Human Fault

Emily explained, "Scottie is a forest spirit; once upon a time, her home was the site of a war that left everything in ruins."

"It was the fault of the humans who invaded the territory of the Titans," Scottie asserted hatefully.

"Be careful, Hitomi; she's not an easy spirit to deal with."

As Emily warned me, Henry's figure appeared behind her with two swords at the ready. Blood sprayed into the air as a chain with a spear point pierced her like a puppet.

"You won't be able to defeat me, Henry, you're just a weakling, and weaklings aren't needed in this world."


"Stop it, Cassius."

Scottie turned into a sword with the hilt end bound by a chain, and I realised blood was spraying from Henry's body.

"Can you still move?"

Instead of fighting back, Henry threw his sword at me to drive it into the ground until they both transformed into human form.


I was about to save her, but it was too late. The smiling head was neatly decapitated and fell.