Path To Liberation, Overlord (Chap 45)

Synopsis: Lost Ren faces the well known cheat, Davide Yamazaki in the second round. Both with different beliefs with the same reason to destroy. Which side will win?

In the previous story, Hou Ren once again face unfair backlash and hate alongside Shiloh. This caused them to break up. Ranma challenges him and Hou Ren was able to revive his spirit and unlocked his God Evolution. This wins the game but ends with sad outcomes...

Anime Opening: Black & White

On Live TV, Ion & Takokichi appear.

Ion: Hello Everyone, Ion & Takokichi here. Today we are going to bring news regarding the second round of the Gaen Cup. 

Takokichi: Originally we want to explain the rules yesterday. But with Ranma's request, we decided not to. Nevertheless, we are going to explain how it works. Here's how.

A diagram of the Second Round shows on screen.

Ion: It is called the "Three-Life Royale". Why is it three life? The 16 Contestants must once again fight each other within a two week time-limit. They will be given three lives. Lose a match and they lose a life.

Takokichi: And if all three lives are down, the contestant is out. Once the first 8 players are out, the second round is over and we will proceed onto the final round.

Ion: That's all for now. To all contestants out there, good luck and may fortune smile upon you.

Later at a mall, Lost Ren is staring at his phone with his arms on the balcony. He is watching Ranma & Hou Ren's fight. He felt stern as he also remembers the breakup.

Lost Ren: (Sigh) In every story, there's always love. But lurking within, there's also hate. As much as I hate to admit, I felt bad for him. (Clenches his fist) It's back to square one. Why?

???: Well well...

Lost Ren: However, because of the breakup, He felt so down for a week. But after finding his joy again and discovering his weakness, he was able to unlock his God Form. Intresting...

???: Hey I'm talking here.

Lost Ren: But despite the evolution, they both decide not to go back together. Hou might be an idiot but as far as I know, he's always been treating Shiloh like a queen. 

???: Pay attention to me for crying out loud?

Lost Ren: (Annoyed) What?

Davide: Are you deaf or something? It took me three times to call you.

Lost Ren: Sorry but I don't answer to pathetic low-life cheaters like you. 

Davide: How dare you? I'm gonna make you eat your words.

Lost Ren: Hmph. (Holds out his deck)

At the stage.

Ion: Here I am again bringing updates on the second round of the Gaen Cup. It's the shadow of the Draknights, Lost Ren facing the well known cheat, Davide Yamazaki. 

Takokichi: Actually hold on, We've noticed Davide cheated in his previous matches and yet he's still in the game. 

Davide: Simple.....I got special permission Boneheads. (Laughs maniaclly)

Lost Ren: Special permission huh? (Luminizes) Blanket all light and shatter improper rights. Dark Luminize, March Of The ONI. 

Davide: I'm gonna enjoy crushing you. (Luminize) It rocks so hard it crushes. Dark Luminize, Spectral Black Slayers.

Ion & Takokichi: And.....Buddyfight.

Both: Raise the flag. Darkness Dragon World.

Ion: Davide goes first.

Davide: Draw. Charge and Draw. I equip, Evil Death Scythe, "The Reaper". (Attacks while laughs maniaclly) Here's Davide.

Lost Ren's Life: 10 -> 8

Ion: And with that, Davide's turn is over.

Lost Ren: I equip Gar-Lost Haken. (Equips Item) I also Buddycall to the right.

Deity Gargantua Dragon REB enters the play.

Ion: Huh? Wait a sec. I thought Garga has evolved.

Lost Ren: Zenith is Hou's buddy. Not mine. I rather use my own power to fight.

Davide: Heh. Looks to me you have downgraded yourself.

Lost Ren: I Didn't Ask. Let's Continue.

Ion: Lost Ren casts Black Drain to send three of his opponent's cards to the dropzone. He also casts Lostknight Symphony to increase his hand. And because Davide has 3 cards in the dropzone, he also receives 2 damage.

Davide's Life: 10 -> 8

Lost Ren: Lostdog ONI to the left. And I cast Soul Steal. Garga. Dispose of Him.

Davide's Life: 8 -> 5

Lost Ren: Double attack.

