Path To Liberation, Brutes of Strength (Chap 55)

Synopsis: Lost Ren faces against Devil Destroy Bigmachine. Both brutes being strong as ever. But only one will remain standing. Will it be the muscle bound man who dominates his strength, or will it be the dark knight who brings endless destruction?

Gar Trio: We're the Gar Trio.

Garcat: It's Shiloh facing up against Sophia Sakhrov and Sophia literally gave her a tight squeeze.

Gardog: I think you mean tight freeze because she literally prevented her from calling any cards at all.

Garbird: But Shiloh outsmarts her strategy by stopping all of her abilities and return everything from her field to the hand. 

Gardog: Thus Launching attacks again and again and successfully defeated her.

Garcat: Hou has sure taught her well. Because she really has grown so much. But regardless, it's time for the last match. It's Lost Ren vs Devil Destroy Bigmachine. Say it with me. Buddy...

Gar Trio: FIGHT!!!

Anime Opening: Jo No Ka.

In Kyoya's office in the World Buddy Stadium, Devil Destroy Bigmachine have a word with Kyoya.

Devil: Truly Amazing, Master Kyoya. Your plan is really coming along well. Those fools are not seeing it coming.

Kyoya: That's true. But even still, until that arrives, I want to have the fights really interesting. Only then will I say that the world shall be changed for life.

Devil: It is going to be changed for life. Your Buddy literally absorbed tons of energy from all of the fighters that are competing. And thus have evolved even stronger.

Kyoya: That's true...

Kyoya on his phone and it displays the number of fighters remaining.

Kyoya: I can't wait to see who I will be up against...But then again, I have a feeling that I already know who...That being said, Lost Ren is your opponent. I want you to dominate him no matter what.

Devil: You can count on me, Boss.

Outside his office however, Sensei & Trickstar heard the whole thing while staying hidden. 5 minutes later, they report back to someone.

Sensei: You're not kidding. He really is plotting something.

Lost: What did you both find?

Trickstar: The only thing he says he wants the fights to be interesting. At the same time, he is gathering energy while saying "without us knowing".

Lost: Kyoya...he thinks we don't know. Then what was the point sending his henchmen to fight us the other day?

Trickstar: "Us"?

Sensei: He means himself, Hou, Shiloh & Rouga.

Trickstar: Oh.

Lost: That Bastard want us badly to gather our strength for something big. I'm willing to deduce he wants to brainwash our minds. Or worse. That's why he created this tournament. But it doesn't matter.

Sensei & Trickstar watch him sternly.

Lost: If the world falls on it's knees or even if someone attempts to dictate me, I will fight like I always have. I slaughter them, no matter who they may be.

Trickstar: You know Lost Ren. Even though you are a Silent Slayer like the two of us, you really need to dive down abit. Like no one's gonna like your attitude if you keep it up.

Lost: It doesn't matter. I don't care what they think. I'll do whatever I want. 

Sensei: (Sigh) Suit yourself. Vice Captain. 

Lost Ren walks away. Sensei & Trickstar stares at him.

Trickstar: For someone who's our brother, he's like the complete opposite of us.

Sensei: He IS the complete opposite of us, Trickstar. Just...way stubborn and aloof. Still, We have work to do. 

Trickstar nods in agreement. Meanwhile, Lost Ren walks in a hallway. He detects a presence.

Lost Ren: Show yourself.

Rouga appears from behind. Smirking with Cerberus.

Rouga: Aren't you the detective?

Lost Ren: What do you want?

Rouga: Is it me? Or are you secretly protective of Hou himself?

Lost Ren: Why do you care?

Rouga: Nothing personal. I just think your relationship with your brothers is adorable. In fact, you only want to shield him while also wanting to destroy Kyoya.

Lost Ren: (Sigh) Just get to the point. 

Rouga: Aren't you impatient. I found some more info on Kyoya's motives.

Lost Ren: Which is?

The match is about to start as the stage activates. The Crowd begin to cheer. Ion & Takokichi appears.

Ion: Now Everyone. It's time to commence the last match before the SEMIs. Is everyone ready to have their eyes focused on this match?

The crowd cheers.

Ion: Let's Bring Out Today's Competitors.

Devil Destroy Bigmachine comes in.

Ion: He fights like a brute while flexing his muscles. Devil Destroy Bigmachine.

Lost Ren comes in.

Ion: Destruction. Oblivion. Are the only words to describe him. Lost Ren.

They both reaches the stage.

Devil: You and I may not have fought. But I always wanted to crush you infront of an audience.

