Chapter 27 - Sweet torture

He finally made up his mind that he would be visiting the crazy person sending him the letters. Whoever he is, he should be ready to burn…

He just stood by the corner of the stairs watching as she laughed hysterically. It was somewhat fascinating to watch her in some way. The way she moved just seemed to stop time and her smile only seemed to evoke a mix of desire and intrigue in him. Her hands involuntarily tucked her hair behind her ears, revealing her beautifully carved side profile and the way she bit her lip in anticipation of what she was listening to just sparked up the burning inside him and it wasn't just an exaggeration, he indeed felt really hot like he was burning inside and he needed some air.

He shook his head, taking the back door where they wouldn't see him. He approached the door and opened it. The clouds were quite dark and it looked like it would rain any minute but he ignored it and just walked out. He reached the stables and he picked his horse. Mounting it, he set out of the mansion and into the woods.

He pulled the reins and the horse neighed into movement. As he rode through the nearly dark woods, his thoughts diverted back to the girl he left at home. He couldn't tell if he really felt anything for her or if it was just a mere infatuation or even pity but whatever it was, was killing him as he didn't want her to think he was just taking advantage of her.

Soon the rain began to pour heavily soaking him in the process. Lightning struck followed by a loud bang of thunder. Despite the heavy cooling rain, he still felt hot like his dragon was threatening to consume him from the inside.

He knew this would happen if he didn't let his dragon out after a long time. He knew it would make him physically weak but he chose to accept that fate rather than staining his hands with blood for no reason.

Meanwhile, Kelly cuddled up in her bed as she enjoyed the soothing sound of the rain against her window. She had a great time with Ivy and she felt like they were best friends already just from a random conversation. It felt nice for once to have such a conversation about boys, social life and other things. If only she could have contributed more to the conversation rather than just a 'yes' or 'yeah' or just laughing. She couldn't blame herself as she basically had no experience.

She clutched to the sheets as she closed her eyes to sleep.

After a long ride, he decided to head back to the mansion. It was completely dark and there was no moon in the sky to light the way but he could see. Making his way out of the woods and towards the gate, he heard the sound of hooves hitting the ground nearby. He pulled the horse to a stop and hopped off it. Looking ahead, he spotted someone riding towards his gate and he went closer to have a look.

"Oliver?" He called and Oliver turned to him as though startled.

"Lord Damien, wh.. what're you doing out here?" Oliver asked.

"I should ask you the same…" Damien said, his eyes wandering towards where Oliver had come from.

"Just needed to pay off some money to someone I owe, my lord. I had to rush back when it started raining" Oliver explained. Damien knew Oliver very well and about his enormous debts.

Though he couldn't tell if Oliver lied because he couldn't read his thoughts, he trusted him...

But what he couldn't explain was his rapid heartbeat.

"Very well" Damien said, mounting his house and riding past him through the gates.


His thoughts remained jammed and he could barely concentrate on the dragon seal in his hands as he stood by his window, staring at the darkness of the sky. He tried to think of something else to distract him from going to her. He thought of home and how he missed it. He wanted to believe his brother was different now but people don't just change overnight. The seal in his hand just shouldn't for any reason end up in his brother's hands but then again he didn't want to take the throne. The dragon kingdom had been without a ruler for quite a long time now and although it had been running smoothly, it still needed an heir. Julian is the heir by birth but Damien thought him selfish and arrogant to rule a kingdom and so did their father and the council. Without the seal and a bride, he couldn't practically take the throne so he guessed that's why Julian sent someone to steal it.

Keeping the seal back in the secret compartment, he tried to fall asleep but he couldn't. His thoughts kept wandering to Kelly.

Pulling himself together, he decided to pay her a visit. Approaching the door, he thought of knocking but he held back. He listened in and heard the sound of gentle breathing and the peaceful heartbeat of a sleeping person. He finally opened the door and went in inhaling the scent of the peaceful but chaotic room.. some of her dresses were hipped on a sofa at the corner and her jewellery and makeup were on the table instead of the dressing drawers.

What a spoiled little princess. He thought as he smiled to himself.

It wasn't much of a mess compared to when he lived with Cordelia.

Standing beside her bed, he watched as she slept…but not peacefully as she seemed to be having a nightmare, as she tossed and turned. It was quite an unclear dream so he planted more refreshing thoughts so she could sleep well.

She smiled, turning to her side, her back against him. He let his eyes wander around her face, admiring every detail till it landed on her neck and he suddenly felt the urge to kiss her right there. He could feel his eyes and body burning again as he fought the urge to go closer. He turned away from her, shutting his eyes as he sped out of her room.