Davide: Cast. Black Dragon Shield. (Gains 1 life)

Lost Ren: Lostdog. Follow Him.

Davide's Life: 6 -> 4

Lost Ren: My turn. (Attacks)

Davide: Cast. Midnight Shadow. (Blocks the attack)

Lost Ren: My turn is over.

Davide: My My. No Dead End Ringer? Shido told me about how you defeated him. I was expecting more you know. Ah Well, I'm going to fill so much despair in your life that you're gonna

Lost Ren: (Interupts) Instead of going on with your ranting, how about go ahead and start your turn?

Davide: Say what?

Ion: Oh boy...Lost Ren stole his thunder.

Takokichi: For Real Chu.

Davide: Tch. Someone's chosen Death. Draw. Charge and Draw. I cast, Abyss Symphony. (Draws 2 cards) I buddycall Deathgaze REB to the right.

Deathgaze: (Appears) I'll tear you all Limb From Limb.

Davide: I call Ve Veil to the right.

Ion: With Veil's effect, Davide gains a gauge and draw 2 cards.

Davide: I cast, Merciless Predator. And if that's not enough, I also cast Joker's Wild. I pay 2 gauge and for this turn all of my cards gain 2 critical and Quadruple Attack. 

Ion: Incredible. He's going to launch a heavy onslaught.

Davide: (Laughs Maniaclly) With your little hand cards, I bet you wouldn't be able to survive boy. Alright Deathgaze, Crush that Insignificant Deity Gargantua Dragon.

Deathgaze and Garga duel but.....

Lost Ren: I cast. Midnight Shadow. (Nullifies the attack) Counterattack.

Garga counterattacks on Veil.

Ion: Veil is Out.

Davide: Deathgaze, destroy the hideous Mut over there.

Lost Ren: Cast. Devil Stigma. (Destroys LostDog) 

Lost Ren's Life: 9 -> 10

Davide: What? Deathgaze. Make him suffer.

Lost Ren's Life: 10 -> 7

Davide: Kill Him. Kill Him. KILL HIM.

Lost Ren's Life: 7 -> 4

Davide: (Laughs Maniaclly) You're Down To Four Life. I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU REGRET INSULTING ME. (Attacks) HERE'S DAVIDE.

Lost Ren: Cast. Lostknight Summon. Calling LostCat from dropzone to the center. 

LostCat is summoned.

Lost Ren: When Lostcat is called, I look at the top 2 cards of my deck. One to my hand and one to my gauge. Since you 5 cards in your dropzone, you must get rid of LostCat first.

Lostcat is destroyed by Davide's attack.

Davide: What an Idiot. Spectral Strike.

Lost Ren's Life: 4 -> 2

Davide: HA. You fell for it. You know, you're just so weak. I expected more from you, being the second ranked Draknight and all.

Lost Ren: (Unfazed) Oh yeah?

Davide: Being second means you're weaker than your brother himself. Oh yes, I watched your fight once against him. You couldn't even surpass him. You're so pathetic.

Lost Ren remains quiet with his face unfazed and shadowed.

Davide: Oh? Silent type huh? I can taste it. You're in despair. Wanna Cry? Wanna Go Home? I'LL MAKE YOU CRY. (Attacks) Here's DAVIDE.

Lost Ren: I cast. Lostknight Sacrifice. I sacrifice one of Garga's soul and I draw 3 cards. 

Davide: That still won't be enough.

Lost Ren: Then I'll cast Black Dragon Shield to Keep Me Safe. (Blocks the attack)

Lost Ren's Black Dragon Shield appears, blocking Davide's attack.

Davide: WHAT?

Ion: Unbelievable. He's still standing. And he was able to draw cards at right timing.

Takokichi: What Incredible Luck.

Davide: Psh. Big Deal. (Attacks) You're Mine.

Lost Ren: I cast, Corrupted Snare. (Eyes Glowed Purple)

Suddenly, all of Davide's cards can't move. He's shocked.

Lost Ren: You were saying?

Davide: It can't be... (Thought while smirking) In that case...(Thought)

Davide decides to cheat by grabbing a card from his pocket. Ion is shocked.

Ion: He did not just did that.

An unknown silhoutte who is spectating saw the entire scenario and commented....

???: That Guy Gives Buddyfighters A Bad Name.

