Path To Liberation, Wolf's Fang (Chap 46)

Synopsis: Rouga Aragami has arrived. What does he want from Lost Ren? Moreover, Kyoya sends his subordinates to do his bidding...In the previous story, Lost Ren contemplates at his brother's breakup, alongside his newly found evolution. Davide Yamazaki appears and plays tryhard. However, Like his brother, Lost Ren also attained a new GOD evolution and obliterates Yamazaki with ease. After that, Rouga Aragami appears before him.Anime Opening: Black & WhiteBack at the mall, Lost Ren & Rouga confront face to face. Silence fills the room. Their eyes are incredibly stern. No desire for a friendship. Rouga wields his dark core spear with his buddy Cerberus walking alongside him.Lost Ren: Why are you here? I have no interest in talking. Get Lost.Cerberus: Feisty.Rouga: You may not want to talk, but I do. I want it right now.Lost Ren: I said No. Now Beat It.Rouga: I'm aware that you're investigating Kyoya. Am I wrong?Lost Ren: Hmm?Lost Ren and Rouga stare at each other in a stern manner. After awhile, night time arrives Both Lost Ren And Rouga are sitting at a table at an unknown cafe. They are waiting sternly.???: Lost Ren.Hou Ren & Garga walks in. Making Lost Ren surprised.Lost Ren: Why are you here????: Hello?Now Shiloh walks up to them. Alone. Making them both surprised.Hou Ren: Shiloh?Shiloh: Hou Ren...Both look at each other while feeling a bit uncomfortable.Hou Ren: Why are you here?Shiloh: I was going to ask the same thing. And for the record, I got an anonymous email to be here.Hou Ren: You know it's dangerous.Shiloh: Says you.Rouga smirks and stands up.Rouga: So at last we meet. Teng Hou Ren. The Fabled Leader Of Draknights. And the Current Owner of the Dragon EIN flag.Shiloh: Do you know him?Hou Ren: (Stern) Rouga Aragami. Proudly known as the Wolf and an ex criminal fighter. To what pleasure do we owe you?Rouga: You sound like I've done something wrong.Lost Ren: Conversations with you are not normal. Even when we first met.Shiloh: That's not nice.Rouga: The lady is correct. You both need to learn some manners. Sit.Hou Ren feels stern for a moment. He & Shiloh reluctantly sits down.Rouga: I heard you three are currently investigating on Kyoya's motives as you three compete in the cup. Funny. You & Ms Nelson there broke up. Yet you're still working together.Hou Ren: What's it to you? It's none of your business.Lost Ren: And how did you know what we're doing?Rouga: I have my ways. A wolf always have a keen sense on something interesting.Lost Ren: Then you should know that a wolf shouldn't stick it's nose where it doesn't belong.Shiloh: Burn.Rouga: Calm down. Let's just say, I want to work together with you and the Buddy Police.All: WHAT?Garga: You're Lying.Lost Ren: No. He's not. Believe me, I checked.Rouga: He's right. (Flashback) Kyoya and I go a way back. But....sometimes he would take the wrong path to achieve what he wants. He would hide his real intention from me. (Flashback)Garga: There's a lot more than it meets the eye after all. The Gaen Cup.Lost Ren: But why need us?Rouga: Knowing him, there's no denying that he's up to his old tricks. Even though I haven't seen him in awhile, I know he still thrives to achieve his plans. So I took his invitation and went undercover.Lost Ren: Funny. He hasn't noticed on what you're doing. But Again, it doesn't explain why you need us.A flashback is shown as he closes his eyes.Rouga: During the first round, I went to see him. I was able to force my way in and I faced him in person. He denies everything I said so I fought him. But I lost and I was kicked out. Shiloh: Okay?Rouga: So I'm back to square one. And I realized if I kept going in my current pace, nothing will change. Which is why I need your help.Hou Ren: I don't know if I can even trust you.Garga: Me either.Rouga: And I'm not the one who usually asks for help. But it seems I must let go of my stubbornness for once. You may not trust me, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to stop him. Even if it's with you.The four stare at him for a while. Cerberus does the same. A stern Hou Ren then gets up and lends his hand.Hou Ren: Just this once. I accept your help.Rouga: (Smirks) You won't regret this. (Takes his hand)Shiloh: If Hou Ren trust you then so do I.Garga: As will I.They all look at an unfazed and stern Lost Ren. He sighs.Lost Ren: Do what you want. But I'll be watching.Rouga: You don't have to be my lap dog.Lost Ren: Hmph.Little did they know is that a drone is observing them. Behind that drone lies Kyoya and Devil Destroy Bigmachine.Kyoya: Deal With Them.Devil: Yes Sir.Kyoya: (Thought) Rouga. You and Hou Ren maybe teaming up. But you both will never stop my plans.The next Morning elsewhere, Agent is tracing some sort of signature on a radar. What's on the scanner are some energy waves shown by Buddyfighters.Agent: This is?At the Buddy Card Office, Tasuku confronts Hou Ren and the rest alongside Agent & Light.Tasuku: I see you all have teamed up with him.Rouga: And I see you haven't changed one bit, Boy Wonder.Tasuku: (Stern) It's Commissioner Now. I got my Eye On You.Rouga: Always with the watchful eyes. It's as if I'm famous.Lost Ren: In A Bad Way.Hou Ren: Commissioner. Blame it on me. I was the one who accepts his help first. Should things go south, I'll take responsibility.Tasuku: You know he's an ex criminal but in any case, I'll allow it. Now. Update.Agent: Well Commissioner, while some of the competitors fight, I notice Energy Signatures being created.Lost Ren: Energy Signatures?Agent: (Shows what he found) These kind. They are generated every time the players fight. By the looks of things, you and Hou generated like over 80% of energy.Hou Ren: I do always give my all, but what does this have to do with what's what.Agent: I followed the energy signatures as they show a pattern or rather a trail. I was quite curious until I realized where those energies lead to. The Gaen Tower.Shiloh: What? Then that means...Rouga: Kyoya is absorbing energy, from US.Lost Ren: Uh Reality Check? Humans don't have the ability to absorb energy. Personally, even I don't.Tasuku: Correct. Meaning there's only one other entity in the Gaen Tower could do such a thing. Azi Dahaka.Shiloh: Who?Hou Ren: His Buddy. Wait...Rouga, when you fought Kyoya the other day, what was Azi Dahaka Like?Rouga: You can say he's out of my league. His power is unlike anything I have ever seen. In other words, he evolved.Hou Ren: Knew it. Azi Dahaka gathered energy from us so that he can evolve. Still, it's not like we can stop him since all we know is his evolution.Tasuku: Maybe but knowing Kyoya & Azi Dahaka, they both have a thirst of achieving their goals. By whatever means necessary. Then again, Seeing this right now reminds me of something.Hou Ren: Destroyer...Shiloh: Sorry?Hou Ren: It's just the way Commissioner mentioned it sound familiar to me. It reminded me of How Destroyer gathered Minus Power to evolve further and further again.Light: True. In Destroyer's case, Minus Power is generated when negative emotions such as hatred or anger are formed. Except, Destroyer can only absorb power when he is nearby.Shiloh: So I guess in our current situation, it's deja vu, only far away in distance and are gathered by someone else.Light: You're catching on. Either way, we all know he's gathering energy more than just for Evolution. Which is why we need to find out more.Tasuku: I was going to say that but yes. Do what you can and report back as soon as possible.Later, Hou Ren, Lost Ren, Shiloh, Garga, Cerberus and Rouga walking in a park.Hou Ren: So what now? If I have to be honest, I have no clue what to do next.Shiloh: We could continue with the matches, but I'm sure it will lead to same result.Garga: I believe our best option would be to spy on him.Lost Ren: Bad Idea. The Gaen Tower Is Highly Guarded. Plus, infiltrating so would make us lose our status in the tournament.Hou Ren: But Rouga's done it before?Rouga: Only I was spared. Do this again and I guarantee it will lead us into bigger trouble.???: You got that right.They all hear a voice. Suddenly, Shido, Davide, Devil Destroy Bigmachine and even Elf Kabala appear before them. They all seem to be smiling menacingly.Lost Ren: (Annoyed) Not you again.Davide: Well well, so here we are again. I think we should get married since we're seeing each other so often.Devil: Gross. But