Path To Liberation, Frozen Poetry (Chap 50)

Synopsis: Poet & Ice Ren are training Judah and Micah. The two greatest crewmates versus the unconventional duo. Which side will win?

In the previous story, Hou discussed his plan with the remaining knights. At the same time, a few participants have been eliminated. Elijah and Sailor Ren then had a match with Sailor being victorious.

Anime Opening: Black And White.

In a stadium, Rouga & Alec are facing each other for the last knockout for the Gaen Cup. Both fighters stare with determination with their buddies beside them. It's currently Alec's attack phase.

Alec: Magma Horus. Finish him off.

Magma: Certainly. (Attacks)

Rouga: I cast. Battle Aura Circle. (Blocks the attack)

Alec: Darn it...However, Rouga Aragami has no cards remaining. I can win this.

Rouga: Cast. Survival Chance. (Draws 2 cards) Cast. Battle Spirit Anguish. Increase all of my cards power by 14000. 

All of Rouga's Cards powered up, leaving Alec surprised.

Rouga: And I cast. Deep Qigong of the Hungry Wolf. 

Rouga's Life: 3 -> 11

Alec: 11 Life !?

Ion: Unbelievable, Rouga amped up his life big time. And his cards now have over 20000 power. This surpasses Alec's defense.

Rouga: Kijin Demon Slay's ability. I draw a card. Cerberus. Wipe Voltic Ra Out.

Cerberus: (Attacks) You're Mine.

Alec: Cast. Holy Grail. (Blocks the attack)

Cerberus: Darn it.

Rouga: Jinn. Follow Him.

Jinn: May My Master's Wish came true.

Alec: Cast. Power of Mythology.

Rouga: You may have the numbers but I'd say those numbers... (attacks) are false digits. Kijin Demon Slay.

Voltic Ra is defeated and Alec grunts.

Rouga: (Attacks) Double attack.

Alec's Life: 10 -> 6

Rouga: Final Phase.

Alec becomes shocked.

Rouga: Cast. True Ultimate Battle Skill, Terra Demon Slay. (Attacks)

Ion: Kijin Demon Slay now has a whopping critical of 13. And what's more is that it cannot be stopped at all.

Rouga: This will finish you. 

Rouga strikes his axe and shatters Alexandre Ankh in one strike. In a blink of an eye, Alec's flag is destroyed.

Ion: Game End. Winner. Rouga Aragami.

The Crowd Cheers.

Ion: Unbelievable. Alexandre Ankh, nicknamed the Ace of Legend, Lost to the infamous ex criminal, Rouga Aragami. Talk about a major surprise. As a result, the prince is knocked out, leaving our final 8 decided.

Takokichi: We will see you in three weeks time for the final round folks. Stay tuned.

Alec: No wonder they call him the "wolf". He's as vicious as ever. I accept my defeat. But next time, I won't lose.

Rouga: (Thought) We'll see. But for now, I need to face the Ace of Games...

A brief flash occur and outcomes a tag fight stadium. This time, Two fighters are facing Two Opponents.

???: Raise the Flag.

???: Legend World.

???: Dragon World.

Poet: Judah. Micah. I know you two are famous and skilled. However, take note that we're not going to go easy on you both.

Ice: Training's going to be tough. Ready?

Judah & Micah: Right. (Vibe) We're the greatest crewmates. We're the greatest crewmates.

Ice: (Feeling Awkward) I'll give them enthusiasm that's for sure. (Thought) Come to think of it. Why isn't Micah using his Ancient World Deck? But oh well...The order is Micah, Myself, Judah and Poet.

Micah: Okay. Draw. Charge & Draw. I equip...Finest Dragonblade, Dragobrave. (Pays 1 life & 1 gauge) I call Thunder knights, Broadsword Braver to the left. And Thunder knights, Iron Fist "Clad Bunker" to the right. 

Micah summons a new and evolved form of Thunder Knights.

