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"Has anyone else noticed that Mina and Kenji are practically attached at the hip since we came back?" Jiro asked unprompted gaining the attention of every other girl nearby before they collectively looked over to where Mina and Kenji were currently running around the track in tandem cooling down after completing their assigned exercises for the day.
"It's hard not to," Bakugo muttered staring at the duo with narrowed eyes, "Honestly just watching them makes me want to puke."
"I think they're adorable," Hagakure said cheerfully clasping her hands together, "Though I agree that they became a lot closer out of seemingly nowhere."
Yaoyorozu hummed before turning to face Tsu and Uraraka, "Has Mina said anything to you guys about it?"
"W-well there was something," Uraraka replied hesitantly as she scratched the back of her head, "But I don't know if it's really our place to say."
"Oooh, come on you can't even give us a tiny hint?" Hagakure asked leaning towards Uraraka with a pleading voice.
"If you want to know ask Mina at lunch," Tsu interjected before Uraraka could inevitably give in to the invisible girl's request, "I'm sure she'll be more than forthcoming with the details."
"I told you they would get together," Sero muttered as he stared at Mina and Kenji running in tandem, "Damn Kenji and his bad boy charm!"
"You got to let it go, man," Kaminari replied, "Besides if anyone should be jealous it's Kirishima, didn't you two go to the same high school."
Kirishima scowled as he finished his last rep of bench press and racked the weighted bar with a loud bang, "Shut up man, Mina and I were friends nothing more."
"Yeah, you're saying that now," Kaminari teased which only deepened Kirishima's frown.
"Don't act as if you're not jealous as well Kaminari," Tokoyami replied before crossing his arms, "All you talk about is the girls in our class, but you've barely said more than a word to them."
Kaminari huffed, "Yeah and so what, I know you guys are thinking the same, it's just nature man."
"I mean yeah, I notice them but I also think getting to know them first is important," Ojiro voiced his own opinion on the matter only for Kaminari to roll his eyes, "Alright goody two shoes."
"I think we've gotten off track," Shoji muttered from underneath his mask.
Sero quickly nodded in agreement, "I couldn't agree more Shoji, what we need to find out is how Kenji managed to land Mina in such a short amount of time."
"That wasn't-" Shoji started to say but was cut off.
"I believe this conversation has been one giant waste of time that should have been spent stretching so we can recover as quickly as possible," Ida spoke up currently bent over to touch his toes, "The more you allow yourselves to be distracted by these targets the more I think I should be like Todoroki and prioritize my training."
Sero blew a raspberry, "Trust me you don't want to be like that arrogant asshole. I don't think he's spoken a word to anybody since the school year started. Probably thinks he's better than the rest of us sitting all by himself at lunch like he can't be bothered to be seen with the rest of us."
"M-maybe he's just shy," Midoriya suggested but almost everyone ignored him.
"Regardless of Todoroki's behavior though he is pretty powerful," Sato muttered under his breath, "He froze a whole damn building just by touching it."
"It was rather dazzling," Aoyama agreed, "I also heard a rumor that Todoroki was one of the few who got in based on recommendation."
"That makes sense," Tokoyami replied, "Though I still think if he was to face the full might of my abyss not even his ice would be enough to save him."
"Jesus enough of this abyss mumbo jumbo," Kaminari cursed shoving his hands into his pockets, "I'm headed to the locker rooms to change, maybe I'll be able to reach the cafeteria before the first batch of bao buns runs out."
I couldn't help but grin as I stared at the neatly stacked pyramid of bao balanced on my plate with a tantalizing plume of steam rising into the air from them.
"You're going to get fat eating all those carbs," Mina muttered around the juice box clenched between her teeth as both of her hands were occupied with her plates of food.
"Looks who talking," I shot back with mock heat in my voice.
Mina grinned, "Yeah but here's the thing if I get fat all I get is more curves. You on the other hand..."
I pouted my bottom lip quivering, "Is that really how you feel? You would stop hanging out with me if I gained a bit of weight?"
Mina rolled her eyes, "Shut up that's not what I said, and even then I would still go out with you if you weighed a metric ton."
I sniffed, "R-really?"
"Actually I heard that gaining weight can make men impotent, so that might be a deal breaker," Mina muttered off handily with a sly grin.
"You're such a Brat," I muttered, "Absolutely no shame."
"Yeah it's not my fault that you I'm completely addicted to your-"
Suddenly out of nowhere, Hagakure showed up latching onto Mina's arm with enough force to almost knock the plates out of her hand, "Come sit with us today!"
"Huh?" Mina asked only for Hagakure to drag her away before Mina had the opportunity to voice her opinion on the matter, "A-alright I'll come sit with you just stop pulling before you make me spill my food."
I watched the scene in stunned silence before shrugging and turning away, 'I told her it was bound to happen at some point.'
"Come on sit, sit!" Hagakure giggled excitedly as she practically threw Mina into the one free seat at the table, "We have a lot to talk about."
Mina looked around the table and saw the expectant gazes of all the girls in class 1-A, 'Damnit Kenji was right...I know the bastard is going to rub it in my face later.'
"You're thinking about him right now aren't you?" Jiro asked with narrowed eyes staring directly at Mina who blinked in surprise, "Who?"
"Kenji Atoma of course," Yaoyorozu answered matter of factly glancing at Mina out of the corner of her eye, "You two have been rather...close over the past week."
"So, what's wrong with that," Mina asked, even as a bead of sweat rolled down the back of her neck.
"Well, we asked Tsu and Uraraka how the two of you got so close, and they said that something happened but they couldn't say," Hagakure revealed and Mina looked over to see Uraraka's head buried in her hands in shame while Tsu looked completely unapologetic.
"Oh is that all," Mina asked and people around the table nodded, "Well I guess I tell you guys, it all started when I went over to his house..."
[A few minutes later]
"Oh. My. God," Hagakure said shocked as Mina finished her story, "That is literally something straight out of a romance novel!"
Mina grinned, "I know It still gets me all fluttery inside when I think about it."
"Weren't you scared at all?" Jiro asked only for Mina to shake her head, "I know this sounds corny, but I knew everything would be okay since I was with him."
"EEEKKK," Hagakure squealed making everyone wince, "You two should totally start dating, that is if you haven't already!"
"Well, we're only hearing Mina's side of the story, she should make sure that Kenji feels the same way about things. He may just be a protective and caring guy," Tsu commented which drew some agreeing nods from those around the table.
Bakugo however snorted, "Please you should see the way that idiot stares at her, he's practically undressing her with his eyes."
Mina's gaze narrowed at Bakugo, "Well that's odd seeing as I've already done it for him."
For the first time, Bakugo was stunned into silence along with the rest of the table all while Mina had a victorious smirk on her face, 'Fuck it, they want information let's give them every last detail.'
"You don't mean..." Uraraka started to ask before her face went bright red and she cut herself off.
"I don't mean what?" Mina asked with a Cheshire grin, "That Kenji's seen me naked?"
"We don't care about that," Hagakure quickly clarified, "What we want to know is if you've seen him naked."
Mina's grin told all the girls everything they needed to here, though it was surprisingly Tsu who broke the silence, "So how big is he?"