either way, we know you're onto us. We want you to back off on what you're doing.Hou Ren: Fat chance. We'll never do that.Garga: Just what are you folks scheming?Shido: Like we'll answer. If you won't stop harassing us, we'll do what we came here to do. And I promise that should you lose, you will be removed from the Tournament.They all carry out their decks.Rouga: They just never listen to reason.At the four different fighting stages, Hou Ren faces Shido, Lost Ren faces Davide again, Shiloh faces Kabala, and Rouga faces Devil Destroy Bigmachine.Ion: Whenever there's a buddyfight, you can find me, Ion Nanana. We have 8 fighters in different fighting stages where they are about to face off. The matches will be displayed one by one simultaneously for you folks at home.Rouga: This terrible blood rage will destroy all! Run Wild, Cerberus. Dark Luminize! Raging Tyrant Arc Two!Bigmachine: I'll smash and crush anyone who gets in my way! Luminize! Droid Destroyers!Everyone else also Luminized.Ion & Takokichi: Buddy....Fight.All: Raise the Flag.Hou Ren: Dragon World.Shiloh: Dungeon World.Lost Ren: Darkness Dragon World.Rouga: Danger World.Shido & Davide: Darkness Dragon World.Kabala: Dungeon World.Devil: Hero World.Ion: We'll be observing Rouga's Fight first. He gets the first move.Rouga: Draw. Charge & Draw. I buddycall to the right. Tyrant Cerberus REB.Cerberus: (Appears) You want to be turned into Scrap So Badly, Punk?Ion: Rouga summons his buddy.Rouga: Cerberus REB's ability. I pay 1 life and search my deck for an Item and equip it without paying cost. I equip...Blazing Fang Spear Axe, Kijin Demon Slay.Rouga equips a New Demon Slay card.Rouga: I call Tyrant Jinn To The Left.Jinn: (Appears) May my master's wish be granted.Rouga: Cerberus, Attack the Fighter.Cerberus: Turn to scrap will you. (Attacks)Devil's Life: 10 -> 7Rouga: My turn is done.Ion: Rouga just dealt 3 damage to the opponent and thus concluding his turn. Now let's see how Shiloh's fight is doing.Shiloh: I'm going to cast Folktale's Lovely Companions and send two cards to Wonderland and two to my item. Emma attack the fighter.Emma: Roger that. (Attacks) My ability activates. (Activates ability)Kabala's Life: 10 -> 6Emma: Double attack.Kabala: (Kiss the spell) Divine Protection of Shalsana. (Gains 1 Life)Shiloh: (Disgusted) Did he just....Ion: Blegh, you don't have to kiss the spell like that. Either way, looks like Shiloh also dealt 4 damage thanks to Slayer Biblio. Leaving Kabala with two life left. But before we continue, let see how Lost Ren....oh....It's revealed that Lost Ren defeated Davide in just one turn...Davide once again stares in defeat as he fells down to his knees. His face is completely shocked and pale as white...Lost Ren feels incredibly disappointed.Ion: By the looks of things, Lost Ren just overwhelmed Davide in just one turn. Dang. I did not see that coming.Davide: How....what? Lost Ren: Never learn. Attempt to cheat during my turn as well. Jeez.Ion: Unbelievable...Anyways, let's see how Hou's doing.Hou Ren: Gargantua Purgatory, Attack the Fighter. G-EVO Z. Another 2 critical.Garga: As you wish. (Attacks)Shido: (Being hit and cries) WHY MEEEEEEEE?????Shido's Flag is destroyed.Ion: Looks like the Brothers won their fight. Let's get back to see how Shiloh's doing.Shiloh: I cast, Shiloh's Feathers of Truth. All monsters on the field must be returned to the hand. All of Shiloh's Monsters and Kabala's Monsters are returned to the hand. Kabala feels surprised.Shiloh: Calling Emma, Alice and Jordan at No cost. Three Monsters summoned.Shiloh: Finish him off.All: Right.The three monsters attack, Kabala feels shocked as he gets attacked and yells in fear. His flag is destroyed eventually.Kabala: I...That...was....BEAUUUUUTIFUL. LOVELY WORK AS ALWAYS, MS NELSON. YOU SURE ARE SPECTACULAR. (Flirty manner) I just want to say....I....LOVE YOU. (Mwah)Shiloh: (Extremely Scared and Awkward) EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.Ion: Blegh. Can this guy get even more disgusting? Takokichi: I'm definitely getting sick after this....Ion: But aside from that, we still have Rouga's Match left. Let's see how he's doing.Rouga: I cast, Survival Chance.Rouga's