Micah: Now behold the power, of the Jedi Knight. For you shall feel the wrath of my strength.

Judah: (Thought) He's still think he's a jedi...

Micah: Broadsword. Attack Ice Ren.

Broadsword: Right. (Attacks) Thunderclap Reborn.

Ice Ren's Life: 10 -> 8

Micah: My turn is over.

Ice: Draw. Charge and Draw. I equip...(Equips an Ice Staff) Ice Cane, Gar-Blizzard. 

Judah: So that's his item...

Ice: I call Icecat to the left. 

Icecat: Woo, I'm feeling chilly and cool. Cat. 

Ice: When Icecat enters play, I add a card with great spell in it's name to my hand and gain 1 gauge. I set great spell, Eternal Fimbulwinter. And I place the top 3 cards into it's soul. 

Micah: Great Spell, Eternal Fimbulwinter? What does it do?

Ice: You'll find out eventually. I buddycall Garga to the right. (Gains 1 life) Since you attacked me, I'll strike back.

Micah: Broadsword move to the center. 

Broadsword moves.

Micah: When Broadsword moves, I draw a card.

Ice: Then I'll just have Garga to strike him. 

Garga destroys Broadsword.

Ice: Fimbulwinter's Ability. When a Monster is Destroyed, one of it's soul goes to the drop. My turn is over.

Judah: I buddycall Vlad Dracula "Bloodthirst" to the right.

Vlad: (appears) I am the Blood. I am a Knight. I am. Vlad Dracula. Bloodthirst.

Poet: So that's your buddy. But I thought you always said "Red Sus".

Judah: Hey. Don't use my line. And for the record, It's Britney that's sus. Not him.

Ice: Uh Huh. Sure.

Judah: Garghhhh. With Vlad's ability I discard the top 3 cards of my deck. (Does So) Since all three are Dragon Knights, I move them to Vlad's soul. I call Dragon Knight, Maximus Maximilian to the left. 

Maximilian appears.

Judah: With his ability, I look at the top 3 cards of my deck. I add one to my hand and discard the rest. I cast, Band Of Dragon Knights. Discarding the top 7 cards of my deck. If there's three, I draw one card. If there's five, I gain 3 gauge. If all of them are Dragon knights, I gain 5 life.

Ice: So you discarded Dragon Knights then increase your resources. I'm going to be in trouble.

Poet: You mean "We" are in trouble. How are you so calm?

Ice: When you're cold as Ice, even the brightest of emotions can be cooled down.

Poet: Huh?

Judah: I equip. Soar Now. Calvary Dragon, Hyper Hyperion.

Judah equips a Dragon Knight Armor while being carried by a new an evolved blue Hyperion. 

Judah: Surprised? I've became one with my item. I'm a Dragon Knight too.

Poet: I can see that. Alright. Don't hold back. Come On.

Judah: It's a shame I can only attack once but oh well. Vlad, Attack Poet.

Vlad: Gladly. (Attacks) I will activate my ability. By sending the top three cards of Judah's deck to the dropzone, I can move at least 3 Dragon Knights from the dropzone to my soul. I now have a critical of 6. Gloria Bloodstrike. (Strikes with his spear)

Poet's Life: 10 -> 4

Judah: I'm not done. I activate Vlad's ability. I discard three cards from his soul and stand it back up. (Does So)

Ice: You do know you can't attack more right? 

Judah: I know. But hear this. Since I have 10 and above Dragon Knights in the dropzone, I gain life equal to Vlad's critical.

Ice: 6 !?

Judah's Life: 14 -> 20

Judah: Hahaha. Come and get me if you can cuz this carrot's not gonna be eaten.

Poet: Okay 20 life is unfair but whatever. Draw. Charge and Draw. I equip....(Equips a Gold Lance) Poet's Blade, Gar-Lance. 

Judah: He has a new item too.

