
This tower has at least fifty floors, with each bed inhabited by demons that move like zombies, and I slashed at them while Cecilia smashed their heads and ate the rest of the bodies.

"It doesn't taste delicious like a pure demon."

Only the head is part of the devil; moreover, all these demons live by eating mana from this tower. In other words, the magical energy belongs to Harper, Sofia's sister, whom we must save.

We've defeated about twenty demons; while waiting for Cecilia to devour them, I checked the tower's walls. As expected, this energy comes from above.

"How is it, Zack? Is the girl still alive?"

"It seems so; I guess the demons took it knowing that the mana energy is huge."

"She must have been suffering all this time."

Cecilia finished her meal and then climbed the spiral staircase with me. Even with how much she ate this dragon, she still felt it wasn't enough. After reaching the thirtieth floor, Cecilia finally lay down contented in her dragon form.

"I'm full; please let me lie here."

I sighed while glancing at her bulging belly. Without another word, I went up to the next floor while slashing down the demons I saw before blowing their heads off with Magic Tree magic.

Plants wrapped around them and then exploded afterwards. I could see it was already evening when I reached the last floor.

On this floor, I saw a bunny girl sitting with her arms stretched straight and chains wrapped around her, each chain connected to the wall itself, which sucked in all of her magic energy; if left unchecked, then it wouldn't be strange if someone would also suck out her life energy.

I slashed each of those chains and caught them well. I could feel her warmth and hear her heartbeat, which indicated that she wasn't dead. Just then, a black ball shot towards me, and I protected Harper with my back before finally crashing into the wall and being thrown out.

In that moment of falling, I contacted Cecilia with telepathic magic, "You heard me, Cecilia, I fell from above quickly broke the wall and caught me."

"Huh, it's not like you can fly."

"I brought Harper along; if including her in the battle would be hazardous."

The wall below me exploded violently; at that moment, I landed on Cecilia's back and put Harper there.

"Take her to safety."

"All right, are you sure you can beat the demon up there alone?"

"He's just an anchovy to me."

"As expected of Zack."

I jumped up to aim for the demon that had previously attacked me, and I swung my sword until he was thrown into the air with blood dripping from his body.

"Sneak attack is very cowardly."

"You're a coward yourself, attacking this place when I'm not here," he replied.

The reason why I didn't feel it before was that he appeared with teleportation magic. I shrugged my shoulders in a dull tone.

"It's just a coincidence that you might say I'm lucky."

"Lucky, hahaha, fighting me is bad luck."

The demon's wound began to close on its own until it restored everything to normal instantly.

"A demon with regeneration magic?"

"I'm no ordinary demon; I'm an Arc Demon... now accept my attack... Dark Emperor."

He created black balls in both hands and shot them towards me like a laser.

"Does the demon only attack like this?" I asked Olivia.

"Unlike against heroes, their skills don't vary much."

"So true."

"How is my power? Feel it.... this is the ability..."

I chopped the Arc Demon's head into the air as I slashed it from behind. His body can regenerate quickly; unfortunately, if his head is severed, he will only die.

I flicked my sword to get rid of the bloodstains on the blade before putting it back into the sheath; then, I created a plant wrapped around the entire tower from bottom to top. Finally, the plant exploded along with the building.


While feeling the wind blowing against the sloping meadow, I sat on a large mossy rock while removing the mask from my face.

Sofia and Harper had met again until they both embraced each other; Cecilia had nothing to do with hugging them until Caroline, who made the soup, said towards her.

"Haven't you been hugging Cecilia for too long?"

"I love hugging."

I hope the two bunny girls aren't bothered by it; Olivia, who is in her elf form, stretched her arms and then plopped down on the rock.

"This is the kind of life I want, peaceful without getting involved in anything troublesome."

This goddess had fought many battles, so it was only natural for her to enjoy peaceful, quiet afternoons while enjoying the sunset. Olivia lay to the side while holding her head in her hands.

"So, what now? Behind the mountain is the land's territory, while the opposite direction is the home of the two of them."

"Since it's come this far, I must escort them back home."

"You are the messenger of the evil goddess that goes against my orders."

"So what? Even if an evil goddess summoned me here, it doesn't mean I have to be as bad as you."

"That's true, and I don't mind either as long as you don't get in touch with other goddesses; you know I'm very hostile towards them."

"You attacked the goddess realm and destroyed their temple," I said weakly.

"To me, it's just a small prank, hahaha."

This goddess only looks cute when she is silent.

Curious, I asked, "Do all those goddesses have pointy ears like you?"

"If you like it, can you touch it?"

"I was just curious," I replied lightly.

"Different from most goddesses, I'm from the Elf race in the Grove Forest... at first, I was just an ordinary elf who had an ordinary daily life, but when the forest froze, I decided to get stronger so I could restore it to how it used to be so without realising my status had even increased to a goddess."

"Could something like that happen?"

A question mark appeared above my head while Olivia laughed as she adjusted her position to sit facing me.

"Of course not; I can't say anything but one day. I will tell you."

She put one finger on her lips while tilting her head with a beautiful smile.

There are many things I need to learn about this goddess; when the time comes, I'll know who Olivia is. I'm sure of that.

Caroline raised her hand while calling us both. "Time to eat, you two hurry up."

"Wait a minute," I said, standing up and jumping down without my mask.

As usual, I helped Olivia; her chest bounced with excellent elasticity.

She smiled and then ran towards everyone.

"Eat; give me a substantial portion."

"Of course."

"Come on, Zack, sit beside me."

I nodded at Caroline's statement and sat beside her while receiving the soup she had made. Harper and Sofia seemed to stare at me for a long time.

"What's the matter with you two?"

"This is our first time seeing your face; Zack, you are very handsome."

"I'm not that handsome," I replied to Sofia, but she shook her head a few times in response, sister.

"With your face like that, I wouldn't be surprised if Zack could have twenty wives or even more later."

I couldn't help but smile wryly at that statement. I can't possibly be involved in the Harem even that much, I heard only kings marry so many, and the reason is to advance the country.

The king is the one who resides in the territory of the land that I will visit after escorting these two girls back to his home.