Meanwhile, Lost Ren however seems unfazed.

Davide: (Laughs Maniaclly) And Here I thought you would stop me since I cheated. I guess you really are afraid. (Holds out his card) Time to Die, You Dark Wannabe!!! FINAL PHASE. I CAST.

Davide holds a dark energy ball and as he slowly crush it with his bare hands, Deathgaze is slowly being tortured by Davide. Davide crushes it and Deathgaze gets destroyed and becomes a bigger dark energy ball.

Ion: (Terrified) I don't believe it....Davide just destroyed his own Buddy.....

Davide: Heh. It's Slow Pain...Annihilation!!!!!!

The Energy Ball charges towards Lost Ren. When the impact hits, an explosion occured from Lost Ren's side, leaving everyone shocked.

Ion: I don't believe it. Lost Ren.....Lost.....


The Smoke clears itself slowly and Lost Ren is seen with his forehead shadowed while standing.

Davide: I....I don't understand. How is he still standing?

A flashback reveals Lost Ren survived by destroying Garga and cast Unscathed Lostknight. That spell allows him to not take any damage from impacts. With Davide having more than 5 cards in his dropzone, Lost Ren drew 3 cards.

Lost Ren: Is that really all you got? Honestly Man, I'm dissapointed. I didn't stop you earlier because I want to see how you would go. And I must admit, I've seen enough.

Davide: You..

Ion: Unbelievable. Lost Ren survived by the skin of his teeth.

Takokichi: My jaw dropped.

Lost Ren: Masato told me about your match with him. Thanks to that, I was able to prepare some countermeasures. And by the looks of things, you played exactly the way he says.

Davide: You....You knew?

Lost Ren: That's not all. I also...know that you're the one who leaked false rumors regarding Hou & Shiloh's relationship.

In a flashback...

Lost Ren: I asked Agent Ren to trace the annonymous account. And guess what, it leads to you. Then me and Silent Slayers secretly followed you. And you foolishly say out loud about your actions while speaking through your phone.

Flashback End. Lost Ren plays a recording through his phone, it reveals Davide's actions.

Ion: WHAT? Davide is the mysterious Leaker???

Davide: I...How did you...

Lost Ren: And speaking of which, you said I couldn't even surpass him. Just because I'm second ranked.

Suddenly, Lost Ren's corrupted aura begins to flow around him. His hatred begins to show as his expression went from calm to demonic.

Lost Ren: For the record, I don't need a title to even surpass him. And I certainly don't need you to compare my skills with him. 

Davide: You...

Lost Ren: And Let me say it. I'll do whatever it takes to grasp power with my own hands. (Clenches his fist) I'll surpass him no matter what with my own strength. 

Lost Ren's corrupted aura grows stronger and powerful Dark Energy and Lighting surrounds him like crazy. His eyes become electrified in a strong dark way. Everyone feels surprised.

Lost Ren: You however, you're nothing but a pathetic cheat. If there's one thing I despise, it's cheating scumbags like you.

Davide: Woah....What are you.....Doing?

Lost Ren: Something.....I haven't felt in a long time. Yes I can feel it. Incredible Power Surging Through Me. It has finally Begun. More. More. MORE.

The ground starts to rumble at a very intense rate.

Ion: What's....Happening To Him?

Lost Ren's Lightning taps his deck and a card is being created and is handed to him.

Lost Ren: TRANSFORM!!!!!!!

Lost Ren is being wreathed in a corrupted lightning tornado. Lightning strikes like crazy and the field's tiles starts to go off instantly. Now the stage is now a corrupted land with powerful and giant crystals popping out surrounding the fighters. Everyone feels shocked and scared.

Lost Ren: (Arrives in his new form as he budges out of the tornado) Attribute Deity Dragon Tribe, Black Dragon....And Dragod. Size 10. Infinity power. 10000 defense and a critical of 5. I cannot be destroyed, leave the field and my abilities cannot be nullified. I am Shrouded In Divine Nothingness, Lost Ren......OVERLORD. (Yells Loud)

What's before everyone is a corrupted ONI with four hands. The arms were quite Massive like the arms of a powerful beast. The Legs are also the same. ONI wings are shown behind him. His face has become a powerful ONI as a set of horns are on his head. Everyone is very astonished.