Poet: I'm not holding back. I call PoetDog to the left.

PoetDog: (Appears) You howl, I answer with a poem, Dog.

Poet: I gain 2 gauge. Cast. Symbel Gard. (Draw 2 cards) Buddycall. (Gain 1 life)

Poet's Garga enters the right.

Poet: Cast. A poet's tune. I draw 2 cards and gain 2 life. (Does so) And I set A Poet's Embassy. And I cast a Poet's Tale to increase my gauge by 4. Micah, Be warned because I'm attacking you.

Micah: Iron Fist, Move to the center. (Does So) When Iron fist Moves, I gain 1 gauge. (Does so)

Poet: I activate Gar-Lance's Ability. I pay 1 gauge call PoetCat from my hand to the center.

PoetCat: (Summons) Oh Yeah. Dummy Car Rules. 

Poet: I draw two cards and gain one gauge. And I....Extra Attack.

PoetCat attacks and Bypasses Iron Fist.

Iron Fist: What?

Micah: (Hit) Argh....

Micah's Life: 9 -> 7

Judah: How? Iron Fist is in the center.

Micah: And PoetCat is over the size limit.

Poet: During each player's attack phase, I can pay 1 gauge and call a monster to any open area. That monster becomes a size zero for this turn and gets to attack while bypassing the opponent's center.

Micah: Whoa. What?

Poet: I should warn you, My playstyle is mostly bypassing the opponent's defense. Anyways PoetDog, Attack Iron Fist.

PoetDog attacks.

Micah: I cast. Dragoenergy "Plus". I increase Iron Fist's defense by 3000 and counterattack.

Broadsword powers up and destroys Garga's soul.

Poet: Not bad. But Garga has soulguard. And he's attacking Iron Fist.

Garga attacks and destroys Iron Fist.

Iron Fist: I failed...(Destroyed)

Poet: Double attack.

Micah's Life: 7 -> 4

Poet: Time for some G-EVO. Change. Might Of Lances, Gargantua Lmanberg.

Garga immediately changes to his Poet Form. The weapons behind him disappeared. Like Poet Cat, he wears a Lmanburg uniform. Judah & Micah are surprised.

Micah: Whoa. Someone looks fancy.

Poet: Hey, We got fashion sense. With it's ability, I summon PoetCat to the center again. 

PoetCat is summoned once more.

PoetCat: Tada, I appear once more.

Micah: Again?

Poet: I draw one card and since Lmanberg enters by G-EVO, Poet Cat acquires an extra attack. (Draws 1 card and gains 1 gauge)

PoetCat strikes at Micah again.

Micah: Wait again?

Poet: Sorry Micah, You're about to be knocked out.

Judah: Hey Come On. Attack Me Instead.

Poet: Patience. The thing about Lmanberg is that monsters that were kicked off by it's ability returns to my hand. Enabling me to summon more monsters later on. Lmanberg. Attack Micah.

Lmanberg attacks Micah. 

Poet: When Lmanberg attacks, I choose two of my other monsters and stand them. Furthermore, I also stop Vlad and Maximmilian from staying on the field.

Lmanberg fires his lancing strikes and wipes both monsters out.

Judah: You can also destroy two of my monsters??? Okay, I am doomed. 

Poet: Come On Judah, you can't give up easily. A real man never gives up in the face of danger and I know you are a man. 

Ice: Besides, you do know it's a tag fight right?

Judah: Oh yeah. I cast, Armored Green Dragon Shield. (Defends Micah)

Micah: Thanks Judah.

Judah: You're welcome. We're the greatest crewmates after all.

Micah: You betcha. With Armored Green Dragon Shield, You also gain 2 life.

Poet: But my turn is far from over. PoetCat. PoetDog. Attack Micah. One at a Time. With their abilities, I gain 1 gauge and draw and PoetDog's attack cannot be nullified.

