Path To Liberation, Oceans Of Justice (Chap 49)

Synopsis: Hou Ren has invited three new recruits to join them. Particularly, the three recruits share some similar traits...Spoiler Alert: The new cards skill's are really hard to develop, that's why the story is so long to write....Sorry GuysIn the previous story, Hou Ren speaks to his ex teacher in her cell. The latter was incredibly displeased but in the end, he received information. Then, he was confronted by the Ace of Study. Despite the giant argument, Hou wins the fight with ease and makes things right.Anime Opening: Black & White.The Sun shines bright alongside the glorious blue sky. It's currently in the afternoon at a seaside. The wind moves along with the ocean as the ocean roars loud. A dark knight stands on a hill of stones. Looking at the sea with his heart full of determination. His hair and clothes moves along with the wind. In his thoughts, he remembers a recent event his brother did...Lost Ren: Confronting the Vixen to find more're an odd one, Hou. (Thought) Even though I was created via the Mirage Crystal, I know he's one of a kind. A flashback sequence was played displaying Hou when he was 12 years old as he progress as a buddyfighter.Lost Ren: When he was 12, he was happy-go-lucky. Day by day, his skill continues to progress. Overcoming opponents one by one. Eventually, he was strong enough to defeat even the greatest of villains and thus scouted by Guru when he reached 15.As the flashback ends...Lost Ren: But as he shines, his shadow becomes large. Thus, his friends starts being in his shadow and consumed by jealousy and hate. And then even him. Thus, I was born.???: What are you doing?Lost Ren hears a voice and looks to see Sensei Ren behind him.Lost Ren: What do you want?Sensei: I was just passing by. What's on your mind?Lost Ren: Not that it's your concern.Sensei: You sure are stubborn.Lost Ren: You're one to talk. Isn't it impolite to sneak up on people? Sensei: In my defense, I was five feet away. Plus, I just walked in and I called you, did I not?Lost Ren: Whatever. If you must know, I was just looking back at how HE has grown.Sensei: Hou huh? When you think about it, he's not the leader of the knights for nothing. But despite that status, people see him as a pariah. Lost Ren: Still, he never stops doing what is right. He turned what was supposed to be endless hate to a miraculous love. Sensei: From a novice to a champion. Unwavering as ever. But deep inside, he is broken the moment he lost the ones who's closest to him besides us. Luckily, Shiloh was there. Comforting him.Lost Ren: And I'm surprised Hou takes the mantle of teaching her about the game. He takes after his masters. Guiding a promising student as Shiloh surpasses even the greatest of expectations.Sensei: Yeah but, he completely changed hasn't he? When Daryl and his friends arrive. I can't blame him. I can feel his hate for them and his love for us. Lost Ren: They sure are idiots I give them that. But Ranma triumphed over him and thus, they became friends again. Life was once again normal or so we thought. He & Shiloh broke up thanks to that low life cretin.Sensei: Then there's the Gaen Cup. And you and Hou awakened your God Forms. Hou interrogated Shafi didn't he? I saw him snuck out last night.Lost Ren: Ya think?'s not enough. Rouga is off investigating alone. Hou & Shiloh are facing opponents. Agent & Light are assisting Commissioner with other missions.Lost Ren clenches his right fist tightly.Lost Ren: I can't afford to slouch either. I must work my part too...Suddenly Lost Ren's phone rings, to which he picks up.Lost Ren: What is it? ... I see.Later, all of the Draknights, including Garga and the Gar Trio are gathered at the Mansion in LA. To be precise, the mansion's living room. Elijah: So why are we here?Micah: Yeah this is kinda strange.Later, a portal appears and Hou Ren & Garga come out.Hou Ren: So you made it.Shiloh: Hou. Hou Ren: (Nods) But it's not just us. Out of the portal, Daryl, Masato, Gwen & Natalie also comes out. Everyone's shocked.Lost Ren: Why are they here?Hou Ren: It's a long story.Lost Ren: This was meant to be a secret.Hou Ren: I know. But I also know that I need to own up to my mistakes. Plus, they are persistent.Lost Ren: (Sigh) Do as you like.Hou Ren: Listen Up. To all Senior Knights, I know you didn't participate in the tournament. As for the Juniors, Only Shiloh remain and Elijah's out recently...Elijah: You don't have to remind me...Lost Ren: So far, only myself, Garga, Shiloh and Hou knows about this but....what if we were to tell you that all of us are being lured to a trap?All are surprised. 