Chapter 18 - Dining

"What is the reason for your sudden change of heart?" King Iravan said after pacing around in his study room.

"Is it because of that girl?"

"I will not be mated to Cordelia, my lord. She…"

"We made a deal," Iravan said, his voice rising.

"A deal which I must cancel" Damien said, his eyes narrowing trying to read the man's expression. He was pissed but trying to hide it since he had a soft spot for him.

"What is your reason then?" He sighed.

"I caught her in bed with my brother," Damien said, growing upset at the thought of it.

"Goodness gracious…Julian?"


King Iravan finally sits down and Damien joins him.

"An affair with your brother is simply unforgivable, I must say," King Iravan said, meddling with some sheets on the table.

The King loved and enjoyed his women but he never condoned such betrayal from family.

"..but you do know you must offer something else. A request as big as the one you made most definitely requires a repayment"

"My home isn't properly guarded anymore because of it" King Iravan said, writing on one of the old parchments. The king had offered protection to Damien's mother; protection because Damien knew what Julian was capable of.

"River.." He called.

"Take this to the queen…her signature is required as well" Iravan handed the parchment over to a tall dark muscular man dressed in formal wear. They never really concerned themselves with armour and swords indoors except in times of training and war.

"...and check on our guests, make sure they have everything they require"

"Yes my lord," River said bowing.

"I know that… that is your call Iravan," Damien said, Iravan diverting his full attention to him.

"I have other daughters, son, pick one…" his eyes pierced into Damien's.

It was such a bright morning and the sky appeared clear and a lot less foggy and I could see beyond the trees from the patio. There were a whole lot of sirens, both male and female, walking around the island and swimming in the river. There were small but comfortable-looking buildings nearby which I guessed was where they could rest when they got tired of swimming.

A knock landed on the door.

"Yes, come in" I said and a tall dark man came in with a smile on his face.

"Welcome to Sirenus, m'lady," He said politely bowing. I had almost forgotten I was in a royal home.

"This is your handmaid and she'll be attending to your needs in your time here" He said and a beautiful young lady walked in, her hair flowing smoothly and her emerald eye colour just like mine. She smiled brightly as well and I wondered if they didn't hate me or smell my hybrid blood.

"Breakfast will be served in an hour, Your handmaid will get you ready," He said bowing and leaving.

She smiled, walking towards me.

"Let's get you ready, m'lady," she said walking towards the bathroom.

"What's your name?" I asked

"My name?" She asked, looking at me.

"Yes," I replied knowing how maids react to this kind of question. She hesitated for a while.

"Daphne, m'lady. My name is Daphne" she replied, looking tense.

"Well Daphne, I'd like to bathe myself but I could use your help in selecting a dress," I said smiling pleasantly, trying to ease her up.

"Of course, m'lady"

"Kelly please…"

"Of course Kelly"

Finally, a maid called me by my name. It felt quite nice and for once, I didn't feel pity for them.


I joined everyone else at the wooden grand table downstairs and we were served various meals; most of which were seafood which I had never even seen before.

Cordelia and some other girls joined in laughing and chatting amongst themselves. They looked alike, they were probably her sisters. Damien sat beside me looking a bit distracted.

"Hey…" I called. He looked at me with a smile but he uttered no word. Did something happen with King Iravan?

Speaking of him, he walked into the dining hall with his guards. Everyone ate and chatted loudly amongst themselves while I wondered what was going on with Damien as he ate so slowly.

Ivy nudged my hand, pointing unnoticeably over to someone; a guard behind the King. It was the dark guy from this morning, the one who assigned Daphne to me.

She was obviously blushing and my interest was piqued.

"Isn't he cute?" She said, staring at him.

"Yeah…he is," I replied.

"Will you talk to him?" I asked curiously.

"I already did…this morning, he thinks I'm cute" Ivy said squeaking excitedly, like we've known each other for years. She felt comfortable with me and I liked it.

Just then, the sound of a spoon hitting a glass was heard and the hall fell totally silent. King Iravan stared at me for a while and I couldn't tell if it was a look of content or disapproval.

"We have a guest, my dear daughters…" he mentioned his eyes still on me.

"Kelly, meet my daughters…Cordelia, the eldest, Calista and Coral," He said now smiling… I smiled at them. "Hello,"

"She's pretty" I heard Calista murmuring to Coral. Cordelia obviously heard it and she shot me the death stares.

"And our old friend, Prince Damien with his loyal subjects"


"He has come to seek for one of your hands…" He said and I noticed the proud smirk on Cordelia's face. How I so wanted to wipe it off…

"Calista…" He said and the smirk was immediately wiped off her face.

"But dad…" Cordelia yelled.

"Don't… Cordelia, your insolence has cost you such a fine young man. Deal with it…"

Cordelia got up and left the table, her eyes all welled up. Calista looked happy, giggling with Coral.

I guess Damien made his decision after all. I looked over at him and he still wasn't speaking. His jaws were clenched and his fist tightened. His eyes were on Calista. He was staring straight into her eyes. Nobody else seemed to notice but the air was tense between them. Calista's smiley face suddenly turned sour…

"I cannot marry him, Dad" She said startling everyone.

"What?" Her father said amidst chewing. He looked at her and she shook her head continuously.

"No Dad…" She said leaving as well.

Confusion spread around everyone's faces except mine. I saw a smile curve up on his face and I knew he had something to do with her sudden outburst. I just hoped what he did, wouldn't complicate issues because King Iravan now seemed to be looking menacingly at me.