Micah: I cast. Armored White Dragon shield. I reduce the incoming damages by 2 for this turn only. Meaning the two attacks won't hit.

Poet: Well done. But my item can attack even if there's a monster in the center. (Attacks)

Micah: I cast, Blade Dragon Shield. (Blocks the attack and draws one card)

Poet: Garga. Revert. (Does So) My turn is now over. PoetCat leaves the field.

Micah: Okay. My turn. Draw. Charge & Draw. Once Again, I call Broadsword to the right. And I set, Thunder Knights Formation "Revolt". And I buddycall to the right, Ultimate Thunder Knights Leader, Halberd Dragon.

Halberd: (Appears in his new form) I am Halberd Dragon. The New Leader of the Thunder Knights. And for even though I respect the knights as our trustworthy allies, I shall guide my buddy to victory.

Ice: So that's Halberd's evolved form.....Alright then Micah Nelson. Show us what you can do.

Micah: With pleasure. Since my life points are 5 or less, their true powers are unleashed. With Broadsword, All Armordragons gain 1 critical. And with my buddy on the field, they also gain double attack and I gain 1 life every time they attack.

Judah: Time for some payback. Go.

Micah: Before that I cast Dragonic Grimoire. (Draws 3 cards) And I cast Dragogenius "Plus" to draw two more. Since My life is 5 and less, I draw one more. Halberd. Attack Poet.

Halberd: Right. (Attacks) 

Poet's Life: 6 -> 2

Judah: Two Life. We can win this.

Poet: Uh Uh Uh. Not yet. I activate my item's ability. This time, I summon PoetBird to the center.

PoetBird: (Appears) This bird is ready to go.

Poet: When placed, He gains 5000 power & defense. Bonus, when summoned by an effect, I also gain 4 life. 

Micah: 4 life???

Poet: That's not all. With Embassy's effect, I gain 1 gauge and...Extra Attack.

Poet attacks Micah...

Micah: What? You can attack even during the opponent's turn too???

Poet: Indeed I can. When Poet Bird attacks, I place the top card of my deck into it's soul.

Micah's Life: 4 -> 2

Micah: Thank goodness that I gain life earlier. But now PoetBird has soulguard. Halberd. Broadsword. Link attack.

Both: Yes Sir. (attacks)

PoetBird revives with Soulguard.

Micah: There's more where that came from. Since I have five or less life points, DragoBrave gains 9000 power and double attack. (Attacks)

PoetBird is defeated.

Micah: Here goes. (Ahhhh)

Poet's Life: 6 -> 4 

Micah: I cast. Dragonic Charge Plus. (Gains 5 gauge) Final Phase.

Micah: I cast Ultimate Thunder Formation. (Pays 2 gauge & 1 life) I return all of my monsters from the field to my deck. And I get to look at the top 3 cards of my deck and call as many thunder knights among them at no cost. 

Ice: Say what?

Micah: Join Me Once Again. Halberd and Broadsword Braver.

Both Monsters returns to the deck and called once again.

Ice: Not only they returned but since Micah's life points are 5, their abilities are still active as ever.

Micah: That's right. Halberd.

Halberd: Yes Sir. (Attacks)

Ice: Hold up. It's a tag fight. I cast, Holy Grail. (Blocks the attack)

Poet: Thanks Ice, I owe you one.

Micah: Halberd. Double attack.

Poet: I cast. Poet Ren's Lancing strike. (Pays 1 gauge & 1 life) I block the attack and I deal damage equal to Halberd's critical.

Micah's Life: 6 -> 2

Micah: Broadsword Braver. Let's get him.

Broadsword: Thunderclap.

Poet's Life: 4 -> 1

Broadsword: Double attack.

Poet looks at his hand and...

Poet: (Thought) Looks Like I'm history...

Broadsword lands his attack and Poet Ren accepts the defeat gracefully with his flag being destroyed.

Judah: NICE!!!

Micah: Oh Yeah.