30 Minutes Later...Elijah: Okay. Let me get this straight, Kyoya is plotting something with the tournament and we're going to prepare ourselves for the possible worst battle there is. Correct?Hou Ren: Yep. That pretty much sums it up. However, it's still a hunch. If you guys want to chicken out...Elijah: I'm in.Hou Ren: Huh?Elijah: Not gonna lie. I always wanted to battle in actual danger. Like sure we've done it before but for filming purposes. Real life though? This is going to be fun.Judah: I'm in too.Micah: So will I.Daryl: We'll help too. Everyone else joins in in agreement.Hou Ren: Very well. Unfortunately, Myself, Lost Ren & Shiloh have to continue battling. Daryl & Masato too.All five nods in agreement.Hou Ren: So in the meantime, Magician and Rockstar, guide the Juniors in training.Magician & Rockstar: Right.Hou Ren: Blaze Ren. Gar Trio. I need you guys to create some new gadgets and weapons. Just in case.All four: Okay.Lost Ren: Sensei. Trickstar. We'll need you both as Spies. Keep eyes on Kyoya and his lackeys. Both nod in agreement.Hou Ren: And Kaizer, can you help train Gwen & Natalie?Kaizer: Sure.Natalie: Works for us.Hou Ren: Also...I have three new recruits I want to introduce.Hou Ren claps his hand twice and outcomes three new members of the team. One is wearing a white short sleeve hoodie, blue jeans and a blue coat. The other wears a cyan coat as a cape, white shirts and cyan trousers. The last wears a dark blue trench coat, black t shirt, dark blue jeans.Judah: (Surprised) New Brothers.Hou Ren: Welcome. Sailor Ren. Ice Ren. And Poet Ren.All Three: Hello.Shiloh: Wow. You guys look handsome. But in terms of personality, what are you like?Sailor: I'm Hou's Sailor Side. I command the blue waves and lead the team to sea of victories.Ice: I'm Hou's Icy Side. I freeze my enemies right and left and I can create Ice Sculptures.Poet: I'm the poetry side of Hou. You can tell by my british accent because I'm a fan of British and the Lmanburg times.Daryl: How are they even born???Hou Ren: That's a secret. They will be helping the Juniors in training as well. Bonus, if there's a sea mission, they're perfect for the job.Micah: What world do you guys use?Ice: Legend World.And So. With the decisions set. All of the knights do their assignments as required. Suddenly, Ion appears on Live TV.Ion: Incredible. Matches are played over and over. Hou, Shiloh & Lost Ren continuously won. Unfortunately Daryl, the Ace of Studies lost to the Ace of Legend, Prince Alexandre Ankh. Thus he's out.Daryl: Aww man....Alec: Don't worry, it was a great fight.Daryl: You can say that again.They both shake hands.Takokichi: Next. We have Ranma Kakogawa facing Masato Rikuo. Who just lost to Hou Ren.Vile Ranma: Destroyer's Double Attack. Attack GodAgito.Destroyer: I shall grant that wish. (Attacks) Dimension Door. Origin Slayer. (Shoots)GodAgito: (Loses a soul) I still have soulguard.Destroyer: Not for long. (Fires)GodAgito: (Hit) Sorry....Masato. (Destroyed)Masato: Agito !!!Vile Ranma: Here I come. (Attacks) Lostless....