Chapter 21 - He came

The way he looked at me was like I was some sort of prey.

"You can't kill me just by sucking my blood," I said, trying to give myself some words of encouragement and maybe buy some more time for Damien to find me. I know he will.

Ivan had also said that the girl in the bathroom wasn't dead, so since I'm like them, I won't die just by being drained of blood.

"You're correct, it won't kill you naturally…but you do know I'm taking your soul from whatever witchy thing she's doing. Walking in daylight takes a lot of energy and you've got all that energy flowing through your veins" he said, his voice changing and his blood-red eyes on my neck as he marched towards me

"He'll be here, I know he will"…I hoped.

"...and if he shows up, I'll be long gone and you'll be dead, I win, you both lose" he deep chuckle sounding devilish in my ears. The witch walked around the room lighting the candles which had gone off when I broke the door and I noticed her hesitation when she was to light the ones near me. She was staring at something; she was staring at the marking on my wrist. I covered my wrist and she lifted her eyes to my face.

"It's time," the witch said, still looking at me. She knew something about it. What does she know?

My thoughts were cut off when I saw Ivan push her aside, walking towards me. His eyes shone as the moon hit them.

"I have waited so long for this moment and I'm gonna take my time to enjoy it"

"Please…", I found myself pleading, panic and fear coursing through me.

"don't do this" I said again, moving myself to the other side of the room but I met the other guy standing there.

"Don't worry, most of it will be painless…"

Ivan's chilling reassurance that "most of it will be painless" only heightened the fear that gripped me.

In a swift and brutal motion, Ivan forcibly tilted my head back, by pulling my hair, exposing my vulnerable neck to him. The sharp pain of his fangs sinking into my flesh sent waves of agony through me, causing me to act instinctively, digging my claws into his flesh. However, my futile attempts to defend myself only seemed to amuse him, as he effortlessly overpowered me and pinned my hands to the wall, rendering me helpless.

I struggled and attempted to kick him but he was too close to me so I could barely move my legs.

I continued to struggle and fight back, desperately trying to break free from his grip, but he held on firmly, leaving me no room to escape. His cold hands were becoming warm while I felt weak. The sensation of his fangs piercing my skin and the blistering pain that followed left me feeling drained and powerless, my body weakening with each passing moment.

Kelly closed her eyes feeling frail and dizzy.

"That's enough" the witch intervened but he didn't stop, instead his grip tightened around her waist as she was slipping out of his grip.

The witch, knowing what to do, chanted some spells that caused him pain, causing him to let the hybrid go by force.

"What the heck Sara?" Ivan yelled, holding his head.

"Follow instructions, Ivan…" She glared at him.

"Now we have to wait for her to shift." She said looking at the fragile girl on the floor. She was surprisingly still able to sit with her back on the wall and her eyes were still open even though they were drifting close. During this process, she was expecting the girl to lose consciousness even.

"I can't wait for her, make her shift into her animal form" Ivan said but the witch did not make a move.

"...or you know what happens" Ivan threatened, his eyes looking straight into hers.

"I could just drive a stake through your heart now and you'd cease to exist, so patience" She knew he was dead serious about exposing her and she could just kill him and burn his body but other vampires would come for her.

Facing the girl, she began her enchantment, trying to get into the girl's head and make her transform.

She couldn't get in. She tried again and again, still nothing and that's when she realised there was someone already in her head, which meant they weren't alone. She looked outside the window but there was no one there.

"What're you looking at? I said make her shift" Ivan shouted impatiently as his body yearned for more of Kelly's enticing, spicy and metallic tasty blood.

"It doesn't matter, I can't wait," he said, seeing the witch still distracted. He rushed over to the girl, crouched to her level and sank his fangs into her skin yet again. Kelly screamed, alerting the witch's attention. Kelly's eyes had turned red, fur grew on her skin and her canines grew longer. The spell had taken a turn for the worse. According to the witch's book, when the spell goes wrong, the victim screamed like that, meaning her life was flashing before her eyes. The girl was fighting for her life and she could right her wrong by helping her.

"You dimwit, what have you done?" She called out but he just ignored her. She forced him off her, to see his eyes bleeding. It had indeed gone wrong.

"What did you do?" Ivan asked, wiping his eyes.

"What did I do? You're the one who never listens" Sara yelled back, trying to stabilize the situation of the convulsing girl.

"Do you hear that?" Diego dragged their attention. They listened and they could hear the low growling noise just outside the abandoned house. Just then, he walked in, his red eyes burning with rage, hot smoke seeping out of his body. He moved towards Ivan whose breath smelled of blood, Kelly's blood. His eyebrows creased as he placed his hands on the vampire's neck, lifting him off the ground.

He heard a loud whoosh and he knew the other culprit had escaped or so the vampire thought. His eyes focused on Ivan, thinking of the best punishment for him. He wouldn't give him the easy death, he deserved to die painfully and slowly; his whole body parts would fall off his body one by one.

Ivan began screaming as his neck burned from his fiery hot hands. Vampires hate fire so that would be the best punishment. Damien lit his left hand up in flames and quenched it. The vampire healed and he did it again, relishing in his moment of pain.

He wasn't satisfied. His rage could only be quenched if the bloodsucker bled out the blood he stole. He dipped his hands into the vampire's chest, catching hold of his beating heart and Ivan clutched Damien's hand, blood seeping out of his mouth. Yes, that's more like it.

He moved his hands to the left and Ivan coughed out even more blood. A smirk curved up on Damien's face as he watched in satisfaction.

"Damien…" he heard a small faint voice in his head and he recognized her voice.