Path To Liberation, Denial (Chap 47)

Synopsis: Ranma just received good news and wish to share it with Shiloh and Hou Ren. Meanwhile, someone else wants to.......Ranma is editing some new videos on his computer for he and Hou Ren's youtube channel back at Singapore.Ranma: Let's see, I'll just put this here.....and this effect there.....Suddenly tons of notification came from his phone and it starts ringing like crazy. Ranma was surprised.Ranma: Woah, what's this?Ranma then have a look at the notifications and then smile brightly as he sees them.Anime Opening: Black and White.From the view of Hou Ren's Car porch and then to his room where he is sitting by his table and in his thoughts with both of his arms on the table. His expression is quite calm and stern. There he remembers a flashback at the BP HQ.Past Tasuku: No.Past Hou Ren: What?Past Tasuku: I said No. We will not hack into the Gaen Tower's security cameras and files and find some clues there.Past Hou Ren: But...Past Tasuku: Stealing Private Information is a serious crime, even for the Buddy Police.Past Hou Ren: But this is for a good reason. We're trying to like crack the case and reveal Kyoya's true intentions.Past Tasuku: Even so, I cannot allow it. We may be the Buddy Police but we are certainly not above the law. We made an oath to protect and serve, not to hack and steal.Past Agent: I have to agree. Kyoya so far has done nothing wrong. We have no authority against him and no proof to arrest him on top of that.Past Light: Even if we attack now, we would be caught instead and we would be pressed for charges.Past Hou Ren: Oh.....Past Tasuku: I'm sorry Hou Ren. Right now, I forbid you to try anything dangerous until the coast is clear.Hou Ren is quite saddened and shocked to hear what's what. The Flashback ends.Hou Ren: (Thought) There's gotta be something we can do. (Thought)Suddenly his phone rang and he picks up the call.Hou Ren: Hey Ranma, what's up?As the conversation continues through the call.....Hou Ren: Huh? You mean right now?After awhile, somewhere in Singapore, Hou Ren and Garga comes out of a portal. And then Hou Ren checks his phone.Hou Ren: Okay, this is the spot. He said to meet him here.???: Hou Ren, Over Here.Hou Ren then spots Ranma waving from afar. He smiles bright and runs forward to say Hi.Hou Ren: You said it's urgent but you're so happy.Ranma: I am. But, we need to wait for another person first.Another Portal appears before them and Shiloh walks out of it. Both Shiloh and Hou Ren were surprised to see each other and she also smiled.Shiloh: Ranma? Hou Ren? Why are you two together? Hou Ren: I was going to ask the same thing. (Realized) Wait scratch that. Why are you here?Shiloh: Ranma called me here. He said it's urgent. So what's up?Ranma: You both are not gonna believe this but.....Hou Ren remember that match where we face each other the other day?Hou Ren: Yeah?Ranma: Well, you didn't know this but while we were facing each other, I was actually recording our match the entire time and LOOK. (Shows His Phone)It is revealed that Hou Ren and Ranma's match got over 200k views and over 10k likes. All of them are surprised.Hou Ren: Woah!!!!Garga: That's Alot. The results are wild.Shiloh: Yeah. But, why am I here if this is involving Hou Ren?Ranma: Well it's not the likes and views you should be focusing on. The comments are bursting in and Most of them Are Positive ones.Hou Ren: (Confused) Okay And?Ranma: It gets even better. Not only the people are very shocked of Hou Ren and Garga's evolution, they are also moved when Hou Ren vows to protect you Shiloh. They want you two back together again. They even gave you both Ship Names.Hou Ren, Garga and Shiloh check the comments and are very surprised and that Ranma was telling the truth. Tons of ship names are created and so much love are coming from them. Saying they want both Shiloh and Hou Ren back together again.Hou Ren: Oh my gosh. You weren't kidding.Shiloh: They're so nice.Garga: Very Positive indeed.Ranma: So what do you say? Will you two be back together? As A couple?Hou Ren and Shiloh thought about it and they felt a bit awkward.....Hou Ren: Actually....I don't think now's the right time.....Shiloh: Yeah....even though the comments are very nice and all, I don't think we are ready...yet...Garga: Hou Ren....Shiloh.....Hou Ren: (Thought) Although.....I kinda miss her.....