(Hits) Slayer.Masato: AHHHHH.Masato is defeated.Ion: Game End. Winner. Ranma Kakogawa.Vile Ranma: Winner. Me.Ion: Sadly because Masato lost to Hou earlier, he's out of the tournament as well.Masato: Aww man....Ranma: Are you okay?Ranma arrives and helps him out by lending his hand.Masato: Yeah. I'm fine. (Accepts his hand) For Share Man. I've been bested.Ranma: You improved a lot. Don't worry about it.Masato: Yeah. They both also shook hands.Ion: As much as I want to say the matches are amazing, we only have one day left. (Received Notification from her phone) Huh? What's this?A screen appears and displays Kyoya on screen.Rouga: Kyoya...Kyoya: Indeed. Ms Nanana is right. We only have a day left. As a result, I decided to amplify things up a bit. Because we have 9 players remaining, should a fighter lose a match however, they will be instantly eliminated from the tournament.All: EH?Ion: Wha...What? Instantly eliminated?Takokichi: Then this means if any of the participants lose, they are out. And the tournament ends.Hou Ren: So the moment me or Lost Ren or even Shiloh loses...Shiloh: We'll be instantly out.Lost Ren: He sure wants to close the curtains...Kyoya: And, should no one face each other however, I will select two fighters at random and have them forced to fight each other. No backing out whatsoever.Garga: Oh my...He's starting to pull the strings.Hou Ren: Well I'm not the type to back out. Who's next?Meanwhile, at the Gaen Tower, Kyoya's subordinates observes the matches in a meeting room through a television.Shido: It's no fair. I'm the greatest buddyfighter out there, I should be moving on.Davide: Like you're one to talk. You barely won any match ever since the Second round began.Shido: Says you. You cheated constantly during your matches, and yet you lose to that Dark knight twice.Davide: Oh yeah? You want to settle this?Shido: Bring it on. They both glare at each other angrily.Sophia: Enough. You both are acting like Wild Children. Both: WHO DECIDES THAT?Sophia: Says me. The Vice Chairman and Master Kyoya's right hand. Don't forget what we have to do.They both went from Angry to calming themselves down while wielding a grouch against each other.???: But is this all going to be worth it?They all turn their attention towards J Genesis, who's sitting across the table.J: With this plan, it's impressive. But from my perspective, it's like a waste of time.Sophia: Then why are you here? J: I just want to see how things would go either way. I did say it's a waste of time. I didn't say I won't watch it.Sophia: Be grateful that you still have a place here. After all, Master Kyoya freed you and gave you a chance.J: You seem to have an answer for everything but shutting up, Ms Spasibo.Sophia responds silently with an Angry face. Elsewhere, at a park, Sailor Ren & Elijah are about face off.Sailor: So you're my student eh?Elijah: Honestly, I don't care about you being the newest member. I only care about getting stronger.Sailor: So it seems. May I ask why?Elijah: Simple. It's to help Hou out. But...I also want to get stronger to like...Improve myself. The way I lost in the tournament. I need to amplify myself.Sailor: Very well. Show me what you got.Elijah: (Nods) Rule this world by doing tasks in the dark. Spread your dark light where nothing in this world can destroy it. Luminize. Demonic Dark Judgement.Sailor: Under your Captains Call, Rally through the blue waters. Luminize. Sailor Knights.Both: Raise the flag.Sailor: Legend World.Elijah: Darkness Dragon World. Uh by the way, who goes first?Sailor: You can go ahead if you want.Elijah: Okay. Draw. Charge and Draw. Evil Demonic Dragon, Cervus to the center. Go ahead and attack the fighter.Sailor's Life: 10 -> 9Elijah: My turn is over.Sailor: Draw. Charge and Draw. Equip. (Pays 1 life) Water Blades, Gar-Splash. Sailor's Item is a set of water sabers.Elijah: So that's his item...Sailor: Sailor Cat to the left.Sailor Cat: Yahoo, time to take a splash, cat.Sailor: It lets me search for a set spell or an item to my hand. In my case, a set spell. Time to set....A Navy's Battleship.A Big battleship appears behind Sailor Ren.Elijah: Woah.Sailor: Impressed? This vessel serves as the heart for the Sailors itself. Next I call, Sailor Dog to the right.Sailor Dog: You howl, I respond to your call. Sailor: Sailor Dog lets me gain 2 gauge when placed. Further, with the effect of Navy's Battleship, none of my cards can be forced to rest. Alright, mates, Fire