Guardian of Champagne diamond

The morning sun cast its warm glow over Beach City, bathing the shoreline in golden light. The Crystal Gems gathered outside the temple, the air filled with a sense of anticipation and purpose. Today marked the beginning of Champagne's training, a crucial step in mastering his newfound abilities.

Champagne stood beside Luster, his nerves evident in the way he fidgeted with his shirt. Luster placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You'll do great. Remember, we're all here to help you."

Garnet, Amethyst, and Rose's Pearl formed a semi-circle around Champagne. Garnet stepped forward, her calm and steady presence radiating confidence. "Champagne, today we'll focus on understanding and controlling your powers. Your abilities are unique, and with practice, you can harness them effectively."

Champagne took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay, I'm ready."

Garnet extended her hand, summoning her gauntlets. "First, let's see what you're capable of. Try to summon your weapon."

Champagne furrowed his brow in concentration, focusing on the energy within him. He closed his eyes, feeling a surge of power coursing through his body. He opened his hands and to his surprise the snake creature that he had fought yesterday appeared in his hand, now a shimmering champagne brown, nuzzling against his palm like a loyal pet. "Uhh, does this count?"

Amethyst's eyes widened in surprise. "Whoa, you can summon that thing now? That's pretty cool!"

Rose's Pearl looked intrigued, stepping closer to examine the creature. "It seems you've formed a bond with it. This could be a manifestation of your gem's ability to create and control creatures."

Garnet nodded thoughtfully. "It makes sense, considering your father's powers. This creature could be an extension of your abilities, a guardian or a familiar."

Luster smiled, her eyes reflecting pride and curiosity. "It looks like you have more control over your powers than you realized."

Champagne gently stroked the snake creature's head, feeling a connection with it. "I didn't even know I could do this. But it feels… right."

Garnet stepped forward, her expression calm and focused. "Let's see if you can control it in a battle scenario. Try to command it and see how it responds."

Champagne nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. He focused on the creature, willing it to move and follow his commands. The snake creature slithered out of his hand and onto the ground, coiling and uncoiling as it awaited his instructions.

"Bigger," Champagne commanded, and the snake obeyed. It began to grow, expanding in size until it was huge and menacing, sitting protectively in front of Champagne. Its scales shimmered with a champagne hue, and its eyes glowed with a fierce, loyal intensity.

The Crystal Gems stepped back, their expressions a mix of awe and caution.

Garnet's voice was calm but firm. "Champagne, remember to control it. Ensure it listens to you completely."

Champagne took a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility. He extended his hand toward the massive snake, trying to project calm and control. "Stay by my side, protect but do not harm."

The snake's eyes softened slightly as it coiled around Champagne, its massive form creating a protective barrier. Despite its size and intimidating presence, it remained gentle, responding to his commands with a loyalty that reassured him.

Rose Pearl nodded and then spoke, "Perfect, but now summon a weapon."

Champagne nodded, his brow furrowing in concentration once more. He extended his hand toward the snake creature, his thoughts focused on manifesting a weapon that could complement its protective abilities. As he concentrated, a shimmering champagne-colored blade materialized in his grasp, its edges glowing faintly with energy.

The snake creature shifted slightly, adjusting its stance to accommodate the new addition. Its eyes, once fierce, softened further as if acknowledging Champagne's command and the trust he placed in it.

Pearl observed with a nod of approval. "Well done, Champagne. You're beginning to understand the bond between you and your creations."

Champagne smiled faintly, still amazed at the newfound connection he had forged with the creature. "Thank you, Pearl. It's… it's incredible."

Luster stepped forward, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Indeed, Champagne. Your ability to command and create like this—it's a testament to your potential."

Garnet's visor flickered with a hint of pride. "You're growing stronger with each moment, Champagne. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility."

Amethyst, leaning against a nearby rock, chimed in with her usual casual tone. "Yeah, but can you conjure up some snacks next? I'm starving."

Champagne chuckled softly, feeling a sense of camaraderie with the Crystal Gems. "I'll work on that next, Amethyst."

Meanwhile, on a distant planet where unusual Gems roamed freely, the landscape unfolded unlike anything seen on Earth or Homeworld. Jagged crystalline formations rose from the ground, their surfaces pulsing with iridescent hues of sapphire and emerald. The sky above shimmered with bands of swirling colors, casting an ethereal glow over the terrain below.

In the midst of this alien landscape, a figure cloaked in a robe of shimmering champagne and black sat on a throne, surrounded by irregular gems that sparkled with every movement. "Madam Hematite!" A small Pearl, reflecting a reddish-brown hue, rushed into the room where the dark figure resided. "Red Pearl, there is no need to shout." Hematite's voice was calm as she removed her cloak hood, revealing tear-stained eyes and weariness etched on her reddish-brown face.

Red Pearl stopped abruptly and bowed deeply before Hematite. "Apologies, Madam. But there's something you should know."

Hematite regarded her with a serene yet commanding presence, her tear-stained eyes revealing a depth of emotion beneath her composed exterior. "Speak, Red Pearl. What news do you bring?"

Red Pearl straightened up, her voice steady despite her previous urgency. "Madam, the Enforcers have reported unusual activity near the outskirts of our territory. There are rumors among the lesser Gems of a powerful entity appearing."

Hematite's brow furrowed slightly, a hint of concern flickering across her face. "Describe this entity. What do the reports say?"

Red Pearl hesitated for a moment, choosing her words carefully. "It's said to possess a gem of extraordinary size and brilliance, resembling that of a Diamond. Its presence alone has stirred unrest among the ranks, Madam."

"Pearl, why would that excite me? We already know that the Diamonds and those Crystal Gems live in harmony now." Hematite's tone was cold, but before she could pull her cloak hood back on, Red Pearl interjected. "It isn't them, Madam! Reports say that our Diamond is back!" As she spoke, Hematite stood abruptly, her aura filling the room, causing the attending Gems to fall to the ground in a groan. "Red Pearl, are you telling the truth!? My Diamond is back?!" Bloody tears filled Hematite's eyes as she cried out.

"Champagne Diamond… I knew you were still alive." She wiped her tears and began walking out of the castle.

Madam Hematite addressed her people with a mixture of pride and determination. Her reddish-brown complexion shimmered in the ambient light of the alien world, contrasting sharply against the jagged crystalline formations that surrounded her domain. As her loyal subjects knelt before her, their gems pulsating with reverence, Hematite's resolve seemed to solidify.

"My fellow Gems," she began, her voice carrying a commanding yet soothing tone that resonated across the landscape, "the return of Champagne Diamond is upon us. After eons of absence, our true leader has emerged once more to guide us."

The Gems murmured amongst themselves, their gazes filled with awe and anticipation. Hematite continued, her presence casting a dignified aura over the gathered multitude. "Your father has come back! Champagne Diamond is alive!" As she spoke, the whole planet erupted into celebration, the crystalline formations resonating with the joyous energy of their ruler's return.