(Thought)Shiloh: (Thought) I want to be with him too but.....we already agreed that we are just friends and nothing more(Thought)Ranma: Oh....I guess you two need some time.....It's okay. No Rush. (Thought) Dang, even though Davide was behind the false rumors...(Thought) Well, do you both want to do something now?Hou Ren: I'm not sure.....???: There you are.They suddenly heard someone calling them and then turned their attention to what's what. It's Ageha Goharku.???: I finally found you, Mr Teng Hou Ren. Or should I say, Mr Handsome knight.Hou Ren & Shiloh are shocked.Hou Ren: Not you again...Ranma: Ageha Goharku? The Empress Of Royalty?Hou Ren: Yeah...Shiloh & Garga: Uh Oh...Hou Ren: What are you doing here? Go Away. Personal Space Please.???: (Flirty attitude) How Mwean. I thought you liked me.Hou Ren: No I don't. Shiloh: Yeah. Get Out.Ageha: Oh No No No. (More flirty) Ever since we both fought each other and even though I lost....The way you fight is so gorgeous and handsome....And those wings....It makes so fuzzy and wanna get hype with you...Come On. Gimme a Kiss.Ageha blinks her eyes and Hou Ren cringes up. Suddenly, Shiloh immediate steps in and defend Hou Ren.Shiloh: NO!!!! You Can't Have Him. Get away. Shoo Shoo.Ageha: HAR? You two Broke Up, So it made sense that I should be the one dating him right?Shiloh: Well....NO. And yes, even though we have broken up, You still can't have him.Ageha: (Pushes Shiloh aside) Move aside will you. Come On. Give Me A Kiss. (Tries to make a kissy face)Hou Ren cringes up even more before Garga and Ranma steps in and defend Hou Ren once more. Garga even raise his sword against her.Garga: HEY HANDS OF MY BUDDY.Ranma: YEAH WHAT HE SAID. BACK OFF FROM THE ACE OF GAMES WILL YOU.Ageha feels a bit shocked. Hou Ren facepalms and moves past Ranma and Garga aside and go help Shiloh back up.Hou Ren: You okay?Shiloh: (Blushed) Yeah...thanks.Hou Ren: (Calmly Turned to Ageha) Not to be rude or anything but I'm not interested. In fact, I seriously don't want any drama going on right now.Ageha: (Still flirty) How Mwean.....I Know, Then How Bout A Buddyfight....Hou Ren: HUH?Shiloh: (Steps in again immediately feeling angry while blushing) GREAT. AND I'll BE YOUR OPPONENT.At a buddyfight stage at Singapore...Ion & Takokichi appears as Commentator.Ion: Whenever there's a buddyfight, you can find me to commentate your matches. Today we are here at the beautiful nation of Singapore, where both Shiloh Nelson and Ageha Goharku are facing off. Takokichi: Now according to the rules, contestants can fight each other wherever they want. So it doesn't matter where and if you lose a match, you'll lose a point as promised.Hou Ren: I don't understand women sometimes.....Ranma: Me neither....Ageha: Hmmm....I did face the same deck once. Luckily, I've made changes. And when I win, Everyone is gonna be like "Oh What A Hottie She Is" After this fight. And I'll Be So Famous. (Laughs Proud) This is going to be FUN.Everyone else felt a little angry and awkward to hear she said that.....Hou Ren: Typical. Just Typical...Ranma: Bruh...Shiloh: (Thought) It's weird but for some reason I'm defending him even though I broke up with him(Thought) Shiloh grips her left wrist tight...Shiloh: (Thought) Am I doing the right thing? (Thought)Hou Ren noticed what Shiloh's thinking and thought.....Hou Ren: (Thought) Is she....