
[Zack's point of view.]


"Are you okay, Zack?" said Olivia.

"I seem to have caught a cold."

"That's bad, don't worry, I'll spoil you later; I hear sleeping while holding me will get better quickly."

"Can you two not make jokes with vulgar words?" said Reona.

"But it's not a joke," I said.

Outside the city, Reona and I, along with the Dahlia academy's students, were preparing for the impending battle.

Olivia, in her sword form, was grumbling about something.

"Reona, you've never slept with anyone?"

"Stop talking about weird stuff; now, what are we going to do... we've been standing here for ten minutes."

The question was directed at me, who put on a flat face.

"I guess they're slower than I thought."

At the same time, the voices of the higher-ups began to be heard; they were all elsewhere to fight with the demon king's army; with the crystal that I made to resemble a mobile phone, I'm sure they were giving accurate information.