Chapter 16 - Ride to Siren Island

"So you've killed people?" Kelly asked, not knowing if she should feel relieved that she wasn't alone. Damien chuckled looking at her.

"Killing is an understatement princess"

"I kill and enjoy it..." He said and Kelly swallowed because the look in his eyes was dead serious. He smirked, looking her up and down in a way that sent sparks to her brain.

He suddenly turned away looking a bit unfocused like he had something on his mind.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes," he said, running his hand through his hair, obviously trying to conceal the fact that something was bothering him.

"Is it Cordelia?" I asked and he looked at me, uttering no word.

Damien's pov

Kelly's mark still threw me off even when I knew about it. I don't believe in prophecies but what if she becomes like me? I can't let that happen. Also, I have to find a way to deal with Cordelia's father.

"Are you okay?" I heard her ask.


"Is it Cordelia?" She asked, making me look at her.

I really can't get anything past her, can I?

"Her father wants me to marry her," I said, noticing the look of dismay on her face.

"What? You can't do that" she said in an outburst.

"Who does he think he is? He can't just tell someone to marry his daughter just like that..who is he even? The freaking president?" She ranted on and on which I found cute. She looks really adorable when she's upset.

"Are you saying you don't want me to marry her, princess?" a smile finding its way to my face.

"I…whatever, you can do what you want. It's your choice. I don't care"

She stuttered, turning to leave but he caught her hand, pulling her close to himself, his other hand on her waist.

"Don't walk out on me" his eyes fixed on hers, slowly making their way down to her succulent, lush lips which he knew were still untouched.

"I don't want to marry her" he could feel her heart beating against his chest and for some reason, he loved how dangerously close they were. He didn't take his eyes off her for even the slightest time. This little girl was doing things to him, things he never thought he'd feel ever again.

"Come with me…I'll cancel the arrangements"

"Dress warm," I said and with that, she pushed me gently away from her, her face and ears all red and flushed.

I smiled as she ran out in embarrassment.


They waited outside for her with the four horses and supplies that Oliver had prepared. She soon arrived and she looked quite happy that Oliver and Ivy were tagging along.

"I get to ride myself?" Kelly asked, caressing the horse's jaw.

"You can't ride?" Ivy asked, ready to mount her horse.

"She'll ride with me," Damien said, from behind her.

Ivy smiled, winking at Kelly who blushed inwardly.

Damien climbed the horse and helped her up as well.

"Hold on to me, we'll be going fast" Damien said and Kelly wrapped her hands lightly around his waist, making Damien chuckle to himself. She really thinks he's not been serious. He pulled the horse reins and the horse neighed, picking up speed. Damien smiled as he felt her little hands tighten around his waist; her little small figure pressed against his back like she would fall.

The home of the sirens is really far and it would take them approximately two days to get there, but if they were fast, it could take them a lot less time.

Kelly felt as though they were flying as she struggled to keep herself together. She held on really tight as though her life depended on it.

"Why didn't we take the car?" Kelly asked, the wind blowing on her face really quickly, making it hard for her to breathe properly.

"You can't ride a car through the woods, can you?" he replied and Kelly fell silent again.

She couldn't take it anymore. The speed and jumping of the horse made her want to throw up. She had never ridden a horse before, but she didn't want to slow them down.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to slow down?" Damien asked, slowing down a bit with Ivy and Oliver riding ahead of them.

"I'm fine" she lied.

Damien reduced his pace ignoring what she said, but he could still feel her discomfort.

"Stop…" she suddenly said and he stopped immediately. She got off running behind one of the trees. Oliver and Ivy stopped as well.

She threw up everything in her stomach, while Damien held her hair up for her.

"Don't look at me," She said, covering her face timidly. Damien watched her smiling to himself. What a cute little lamb.

Ivy handed Damien a bottle of water which he gave her. She washed her mouth with it and drank to cool herself down.

"We rest here," Damien announced.

"No, I'm fine"

"That's final, princess, we can't ride when you're sick," Damien said sitting on the floor.

Kelly's pov

After a little meal, Ivy sat beside me teasing me about everything she noticed. She didn't even know about what happened in his room.

"Girl, are you kidding? You have no idea what's going on, do you?"

"No," I said, not wanting to read meanings to his actions.

'She'll ride with me…' Ivy said, mimicking Damien making me giggle.

"He's just been considerate"

"Trust me, I know a lot about these things…lord Damien cares for you, can't you see it?" She said gently tugging at my arm.

I looked over my shoulder at Damien who seemed to be talking about something important with Oliver.

"I know he does…"

"...but let's not jump to conclusions… besides he's supposed to marry a certain girl, named Cordelia" I said, my face turning down.


I couldn't help but overhear what Damien was talking about.

"No my lord, there hasn't been any unfamiliar person in the house" Oliver said.

"Then who dropped the letters?" Damien asked, trying to hide the anger in his voice.

"The postman my lord"

Damien seemed to be thinking for a while and I remembered the letter he had ripped. Was there a problem?

"We leave now" he said quite loudly and we all stood up. I walked up to him wanting to ask what was going on but the look on his face told me that wasn't the time.

He helped me onto the horse and just when I held on to him, I felt the hair on my skin rise. Not because I was so close to him, but because I felt like we were being watched.

"Damien…" I called to tell him.

"Yes I know…we're been watched," Damien said looking at me.

"But they won't do anything yet," he said, pulling the reins.


"Is there anything he doesn't know?" A man with a mask said watching the receding people.

"He's got good senses, that's why we have to be very careful and stay far away for now," another masked man said.

"So what now? We can't take her with him around. He'll burn us alive" the first man said, taking off his inconveniencing mask.

"I know that…we'll just have to keep following them till he drops his guard"

"That's gonna be a very long time you know that, Ivan"

"Oh no…just watch and learn Diego" Ivan said with an evil smirk on his face.