Path To Liberation, Woman Up (Chap 54)

Synopsis: Shiloh faces Sophia Sakhrov, proudly known as the Ice Queen. However, she has no idea how she plays or what is she like. How will this be played?

Gar Trio: We're The Gar Trio.

Garcat: It's Ranma's turn to fight but J Genesis was a step ahead.

Gardog: Ranma studied what he can on J Genesis but that effort backfired when J Genesis unleashed new cards.

Garbird: Poor Ranma can barely do a thing, even after unleashing the power of Lost World. And J Genesis even insulted him.

Gardog: J Genesis unleashed the power of Origin Cloak to transform twice and launch attacks head on. Too much I say.

Garcat: And as much as I agree with you all, we musn't forget about today's match. It's Our Very Own Shiloh vs Sophia Sakhrov. Say it with me. Buddy...

Gar Trio: FIGHT.

Anime Opening: Jo No Ka

Right at the Stadium, the stage is activated. The crowd cheers. Thus, the third match is about to begin.

Ion: Now, Everyone. It's time for the Third Match to Begin. Is everyone ready to cheer?

The Crowd cheers of course.

Ion: Splendid. Now it's time to introduce today's competitors. And spoiler alert, they are the only two female fighters to made it this far.

Takokichi: Here they come, chu.

Sophia and Astraeus enters the stage first as they walk ahead. The Spotlights shines on them.

Ion: Emotionless. Cold. And Loyal are the words to describe her. Proudly known as the Ice Queen. Sophia Sakhrov.

Shiloh and Emma then does the same next.

Ion: A very famous actor but she is not to be underestimated. Progressing Further as she advances. Shiloh Nelson.

As Both Players made it to the stage itself....

Sophia: Even though you're a famous actor, I'm still aware you're trained by Hou Ren himself. I won't go easy on you.

Shiloh: That may be true. Then I might as well not hold back. (Luminize) Once Upon A Time, The maiden decides to blossom bright. Let's explore the wonders of fantasies. Luminize, Folktale Wonderland Part II.

Sophia: Midnight skies, stop the Earth where it spins and freeze history solid once again! Dark Luminize! Winter Diamond Infinity!

Ion: Buddy....Fight.

Crowd Cheers.

Both: Raise the flag.

Sophia: Legend World.

Shiloh: Dungeon World.

Ion: Sophia will go first. She starts by calling Sirius Lailaps to the center. Causing two damage to the fighter. Next it's Shiloh's turn. She Buddycalls Emma REB to the right and equipped Slayer Biblio. 

Ion: She then calls Henry and added Happiness Wonderland to her hand and set it.

As the match goes, Shiloh's Siblings are watching from the stands.

Josiah: Come On Shiloh.

Micah: You got this.

Elijah watches sternly.

Shiloh: Cast. Reset Button. (Gain 4 gauge) I'll start by wiping out Lailaps. (Destroys it) Emma. 

Emma: Got it. (Attacks) One to Wonderland. 

Wonderland's soul goes up by one.

Ion: And when Wonderland's soul increase, She also draw 2 cards. 3 in total combining with Emma's Skill.

Shiloh's Life: 10 -> 8

Emma: Double attack. One for Slayer Biblio.

Sophia: Cast. Shield of Achilles.

Shiloh: Henry. 

Sophia's Life: 8 -> 6

Shiloh: My turn is now over.

Ion: Shiloh dealt a total of 4 damage while increasing her soul and hand. Looks like things are going normal for her. Let's see How Sophia responds.

Sophia: Why am I finding your strategy predictable?

Shiloh: What?

Sophia: I know what you're trying to do. But, it's a shame that it's not gonna work. Moreover, do you remember what I said before we first met?

Shiloh: You mean...

In a flashback, when Shiloh, Lost, Hou & Garga first met her, Sophia said a few words...She said "He is also intrested in your progress too. I suggest you don't dissapoint him.". Back to the present, Sophia closed her eyes.

Sophia: Sadly, I see no progress from you. If you're intending to display a weak fight, I might as well end it now.

Shiloh: What?

Sophia: Draw. Charge and Draw. I buddycall to the right. Stellar Deity, Astraeus "REB".

Astraeus REB enters play.

Ion: I haven't seen that card in awhile. Stellar Deity, Astraeus "Re:B" huh?

Sophia: I also equip.....Bow Of Starry Nights, Artemis Arrow. (Equips a new Artemis Arrow with arrows stored behind her)

Daryl: Tch. Copycat.

Sophia: With this, my right and left monster's abilities can't be neutralised. Call to the center and left. Lailaps and Melampus.

Ion: Sophia just summoned a total of three monsters and one item. Preparing to launch a 4 pronged attack.

Sophia: That's not all. I set the spell. Eternal Fate, Frozen Night.

With that spell is set, everything on Shiloh's field suddenly froze to Ice. Everyone's surprised.