Lost Ren: Big talk coming from a muscle gorilla. Actions speak louder than words.

Devil: You want to test that theory?

Lost Ren: Try Me, Grass Boy.

Ion: Woah...Lost Ren for real cooked him. I suppose his hair does look like green grass. Anyways...both players, please luminize.

Devil: I'll smash and crush anyone who gets in my way! Luminize! Droid Destroyers!

Lost Ren: Slaughter your enemies and spread the darkness towards heaven and earth. Dark Luminize. Lost Deity Fatality.

Ion & Takokichi: Buddy....fight.

Both: Raise the Flag.

Devil: Hero World.

Lost Ren: Darkness Dragon World.

Ion: The first move goes to Devil Destroy Bigmachine. He starts by buddycalling Gigadroid Biggest Reb. Naturally, he equips it as an Item. Causing two damage. With it's ability, he also destroys his gauge by one and increase his gauge by one. Now it's Lost Ren's turn.

Lost Ren: Draw. Charge & Draw. Equip.....Voider's Chain, Gar-Lost Sickle. (Equips a pair of dark chain sickles)

Ion: Oh. A New Item. And it's a pair of chain sickles.

Lost Ren: VoidCat to the left. 

Voidcat: (Appears) Let's Do this, Cat. Finally I get to show off my new evolved form.

Daryl: For Real. Lostcat evolved???

Masato: Does this apply when he unlocks his god form.

???: You got that right.

They all notice Shiloh, Hou & Garga coming from their right.

Hou: It's not just the fighter and Garga evolved. The Gar Trio have evolved too after me & Lost Ren unlocked our God Forms.

Garga: You can think of it as an extra blessing.

Daryl: I see.

Lost Ren: When Voidcat enters play, Looking at the top 2 cards of my deck. I add one to my hand and one to my gauge. Cast. Black Drain. (Activates Effect)

Devil's deck is discarded.

Devil: What? 

Lost Ren: I also gain one gauge. I buddycall Gargantua Crystal King to the right. (Gains 1 life) 

Crystal king appears.

Ion: It's Here. Lost Ren's New Buddy. Gargantua Crystal King.

Lost Ren: Cast. Gar Void Oracle. I gain 2 gauge and draw 2 cards. And since Crystal King is here, I also gain 2 life.

Ion: Right of the bat, Lost Ren just increased his resources. And just like that he's back to 10 life.

Lost Ren: That's not all. Set Spell. Shrine of the Endless Void. This card prevents my units from resting. Bonus, My Size Limit increased to 4.

Ion: WHAT? Four???

Shiloh: But I thought the size limit is 3.

Hou Ren: Shiloh, Did I forget to mention that Daijirou's buddy reached size 6?

Shiloh: WHAT? 

Masato: He's telling the truth.

Shiloh: Woah....I had no idea.

Lost Ren: To the center, I call VoidDog.

VoidDog: You howl I answer Dog. When placed, I get to increase Lost Ren's gauge by 2. 

Lost Ren: And I get to add a Dragod of my choice to my hand. (Does So)

Devil: Just Because You have new cards doesn't mean you can defeat me. I will show you that I'm the strongest here. Not you.

Lost Ren: You're all talk no brawl. And may I remind you that it's still my turn. You're in no position to talk, you grass ape.

Devil: (Bratty) GRASS APE!? Who are you calling a grass ape. Get over here right now so that I can block your attacks and punch your face.

Lost Ren: Too bad. Because I'm not attacking. My turn is over.

Devil: WHAT?

All (Minus Hou & Garga): WHAT?

Ion: Wait wait what? That's it? No attacks at all?

Hou's eyes are closing abit while feeling stern...

Devil: What's this about? You trying to make fun of me?

Lost Ren: Do you want to defeat me or not? I'm giving you the chance. Now Hurry Up and Start your turn.

Devil: Well gee fine. Don't come crying to me for mercy. Draw. Charge & Draw. Megadroid, Huge to the left. (Huge enters) Huge's ability. I look at the top 2 cards of my deck. (Does So) This one to the top, this one to the bottom.

Daryl: He's manipulating the deck.

Masato: Yikes...

Devil: Gigadroid Gigantes to the right. (Gigantes enters) Gigantes's Ability. Looking at the top 5 cards of my deck. (Does So) Brave Machine. Brave Machine. Brave Machine. Brave Machine. Brave Machine. 5 Damage to you.

Lost Ren's Life: 10 -> 5

Shiloh: He wiped out half of his life points in one blow???