all cannons.Suddenly, the battleship summons three cannons and fires at Elijah.Elijah's Life: 10 -> 7Elijah: What just happened?Sailor: At the beginning of my attack phase, Navy's Battleship deals 3 damage to the opponent. Sailor Cat.Sailor Cat Attacks.Elijah's Life: 7 -> 6Sailor: Sailor Dog, Follow Him.Sailor Dog Attacks.Elijah: Cast. Black Dragon Shield. (Gains 1 life)Sailor: My turn. (Attacks) Elijah's Life: 7 -> 5Sailor: Double attack.Elijah's Life: 5 -> 3Sailor: My turn is over. Come at me, Elijah Nelson.Elijah: Draw. Charge and Draw. Evil Demonic Dragon, Simiae to the left. Simiae enters play.Elijah: Due to it's effect, I move a Evil Demonic Dragon Item to my hand. Cast. Accel End. (Gains 1 gauge) Equip...Ever Dark Shadowing, Umbrelle. Exterminating Evil Demonic Dragon, Belial. Buddycall to the right.Belial enters play.Elijah: I cast. Evil Moon's Blessing. I drain my life points to 1 and since I paid 3 life, I draw 3 cards. Once again, Cervus to the center. Since my life points are 1, I gain 4 gauge. (Does so) Belial. Attack the fighter.Belial attacks.Elijah: Belial has a critical of 666. Try stopping that.Sailor: I cast. Holy grail. (Blocks the attack) You did say stop that so...Elijah: Double attack.Sailor: I cast. Wall of the Blue waves. I block the attack and by returning Sailor Cat to the deck, I deal damage equal to Sailor cat's Critical. Elijah: Unfortunately, Umbrelle blocks effect damage. Belial.Sailor: I cast. Aura of the Blue Waters. Since I returned a monster to the deck, I gain 15000 defense. Sailor's Aura glows and blocks Belial's attack.Elijah: Drats. Simiae. Cervus. Attack.The two cards attack one at a time.Sailor's Life: 8 -> 7 -> 6Elijah: I cast. Devil Stigma. (Destroys Cervus) My Item doesn't gain the effects. But I can still attack. (Shoots)Sailor's Life: 6 -> 5 -> 4Elijah: I end my turn. Activate the ability of "Distraught of Misery" in the dropzone. Since my life points are 3 or less, if I return it to the bottom of my deck and pay 2 gauge, My life points become 10.Sailor: Not bad. But Elijah, you know when you cast Devil Stigma, you're unable to activate Umbrelle's effect of discarding my hand. Elijah: Yeah?Sailor: I understand you want to get attacks in but you also need to evaluate your strategy. After all, if you had discarded my hand, you would have won there. And I'm willing to bet that your impact is in your hand.Elijah: I...(Notices that he's right) Sailor: Still, I must admit you are not fully reckless as you have more life and more hand cards than me. However...I'd say this game is over.Elijah: What does that mean?Sailor: Draw. Charge and Draw. I have to thank you for dropping my life points. Because now I get to release other power. But first, I buddycall Garga to the right. Dismissing Sailor Dog.Deity Gargantua Dragon REB appears.Sailor: That's not all. I send Gar Splash to the dropzone. Release.Sailor Ren's aura glows as he suddenly becomes somewhat of a water deity. He wields a giant water trident. Blue Waters swirl around him. He becomes more of a professional Sailor Captain as his jacket becomes his cape and he wears a headgear. Sailor: Spiral Ocean, Sailor Ren...."POSEIDON".Elijah's surprised.Elijah: Wha....what just happened?Sailor: Surprised? Witness as I harness the power of Poseidon, the God Of the Sea. You will soon cower before it's wrath. I call Sailor Bird to the center.Sailor Bird: This bird ready to set sail.Sailor: Sailor Bird allows all of my cards gain 5000 power & defense. Also, thanks to Navy's Battleship, all size 1s become size 0.Elijah: Woah what? Insane. Sailor: Navy's Battleship's ability. Also. Sailor Cat. Sailor Bird. Attack.Elijah's Life: 10 -> 7 -> 6 -> 4Sailor: Garga. Attack Now.Elijah: I cast. Diablos Shield. (Blocks the attack) I draw a card.Sailor: Garga has double attack.Elijah: Cast again. Diablos Shield. (Blocks the attack)Sailor: Time to bring out my ace. G-EVO Activate. Change. Entering the High Seas, Gargantua Navalgazer.Garga changes to his Sailor Form. His jacket is being worn as a cape. Armed