"Damn it, did she just...oh dear" Lin Feng said nervously. This lady did the worst thing of all. When she was feeling better, she looked up at Wang Lei Ding and said "I told watch were you were you were touching". She slapped his hands off, wiped her mouth clean and left almost immediately.

"Hey I'm sure she didn't mean it, i mean look at her.... She's drunk" Huang Yu You said with a hint of smile on his face.

" What's up with your smile? Stop it he might really kill that lady. Too bad, she totally my type " Lin Feng said with a sigh not noticing the changes on Wang Lei Ding's face.

" Your type huh? Maybe you should go die with her...how about that?" Wang Lei Ding said as he looked at his friends with a strange smile

" Ahhh Mr Wang, I didn't say anything it was all Lin Feng" Huang Yu You said trying to shift the blame to Lin Feng.

" You son of a....." Lin Feng said to Huang Yu You who was looking at him with a smirk

Wang Lei Ding slowly removed his coat that was stained by Li Wei and turned around "Help me look into that lady. I need her information by tomorrow" how dare she to this him?

" Alright " Huang Yu You replied and the three walked to the car and got inside.


Wang Lei Ding got down from the car and walked in, where he was greeted by his butler who noticed the stains on the coat Wang Lei Ding was holding but kept his words to himself as it wasn't his place to talk. According to the Wang's family rule, a butler is never supposed to ask his master questions about his or her private life. His job is to obey and serve his master. Wang Lei Ding was brought up as the heir of the Wang Empire which has been going on from generations to generations and he knew the struggles Wang Lei Ding faced being the heir.

"Bath" Wang Lei Ding said still walking .

"Yes right this was Second Young Master. Secretary Yu called to let you know that Young Master Muchen called the office "

Wang Lei Ding stopped in front of his room and said " Alright I'll give Muchen a call. Now the bath"

" Ahhh yes" he replied quickly.....

When he was through with the bath, he sat on the bed and immediately an image of Li Wei flashed in his mind.

"Haha Damn it. No one has ever done this to me yet an unknown stinky woman did it?" He said with disgust.

He thought of Wang Muchen, his stepbrother, who was born on the same day as hom but was only a few minutes older. When Wang Lei Ding's father died, his mother An suqian had been the one managing the company. She was the exact image of Wang Lei Ding. When he came of age he was handed down the position of the Ceo of Wang's Corporation while also establishing his own company he worked hard to build "GREEN LAND". When Wang Lei Ding took over his mother An Suqian controlled the other branches of Wang Corporation. Wang Muchen's mother Hua Beihe had always wanted the position to belong to her son only but was kicked down by Wang Lei Ding's mother and was almost thrown out of the Wang family. Not until she swore not to interfere in the the Wang family business did they allow her and her son back in. Being a mistress and not the legal wife she could only swallow back her anger. When Wang Muchen came of age he was made the Director of Wang Corporation. Although Wang Muchen always wanted the company, Wang Lei Ding was trained for the position and knew what his opponent were thinking.

He snapped out of his thoughts when his phone rang. Picking it up answering with a chilling gaze.

" Hello brother, it's really hard to talk to you, you know haha" Wang Muchen's voice rang out

" I heard you called my office, what for?" Wang Lei Ding asked with his usually calm voice and expression which one can never tell what he was really thinking.

"Hehe can't i call my little brother anymore? I just wanted to see how things are going on with you. You inherited Wang's Corporation and also personally built Green Land... I'm sure it must be a lot of work for you?" Wang Muchen asked with mischievous grin masked on his face.

" Not really. Things are going well over here so you don't have to worry besides you are coming back to City M tomorrow, so I think you should get some rest. Oh and you don't have to worry about the companies I manage, if you had enough ability maybe one day you could also own a company. Think about it." Wang Lei Ding said with a smirk and hung up. He lay on the bed and thought of Li Wei again. Since he doesn't have anyone to vent his anger on, he wouldn't mind venting it on her "Stinky woman, better pray I don't catch you " he said as he drifted off into the darkness.


"Son of a bitch" Wang Muchen murmured as Wang Lei Ding hung up. He walked up to the window and stood there "Little brother, I will make sure that the Wang's Corporation would be mine one way or another. So enjoy it while you can and oh Good night" he said laughing heartily and showing off his handsome features.