Both: We're the Greatest Crewmates. We're the Greatest Crewmates.

Poet: Well played. Sorry Ice, it's up to you.

Ice: You did well. My turn. Draw. Charge & Draw. I cast, An Icy advantage. (Pays 2 life) For this turn, I increase all of my cards power by 3000 and critical + 1. And if Fimbulwinter is on the field, I draw one card. 

Ice Ren does so and he noticed what he drew. He smiles back.

Ice: Did you both ever wonder what it's like being a true Draknight?

Judah: No? Why?

Ice: Sometimes, being a Draknight is more than just being Hou's Brothers. It's more than just having actual powers. It's about being someone who's willing to do the impossible.

Micah: What does that mean?

Ice: With knowledge, diligence and a bit of luck, even the faintest brink of despair can be overturned to hope. And with hope, (holds out a glowing card) the impossible becomes possible. Behold.

Suddenly, Ice Ren is wrapped in an Ice tornado. The entire environment went super cold and windy. Everyone but Ice Ren blocks themselves from the wind. As the tornado weaves, a man with an Ice Cloak and an Ice Armor emerges out. He wears an Ice Crown while wielding an Ice staff.

Ice: Oh Great King that turned the brightest of summer to the coldest of winter. See the king as he emerges in Ice Cloak. I summon thee...Entering The Winter, Ice Ren....."BOREAS". (Yells loud)

Once again, everyone's shocked.

Micah: Whoa, what is that???

Ice: Witness the power of the freezing coldness, for I have harnessed the power of Boreas, the God Of North Winds and Winter. 

Judah: He can the summon the power of gods too? I know Sailor can do that but....Can All Draknights Do That???

Poet: Well, sort of. You guys are Draknights too but you can't summon the power of gods yet. No offense.

Micah: Aww man. When do I get to do that?

Ice: Patience Micah. For Now. Sit back and watch. I activate my ability. I drop all Fimbulwinter's soul cards and draw one card.

All of Fimbulwinter's soul has been destroyed.

Judah: Now all of the soul cards are gone. What happens next?

Ice: I draw one card.

Micah: Oh that's it. You scared me for a sec.

Ice: But I'm not done yet. Micah, brace yourself. This is me avenging Poet's defeat.

Micah: Again? Halberd move to the center.

Halberd: Right. (Moves) When I move, the player gets to choose two of the opponent's monsters and sends them to dropzone regardless of abilities.

Micah: I choose Garga & Ice Cat.

Halberd successfully destroys Ice Cat.

Ice Cat: I still have a long way to go. (Destroyed)

Ice: I cast. Battle of Glory. G-EVO activate. Change, Frozen Heart, Gargantua Ice Blizzard.

Garga changes to his Ice Form. His armor as it implies in his name, cold as ice. He also wields an Ice Staff and an Ice Cape. Even his crown is made of Ice.

Micah: Wait what? You swapped Garga's form? 

Ice: If it's to avoid being destroyed then yes. Activating it's ability. When placed, I get to add a spell of my choice to my hand.

Judah: That's it?

Ice: That's not all. With Fimbulwinter out of soul cards, The true powers...are hereby no longer restrained. 

Judah & Micah feels surprised.

Ice: I cast. Ultimate Great Spell, "RAGNAROK" SUPREME!!!

Suddenly, the entire Environment turned Icy and chilly. The winds become stronger as it rushes through everyone. Everyone is attempting to block themselves from the wind and snow.

Micah: Wha....what's going on?

Ice: I can only cast this spell when Fimbulwinter is out of souls. With this, All Player's Cards and Hand are hereby Discarded. Abilities are null and void.

Immediately, Everyone's Monsters, Items, Spells and Hand Cards turned to Ice and are shattered.

Halberd: I'm sorry....Master!!! (Destroyed)

Micah & Judah: Halberd!!!

