Li Wei woke up with a throbbing headache..

"Aaah my head hurts like hell" she said while rubbing her temples.

"So you are finally awake" Li Yi said sitting in front of her with his arms and legs crossed while staring at her intently.

" Oh it's you. Why are you staring at me like that huh? I've got a headache, go get me some water" Li Wei said with a look of plea.

" Sis aren't you forgetting something " He asked

"Something? Like what " Li Wei asked in confusion

"What's today date" he continued

" I don't know, just get me a glass of water will you" Li Wei asked a little frustrated.

" Today is 1st of May, does that ring a bell" he looking at her with a hint of amusement. That was the the moment Li Wei's eyes shot up.

" No, no no no no my job. I can't be late on my first day, what if I get fired immediately " she threw the blanket on the floor and quickly stood up but her legs went wobbly. She held her temples with gritted teeth as she tried to make her way to the bathroom but couldn't. Li Yi stood there shaking his head then picked up the blanket and threw it on the bed before going over to help her to the bathroom.

" Why did you drink so much? Come on let me help. Lean on me. Also you don't have to worry about breakfast, I've made it, you just need to hurry up"

" Thanks" Li Wei asked while patting his shoulders

" Aunt Fei sent over a box this morning, she she it was your clothes"

"Oh yea, I totally forgot about it. It was a gift from Su Li " Li Wei said

" Ok now hurry up and have your bath, then come eat breakfast ok" he said

" Alright, Alright "

Li Wei had her bath quickly, put a comb through her hair when an image flashed through her mind.

"What was that" she asked herself but quickly dis missed the thought as she ran to put on her clothes. When she was done with breakfast, she quickly stood up, thanked her brother and said goodbye.

" You can do this!!!!" He shouted with a smile

"Yeah thanks, hurry to school, tomorrow is your big day okay" she said and waved goodbye to him

" Okay" he said as he waved back.

Li Wei ran out of her apartment in her fitted office wear given to her by Su Li which caught the eyes of passersby. On the way she decided to take a taxi but didn't notice a car heading her way. She was about to turn around when she noticed it but the car stopped on its own which made her scream in shock. She fell down and felt her soul leaving her body then looked down at her clothes...

" My clothe, you you you!!!" She shouted until Wang Muchen came out of the car with his secretary. Li Wei noticed the his fine features. He was dressed in a really expensive suit but that didn't stop her from lashing out at him. She thought it was a waste because the clothes were new and more importantly they were given to her by Su Li.

" You should have been more careful miss" Wang Muchen said softly, looking at the beauty in front of him. The more yelled, the more she got prettier and more her eyes got bigger.

" W-what? Careful? Did you just say be careful? You almost hit a person and you tell me to be more careful, haha, if i wasn't late I would have knocked you out, hmph" Li Wei said angrily....