A few more weeks passed uneventfully, with only the minor delight of being upgraded to working on patients once more; much to the fear and displeasure of the patients. Granted, I never used my powers or my holy healing and did exactly as I was told, but fear wasn’t logical. I grew a thick skin and ignored the looks of fear, the cursing, and the prayers begging to send me away… I had a job to do and that was that.
As I cleaned up my station for the night, Mother Superior made an announcement.
"None of you will go to the dorms after cleaning up,” she bluntly informed us. “We’ve been asked to have a meal with the Day team. There is news and announcements that must be shared with both teams. Please, be on your best behavior. My superiors and the Father in charge of the Day team will be there. That is all.”
Whispers erupted away from patients' prying ears and dark theories circled.
‘Is the war growing closer? Do we need to abandon the fort? Will there be an influx of patients? Maybe another medic perished, and a new one will be chosen?’
Our mood was somber and nervous as we sat in the Great Hall with the stale bread and daily gruel. No one ate and respectfully waited for the announcements. Very few chose to talk as they waited, but even then, they kept to their teams.
Neither had a desire to interact with each other. There was an air of hostility and competition among them, but they silently agreed on one thing; me. They both ignored my presence or glanced at me with fear. They chose to sit far away from me, and I had a table all to myself, despite the limited seating and cramped quarters. I was still a cursed thing that only Mother Superior would willingly interact with.
Suddenly, the doors opened to reveal an aged, scarred general in full holy knight armor. His face was as terrifying as it was serious. He marched with purpose to the front of the hall and examined our faces for a few moments, before delivering his news.
“My name is General Herman Martiz,” the General introduced himself. “I command a good portion of the men out on the front lines. We sadly have lost another medic and need a replacement. I have just finished reviewing all medical personnel files and made my decision as to who would be the next medic.”
Terrified faces filled the hall. The usual procedure was lottery selection by pulling a name from a bowl.
‘Why did they suddenly change it to a hand-picked selection?’
“I know this comes as a shock, but the Lottery has resulted in field medics that cannot last six-months; it’s disheartening to say the least, for all parties involved. We are hoping a more deliberate approach will resolve this issue as well as keep seasoned people stationed here,” the General explained. “No need to remove someone who knows everything here like the back of their hand and put them in a situation that will harm both my men; as they will be set in their ways, and harm the men here; due to getting someone that doesn’t know how things work.”
Some faces relaxed, while other nuns grew more nervous; myself included.
‘Does that mean he’s choosing someone new? Someone he can train as he likes?’
“As such, I have chosen a newer nun that has unique qualifications that I believe would help in battle,” the General began.
‘Oh, please no. He’s not meaning what I think he is, right? God, no, please.’
“This person, I believe, will be able to show more than medical knowledge in the field. I have a feeling they will be able to help injure the enemy,” the General continued.
‘He is… He wants me because he thinks my powers can hurt the demons. I have no idea if they will work on a demon. I’ve never been close enough to try, nor do I want to be that close to a demon. They're the enemy.’
“Please congratulate Violet Chernock on her selection,” the General finished. Relieved faces and cheers filled the hall.
‘Of course, they’re happy. They’re not going out to die and they get rid of the cursed nun. It’s a win-win for them…’
Everyone quickly began chatting and eating regardless of the team, wanting to share in the bliss of escaping another selection. Meanwhile, I only stirred my gruel, no longer hungry. The General marched to me with purpose and curtly addressed me.
“Violet, please finish your meal and pack your things,” the General ordered. “We will be leaving at first light in approximately two hours, that’s when most demons have issues with their vision. A perfect cover for us. Understand?”
“Yes, sir. I’ll be ready,” I whispered, trying not to get sick from fear. “Where will I meet you?”
“By the front drawbridge. There will be a supply carriage waiting with some soldiers I brought. This visit served two purposes. One to get a medic and the second to get some supplies,” the General informed me. “This fort was lucky enough to receive some about a week ago and we are almost out at camp. Seeing that our last supply run from here was a failure, I would like you to use your powers to assist.”
“I don’t know if my powers will be much help, but I will do my best,” I choked out, fear plain in my voice.
“That’s all I ask. Enjoy your meal,” the General nodded, before heading out of the Great Hall. I had no desire to eat, but to waste supplies, knowing that I was going somewhere that might not have food if we lost the carriage, spurred me to finish eating. I quickly cleaned my area and headed to the dorms to pack. I didn’t bother to say goodbye to anyone in the Great Hall. I knew where I wasn’t wanted.