Shiloh: What the? 

Sophia: Until end of this fight, you cannot use any of your card abilities on the field. And when I have 3 star cards on the field, you also cannot call cards.

Shiloh: What?

Josiah: She can do that?

Judah: That's Not Fair.

Elijah: I should know...She's the one who beaten me in the Second Round.

Micah: Wha? Why didn't you tell us?

Elijah: The situation didn't call for it for crying out loud. 

Daryl: If Shiloh can't use any of her skills, her soul won't bump up at all. 

Masato: She totally blocked her playstyle. 

Gwen: (Thought) Even so...You bested me long ago. You were even trained by him. Come on, Shiloh. (Thought)

Elsewhere alone, Hou & Garga are watching from the stands. Hou feels very concern as remembers something. In a flashback, before the match, Hou wants to visit her to give her a hand. However, remembering what he did long ago brings guilt to his heart. Thus, unable to bring himself to Shiloh's waiting ward. This makes him walk away.

Hou: (Thought) I'm sorry...

Garga notices his buddy's expression and also feels concern for him.

Ion: Oh boy, looks like Shiloh's in a tough spot. 

Sophia: Cast. Starry Night. (Pays 1 gauge) I draw 3 cards. Astraeus. Attack the fighter. 

Astraeus attacks.

Sophia: Due to it's effect, I gain 1 life and draw. For this turn, all of my cards gain triple attack.

Shiloh's Life: 8 -> 5

Sophia: Double attack.

Shiloh's Life: 5 -> 2

Ion: Oh No, Shiloh's in a pinch. And Sophia has a few attacks left. If any of them hit, Shiloh's going to lose.

Sophia: Triple attack.

Shiloh: Cast. Divine Protection of Shalsana.

Sophia: Not Use. Lailaps.

Shiloh: Cast. Red Riding Shield. (Blocks the attack) I gain 2 life and 2 gauge. If Emma's on the field, I draw two cards and place a hand card into a soul. I choose Slayer Biblio.

Micah: Say what?

Judah: Oh yeah. Shiloh can still use her hand. 

Daryl: In buddyfight, you don't necessarily have to use cards on your field to win.

Masato: For Share.

Garga: But she's still on the ropes. Sophia has 6 attacks left. Including her item.

Sophia: Lailaps. Double attack.

Shiloh: Cast. Again. Red Riding Shield. (Blocks the attack and once more to Slayer Biblio)

Sophia: Triple attack.

Shiloh: Cast. Folktale's Bewitchery: Reduction Curse. For this turn, for each card in my item's soul, I reduce your critical by 1.

Ion: What? This means Sophia can't deal a single damage. 

Sophia: Doesn't matter. Melampus. Get rid of Emma. 

Emma is defeated.

Emma: I'm sorry, Shiloh...(Destroyed)

Shiloh: Emma !!!

Sophia: Worry about your friend than your buddy.

This catch Shiloh's attention and Melampus attacks again at Henry.

Shiloh: Cast. Obstinacy Drink, Bunny Call. Henry Remains on the field.

Sophia: Tch. Triple attack.

Melampus destroys Henry and Shiloh grunts.

Sophia: My turn is over.

Ion: Unbelievable, Shiloh's Monsters are wiped. And now thanks to Frozen Midnight, She can't call a single monster. What is Shiloh going to do?

Shiloh: "Even in a brink of despair, a miracle will happen to those who reach out their hand.

Sophia: Don't be ridiculous. There's nothing you can do.

Shiloh: Yes I can. I'll draw the card I need. Draw. Charge....And....Draw!!! (Notice what she got) I got it. I cast. "An Illusions Miracle". (Pays 2 gauge & 1 life) All of your card abilities...are null & void.

All of the sudden, White Feathers came out of Shiloh's side and are busting like crazy over Sophia's cards. All of Sophia's monsters and even her set spell are returned to the hand.

Sophia: What?

Ion: WHAT THE? All of Sophia's cards are returned to the hand. Incredible.

Sophia: How did you...

Shiloh: It's simple. I had a helping hand.

Looking from the stands, Hou is watching while feeling glad. He remembers the moment he walks away and then heard someone calling him.

Elijah: Hou?

Hou: (Turns around) What? Elijah. What are you doing here?

Elijah: I came to give Shiloh a hand. I did lose to Sophia so I might as well give her a heads up.

Hou: I see....Listen, can you pass this to her? (hands a letter to Elijah)

Elijah: (Takes it) Let me guess. You couldn't bring yourself to her after what happened?

Hou: Yeah...I failed for looking after her as you requested.

Elijah: I wouldn't say you failed. I mean you're still looking out for her are you not?

Hou: Yeah? 

Elijah: I did request you look after her. I didn't say you both have to be a couple to do that no?

Hou: True...

