're right. As long as I do all those things, I'm fine. And I want to protect her and care for her. See her smile everyday. Shield her like no tomorrow.

Suddenly, Hou Ren's deck & aura glows blue. Garga felt surprised.

Hou Ren: I'll always protect those I love. I'm a Draknight. I'm a Champion. And I'M... THE ACE OF GAMES.

Suddenly, Power surrounds him like crazy. Lighting forms around him. Everyone is shocked. Hou Ren glows bright and yells as incredible amounts of power surges through him. In the dropzone, Garga glows too.

Vile Ranma: What's happening to him?

Destroyer: I can sense it, I can sense incredible power flowing through him....

Garga: (Also Glowing) I can feel it too....Me and Hou Ren are starting to evolve....

On his deck, A glowing card is being created and hands to Hou Ren.


Hou Ren is suddenly engulfed in a lightning tornado. Leaving Everyone in surprise.


As the tornado stops, Hou Ren suddenly emerges in a new armor. His hair is longer. His face is confident and bright. His head gear is fierce and loyal. The armor shines as it aligns with each other. Being a shiny diamond. He also wields a new sword. Furthermore, His wings appears but in 3 sets and larger size.

Hou Ren: Attribute Deity Dragon Tribe.....and Dragod. Size 10, Infinity power. 10000 defense. A critical of 5. I cannot be destroyed, leave the field and my abilities cannot be nullified. I am.....Dawn Of Resilient.....Hou Ren "GENESIS"!!!! (Yells Loud)

Everyone is so surprised at Hou Ren's New Power.


Tasuku: Incredible...

Hou Ren's Father: My son...

Ranma: I knew it. I knew the real you is in there somewhere. Glad to see you're back.

Hou Ren: You're right. I felt like me again. Activating my ability, I draw until I have 6 cards in my hand.


Takokichi: HOW?

Hou Ren: (Takes a card) Alright Pal, it's your turn. A deity who awakens once again. He who proudly calls himself as the "Pinnacle of Combat". I call to the right. Deity Gargantua...."ZENITH"

Garga enters play in his new form.

Garga: (Yells as he is being called) I am Deity Gargantua Zenith. Here and Ready to Fight!!!! 

Everyone is shocked. His new form is similar to Gargantua Knight Dragon. With a brand new Red Cape and White Platings, his crystal becomes blue instead of green. Multiple different weapons are shown behind his cape.

Hou Ren: You look so cool, Garga.

Garga: I know. Same to you. Your spirit is finally revived.

Vile Ranma: That may be true...but I'm still here. Dragotrap.

Dragotrap is casted but neither Hou Ren or Garga are affected.

Vile Ranma: Wait what? It didn't work?

Hou Ren: When I'm transformed into Genesis during the turn, None of my cards can be chosen by the opponent. 

Ion: Say What?

Hou Ren: I won't let anyone harm those I love. That being said. (Wields his sword) Genesis.....(Slashes his sword) Slayer.

Hou Ren slashes his sword, creating a strike that wipes out every single card of Ranma's field.....

Destroyer: I failed....(Destroyed)

Vile Ranma: (Item destroyed) My Lostless Saber.

Ion: Unbelievable. All of Vile Ranma's cards are out.

Hou Ren: At the beginning of my attack phase, none of the opponent's cards can stay on the field by card effects. For each card wiped, I gain 1 life and 1 damage to the opponent. (Stabs the ground)

Vile Ranma's Life: 11 -> 9

Hou Ren flaps his wings and flies. He wields his sword and attacks.

Hou Ren: (Attacks) Here I come.

Ranma: I cast, Dimension Absorb.

Ranma nullifies the attack and gains 2 life.

Ranma: Wait what? No damage?

Hou Ren: I cannot take any damage either after I transformed into this card.

Ranma & Ion: What? That's toads aces.

Hou Ren: Garga. Its your turn. Show me your new power.

