Li Yi closed the door and sat on the sofa with Li Wei

"You know sister Wei Wei, right now we don't have much, how about you do what I've been telling you" Li Yi said with all seriousness

"No, I'm not going to change your university. I want you to go to a good school also, just because we don't have enough doesn't mean you can't attend a good school okay, besides i have a stable job now so you don't have to worry. Now stop talking about it and go have your bath, while I prepare breakfast ok? Get up" Li Wei said while hitting his butt.

"ok" Li Yi said with a slumped shoulder.

Later that day....

"Li Yi, I'm going out ok? should i get you anything?" Li Wei asked

"No it's ok" Li Yi answered

"Alright there are some food in the fridge, just warm it up ok? Li Wei said

"ok" Li Yi replied as Li Wei closed the door. She came out of her apartment and met Jiang Su Li her childhood friend and also her best friend.

" Hey Su su over here!!" Li Wei called out

" You really got the job? I'm so happy for you, only few people get to work at a company like that " Jiang Su Li said happily. Li Wei and Su Li were friends since childhood. They lived in the same neighborhood. When Li Wei lost her parents in an accident at age 18, Su Li's mother Mrs Jiang took in Li Wei and her brother in and started taking care of them, not too long after Mrs Jiang died from cancer which was the following year. Li Wei and Su Li were already adults and refused to go to the orphanage home. They decided to take care and support themselves. Both have gone through a life changing experience. It wasn't easy but they gradually became used to it.

"Let's go have fun and celebrate" Su Li dragged her happily.

" haha Alright, alright" Li Wei replied adjusting her coat.

They both went to Madam Fei's bar. When Madam Fei saw them, she called them over to a table.

" Hello my babies, oh Li Wei i heard from Su Li that you got a job, congrats " Madam Fei beamed with a smile

"Hi auntie, yeah i got the job, I'm so happy " Li Wei said with a calm smile

"Before I forget, Wei Wei, i have a gift for you, hold on a minute " Su Li said standing up.

"Hey where are you going " Li Wei asked

"Don't worry I'll be back soon " Su Li replied as she left the bar.

Twenty minutes later

"Heyyyy I'm back hehe" Su Li said smiling

"What took you so long" Li Wei and Madam Fei said in unison.

"It's a big box so I had a hard time bringing it here" Su Li said and that was when Li Wei noticed the large gift box in her hand.

" oh and that's for me?" Li Wei asked surprised

"Yep open it and tell me if you like it. We both wear the same size so I got this for you. Put it on tomorrow. It's a set, the skirt, shirt and shoes came together. So tell me if you like it" Su Li asked with her big blue eyes staring at me happily

" Oh Su Li, you didn't have to get me this. wasn't it expensive?" Li Wei asked

"Awww you don't like it?" Su Li asked pouting

" No that's not it. it's really lovely and for this design i can tell it is really expensive" Li Wei said

"Wei Wei, It's ok, i got a bonus at work so no worries. Make sure to take a picture in the morning before you leave because i definitely want to see you in these. Oh you will look so pretty" Su Li said with a wide smile.

" Now my own gift to Li Wei is drink all you can. Don't worry girls, it's on the house" Madam Fei said with a wink and stood up to attend to a customer who walked in.

"Wow she's so cool" Su Li said and Li Wei laughed.

After that the both talked about different things. Su Li was dead drunk while Li Wei was a little tipsy.

"Alright time to go home, Li Yi is waiting for me" Li Wei said standing up.

"Huh right now? Wei Wei, It's still early" Su Li mumbled.

"Oh come on, I'm very sure you can't drink again. ok now stand up let me walk you home" Li Wei offered still trying to help Su Li up.

" Don't worry sweetie, I'll take her home because it will be a little too much for you, I mean just look at her, she can't even stand up straight" Madam Fei said laughing which made Li Wei laugh. She thanked her and left. She walked towards a store to get her brother's favorite banana milk drink. After she she got it, she started going home. Li Wei was walking by the roadside when she noticed three guys following her, that was also when she noticed that the alcohol she took started taking effect. She almost lost her balance when one of the guys caught her and said

" Hey miss do you want me to walk you home" he asked showing his disgusting teeth which immediately irritated Li Wei.