Chapter 26 - Unknown sender II

 Damien suspected his brother would come for it soon. Walking hastily back into his room, he went in search of the dragon seal he had hidden. The dragon seal was a precious family heirloom that held great significance. It was given to him by his father just before he passed away, and it symbolized the legacy of their royal family. The seal was not just a piece of jewelry, but a powerful artifact that possessed mystical abilities passed down from generation to generation.

As Damien scanned his room, ensuring that he was alone, he brought out the key that unlocked the secret compartment in his walk-in closet. He opened the compartment and revealed the small black wooden box that housed the dragon seal. As he lifted the seal from the box, he stared at the intricate design carved from jade, into a majestic winged dragon. The seal was roughly the size of an adult's hand, yet it held immense power within its elegant form. 

Throughout history, the dragon seal has played a crucial role in the victories of the dragon armies during times of war. Its mysterious powers had always ensured the dominance of the royal family over their enemies, instilling fear in those who dared to challenge them. For centuries, the dragon army remained unrivalled, thanks to the formidable magic within the seal.

As Damien held the dragon seal in his hands, a sense of responsibility weighed heavily upon him. He knew that possessing such a powerful artefact made him a target for those who sought to harness its powers for their own purposes.

He also wondered why his father gave him instead of Julian. His father always spoke highly of Julian and pushed him aside saying he wasn't an ideal son.

Julian immediately came to his mind as a likely culprit behind the invasion. Julian's thirst for power made him a prime suspect in Damien's eyes. However, there was also a possibility of an unknown adversary, someone who had been sending threatening letters. 

Putting it back, he shut the compartment and locked it with the key. 

   After a while, he decided to go for a quick shower to cleanse himself from the sweat after training.

   After a long bath, he decided to go for a quick dinner but he found a letter at his doorstep. He picked it up and tore it open. It was from the unknown person again and this time he wanted them to meet up in one week near the dark forest. 

Tossing the letter aside, I went downstairs.

   As Kelly lay lost in thoughts, she heard a noise coming from the patio. Who could it be by this time? She got up ready to claw out the flesh of anyone who dared touch her…

Slowly, she approached the balcony, surprised by her guts because usually she would just cower under the bed. 

She opened the door, lifting her hand up ready for action but there was no one there. 

She didn't know what happened next but she felt a snap on her neck as she fell to the ground. 

Kelly's pov

I opened my eyes, looking around. I found I was on the bed. I sighed, happy that it was all a dream. I got up ready to sneak around and find a way to follow Damien. For some reason, I was interested in what the unknown person had in mind. If he sent the masked man, then why didn't he come straight for me? Why send threatening letters? 

I made my way downstairs ready for breakfast when I saw Ivy walking in from the entrance. She had a sour expression on her face. 

"Hey Ivy, what's up?" 

"Oh, nothing…just some prank letter from Freddy. It's not him though" she said as we went into the kitchen. 

"What'd the letter say?" 

"Oh… it said, I'm so sorry about how we left things, Ivy. Meet me beside the temple tonight. That's all" she said looking like a sad puppy as she whipped us something to eat. 

"Can I see it?" I asked passing her the crate of eggs. 

She put her hand into her pocket and brought out the letter. 

I read it, looking closely at the handwriting. It was the same as the letter to Damien. Something wasn't right. The letter could be from the same person. A prank letter at the same time Damien gets his letter.what if it was all planned by the sender? The more I thought about it, the more it made sense and then it didn't as I thought about how Ivy didn't relate to the situation. I bet the sender knows Ivy as well... I handed the letter back to her as we took our food to the dining area. 

"Hi girls" I heard and I turned to see Oliver with a smile on his face. 

"Hey…pretty boy" Ivy joked and we laughed. He seems to be informal with her. Maybe they've known each other for long. 

I noticed him going upstairs as I sat for my meal. 

Damien's pov. 

   I heard a knock on the door as I got dressed for a quick ride on my horse. It was Oliver. 

"Hold on," I said as I put on my shirt. 

"Come in..." 

He came in, walking towards me. He stretched a letter towards me. More letters?

"Put it in the bin…" I said turning away from him but I could still feel his presence behind me. I looked at him and his face remained straight. 

"I think you should read it…" he said putting it on my desk as he left. 

    I sighed opening it…

'from what I heard my friend, the hybrid is important to you…I'd like to see how true that is. I knew you'd be stubborn and still refuse to see me so, meet me for the antidote, she's poisoned' 

For some reason, someone came into my mind and I suspected who the sender could be. 

Poisoned? Just like a bell, it rang in my ears and I rushed to her room but she wasn't in there. I went downstairs and that's when I saw her. 

Is this a joke? I asked myself looking at a laughing Kelly. She seemed fine as she chatted with Ivy in the living room.