Davide: (Terrified) You....What....This is....

Lost Ren: Your Worst Nightmare. (Charges Corrupted Energy Through his Palm) ERASURE.....OF...CREATION. (Shoots Energy At All Of Davide's Cards)

All Of Davide's Cards Are Instantly Wiped Out.



Lost Ren: Thou Just Experienced Nothingness. Cause when I'm placed, your cards are null and void. And for each card disposed, you must discard the same amount. 

Davide is forced to discard 2 cards...

Lost Ren: I'm not done. (Holds out a card) A deity who returns everything to the void. Transcend before me and purge all foes. I Summon Thee. Oblivion's Arrival, Gargantua Crystal King. 

Dark Thunderclouds arises. Lightning Strikes. A deity appears and Garga has now becomes a Dragon-ONI hybrid Monster with 4 Monstrosity Arms. He now has 2 set of Crystal Wings. His Chest Crystal becomes huge and purple. His horns are enhanced. Once again, Everyone is shocked.


Davide: How...Can This Be?

Lost Ren: Lost Cat to the left and activates it's ability. Time for the main dish. G Crystal.

Davide: G....Crystal?

Lost Ren: Summon your cards and I'm guarantee your cards will lose their power, defense and skill. And because I have 6 and fewer life points, he also attacks everything and he cannot be countered.

Davide: WHAT?

Ion: Voiding Skills, Power & Defense? Attacking everyting? And Prevents Blocking? Incredible.

Garga summons a corrupted crystal staff and hits the ground with it. Suddenly, Davide is crystallized. He is stunned.

Lost Ren: Garga. Slaughter him. Slaughter his entire soul so that he can never rise again.

Garga attacks. The Staff becomes a crystal scythe. There was no life. Created to Obey. Once the scythe struck, It smashes the Crystalized and frightened Davide to pieces. The shards falls down after being hit.

Davide: (Hit) AHHHH.

Davide's Life: 5 -> 1

Ion: Uh Oh. Davide is done to 1 Life. If either LostCat or Overlord's attack lands, the game is over.

Lost Ren: Finish Him.

LostCat: Right. (Attacks)

Davide: I cast. Black Dragon Shield. (Blocks the attack)

Lost Ren: Resistance Is Futile. (Attacks)

Davide: I cast. Black Dragon Shield. (Blocks the attack)

Ion: Say what? Davide just blocked the attack TWICE.

Davide: HAHAHAHA. I still have three life remaining. Well Not Today Loser.

Lost Ren: Crystal King's effect. LostCat becomes the fodder. (Destroys LostCat) I also dispose of two hand cards. (Does so) I end my turn.

Ion: Huh? That's it?

Lost Ren suddenly shoots to the above and suddenly the entire environment turns grey. Everyone's surprised. All of the sudden, corrupted chains came of of nowhere and tie Davide up everywhere.

Davide: WHA?

Ion: What Just Happenned? All Of The Sudden Chains Came Out Of Nowhere and Davide Was Tied Up. 

Lost Ren: What's impossible Becomes Possible. Because with Crystal King, I gain an extra turn.

All: WHAT?


Lost Ren Fires a massive corrupted attack at Davide and.....


As Davide's Flag is Destroyed.....

Lost Ren: I win.


Lost Ren: At the beginning of my turn, since I'm Overlord, if you have no cards on the field, I win the game regardless of the opponent's life points.


The Crowd Cheers Loud. 


Davide fells down defeated and stunned as Lost Ren returns to normal and walks up to him.

Lost Ren: Broke my Brother and Shiloh's heart. Taunted me nonstop. Snuck a card from your pocket and yet you couldn't win a single game. You. Are. USELESS. (Walks away) Waste my time.

Davide looks at Lost Ren fearfully. As Lost Ren walks to the spectator side, the same unknown silhoutte stops him.

???: We need to talk.

Lost Ren: I know you...Rouga Aragami. 

Anime Ending: Gonna Be Right.

Lost Ren: Rouga has arrived. What does he want? I don't trust that him at all. Meanwhile, why is that gorrilla here? Next time, "Wolf Fangs". Join us for a buddyfight.

Story End.