Episode 4: Stable Conversation

For two weeks I was on boiling and cleaning duties. It wasn’t terrible, but the night air was always soaked in blood and the distance held the glow from the fires of battle. Grabbing another grimy bucket of water, a faint cry of pain reached my ears.

“I wonder if that was from the Medical Wing or the battlefield,” I muttered to myself.

“It’s coming from the Medical Wing, Lass. The battle is miles away. A scream, no matter the volume, won’t reach us. Even the roars of demons only go for a few miles. You hear one of those, you should pray as they aren’t far away,” a nearby stable hand stated, as he piled more filthy hay into a wheelbarrow. “Not that a prayer will be answered all the way out here. Even angels can't fly that fast.”

‘Demons roar? That’s good to know, not that I would ever want to hear it in person. Kind of upsetting to know angels have limits, but it does make sense. I’ve just never thought about it before. Why else would they be able to fall in battle like the rest of us?’

“I just can’t stop worrying about every sound and the fact we can see the glow of the fires constantly reminds me that battle isn’t far away. What if it grows even closer to us?” I explained, my knuckles going white against the heavy bucket's handle.

“It’s been years since they were able to get to this Fort,” the stable hand chuckled, taking a break from his work. “Last time they did was the start of the End Times, and the angels got them to back off. That’s where all this damage came from.”

“Why wasn’t it ever fixed? I’m sure the hot days and cold nights contribute to some of the illness we see in the wing,” I probed, confused.

“You may be right, but many get used to it and toughen up. It’s also a reminder to be thankful and vigilant. Plus, getting supplies and builders out here isn’t easy. Basically, if it isn’t a huge threat to safety, it is left alone until it becomes an issue,” the stable hand sighed.

“Is there a plan of action if the war does draw closer?” I worriedly asked. “I haven’t been told of any evacuation plans since I got here.”

“Lass, demons won’t spare anyone. They are faster and stronger than us. You can try to fight or run, but if they get here…” the stable hand paused for a moment, his face pained as he tried to find the right words. “We’re all done for. We don’t have angels like in the early days. All of them protect the major cities now. We’re not important enough to waste that kind of resource.”

“If they are that much better than us, then how do the soldiers keep them at bay?” I whispered, fear creeping into my voice.

“Years of specialized training, holy weapons, holy mages, and not every enemy is a demon,” the kind stable hand explained, trying to muster a reassuring smile. “There are humans who fight for the demons, and we know how easy a mortal man can die.”

‘How could a human forsake their people and God to side with evil? God has long since descended along with the Devil rising from Hell. We have proof of the beyond, the End Days, and what Salvation and Sin will do to a person’s soul…’

“I know that look. I had the same thought. How could a man turn his back on the Almighty?” The stable hand knowingly stated. “It’s simple. They scummed to one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Evil is temptation and not everyone is strong enough to resist.”

“I guess that’s true enough…” I nodded, sadly. “Shouldn’t the angels be on the battlefield if there are demons?”

“You would think so, but as far as I know the last angel left for the capital about a month ago,” he grimly relayed. “I don’t know if that means they have confidence in the soldiers or if they’ve given up on this old fort.”

“If there’s no longer an angel fighting with us, shouldn’t we abandon this base?” I blurted out. “Aren’t we sitting ducks?”

“Many of us have nowhere else to go or no funds to leave. Others were exiled here, sent for punishment,” he explained, in a heavy tone. “Weren’t you sent here on orders? Can you disregard them and submit to worse punishment?”

“I didn’t realize everyone knew my story,” I coldly replied.

‘This does explain why everyone here avoids me. No one wants to associate with someone who has my abilities… To most back home I was to be ignored, looked down on, whispered about, or cursed. Though, based on that logic, I am shocked he’s talking to me as an equal.’

“There’s not much to talk about here and few to talk to,” he shrugged. “Gossip travels fast, but conversation gets dull quickly with the same confidants day after day, so I don’t mind this opportunity to speak with someone new, as fleeting as it may be.

‘Fleeting? I guess he’s not going to make a regular habit of this.’

“If it’s any consolation, those gifts may allow you to survive this place,” the stablehand added after a few moments of awkward silence.

‘He probably wants to see them and sate his own curiosity… I’m in no mood to do so, nor do I want to get in trouble with Mother Superior.’

“I’m not allowed to use my abilities, so I doubt they will be much help,” I sighed, slightly defeated, my fingers starting to ache from carrying this heavy bucket.

“When the choice is life or death, I doubt a simple ‘No’ will stop you; orders or not,” the stable hand snorted.

“I already tried to heal someone with holy magic and found out it just does more harm. I don’t think I’ll ever forget those screams,” I whispered, ashamed of myself. “There's no telling what my abilities would do to the injured.”

“I wasn’t meaning to save others, though it was noble you tried, I was meaning to save yourself, be it with healing or harming,” the stable hand rebutted. “It’s human instinct to protect or save your own life, few things can overpower that.”

‘He’s not wrong, but I don’t want to think about that possibility.’

“It was nice talking to you, but I need to get back to work. Have a nice evening,” I stated, turning on my heel and heading back inside with my full bucket.