hand: 1 -> 3Rouga: And then I cast....Deep Qigong of the Hungry Wolf.Rouga first gains 2 life and then.....Rouga: Not yet, I also gain 6 more life.Rouga's Life: 11Ion: Unbelievable, Rouga just increased his life to 11.Shiloh: (Watching from her phone) His life went to 11?Hou Ren: Deep Qigong of the Hungry Wolf increases your life further if the difference between both player's life points is 4 or more.Bigmachine: No big deal. I cast, Why is there a banana peel here!? I force Cerberus to rest.Rouga: Idiot. My Item prevents that.Cerberus: Along with my ability, I cannot leave the field and my abilities cannot be nullified.Bigmachine: Nani?Hou Ren: (Holds up his phone with a scanner attached to it) Woah check it out. It is revealed that multiple energy signatures are developed from both Rouga, Cerberus, Bigmachine and Biggest.Garga: I guess we do develop energy signatures as we battle.Rouga: Cerberus. Teach Him A Lesson He'll never forget. Attack the fighter.Cerberus attacks as his drills and weapons go like crazy.Cerberus: When I attack, Rouga gains 2 life and draw 1 card.Rouga: And when I gain life, I also draw 1 more card.Bigmachine's Life: 9 -> 6Rouga: Jinn. Attack Huge.Jinn: Acknowledged. (Attacks)Rouga: Jinn's ability, When my item or he attacks, I gain 2 life and draw a card.Huge is destroyed and Jinn has double attack.Bigmachine: Cast. Body Of Steel.Biggest's defense is increased to 10000.Rouga: I cast, Battle Spirit Burst. (Paid 1 life) I increase my card's power by 8000.Bigmachine: What? (Gets attacked) Ahhh.Bigmachine's Life: 6 -> 4Lost Ren: Kijin Demon Slay has a critical of 4 and double attack.Garga: If one of the attacks lands, Rouga is victorious.Rouga: (Spins his item around) This will end you. (Attacks)Rouga's Life: 15Shiloh: How did he increase his life all the way to 15?Hou Ren: Never underestimate the Wolf.Bigmachine: I cast, I've seen through your moves.Rouga: Double attack.Bigmachine: I cast, It doesn't work.As both players have their eyes focused up close.Rouga: My turn isn't over yet. Final Phase.Bigmachine is shocked.Rouga: I pay 3 gauge and I cast. True Ultimate Battle Skill, Terra Demon Slay.....With this, My Item gains the critical of all of my cards on the field. I stand it back up and the attack cannot be nullified and the damage cannot be reduced.Garga: In other words.....Hou Ren: Cerberus has a critical of 3. Jinn has a critical of 2. Adding the critical of Kijin Demon Slay. That's a total critical of 13.Shiloh: 13 !?Rouga: Further, if the critical of the item is more than 5, it also gains an extra 50000 power and Penetrate.Bigmachine: WHAT?Rouga: This will end you. (Swings his item for one last time before....) Blazing Fang Spear Axe... KIJIN DEMON SLAY.Bigmachine & Biggest: AHHHHHHHHHH.Bigmachine's flag is destroyed and Rouga is victorious. Everyone else is incredibly shocked at the result as they all witness Rouga's Strength.Ion: Game End, Winner, Rouga Aragami.Rouga: This is my power.Later, all 8 players met at the same spot as before.Hou Ren: Well, as per deal, we're not kicked out.Garga: But I'll ask again, what are you folks scheming?Davide: Call of your dog, Draknight.Shido: And Besides, Like we'll ever answer you.Lost Ren: So they intend to play dumb. For a bunch of lackeys, you guys are like 5 year olds since you guys tend to act like brats.Shido: What did you say?Lost Ren: But you know what, I don't care how you guys act. Even still, We will stop you. By Any Means Necessary.Elf Kabala: Ooh...Scary. But rest assured. Master Kyoya is not planning anything dangerous. All you need to do is to give us more entertaining fights and earn the title that's all.The four walked away.Shiloh: I feel like we should have capture them so that we can interrogate them or so.Hou Ren: No. Capturing them with absolutely no proof isn't something we do. We need to be patient.Rouga: Guess we have to dig deeper into the real story. Cerberus: This is not gonna be fun...Anime Ending: Gonna Be RightPreview.....Ranma: Apparently, I have some good news for both Shiloh and Hou Ren. However, someone else wants to like....i don't even know how to explain it. Next time "Denial". Join us for a Buddyfight.Story End.