Chapter 19 - The death glares

After an awkward breakfast, Damien left and I followed behind him. He walked quickly with his head held high, his hands in his coat.

"Stalking me now, are you?" I heard, making me stop in my tracks. He didn't turn around as he spoke.

"I know what you did," I said.

"Do you?" he said, turning his head sideways.

"Not exactly…but I know you made her change her mind"

"yes, I did…"

"Why don't you wanna marry Cordelia?" I asked, not knowing what to expect.

"... because she cheated on me"

"Oh, I said, nodding my head.

"...with my brother" He concluded and my eyes widened.

"With Julian?" I asked rhetorically, not believing my ears. How could Julian be so cruel to his brother? I was beginning to think of him as a good person but this cuts it.

Just as I thought about the predicament at hand, Damien suddenly pushed me to the wall, blocking me in between him. My eyes widened and I held my breath as he brought his face close to mine.

"Don't move…" He said, lifting my head up, his hot breath on my face heating me up.

I looked over to the side and saw Cordelia with an angry look on her face. She glared like she would kill me. I loved it. She looked like she would cry when she walked away.

Damien moved away from me, adjusting his coat and I could finally breathe. He began walking and I followed beside him.

"Why is the king so bent on you marrying his daughter?" I asked, clearing my throat to sound as though nothing just happened.

"Because I owe him"

"What could possibly be worth marrying someone you don't love anymore?" I asked, concerned.

He looked at me, his eyes giving off mixed emotions.

"My mother…" he said and I went completely silent, guilt overcoming me.

"I met King Iravan through Cordelia when we dated and we discussed the issues I had with my brother being the next in line to the throne of the dragons"

"After the death of my father, I needed someone to be able to protect her. I wasn't sure Julian would try anything stupid but I just couldn't take any chances. So I pleaded with Iravan to send his guards to watch her for me and he asked me to marry his daughter"

"I didn't have a problem with it, because I loved Cordelia" he said and I could see the hurt in his eyes. I felt bad for Damien. He must have loved her really badly.

A bunch of ladies passed by us, giggling and I wondered if the Sirens only ever giggled or sang.

The silence went on for a while, then I broke it.

"So what're you going to do now?"

He paused standing close to one of the pillars in the corridors.

"I…don't know," he said, his eyes on me. His eyes searched through mine, looking closely and intently. Then a smirk curved upon his face.

"...prove to him that I'm in love with someone else and have no need for a mate" He said.

"So he'll have to ask for something else" I finished, nodding my head in agreement.

"...but who would that someone else be?" I asked, not wanting to assume.

"You'll see," He said, stopping in front of a door.

"This is it, princess. I'll leave you here. I have a lot of work to finish, "he said and I smiled.

"Good day my lord" I said playfully, bowing down in courtesy. He looked at me, a pleased look in his eyes.

My room wasn't far from his so I made my way there, smiling to myself and wondering who he was gonna "pretend" to be in love with.

As I approached my assigned room, I heard some footsteps and I turned to see King Iravan.

"Hi.." I said awkwardly.

"It's Your Majesty to you," He said, hate obvious in his eyes. I swallowed.

"Your majesty…"I said, bowing my head slightly.

"Who are you, young lady?"

"I go by the name, Kelly Paige sir"

"I'm not interested in your name, hybrid," he said. Of course, he knew. Who doesn't?

"Who are you?" He asked again. I didn't know what to say so I kept quiet.

"Who's your family? What position do they own?" he asked. I didn't know my real parents and he most definitely wasn't talking about my human parents.

"Ah I see…so you're a nobody," he said and I lifted my eyes up to him in disapproval of what I was been called.

"I'm guessing you're on the run now and sooner or later you'll be killed" he said and I tried to ignore the disrespect.

"I'm aware of my fate, sir, and I do hope you know what you're doing, pairing your daughter and Damien," I said boldly, not ready to be walked all over.

He suddenly began laughing.

"You don't know how things work around here, do you? I'm guessing you lived with the humans where your scent was shielded from us," he said, confusing me.

"Let me tell you something dear… Rules don't affect the superiors around here." He laughed scornfully.

"We bend and break the rules. We are bigger than the rules and if you know what's best for you young lady, don't meddle in things that do not concern you" he said his expression turning smoothly from a mocking laughter to a frown.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. Damien mentioned something about superiors and how certain things didn't apply to them but I didn't think it was like this. The superiors could break the law and bear hybrids and the inferior hybrids were killed for nothing. This is injustice.

"I could just kill you now but you'd serve as a great mistress to Prince Damien" he said and my blood boiled.

"Well, I'll be on my way now" he turned around to leave.

"Damien is a man and you cannot coerce him into marrying your daughter" I said and he looked at me.

"Don't anger me girl…he owes me and if you remain in the picture, I'm cutting my end of the deal" he said.

"It's not like I'm stopping him," I said but was backed up with silent stares. His eyes said it all. He was dead serious and angry. He walked away without saying a word.

I walked into the room thinking. I wanted Damien's mother to remain protected from whatever threat there might be so I'm going to have to convince him to proceed with the king's desires; even though I didn't want him to.

Just then, a knock came on the door interrupting my thoughts. Oh, maybe that's Daphne.

"Come in," I said loudly, almost deafening my ears but no one came in. Strange.

I walked to the door and just when I opened it, I was greeted with a sounding slap on my face.

"That's what you get…" I looked to see Cordelia glaring at me.

I felt anger rising in my body, my eyes burning from rage and my whole body shaking. I looked at Cordelia and all I could think of was hurting her. My head ached badly and I wondered if that's what real rage felt like.

Cordelia watched as the girl before her looked really pissed. She was satisfied with the expression she got from her. No one kisses her boyfriend and goes free. Just as she was about to leave, she saw the girl before her, holding her head as if hurt. She wondered if the slap had indeed affected her so much, but as she looked even closer, that wasn't the case.

Her skin had grown furs, her hands now had sharp frightening claws and her eyes the colour red. Cordelia moved back falling to the ground as Kelly finally landed on four legs, walking towards her.

She was a black furry wolf with two tails.

Kelly marched towards Cordelia, her sharp canine looking ready to tear up flesh. She lifted her paw and scratched the Siren on her pretty face. Kelly, who wasn't in full control of herself, heard Cordelia's screams and she regained herself moving back. She noticed the guards approaching and she ran in the other direction still in her animal form.