Elijah: But sure, I'll give this to her. (Walks away)

And thus when Elijah sees Shiloh, he gave Shiloh some heads up. Elijah then gave Shiloh the letter and when she opens it, she receives a brand new card and a note.

Hou(Offscreen): Should you require help, this card shall come to you. It will arrive in your darkest hour.

As the flashback ends, Hou & Elijah are smiling proud in different locations.

Hou & Elijah: Go get her. 

Daryl: With Frozen Midnight out of the way...

Masato: Shiloh can summon cards again.

Shiloh: Once again I call Emma to the right and Alice to the left. And Jordan to the center.

Ion: Shiloh just called her monsters and now they're on the offense. 

Sophia blocks all three of them.

Ion: But then Sophia just blocked all three of them. Insane.

Emma: Double attack.

Sophia's Life: 8 -> 4

Ion: Because Shiloh placed two cards into Wonderland's soul with Emma's skill, Emma's critical bumped up to 4.

Shiloh: Alice's ability. Jordan goes to Biblio's soul. (Stands her) Alice.

Alice: Roger that. (Attacks)

Daryl: Even if she defends once, Slayer Biblio will finish her off. 

Masato: Unless Sophia has a defense spell that can increase her life.

Sophia: Cast. Holy Grail "Revive". (Blocks the attack) I gain 1 life and one monster from your dropzone or hand without paying cost. Come. Lailaps.

Lailaps is revived to the center.

Ion: Oh My. With a monster in the center, Slayer Biblio won't hit. 

Shiloh: It's not over yet. I cast. Red Cape Brulee. Emma stands.

Emma stands back up.

Sophia: What?

Shiloh: You have no defense spells left. I know the last 5 are the cards returned to your hand earlier. In other words...

Emma: With my attack lands, Shiloh can use her Slayer Biblio and finish you off.

Sophia: No!!!

Shiloh: Emma. Finish Lailaps off.

Emma: Gladly. (Destroys Lailaps)

Shiloh summons her wings.

Shiloh: Let's end this.



Shiloh: It doesn't matter how I got them. I will shine to my fullest. And defeat my opponents no matter who they may be. (Flies and attack) This is...(Slashed Sophia) My Power.

Sophia's Flag is destroyed.

Ion: Game End. Winner. Shiloh Nelson.

The Crowd Cheers. Shiloh's Siblings cheer. Hou's Friends cheer.

Ion: Unbelievable. Shiloh was frozen in place for a split second until she pulled that one card that melted her frozen turn and bring home the win. No wonder he's the child star of Shiloh & Bros, because she's amazing.

Shiloh: (Lets out a relief sigh) I did it.

Emma: Nice One Shiloh.

Shiloh: (Nods) But I really need to thank...

Shiloh turns to see Hou & Garga are gone from the stands. This made her a bit worried.

Shiloh: (Thought) Hou...(Thought)

Later at one of the stadium hallways, she phone calls Elijah.

Elijah: What's Up.

Shiloh: Hey Eli, I have something I would like you to give to my ex boyfriend.

Elijah: Really? You couldn't do that yourself. Aren't you going to thank me for your help. And I'm not your delivery man for crying out loud.

Shiloh: Come on. Don't be a crybaby. Just do it. And thanks for your help. Big Brother.

Elijah: Sure.

Shiloh remembers a moment. Earlier before the match, Shiloh was feeling nervous because she never fought against her. When Elijah came in, he calmed her down by giving her some brotherly comfort. He help work on Shiloh's deck bit by bit. And the flashback ends.

Thus Elijah hands that something to Hou in one of the hallways.

Hou: What's this?

Elijah: Shiloh asked me to give it to you. You know, you both really need to like man up for once. And by the looks of things, even though you both broke up, you both seem to be very similar. (Walks away)

Hou: I suppose...(Opens Up his gift) 

When Hou opens his gift, what he notices is a collage of pictures of the times he & Shiloh spent together. Happiest memories so to speak. So much wonderful moments and beautiful smiles. This made Hou quite surprised and smile with happy tears.

Hou: Thank you...(Hugs the collage in warm)


Blaze: It's time for...

Elijah: Blaze & Elijah's...

Both: Card of the day.

Blaze: Today we're looking at "Eternal Fate, Frozen Midnight".

Elijah: This set spell prevents any star cards from resting. And it has a unique ability.

Blaze: When this spell is set, all of your opponent cards on the field cannot use their abilities and thus can't stand. And if you have 3 or more star cards on the field, your opponent also can't call any monsters at all.

Elijah: Talk about freezing, where this spell really frozes you for life.

Blaze: So what do you think guys?

Elijah: Think you can open up one of these?

Both: You never know until you try.

Anime Ending: B.O.F

Lost Ren: Devil Destroy Bigmachine is my next opponent. That Muscle Gorilla boasting need to be silenced. Next time, "Brutes Of Strength. Join us for a buddyfight.

Story End.