Chapter 20 - Be a daywalker

I sat by the vast river thinking about what just happened. I hurt Cordelia. I didn't mean to. I had always felt like I wasn't in control but this was just on another level. It was like I could see myself losing control and could do nothing. I wondered if everyone else felt the same when they transformed for the first time.

The cold water on the bank of the river flowed to my feet and the gentle sound of the water waves sounded like music to my ears. I could see the sun disappearing from sight and the moon coming into view; the full moon looking breathtaking, when gazed at from the top of the water. A beautiful sight indeed. It was getting pretty dark and I still wasn't ready to go back to the Siren Castle yet. I wasn't ready to bump into Cordelia or her father again and I didn't want to have to tell Damien to go through with the proposal. I lay down on the ground, resting my head on the white sand. I had read about werewolves from my kiddies' fiction books and they shifted into beasts at night on a full moon, not of their own free will. Maybe the other side of me gave me the ability to change at will and not be bound by the full moon.

Staring into the sky, I watched the stars come into view, shining brightly. Just as I enjoyed the moment, the smell of blood in the air clouded my senses and I got up quickly. I looked around and there was no one in sight, not even a single siren on the shore. It was quiet, unusually quiet. I shouldn't even be out here in the first place.

I looked around and when I couldn't find anyone, I decided to go back into the castle and face the music.

As Kelly walked back, she heard a loud whoosh from behind her, the same quick movement came right ahead and she felt the hair in her skin rise. She was in danger. Her eyes followed the person going in circles but the strange person moved at the speed of light, making him impossible to see. She made her move to run but he appeared before her unexpectedly, snapping her neck.


"Told you things would work out.." Ivan said to Diego, his hands folded across his chest and Diego nodded with a smirk, his fangs, long and visible.

"Yeah, but we have to be quick, he could be here any minute," Diego said, constantly looking out the window to make sure they were alone. They knew the history of the dragon prince and his deadly fire. Most importantly, fire isn't a vampire's favourite thing.

"Relax…we're in the middle of nowhere" Ivan brushed it off.

"Now what?"

"We wait for the witch, she should be here by now," Ivan said, staring at the analogue clock on his wrist. He turned his eyes to the hybrid on the floor. She was still out and he could smell her pumping blood through her veins. The first time he met her at the millennium party, he just knew she would serve him a great purpose. He had waited a long time for a non-high-class hybrid to show up and now was his chance. He would utilize it.

The rustling of the trees could be heard from outside and both young men jumped up in shock as the door flung open, only to see the witch, Sara.

"God…you scared us," Diego said, his hands on his chest.

"Do you know God?" Sara asked rhetorically, upset that she had been blackmailed into performing the ritual that would end the poor girl's life. She set up her candles, lighting them all one by one while the bloodthirsty monsters watched her. She looked at the young girl on the bed, seeing that she was waking up.

I groaned, feeling pain around my neck region. Whatever that guy did to me, hurt really badly. Without opening my eyes, I felt the surface which I laid on and it felt a bit hard and dusty. I opened my eyes immediately, lifting my upper body from the ground as I recalled what happened. I was in a small room and it looked like the only one the house had as it was pretty old and abandoned. It smelled like mold and wet wood which wasn't the best thing for my nose. I lifted my eyes up and I saw the young man who I saw at the millennium party. The vampire, Ivan. He wasn't alone. He had a female with him lighting up candles all around the room and another young fella whose hair looked like it hadn't been attended to in weeks. I looked back at him and he had a grin on his face.

"Remember me?" Ivan asked his long canines visible.

I just stared at him, unable to utter a word.

"The full moon is almost fully out," The lady said, lighting the last candle.

"What do you want with me?" The look on my face showed confidence but the fear inside me was far bigger than me.

"In simple words, I want to be able to walk around in the daylight and see the world, visit the humans…I hear their blood is tempting and appetizing" he said, licking his fangs.

"...and what has that got to do with me?" I asked, standing up from the ground, slyly looking around the room for a door to escape. I found it and it was close to me, due to the small size of the room. I needed to try even though I knew it was pointless as they were as quick as lightning.

"Well, you're a hybrid and the blood of a hybrid is the way I can achieve that," Ivan said with a smirk on his face.

"I could use other hybrids but you're an easy target," He said again. So it was true. There are indeed other hybrids.

"I thought you meant both of us," the young one from the back said.

"You'll get your turn…eventually"

"So you're gonna kill me?" I asked

"Yeah, that's what I said," Ivan grinned, fear now engulfing me.

I looked at the lady and she looked away from me, turning the pages of a huge book.

Ivan turned his face to speak to the young man and the lady was busy with the book so I took my chance to run to the door. It was locked but with my full strength I was able to break it right off its hinges but as soon as I stepped one foot out, he was standing right there.

"Not a smart move…" Ivan gestured for me to go back inside. I thought to push him and run but I wouldn't be quick enough so I went back to where I had been standing and that's when the moon shone into the room through the broken window, right on me.

"It's almost time," she said and my heart began to race, skipping beats in the process.

"Just like I explained before now, don't consume her at a go….you need her blood now and when she shifts into her animal form as well, otherwise the spell could go entirely wrong" She said again.

"Whatever, witch" he said, not paying any attention to what she was saying anymore as his eyes were on the hybrid's juicy neck, her rapid heartbeat and the veins that shot out of her neck.