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"How did you manage to fuck up getting milk!?" My mother screamed at me, pacing back and forth in the kitchen while I sat down at the table. 

"I don't see why you're mad at me," I muttered before crossing my arms, "You're the one who insisted I go get it." 

My pointing out the facts didn't help a bit; instead, my mom only glared at me, "Oh, but I didn't tell you to fight a bunch of armed robbers, did I?" 

"No, you didn't, but they really didn't leave me much of a choice," I replied helplessly with a shrug, "Also, just for the record, I think it's stupid I got fined for using my quirk without a license." 

"You could argue self-defense in court," Mina suggested helpfully, sitting next to me at the table. 

"And get caught up in the bureaucratic process," I snorted derisively, "Yeah, I'll just pay the fine." 

 "You know that's what they want, right?" Mina asked, staring at me like I was an oblivious idiot. 

"Oh really? Thank you, Captain Obvious!" I replied with a sickly sweet voice, only to receive a deathly glare from Mina. A second later, a flipflop struck the back of my head with a crisp smack, making me flinch and duck in fear of a follow-up, all while Mina pointed and laughed at my expense. 

"You don't speak that way to guests!" My mother snapped while hefting her other slipper threateningly. 

 "Alright, alright," I replied, giving in to my mother's demands while rubbing the back of my head, which still stung for some reason, "How the hell are you so accurate with those things." 

"It's a quirk all mothers possess," My mom replied in a deadly serious tone before turning to Mina, "Please forgive my son, sometimes he forgets his manners." 

"It's fine Ms. Atoma I'm sure he's learned his lesson, haven't you Kenji?" Mina asked in a sing-song voice, throwing my own mocking tone back at me. 

"Yes, I've learned my lesson," I muttered through gritted teeth as I could practically feel my mother aiming at the back of my head. 

"Good," My mother said seemingly satisfied, "Now get my flipflop this floor is freezing and the last thing I need right now is a cold." 

All I could do was muffle a groan as I got up from my seat to retrieve my mother's weapon of choice all while Mina laughed at my expense. 


Soon after that Mina left not wanting to keep her already anxious parents waiting any longer. 

Once Mina was gone, things wound down significantly allowing me to process everything that happened. Needless to say, it didn't take me long to get over it. I never felt I was truly in danger and the only time my heart rate even sped up was when one of the robbers had attempted to coerce Mina and that was mostly from rage. 

The only part of the entire interaction that stuck with me was how my ability to see the robber's 'veil' as he called it. 

From what I could gather from context clues the robber's quirk allowed him to become invisible by making him and anyone he targeted so average-looking that anyone who looked at them would almost dismiss them outright. 

But for some reason not only had I been able to feel the robber's quirk trying to influence my mind, but instinctually repel it which seemed to cause some sort of backlash to the robber. 

The only explanation I could come up with was that my mind was being changed at a fundamental level by my quirk. 

It was a possibility that both excited and scared me combined with the seeming sentience of my flux lingering in the back of my mind. 

I breathed out a sigh and rolled over onto my side in bed, 'Losing sleep over it won't help me.' 

As I committed myself to falling asleep my phone buzzed on my nightstand from where I had plugged it in to charge. 

For a moment I considered ignoring the notification but eventually blindly reached over and felt around before I got a firm grip on the device. 

Unknown Number: [I know you're awake dummy don't you dare leave me on read!]

I blinked at the screen only a few inches away from my face. There was only one person I could think of who would send me such a message so late at night. 

Kenji: [Mina you do realize what time it is right?] 

Unknown Number: [Whose's Mina?]

Kenji: [Ha ha ha, very funny now fess up or I'm blocking you.]

Mina: [Hmph! You're no fun.] 

Kenji: [Sorry if I'm not overflowing with cheer but if you haven't noticed, it's midnight and we have class tomorrow] 

Mina: [Just drink some coffee in the morning and you'll be fine!] 

Kenji: [Is there a reason why you contacted me or did you just want to talk?] 

Mina: [Do you not want to talk to me? :(] 

Kenji: [I'm not responding to that] 

Mina: [Fine you asshole. I just wanted to say thank you for saving me. I really don't want to imagine what would have happened if you hadn't been there]

Kenji: [You're welcome and neither do I. But you know you could have just thanked me tomorrow] 

Mina: [Yeah I know but then I wouldn't have been able to do this ;)] 

Mina: [Image Attached] 

The moment I saw those two words I sat straight up in bed and my heart pounded like a war drum, 'This can't be what I think it is.' 

I licked my lips before clicking on the link my eyes glued to the screen as I watched the image load. 

'Dear lord.' 

The picture was of Mina on her bed facing away from the camera but glancing over her shoulder with a twinkle in her eyes. But the part that made my mouth run dry was the position of the camera which was focused almost entirely on her ass. The size and shape of which were made abundantly clear as Mina posited herself in a yoga pose similar to cat stretch wearing only a pair of elastic shorts that were practically painted on and failed to leave anything to the imagination. 

Mina: [So what do you think?] 

Kenji: [That I'm not going to sleep any time soon]

Mina: [Oh I wonder why that could be? ;)] 

Kenji: [You know damn why] 

Mina: [Well then how about you show me] 

Kenji: [I think I might need another picture] 

Mina: [Naughty boy, that wasn't enough for you?] 

Kenji: [When it comes to you Mina, I don't think I can ever get enough] 


Mina's cheeks flushed as she stared at Kenji's latest text and she couldn't help but kick her feet, in excitement. 

Mina: [Alright smooth talker you got yourself a deal] 

Quickly typing out her reply Mina then positioned herself lying on her back before sliding off her shorts revealing that she wasn't wearing any underwear. 

Crossing her legs Mina made sure that she concealed her more private areas before pulling up her shirt with one hand revealing her taut stomach and the bottom of her breasts with the very edges of her darker areola showing. 

After taking a few pictures Mina found one she thought looked best and quickly sent it to Kenji, 'Oh this is going to drive him crazy.' 

Mina: [Image Attached] 

Kenji: [Jesus woman are you trying to give me a heart attack]

Mina: [It's not my fault if you can't handle me] 

Kenji: [Oh I can handle you]

Mina: [Really]

Kenji: [See for yourself] 

Kenji: [Attached Image] 

Mina giggled and quickly tapped on the link only for her mouth to fall open, 'T-that can't be real right?'