Chapter 10 - Down in the Dumps

As Kelly walked down the hall and towards the car, she felt a presence behind her but she looked to see no one. She increased her pace and just when she got to the car, she realised she couldn't get in because she didn't have access to it. Her left wrist began to itch and she couldn't tell if that was just part of the paranoia. It continued for long enough and Kelly decided to go back inside but she met a lady, standing across from her. A familiar lady.

"What a pleasant surprise…" she said walking stylishly towards me. Her red dress contrasted the colour of her aqua-blue eyes and her beauty remained unmatched.

She was the lady I had seen with Damien earlier. His girlfriend.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Nothing… just here to drop a little warning," She said, crossing the boundaries between us. With my back against the car, she spoke in a voice that most definitely intimidated me.

"Stay away from him…"

"Or I'll haunt you, in your dreams, anywhere, you name it" her voice like a whisper right beside my ear, making her sound more frightening.

"Don't you have fish business to attend to?" a voice came from behind her.

"Daddy…you're finally here" she said, running to hug him but he put his hand between them.


Cordelia adjusts her dress, giving Kelly the most savaging look ever.

An excruciating scream echoed in Kelly's head and she held the car to steady herself. She could tell that whatever that was, was from the lady who just turned away from her and something tells her she shouldn't get on her bad side.

I had lots of emotions gushing through my veins and the only thing I could do was hug Damien. Why did my life have to be so complicated? All I ever wanted was a normal life, nothing else.

I let go of him and I smiled.

"Thank you, once again" he didn't reply. He didn't need to. I just wanted to be alone at that moment. Damien got in the car and drove us home.

I got into my room and all the emotions I felt just welled up into tears and I cried hard on my pillow… I had gotten used to feeling sad all the time back home but now all this was just overwhelming. I felt angry at my fate, sad that I couldn't control it, anxious that there was danger at every corner and worse still, I didn't know how to protect myself. I couldn't think straight anymore. I walked into the bathroom, shut the door and entered into the hot water bath which seemed to always be prepared by the maids.

I let the water drown my emotions, sliding under it so it covered my face. I held my breath and closed my eyes, thinking about everything.

As a kid, Kelly had everything a child could ask for. Love, attention, presents, toys, you name it. Her life was perfect till her mother died in a fire accident and her dad changed towards her, blaming her for not saving her mother. He became cold, spent his nights at his hotels and restricted her freedom. This made Kelly feel guilty that she killed her own mother. As time went on, she tried so hard to please her father but he was never impressed.

Kelly gasped as she brought her head out of the water, her breath sharp. She helps herself to a nice, soothing bath and puts on her robe. She unconsciously scratches her wrist which seemed to be really itchy.

She slides into more comfortable clothes and lays on the bed. She observed her wrist but there was no rash for it to itch so bad. Not wanting to think about it, Kelly tries to take a nap.

Damien looked at the crow that had just arrived at his window. It had a scroll in its beak. He takes it and reads it.

Damien could only guess the message was sent by a witch as crows were their means of communication.

The scroll had only an address written on it. The picture of a face suddenly popped up on the paper and as Damien suspected, it was Lucinda, one of the elders of the supernatural realm. From the looks on her face, she had something really important to talk about.

"Meet me, young dragon lord" she said and the face disappeared, leaving just the address.

Back in Kelly's room, she opens her eyes to see all of it wasn't real. She had the same dream but she couldn't remember what the masked man called her. She looks out the window and sees Ivy sitting alone in the garden and she decides to join her.


"Oh I didn't see you there" Ivy said wiping her face.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned at her sour expression.

"I'm alright" She replied and I remained silent not knowing what to do or how to comfort her. I mean I've never had to.

"So..what're you up to?" Ivy asked like she hadn't been crying a minute ago, but I could see it in her eyes, she was struggling to keep a straight face.

"Nothing…just hanging around. Have you seen Damien?" I asked.

"Oh, he went out really early. It seemed urgent, he'll be back in three days"

"Three days?" I asked in an outburst. Why did he have to stay out so long? Is he mad at me? What am I gonna do without him? It's gonna suck these next few days, but at least I have Ivy and Oliver right?

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" Ivy suddenly asked, leaving me dumbfounded for a second.

"Uh…no I haven't" I replied, a little ashamed, squeezing my hand.

"Boyfriends are jerks, they're just…so difficult," Ivy said, sniffing. I looked at her and she covered her face in tears. So I did what I felt was right. I hugged her. She let it all out, while I patted her on the back.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked.

I waited patiently for her to breathe and wipe her face.

"My boyfriend gave me this necklace one night and the next day, there's a note on my desk"

"He broke up with me"

She said crying even harder.

"Why'd he do that?" She asked me.

"I don't know," I replied and I awkwardly watched her.

"I'm really sorry I'm telling you this but you're a girl and I feel you'd understand," she said, snuffling a little.

"I understand…I've never had a boyfriend but I've had…suitors, so I get it"

"At such a young age? That's brutal" Ivy said, shaking her head.

My wrist soon began to itch really badly, I tried to ignore it as Ivy talked on but it only got worse.

"What is it?"

"Nothing…just a little itch," I said, though scratching real hard.

"Let me see," Ivy said and I showed her. It now looked red from the itching, but no rash or bumps were noticed.

"We could ask Oliver, he might be able to help"