Garga: As a Hero World Monster, I can expect Brave Machines being strong as ever.

Devil: Cast. Hyper Energy. (Gauge + 4) Gigantes. Attack Voiddog in the center.

Lost Ren: Useless. G Crystal Activate. Everything becomes Null and Void.

Crystal King use it's staff and hit the floor with it's bottom. It creates a Dark Curse around all of Bigmachine's cards.

Devil: What?

Ion: WHAT? G Crystal Can Be Used during the opponent's turn too???

Lost Ren: Obviously. The same with Hou's G EVO Z. The only thing we have to worry is our Timing because we can only use it once per turn.

Devil: Impossible!!!

Lost Ren: Oh Boo Hoo, all those Muscles you got. Flex them all you want but you got nothing for brains that's for sure. 

Devil: I.....Not Yet. Your G Crystal may have deactivated my skills until the end of your turn. But I still can increase my power. Cast. Giga Burst Energy. For this turn, My cards gain 5000 power, critical + 1. And since Biggest is my item, we all gain Penetrate. Gigantes.

Lost Ren: Gar Sickle's Ability activate. I destroy VoidDog. (Destroys Voidog with a swing of his sickle)

VoidDog: (Hit) It's Hurts...But I'm glad I can contribute to the cause. (Destroyed) 

Devil: You Destroyed Your Own Monster?

Lost Ren: Too Bad. Due to Sickle's ability, I also destroy a card on your field. (Swings his sickle and destroy Huge) And your gauge as well. (Destroys gauge)

Devil: HUGE!!!! 

Lost Ren: Further, since I activated G-Crystal, I also destroy one of your hand cards at random. (Strikes Dark Lightning from his sickle) 

Devil's hand is reduced by one.

Lost Ren: And I activate my Shrine's effect. I draw two cards.

Ion: Destruction of cards and hand followed by increasing resources??? Incredible.

Devil: Biggest. We must avenge Him. Attack the fighter. (Attacks) BIGGEST PUNCH.

Lost Ren's Life: 5 -> 2

Ion: UH OH. Lost Ren's a candle In The Wind!!!

Devil: My turn isn't over. Final Phase.

Lost Ren suddenly smirks and blasts dark lightning to the sky with his right bare hand. Suddenly the entire environment turns grey but Lost Ren. Everything is frozen in place.

Devil: My Body....can't move.

Lost Ren: I didn't reveal about VoidDog's other ability didn't I? When VoidDog is sent to the dropzone, and if I activated G Crystal this turn, you cannot cast any Impacts until next turn.

Devil: What???

The environment returns to normal.

Masato: It cancels Impacts??? For Real???

Daryl: Oh My....So that's VoidDog's true power...

Hou Ren: Never underestimate him. He who harness the power of destruction. Now harness even the emptiness of the void itself.

Shiloh: Amazing....

Devil: (Despaired) Turn....End.....

Ion: Incredible. Devil Destroy Bigmachine dealt some damage but he is still held powerless before the power of G Crystal. Now it's Lost Ren's turn. Let see what he does.

Lost Ren: I told you. You're all talk no brawl. Draw. Charge & Draw. I send Gar Sickle to the dropzone. (Does So) Transform.....(Transforms) I. AM. SHROUDED IN DIVINE NOTHINGNESS.....LOST REN...OVERLORD!!!!!!!! (Yells Loud) 

Everyone's shocked.


Lost Ren: Return to Nothingness. (Charges Energy) ERASURE OF CREATION. (FIRES)

All Of Devil's Cards are wiped.


Lost Ren: Thou have returned to nothingness. Discard two cards from your hand.

Devil is forced to discard again.

Devil: Not good...

Lost Ren: Time To Begin the Last Performance. Crystal King's Second Skill. Use VoidCat as your fodder. 

Crystal King destroys VoidCat.

VoidCat: (Hits) Jeez....this never gets old. (Destroyed)

Lost Ren: (Discard two of his hand cards) When Voidcat is destroyed, I deal 2 damage to the opponent. And when G Crystal is used, you cannot gain a single life until next turn.

Devil: WHA???

Lost Ren: And with that my turn is over.

Ion: WHAT? AGAIN? Wait....THAT MEANS....

Lost Ren: It's my turn again. (Snaps his finger) 

Dark Chains Out Of Nowhere appears and Ties Devil Destroy Bigmachine Up. He's Shocked.