(Thought)Shiloh: (Thought while quickly shook her head) Gotta focus (Thought) Once Upon A Time, The maiden decides to blossom bright. Let's explore the wonders of fantasies. Luminize, Folktale Wonderland.Ageha: With a baptism from the divine deities! All of your sins will be forgiven! Just kidding. Luminize! Hype-Hype Paradise!Ion: And....Buddyfight.Both: Raise the Flag.Shiloh: Dungeon World.Ageha: Divine Guardians.Ion: Here we go again. Peeps. Divine Guardians versus Dungeon World. Who's going to win?Takokichi: And since Ageha wants to be in the spotlight so badly, she gets the first move.Ageha: Draw. Charge & Draw. I set Forgiven. Ability activates. I buddycall Aettir REB to the center.Ageha's Life: 12 -> 13Aettir: (Appears) Time To Get Cute.Aegha: Aettir. Attack the Fighter.Aettier squeezes Shiloh tight...Shiloh's Life: 10 -> 8Ageha: My turn is over. Now. Show me what a child star can do.Shiloh: Draw. Charge and Draw. I equip Slayer Biblio. Henry to the center and with it's effect, I set happiness Wonderland.Ion: Shiloh starts off by setting down cards simultaneously. She also buddycalls Emma to the right and Christa to the left.Shiloh: I cast. Red Riding Blessing. (Increase Resources) A monster goes to Wonderland's soul and I draw 2 more. And I cast, Folktale's Lovely Companions. I increase my soul even more.Ion: Incredible, She increases her soul like there's no tomorrow.Ageha: Meh. I've seen it before. Cast. Nirvana's Burst. I drop all of Wonderland's soul.All of Wonderland's soul has been dropped.Shiloh: What?Ageha: Can't have you increase power & critical now, darling.Shiloh: Not bad. Emma. Attack Aettir.Emma: You got it. (Attacks)Ageha: You haven't learn from last time? Hype Hype Calling.Once again, Aettir returns to the hand.Emma: Again huh?Aegha: To the left and right, Muriel and Justlaw.Both Monsters are summoned.Shiloh: Even still, you left your center wide open. Emma's Double attack.Emma: Right. (Attacks)Ageha: Cast. Deity Of Law. Muriel to the center. And, I activate Justlaw's ability. I pay 1 gauge and return Muriel to my hand.Muriel disappears as Emma's about to land her attack.Ageha: Too bad. Shiloh: Christa. Henry. Go.Ageha's Life: 13 -> 12Ageha: Cast. Heavens Shield. Shield of Paradise. (Blocks the attack)Shiloh: Biblio's skill activates. Henry goes to Wonderland's soul. Here I go. (Attacks)Ranma: Slayer Biblio has a critical of 4 thanks to Wonderland having 3 soul cards.Hou Ren: Ageha's having limited options. She can't defend.Ageha's Life: 13 -> 9Garga: Now, they're even.Shiloh: My turn is over.Ion: Woah. Looks Like Shiloh manages to even things up. Plus Ageha is currently as a disadvantage. How will she turn things around.Ageha: Oh Please. Guardians may be in a weak state but we are never the ones who fall to defeat easily. Draw. Charge and Draw. Forgiven's ability. (Gains 1 life) I equip Heavens Marius. Cast. Dragon Sky Regression. Justlaw returns to my hand.Shiloh: What is she doing?Ageha: Now to activate Forgiven's ability. I return Justlaw from my hand to the deck and call to the right.Garga: Here it comes...Ageha: It's a shame. I thought as the child star of Shiloh & Bros, you would be presenting much of challenge. I guess your game has thrown off ever since you and Hou broke up. Transcend, Avalon Utopia.Avalon: (Appears) Those who invaded paradise have committed a divine sin.Ion: There's Avalon Utopia. But Apparently it's ability can't be activated for Ageha has 2 cards in her dropzone.Ageha: Oh yeah? Cast. Haven's Gift. I return all of my cards to the dropzone and draw a card.Ion: WHAT? Now Ageha currently has no cards in her dropzone. And with none, Avalon's attacks can't be neutralised.Ageha: Avalon. Attack the fighter.Avalon: Those who stand before me shall fall to their demise. Seraphim Exorcism. (Fires Lasers)Shiloh: Ahhhhh.Shiloh's Life: 9 -> 5Avalon: Once More. Fall from grace, Young Heroine of Blessings. (Fires Lasers)Shiloh: 5 -> 1Ion: All of Avalon's attacks hit. If Marius lands, Shiloh's done for.Ageha: This will finish you. When I have no cards in the dropzone, Marius's attacks can't be neutralised. (Attacks)Shiloh: If I can't defend, I'll increase my life. Cast. Folktale's Bewitchery, Beauty Aura. For each monster in my item's soul, I