Chapter 9- Lyonesse, lost city

"Why are you referred to as my lord?" I asked curiously.

"It's a form of respect for superiors," he replied.

A waiter dressed in a formal white and black attire went past me and I grabbed a drink quickly.

I took a sip and it tasted weird.

"That's for vampires," Damien said, looking at the drink in my hand. Vampires drink blood…so this is blood… I poured the content in my mouth to the floor.

"I need to use the bathroom now!!" I said, to make sure I didn't swallow any bit of it.

"I'll come with you"

"To the ladies' bathroom? No way.. I'll be fine"

Kelly walked through the crowd and out of the party hall.

"Urgh..this is disgusting," I said, trying hard not to throw up.

After a while of searching, she found the bathroom. The bathroom looked spotless and tidy in its white tile walls. She made her way to the sink and rinsed every leftover content out of her mouth.

She heard moaning noises coming from one of the toilet stalls.

Seriously? Get a room….

The noise stopped and she heard the door click open. Her face turned white from shock as she saw a girl's body drop lifeless to the floor and Ivan from the party walked out of the stall. She turned around to call someone quickly but met him standing there at the door. He licked his bloody lips and smiled at her.

"Don't worry, she's not dead," he said and I swallowed hard, hoping he wouldn't kill me.

She left the washroom, relieved that he wasn't following her and she took to her heels.

Meanwhile, Damien had an unexpected visitor, a person who he now assumes is dead.

"Hey daddy"

Damien's pov

I felt a kiss land on my cheek and I looked to see Cordelia.

I creased my brows. Of course, she would be here. How could I forget that parties are her thing?

"Hey daddy"

I decided not to give her a reply and just watched everyone dance to the tune.

"I didn't expect to see you here" she said but I had nothing to say to her.

"Aren't you gonna talk to me? I missed you" She said in her small but enchanting voice. She placed her hand on my chest, tracing her way slowly to my face and down to my neck. She made me look at her and I watched as she licked her lips seductively.

It was a long time ago when this little trick of hers worked on me; but not anymore.

"What do you want?" I finally asked, her hand still holding me.

"I missed you," She said, acting all cute.

I brushed her hands away when she put them on my lips.

"Get lost" I said glaring at her.

"Let's dance," she said, putting both her hands over my shoulders. Her face so close to mine made me feel repulsed. Wriggling myself out of her grip, I walked away.

"It's because of that hybrid, isn't it?" she yelled behind me but I ignored her.

Speaking of Kelly, I've waited long enough. Where is she?

He followed her scent which wasn't too far away and he spotted her dancing with…Julian and his countenance changed completely.

Kelly's pov

On getting to the party, the hall was filled and I couldn't retrace my steps to where we had been standing. I felt a bit panicked when some eyes turned to me.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my hand and spun me around, catching me by the waist.

"Hello, beautiful" Julian?

I didn't know if I felt happy to see him because I needed his help, finding Damien.

"Can I get this dance, pretty lady"

"I would but I've got to find Damien" I smiled, politely declining and pushing his body away from mine.

"Damien? I saw him a few seconds ago…there"

Julian pointed at someone who happened to be Damien and a really beautiful elegant lady, who had her hands all over him. The smile disappeared from my face as I watched them.

"He's having fun, you should too"

Of course, he has a girlfriend. It would be impossible for him not to.

I decided to let them have their moment. I took Julian's hand and he led me to the dance floor.

I couldn't stop looking at Damien and the gorgeous young lady. She looked like someone from a high class because of her exceptional clothes. I still couldn't understand why he made me his date when he had a girlfriend. Or did he just want to make her jealous after a fight?

"Hey, I'm right here" I heard and I looked at Julian.

"Oh sorry" I apologised, guessing he possibly knew what I was thinking.

"You like my brother?"

"No," I said almost immediately.

"Ok firecracker," Julian chuckled.

I decided to stop looking because the more I looked, the more unnecessarily annoyed I would become.

I looked at Julian and he had his eyes focused on my face.

"So…" I asked

"So…?" He asked right back and I remained silent, not wanting to get personal.

"Just ask," Julian said and I felt a bit confident to.

"Do you guys always fight?"

"Me and my brother? yes" Julian replied, our feet moving in synchronisation to the music.


I asked but he seemed to hesitate.

"We just never got along"

"Why?" I asked, spreading my arms, while he lifted me up.

"Let's just say siblings never get along," He said.

I never really had siblings so I couldn't tell if that was the case but I let it slide.

For a moment, we both just stared into each other's eyes, none willing to break contact. Unlike with Damien, I didn't feel any sparks.

"you know you can't stay clogged up in a house forever right?" he said and I couldn't agree more but my life would be in danger if I went out. I've seen it first-hand.

"I know but I can't go out"

"Why not? Lyonesse isn't that dangerous" he said.


"Yeah? That's where you are"

"Oh you don't know" he said as if realising something.

"That's disappointing"

The time to switch partners came and I got switched with someone and guess who…Damien. A frown went across my face as I remembered what I had seen.

"What were you doing with him?" a frown across his face as well.

"What am I doing with you?" I asked right back.

"Don't reply to me with a question" his eyes narrowed at me and his voice sounded really pissed, but I didn't care.

"Why did you tag me along when you have a girlfriend?" I asked and in some way, I felt like an angry girlfriend.

His frown lightened up and a smirk curved up on his face.

"Are you jealous?"

I looked down, my boldness dying down immediately

"You wish" I didn't even know why I acted up.

"What's Lyonesse?" I tried to change the topic quickly. We danced on and Damien turned me around, with my back against his chest.

"Of course he told you," he said to himself, pausing the dance, still holding me in place.

"There isn't much to know, Lyonesse was a lost city, now known as the city of equality, though superiors remain superiors," Damien explained, but I had a feeling he left something out. He always does.

"don't you trust me?" Damien asked, turning me to face him.

"No," I replied, leaving him standing.

I knew I could trust him but his secrets were becoming too much. If Julian hadn't mentioned it and I hadn't asked, he wouldn't tell me about my location. I want to trust him with everything but he needs to be able to trust me as well.