Lost Ren:The moment of Destruction arrives. This World Shall Fall to it's doom once again. (Charges Last Energy through his palm) FALL FROM GRACE WILL YOU. DEVIL DESTROY BIGMACHINE. (Fires)

Devil: (Suffers) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Devil's Flag is destroyed.

Ion: Game End. Winner. Lost Ren.

The Crowd cheers.

Ion: Unbelievable. Lost Ren marvelled all of us with his new powers and so on. He was able to defeat Devil Destroy Bigmachine without launching any attacks. Incredible.

Hou Ren: In Buddyfight, you don't necessarily have to deal damage to win. Sometimes, you gotta improvise a little and use another tactic to win.

Shiloh: I see. That's why Lost Ren chose not to attack.

Garga: Very Unusual.

Bigmachine falls onto his knees while feeling despaired. Lost Ren teleports to his side using his powers.

Lost Ren: You really thought you had a chance against me. Sadly you're not even close to reaching my level. 

Bigmachine: Why you...

Lost Ren: Now then...(look at his opponent and grab his head) Tell me something I don't know. What is Kyoya's Master Plan?

Lost Ren's eyes are really menacing at he looks at Bigmachine eye to eye.

Bigmachine: I'll never tell you...

Lost Ren: I'm the victor. I call the shots here. And What I say goes. In fact...I have other ways of convincing. (Summons his dark purple aura saber at him) 

Bigmachine is frightened but he carries a grenade and pulls the pin off and drops it on the ground. Lost Ren notices this in shock and immediately moves out of the way before the Grenade instantly explodes.

Ion, Shiloh, Hou, Garga: WHAT????

Lost Ren: (Blocks himself) You Scumbag. 

When the smoke clears, Bigmachine vanishes.

Hou Ren: Did he just.....

Garga: Oh dear....

Lost Ren: No. (Thought) He's not gone. (Thought) 

In a flashback, right after the grenade explodes, Lost Ren throws a small track device onto Bigmachine before he vanished. Now, Sensei & Trickstar are tracking his location on his phone.

Sensei: Typical Lost Ren. Three steps ahead as usual.

Trickstar: Sheesh. That guy never stops does he?

In another flashback, before entering the match, Rouga, Lost Ren, Sensei & Trickstar talked about Kyoya's motives. Lost Ren comes out with a plan of his own: Tracking and finding out more.

Lost Ren: (Thought) Let's see what he's hiding shall we? (Thought)

Kyoya notices this and decides to smirk.

Kyoya: (Thought) Even if you do manage to find something about me, You and your friends won't stop me. I will lead this world to a prosperous future before you know it. (Thought) (Laughs in evil)

The moment turns black after and then soon Ion appears with an announcement.

Ion: Alright folks, the ones who are moving on to the SEMIs are Lost Ren, Shiloh, Hou Ren & J Genesis. And the SEMIs will be held in a week's time. And the matches are, Hou Ren vs J Genesis. And Shiloh Vs Lost Ren.

Shiloh: I'm up against what?

Elijah: You mean you don't know? Your match was in third and Lost Ren's match is after you. Obviously, you're facing him.

Shiloh: I....(Sigh) Oh boy....I'm gonna have a hard time huh?

Hou Ren: So Be It....

Hou Remembers Ranma's Defeat Against J Genesis, as well as the words that J Genesis said to him. He grip his right fist tight.

Hou Ren: It's my turn now...


Hou: It's time for...

Garga: Hou & Garga's

Both: Card of the Day.

Hou: Today's Cards. "VoidDog", "VoidCat" & "VoidBird".

Garga: This is the Gar Trio's new forms after I unlocked G Crystal. Thus, they support G Crystal too.

Hou: VoidDog increases Gauge & add a Dragod to the player's hand. VoidCat increases gauge & hand by 1. And VoidBird increases all card's soul by 1 upon entering.

Garga: However, their true powers are unleashed when they're sent to the drop. VoidDog ensures two of the opponent's gauge destroyed while blocking Impacts from being summoned.

Hou: VoidCat deals 2 damage while blocking the opponent's life from being gained until next turn. VoidBird reduces the opponent's critical by 1 while also block the opponent from gaining any power & defense.

Garga: Keep in Mind their true abilities can only be used once per turn. So Use wisely as it's all about Timing.

Hou: So what do you think guys?

Garga: Think you can open one of these?

Both: You never know until you try.


Hou Ren: The Semi Finals have begun and My opponent is none other than J Genesis. J Genesis also says he has something to tell me? Next time, "Final Piece". Join us for a buddyfight.

Story End.