Chapter 15 - Arranged deal

"Tell him I'll pay him a visit, Now leave" 

"Don't try anything stupid, you know my father" Cordelia said leaving. 

Her father was a complete gentleman but as gentle as he was, he was quick to anger, so he needed to proceed with caution. He sat in his study thinking of what to do. He just couldn't marry a cheat. That should be enough reason to tell her father, but he'll most definitely ask something else of him. King Iravan never gives anything free of charge.

Kelly's pov 

  Urgh…I hate her. She's really pretty and all that but she's got a really bad attitude. Why did she have to be so clingy? It's not like they're together anymore right? Why am I even thinking about it? It's none of my business. Damien's just a friend. He protects me, cares for me and is always there for me. What does that make him then? I can't deal with this right now. 

I slumped into my bed lazily burying my face in the sheets. I stared at my left wrist bearing the mark and I remembered I hadn't shown it to him yet. He needed to know. I got up trying to find his room which I had no idea where it was. 

After a while of search, I found a room; a plain black door with carvings. It gave off that Damien vibe, so I guessed it might be his. I placed my hand midair to the door to open it but I hesitated. 

What if Cordelia's in there? What if they're busy? I listened in but I couldn't hear anything. Maybe she already left. Opening the door, I walked in. I felt a piece of paper under my feet. I picked it up and it read 'letter to Damien'.

 I could give him this as well, maybe as an excuse to stay longer. I entered the room fully to find a room with nothing but a desk, a chair and a few decorations. It looked like his study room. I sat on the chair and turned around like I owned it, mimicking Dad when he spoke to his business associates. 

"Yes, The posters would do. I want them all over the city" I said in my most manly voice, laughing at how stupid I sounded. 

If this isn't his room, then where is his room? I walked ahead towards one of the shelves and behind it was a door. I opened it and my jaw dropped. It was a room with the finest interior designs. The huge king-sized bed stood right in the middle of the room with black sheets. A ravishing crystal chandelier hung just over the bed adding beauty, elegance and luxury to the spacious room. Dim lights shone from behind the headboard of the bed, spreading just the right amount of beauty into the atmosphere.

Yep… this is his room. I wonder where he is. I picked up a little dragon from the collections on the wooden shelf and that's when I heard the door open, startling me. I dropped the little dragon to the floor but thankfully it wasn't glass. I put the little dragon back on the shelf and pretended like I wasn't doing anything. 

I expected him to walk into his room through the door from his study room, but he came out of the bathroom instead in trousers, his chest bare. He looked like he just had a shower as his hair still looked wet. His muscles moved and contracted as he cleaned his hair roughly with a towel in his hands. I stood still, captivated by the huge tattoo on his back. It was a dragon and I just wanted to trace my fingers through it. I shook my head, waking myself up. He didn't seem to have noticed me as he searched through his closet for a shirt to put on. I should probably wait outside. I turned around to leave quietly.

"Are you done admiring?" I heard, making me pause. Shit! He caught me. 

I didn't turn around to look at him or say anything, as I felt embarrassed. 

I had just wanted to talk to him about the tattoo on my wrist but this happened and I couldn't help but stare. I felt stupid, like a perv.

"Cat got your tongue…?" Damien asked.

"I…" I muttered, unable to put my words together. 

"I found this," I said, raising my hands over my head so he could see the letter. I could hear him walking over to me and I held my breath. He took the letter and after a while, he ripped it. 

"Did you read it?" His voice a bit different from the one he spoke with earlier. 


"Why'd you rip it?" I asked, still with my back against him. 

"It's unimportant," he said

"Turn around" his voice hoarse and commanding.

I turned slowly keeping my eyes on the floor. 

"Did you mean it?" 

"Mean what?" I asked my voice almost in a whisper.

"Look at me.." 

I lifted my head looking boldly at the tall figure right in front of me, like my heart wasn't threatening to jump outta my mouth. 

His eyes pierced through mine like he was searching through my soul. I didn't know what he meant but he seemed to be really interested in whatever it was.

"Did I say something?" I asked but he just sighed, turning away from me. 

"I'm gonna be leaving soon…I don't know how long I'll be away" 

"Again? But you just got back" I said a bit upset he had to leave.

"Yes and it's been three days, far longer than I'm supposed to be home," Damien said putting on a white sleeved shirt. 

I remained silent for a while, thinking of an excuse to make him stay. 

"What if another maid tries to kill me again?" 

"There are no maids here anymore" 

"How about melody? She helped me" 

"She's been rewarded but not needed" 

I didn't want him to go but whatever it was, it sure might be important. 

"I understand, but before you go there's something you should know," I said

"Ivy found a book in the library with some disturbing notes about this tattoo that appeared from nowhere," I said, showing him the inverted torch on my hand. 

He held my hand, looking at it but he didn't seem surprised to see it which made me confused but again there was nothing new about his deadpan face. 

"It's not a tattoo, it's a mark" 

"You know what it is, don't you?" I asked and he nodded.

"Does it mean I'm gonna kill people?" 

"Yes…unconsciously," he said, confirming what I so dreaded. 

"But you can control it," he said, sensing my rising worry.

"How do you know?" 

"Because I controlled it"