Li Wei quickly snatched back her arm and pushed him away and said..

"You punk won't you go home. Aren't your parents worried about you little dirt" Li Wei cursed out and the three boys quickly dragged her into an alley.


A group of three men walked out of a bar while watching the drama between Li Wei and those guys.

"She's a tough one" One of the men Lin Feng said smiling. Lin Feng, the Ceo of the Ivory Tech, Huang Yu You, Ceo of the Huang Jewelry and the last but not the least Wang Lei Ding, Ceo of Wang Corporation and President of Green Land. The Wang family are the richest, most feared and the most influential Family in the whole of China. The Wang Corporation has branches all over the world which makes it in the list of top five in the world. The three men have been friends since childhood.

"Let's get going" Wang Lei Ding said looking at his friends with disdain. If he had known they would be coming to a bar when he had so much to do, he wouldn't have gone with them. He would have chopped them off and their so-called friendship.

"Oh come on. Are you really gonna let them take her?" Lin Feng joked

"It's none of my business. I'm gonna give you a ride if you are going back, if you aren't I'm going leave you here." Wang Lei Ding said sternly but his friends knew how he was so they didn't take it to heart instead they laughed it off.

"Hey how can you be so heartless. Come on let's go help that pretty girl " Huang Yu You said smiling and dragged Wang Lei Ding and Lin Feng towards the alley but they were greeted with the three boys groaning in pain.

"You piece of shit, how can you treat your elder this way? don't blame me because I'll make sure you don't see tomorrow." Li Wei said slowly and yanked one of the boys hair.

"I-im sorry, it won't happen again i promise. We made a mistake" He said trying to take her hands off his hair.

"Why are you scared?" She asked looking satisfied

"It won't happen again i swear."They said gritting their teeth

"You boys next time you try this with another girl, she may not be as forgiving as i am. Now get lost before i change my mind" Li Wei said releasing his hair. That's when they all found an opportunity to run. They ran without looking back.

"Little perverts. Ahh my head's killing me, i guess i did drink a little too much" Li Wei said while holding her temples


Li Wei turned around and saw three handsome men standing behind her, one with a hint of playfulness, the other watching me with a hint of curiosity while the last man carried a dangerous aura. He looked quite mysterious. Li Wei automatically told herself not to go close to him but at this rate she didn't really have time to enjoy how handsome they were, she had to hurry home. She'd beat them up too if they were to try anything funny.

"Come on, can't i just have a little drink and get drunk without any guys coming after me?" Li Wei said in disbelief.

" Relax pretty, we aren't with those kids" Huang Yu You said

"My name Huang Yu You and this is Lin Feng and Wang Lei Ding" he said

" I can't remember asking for your names. Look just get out of the way ok. I'm too tired to talk to you" Li Wei said in frustration. She has always been calm and collected but now she acting up. Blame it on the alcohol and those boys.

"We were wondering if you needed help but it's turns out you were doing just fine" Lin Feng said Smiling

" since you know I'm doing fine, can you leave me alone?" Li Wei asked

"No not yet. What's your name" Lin Feng asked

"Haaa You have got to be kidding me. Hey punk, are you trying to piss me off? just get lost while I'm being nice" she said still holding her temples. She lost her balance and almost fell when Wang Lei Ding who has been standing there without saying anything caught her by the waist.

"You Should Watch where you are going"Wang Lei Ding said with a hint of coldness.

"And you should watch where you are touching, let go" she said shoving his hand away from her waist. She started walking but stopped almost immediately. She was about to fall again when Wang Lei Ding caught her again. Li Wei turned around, grabbed his shirt and vomited.