with Two Giant Cannons In the back, He has become the Captain of The High Seas. Elijah's surprised.Sailor: Surprised? This is Garga's sailor form. It's said that when he appears, the ocean roars with him. When placed, all of my size ones are returned to the deck. With G-EVO, I can call them back at no cost.Elijah: That means you can bring more attacks in. Incredible.Sailor's Monsters are returned to the field.Sailor: They also gain 5000 power and defense. Now that they are resummoned, their true powers can be unleashed. With Sailor Cat, I gain 1 life when called by effects. And with Sailor Bird, I drop 2 souls from Umbrelle.Elijah's Life is being chipped away and his item lost 2 soul cards as a water tornado appear underneath. He yells in pain.Elijah: Uh oh...Sailor: To be precise, Sailor Cat can also deal 1 damage. But thanks to your item, it cannot. Regardless, I can activate their other skills and attack again. (Gain resources) Link attack guys.Sailor Cat & Bird: Yes Sir. (Attacks)Elijah: I cast Black Dragon Shield.Sailor: Navalgazer. Attack the fighter.Navalgazer fires his cannons.Elijah's Life: 5 -> 3Sailor: His other skill. I return both Sailor Cat and Sailor Bird to my deck. It stands back up and his critical becomes 3 until end of this fight. Elijah: What???Sailor: Wrath Of The Seas. Navalgazer Esperaridea.Navalgazer attacks again.Elijah: I cast. Diablos Death-toll. (Blocks the attack) (Thought) His form only has a critical of 2. I can survive. Sailor: (Attacks) Poseidon's ability. I return Navalgazer to my deck and I get to call him again at no cost.Elijah: WHAT?Sailor: There's more. Since Navalgazer is called by my effect, His attacks cannot be countered.Elijah: That means....Sailor: Fare thee well, Elijah Nelson. Sailor Ren use his Water Trident and wrap Elijah in a massive water tornado. Elijah is shocked as he's inside. Unable to defend or run out. Sailor Ren flies above and Strikes from above. With a pierce from the trident, Elijah yells out as he's being hit. And Navalgazer comes in through the water and fires his cannon at the latter. Thus his flag is eliminated.Sailor: (Returns to normal) Winner. Me.Elijah: I....I lost....(Thought) So this is what true strength looks like...Sailor: You alright? (Lend a hand)Elijah: Yeah....(Grabs his hand) How did you...Sailor: As they say, Practice Makes Perfect. Don't worry. Someday, even you can harness the power of gods and become stronger too. Stronger than me perhaps.Elijah: I can do that? ....Okay, I'm ready to go again. I want to summon the power of gods too. I wonder which God though...Sailor: Slow down. You got spirit Elijah. But you still lack restraint. Let's stop for today. We'll continue tomorrow. It's important to also take a breather you know.Elijah: Fine...(Thought) I wonder how the rest are doing.Elsewhere, Poet Ren & Ice Ren defeated Micah and Judah. The two are really stunned. Not because they lost. But because of their skill level.Poet: C'est fini.BCISailor: It's time forMagician: Sailor & Magician'sBoth: Card of the Day.Sailor: Today we're looking at Gargantua Navalgazer.Magician: It's Garga's Sailor Form and it looks cool. What does it do?Sailor: When placed, return all of your other monsters to the deck and shuffle it. If entered by G-EVO, you can call the same monsters again at no cost and shuffle it again. They also gain 5000 power & defense.Magician: With the Sailor Cards revived, you can activate their other skills too. And with Navalgazer, after all of your cards finished attacking, you can return all of your other monsters to the deck again.Sailor: And once that's done, it stands back up and it's critical becomes 3 for the rest of the game. Use this card to activate powerful effects and launch more attacks in.Magician: So what do you think guys?Sailor: Think you can open up one of these?Both: You never know until you try.Anime Ending: Gonna Be Right.Poet: Poet here. It's me and Ice Ren's turn to fight. Judah and Micah will be our opponents. Next time, "Frozen Poetry". Join us for a Buddyfight.Story End.