Chapter 25 - Unknown sender

Kelly's pov 

    Still unable to transform at my own free will, I sat on the cemented floor, with my legs crossed over each other, my elbow on my thighs and my hands on my cheeks. With each attempt and failure, I felt like a time bomb ready to explode. As I just stared at the floor, I thought of other ways to harness my dual nature.

Maybe instead of focusing on my emotions only, I could try using words. Nah, I'm not a witch. 

With my last option, I decided to try meditation, which always helped me calm my mind.

Positioning myself, I sat with my legs crossed over each other and hands on my thighs. I closed my eyes, breathing in and exhaling, and centering my thoughts.

Meditation was my routine when I got bored at home.

   With the rustling of the leaves, the chirping of birds, and the caress of the wind against my skin, I managed to achieve my inner peace and then I tried to connect with my other side. If that's a thing. 

I could feel her presence; both her sneaky and wild nature; the fox and the werewolf.

Suddenly, I could feel a surge of energy coursing through my veins. Opening my eyes, I could see the sight of my transformed self – a sleek, black fur-covered animal with two tails wagging playfully in the air. I had expected to be quite small due to my small-ish body but I was about three feet tall on four legs. It was simply fascinating. The last time I transformed, I had hurt someone and simply wasn't focused enough to observe myself.

Overwhelmed by the rush of emotions of finally achieving a controlled transformation, I let out a scream of joy which only came out as a howl.

 Jumping around the place, I decided to go for a run as that was all I felt like doing at that moment. I didn't need anyone to tell me; I knew I was really fast.

I dashed around the mansion's premises with ease. The route I took was quite extensive, leading me from the training area to the garden on the east side, then to the main gate, and finally back to the training ground. I did that three times, making sure I covered the whole grounds of the mansion before I felt like it was enough but I still felt energetic. 

   Coming to a stop, I morphed back to my human form with a content smile on my face. I quickly made my way towards the nearest exit—the back door, which happened to be nearby.

Making my way towards my side, I jogged happily, my mind obviously elsewhere, basking in my joy that I didn't know when I bumped into Oliver, sending a couple of letters falling to the floor. 

"Sorry.." I apologised picking up the letters and my eyes fell on one with Damien's name. I noticed him waiting for me so I handed them all to him.

"It's fine, Miss…you seem excited," He said and I smiled.

"Yeah, I am," I said briefly, sparing him the details as he probably wouldn't be interested in it anyway.

Oliver's still been formal with me. Well, you can't force someone to be friends with you. I learnt that at age three as maids literally worshiped me.

"Miss Kelly…please wait" I heard and turned to him.

"Did you happen to see Ivy anywhere? I can't find her" he said, going through the letters in his hands.


"Ah…well if you do, please hand this over to her please" he smiled. Even his smiles were formal.

A thought hit me and I decided to ask.

"Any letter for Damien…" I asked because the last time I gave him that letter, he acted a bit weird and tore it.

"Uhmm…" he said, his eyes searching mine as though he didn't trust me. I smiled brightly as though I wasn't up to anything. Well, I wasn't. I guess.

"There is, actually," he said, going through the letter. He found the one with Damien's name and sceptically handed it to me. 

"Thank you" I smiled with my teeth wide open and walked away. I waited till he was completely out of sight, before checking out the letter. 

I'm not invading his privacy. I could just say I didn't know the letter was his. Yes, that's what I'll do. I'm not prying. My conscience pricked me but I wanted to know what Damien could be hiding.

   I opened it carefully ignoring the feeling I had. Slowly, I unfolded the paper inside and it read.

'It's me again… Ignoring me now, are you? I know you have her, mate, I saw you both at the ball. Well, I guess we'll just have to do this the hard way. Meet me at the entrance to the dark forest, near the statue of King Tristan in one week and we'll discuss'

There was no name or signature…just those words on a full piece of paper. 

I could feel goosebumps rising to the surface of my skin. Just when I thought I got out of trouble, another one finds me. 

"Hey, you okay?" I heard from behind me, making me jolt in shock. 

"oh Ivy, it's just you," I said, separating both letters and hiding the one I had been reading behind me.

"What're you.." 

"Here…a letter for you," I said, preventing her from asking any further questions. She yanked the letter from my hand as though she had been waiting for it. 

"It's from Fred" She tore the letter open quickly as she walked away. 

Like I know who Fred is…maybe her boyfriend. 

I looked at the letter in my hand, putting the letter back into the envelope. 

I made my way towards Damien's room and just slipped the letter in through the space underneath the door. I didn't want him to know I saw the letter. He would easily know. 

Slumping into my bed, I thought about the crisis at hand. I'm guessing the letter he tore was from the same person. What could the person want? I'd have to find out in one week if Damien decides to go…

Which means I'd have to watch him closely without him knowing. 

I don't know how I'd do that but I would. Time to unleash the fox.