Garga: (Drags his sword over the ground and walks towards Ranma) As you wish. (Slashed Ranma)

Ranma's Life: 11 - 9

Hou Ren: You want to know what Zenith has?..."G-EVO Z".

Ranma: "G-EVO Z"?

Hou Ren: I draw a card. Then I can change Garga's form.

Ranma: Okay?

Hou Ren: Change. Rockstar's Ace, Gargantua Bruce.

Garga: (G-EVO) Let's Rock To The Core. Gargantua Bruce is on the scene.

Ion: Woah...Who would have thought his new Rockstar Form is super cool?

Hou Ren: That's not all. With G EVO Z, all of my cards gain 20000 power and defense, critical + 2.

Vile Ranma: AH ???

Hou Ren: Garga. Go.

Garga: Let's Rock. (Strums his guitar)

Vile Ranma: Cast, Green Dragon Shield. (Blocks the attack and gain a life)

Hou Ren: I was going to activate Bruce's ability but... I can't. Instead, I'm going to activate Zenith's other skill. Revert.

Garga reverts.

Hou Ren: That's not all. I stand back up once more.

Vile Ranma: EHH????

Ion: You can give you and your allies power and stand up to attack again?

Takokichi: That's Amazing, Chu.

Tasuku: This means Garga right now has a critical of 4. And Genesis currently has a critical of 7.

Jack: Impressive.

Hou Ren: Finish him.

Garga: With Pleasure. (Attacks)

Vile Ranma's Life: 10 -> 6

Hou Ren: This will end you. (Attacks)

Vile Ranma watches his friend flies in surprise. Hou Ren wields his sword and flaps his six wings. He zooms in and lands one last blow to his opponent. Ranma reacts in smiles as he closes his eyes and gets hit.

Vile Ranma: (Thought) Took you long enough...

Vile Ranma's Flag is destroyed. Hou Ren returns to his human form.

Ion: Game End. The Winner Is Hou Ren. 

The crowd cheers. The spectators cheers and claps their hands. They are so glad.

Ion: What a stunning victory. Never have I seen a buddyfighting match where two fighters unleash their strength at will. One tries to wake up his friend with sheer strength, the other responds with a new evolution and wins the game. Incredible.

As Ranma smiles with his eyes closed, Hou Ren then walks forward and help his friend get back up.

Hou Ren: I have to admit. It's because of you, I'm me again. Thank you.

Ranma: No worries. That's what friends are for.

Garga: I'm so glad to see that you're back to old self.

Hou Ren: Me too Garga.

Hou Ren and Ranma then shake hands.

???: Hou Ren.

They hear a voice and it sounds familiar. Shiloh was the one calling to him and when Hou Ren sees her, his eyes open wide as he felt surprised and saddened to see her. Later, Hou Ren, Garga, Ranma and Shiloh are at the spectator area having a talk...

Hou Ren: You were watching this entire time?

Shiloh: Not exactly, I was watching the match back at my room and then I came here through portal without you both noticing.

Hou Ren: Oh.....I....don't even know where to start.....

Shiloh: I heard everything you said. I can really see you care about me alot and I really appreciate that. At the same time I actually thought about what you said a week ago. And I think you're right that it's best to remain separate...

Hou Ren & Ranma: Oh..... 

Ranma & Garga comforts Hou Ren by tapping his back softly.

Shiloh: It's okay. We can still be friends. Let's just say we are "friends that have some similar interests".

Hou Ren: (Sad) Sure...

Both feel a bit awkward and in the end they hug each other sadly for one last time before continuing their conversation. Somewhere else however, a shadowy figure is watching them nearby and it smiles devilishly.

???: Well I'll be. This is going to be fun.

Anime Ending: Gonna be right.


Lost Ren: I'm not gonna fall behind Hou Ren's victory. And it looks like that cheat Davide is my next opponent. Next time, "Overlord Descends". Join Us For A Buddyfight.

Story End.