gain 1 life. I have 3, so I increase my life by 3.Shiloh's Life: 1 -> 4 -> 1Hou Ren & Garga: She Survived.Ageha: WHAT? How....Doesn't matter. I still have one last trump card up on my sleeve. Final Phase. Cast. (Pays 2 life) Hou Ren: Say what?Ranma & Garga: An Impact ???Ageha plays her violin item and tons of music notes appear. Ageha: Tee hee. Impact....Hype Hype Big Wave. The music notes attacks Shiloh One By One and suddenly an explosion occurs from Shiloh side. Everyone's shocked. As the smoke slowly clears, Shiloh reveals herself standing unharmed.All: What???In a flashback, Shiloh survives the impact by casting a spell, which is "Undying Wonderland". This requires an item with at least 3 soul cards and do so, impact's damage has no effect on her.Shiloh: Sorry but I don't go down easily.Ageha: You....Hou Ren: Nice One.Ion: Oh Snap. Shiloh survives the impact without a scratch on her. Incredible. How is she so strong?Shiloh: What can I say? I owe it all to that one person that taught me. And...I just...I don't know what else to say because....well...Hou Ren: (Worried) Shiloh...Shiloh: (Shakes her head) Even still, I must win this for him. And for myself too. Draw. Charge and Draw. Once again, Red Riding Blessing. I increase my life. Given that you have no cards in hand, This game is mine.Ageha: No...Shiloh: Emma. Attack the fighter. Finish her once and for all.Emma: Gladly. (Attacks)Ageha: No.....TOO HYPE. TOO MUCH. TOO OUT OF THIS WORLD. (Defeated)Ageha's Life: 8 -> 4 -> 0Ion: Game End. Winner. Shiloh Nelson.The Crowd cheers bright.Ion: Looks Like she has taken after Hou Ren's footsteps. She defeated Ageha like there's no tomorrow. Incredible, that's the child star of Shiloh & Bros for you.Ranma: Oh Man. No wonder she's your apprentice. She's amazing.Hou Ren: Yeah....I'm proud of her. So Proud of her....(In happy tears)Shiloh smiles bright and after a brief flash, Ageha acts like a brat and whines because she lost.Ageha: Wahhhhh, I've lost. Now I'll never be popular. I'll get you soon enough. Just you (runs away) WAITTTTTTTTT.As she runs away, Everyone else watch this in awkward.Hou Ren: Again?Ranma: Girls are weird.Shiloh: I'm right here you know.Hou Ren: Sorry. Anyways, congrats on your win. You were amazing out there, you know that.Shiloh: (Feeling Shy) Thanks.....(Thought) Why do I....(Thought)Hou Ren: (Feeling Concern) Are you alright? Do you need the restroom?Shiloh: I'm fine. Don't worry.....(Thought) Am I? (Thought)Garga and Ranma look at them in a worried manner.Ranma: (Whispers into Garga) Do you think?Garga: (Whispers back) Time will tell. Let their wounds heal first.... Unless those wounds are Scars....Ranma felt concern for both of them and then after awhile, at Hou Ren's room at night, he is looking outside of the window while feeling a bit upset...He grips his fists tight...Hou Ren: (Thought) She really did show a lot of promise...I wish I can...Argh...It has to be this way....but do I...really want it that way?Garga is secretly watching from outside. He is feeling concern. Meanwhile at Shiloh's hotel room, She is sitting on her bed while thinking the same thing..Shiloh: (Thought) I know earlier I was just being a friend but.....Do I....really want to be just friends though...It's so complex right now.....(Thought)Little did Shiloh know is that Elijah is secretly watching her from outside without her noticing. Like a big brother, he was concern regarding what's in Shiloh's thoughts.Shiloh: (Thought In Determination) Still, relationship or not, I must finish what I've started. Even if it means working alongside him, I will shine like there's no tomorrow. And one day, I will surpass even him.Suddenly, Shiloh's deck glows. This catches her attention in surprise and she is wondering what's going on.Anime Ending: Gonna Be Right.Preview.....Hou Ren: Hacking of course is forbidden but luckily I have ideas. But it looks like I also have some unexpected visitors. Next time, "Secrets". Join us for a Buddyfight.Story End.