Ice: The greatest part is that my cards cannot be affected by Ragnarok because Garga entered by G-EVO. And now that I have no cards in hand, OUR TRUE POWERS ARE UNLEASHED.

Micah: What true powers???

Ice: With Ragnarok, Since Garga remains on the field, My life points become 10.

Micah: 10???

Ice: And that's not all. You who have been sleeping for the millenia. Arise from your deep Slumber and attain your reborn soul. I summon thee....DEMON WOLF, FENRIR....REB!!!

Fenrir has been summoned from the dropzone to the center in it's new form.


Poet: It's Fenrir. The Beast of Calamity. It's said when he arrives, Nothing can stop it. 


Ice: (Points At Micah) Right There. Devour Him.

Micah: Oh No....I have no cards. I can't defend. 

Fenrir attacks and bites Micah with it's sharp teeth countless times. Micah's flag is destroyed.

Judah: MICAH!!!

Ice: You're Next Judah. You want to know why we didn't attack you earlier? It's because we were buying time, all for this moment to arrive. Your 22 life points are nothing but lunch for Fenrir.

Judah: Oh No...

Ice: In fact, Now that I have no cards, Fenrir Gains triple attack. Devour Him, Fenrir. Seize and feast on your prey, which is Judah Nelson.

Fenrir: I'm HUNGRY. (Attacks)

Judah: AHHHHHH. 

Judah's Life: 22 -> 16 -> 10

Ice: Garga. Go.

Garga attacks.

Ice: When I have no cards in hand, Garga gains 1 critical and 100000 power. 

Judah's Life: 10 -> 6

Ice: Now it's personal. (Attacks) Fare thee well. My friend. (Shoots Icicles)

Judah: AHHHHH!!!!

Judah's flag is destroyed.

Poet: Let's Go. We Won.

Micah: Aww man...

Later Sunset Arrived.

Judah: AAARGHHH, How did we lose??? We're the greatest crewmates man. 

Micah: I know. I demand a rematch. Right Now.

Poet: Sorry but it's getting late. Besides, we did warn you that we're not holding back.

Ice: I'm really sorry that we made you upset.

Micah: Upset? What are you talking about? That Fight was Awesome. That's why I want to go again.

Judah: Yeah. I know right. I want to go again too. Please?

Poet: Okay Okay. Not today guys. But Tomorrow, definitely. And a little secret, even you both can summon the power of gods. 

Judah: For Real?

Ice: Though just a question, Micah. What happened to your Ancient World Deck?

Micah: Oh uh.....I kinda left it at home with me so yeah. That's why I didn't use it.

Ice: Ahhh...Well either way, we'll continue tomorrow. So get some dinner and a good night's rest.

Both: Yes Sir. 

Poet: Actually, for dinner, how bout I take you guys out. It's on me.

All: Nice.

Ice: Some Steak?

Judah: Nah I'm thinking some turkey.

Micah: Oh Oh. Some Salad.

Judah: No. Turkey.

Poet: Cool it guys. We can go for both.


Poet: It's time for....

Ice: Ice & Poet's...

Both: Card of the Day.

Ice: Today we're going to be looking at Great Spell, Eternal Fimbulwinter.

Poet: This spell blocks All Deity Dragon Tribe & Asgard units from resting.

Ice: When placed, move three cards from the top of your deck to it's soul. When a monster from either side is destroyed, a soul is discarded.

Poet: And when all souls are gone, you can draw one card and cast Ragnarok supreme and force destroy everything on the field. 

Ice: And If Blizzard is on the field, your cards will be fine instead and get to activate some cool effects.

Poet: So what do you think guys?

Ice: Think you can open up one of these?

Both: You'll never know until you try.

Anime Ending: (You know how this goes)


Hou Ren: I can't sleep well lately because of some Nightmare I got. And it looks like the first part of it comes real. Next time, "Nightmare Ensues". Join us for a Buddyfight.

Story End.