
After the news of the destruction of the Zenin Clan made its way to the ears of the sorcerers, they were left shaken.

One of the three big clan's, the same clan that could rival the Gojo Clan, a cornerstone of Jujutsu society, was just destroyed right under their noses with none of them being the wiser.

In the current time, they were only three people that could accomplish this.

Satoru Gojo, who was currently in Africa. So obviously, he wasn't a suspect.

Ryomen Sukuna, who was sealed within a new vessel, but that vessel has recently been confirmed dead per the higher-ups of Jujutsu society.

Last and the most likely suspect was Jin Itadori, a name that struck fear into any who had the misfortune to come across this overwhelming force of nature.

But to think he would attack a place this close to Jujutsu High...the higher-ups had enough.

All of the sorcerers had enough of the scourge that was Jin Itadori. It was time to remove him, anyone associated with him, and everything he stood for.

His existence must be erased, whether that meant by death or...removal, this objective must be accomplished.

And so to achieve this objective, the higher ups hatched a terrifying plan that would blur the lines between good and evil, right and wrong.

A plan that required sacrifices of their own people to achieve success.

A plan that would require a full blown war.

It was time for the hunter to become the hunted.


"Maki...sigh. I'm sor-"

"Don't, panda. There's nothing to apologize for. They...deserved it."

The evening after the Zenin massacre, two figures could be seen standing at the shattered gates of the clan, watching as the dead were retrieved from the scene.

So many familiar faces that were now left disfigured from the pain they felt from death.

These faces, so many of them were responsible for Maki's pain and despair when she was younger...but now, they were all dead.

Her mother, her father, both of their dissected bodies could be seen getting wrapped up in fine cloth, preparing to be carried away.

Of course, she wasn't completely indifferent to their deaths. Her body still shook from the mental impact of the Zenin extermination.

But when she thought about what her and her sister went through as mere children...

"...I should've been the one to do it. Panda, let's go. I've seen enough."

The girl wiped her tears, adjusted her glasses and turned around, walking away from the abhorrent scene. She had seen enough.

"Maki! Sigh..."

Panda dropped his head and walked behind her, sad that he couldn't help one of his only remaining friends through this time of adversity.

Unbeknownst to him though, her thoughts were already directed at someone else. The one responsible for taking her friend away from her.

The one responsible for Inumaki's death in Shinjuku.

Jin Itadori.

"I swear on my life, Jin Itadori, I will be the one to kill you. You will pay for everything you've done."


In a place hidden away somewhere within Tokyo City, multiple figures could be seen sitting at a beach, basking in the sunlight. If one looked closer though, it was apparent that the figures were paying attention to the silhouettes of two people who were standing not too far away.

One of them was Jin, who was shirtless with just baggy sweatpants on, making a hand sign with hands clasped together.

On the other side was a cursed spirit, Mahito, making a low stance with both palms wide open, as if he ready to grasp at anything at a moments notice.

"You sure you wanna do this, Jin?~"

Ignoring his taunts, Jin calmly replied, "Let's see if you can keep that smug smile on your face after this."


Mahito rushed forward with purple cursed energy surging all over him, ready for battle. In response, Jin quickly placed both palms on the ground, turning the sand beneath him into snakes that rushed towards Mahito with incredible speed.

This was a product of his Cursed Technique Reversal, the ability to manipulate the strong force.

With this, the power to manipulate matter at a low level was within his grasp.

Mahito spat a few small objects out of his mouth that turned into what seemed to he disfigured humans, transfiguring them even more into serpent like creatures that crushed Jin's attack with ease.


Jin pushed his arms into the creatures mouths as he was pushed back rapidly through the sand, a small smirk on his face as he stared at Mahito.

'His technique is so interesting. The ability to manipulate the soul. Which in turn, affects the body. While my CTR is the complete opposite. Affects the body, which I would guess affects the soul in turn...but, that has yet to be proven. I wonder, if these two techniques were put together, what would happen?'


A flash of red lightning quickly surged through the beasts, turning them into pools of blood upon impact. In the same motion, Jin landed on his feet, stuck his hand in the blood pools and turned one into a grotesque looking dragon, while the other was turned into a blood spear.

Spear in hand, Jin rushed at Mahito as the dragon assailed him, adding to the pressure of defense immensely.

"Let's see how far you can go, Mahito."

In a little hut not too far away, multiple figures were watching the battle closely, analyzing how it would go.

"As a warrior myself, I could tell with a glance...that human is strong."

A cursed spirit with the head of a volcano sat with Kenjaku, both of them watching the battle closely.

Kenjaku smirked as he heard this. He knew that Jogo wasn't done.

"But...he has a fatal weakness that will be his demise as a sorcerer."

The old sorcerer was curious. What observation could Jogo have made with this battle just beginning?

"Having known him for a few months, I can see that he has multiple cursed techniques. And he's incredibly skilled at using them...but he has not achieved mastery of them. He has so much freedom as a sorcerer that it is limiting his growth."

Kenjaku thought for a bit after he heard this. To an extent, Jogo was right. Jin had a few cursed techniques, but he never found one that he used constantly when they were other options available.

He would always try to switch it up, or use something different, even if the situation could be controlled easier with his innate technique.

"You say that, Jogo, but I wonder. If the both got into a life or death battle, do you think he would defeat you?"

Jogo laughed loudly as he watched Mahito being pierced rapidly by Jin's spear. Suddenly, his smile disappeared from his face, being replaced by a look of intense resolution.

He then simply responded, "Nah...I'd win."

Kenjaku shook his head. He disagreed. With his vast experience, he could tell at first glance that only Sukuna or maybe Satoru Gojo could stop Jin at this point.

Jogo snorted and changed the subject, saying, "Oi, Geto, the way that human ages is strange, don't you think? A few months ago he looked much younger, but now, its as if he aged several years. You know what's going on with that?"

Kenjaku closed his fan and squinted his eyes at Jin. Of course he had noticed this, and Jin gave a satisfactory answer when he asked him about it. But, he understood that it wasn't the entire answer.

Jin had hidden information from him.

"It's because his current body is too weak. He mentioned that if he takes a body that doesn't meet a certain requirement, it will age rapidly until it returns to dust. I wonder...what are the restrictions on his technique?"

Jogo nodded in understanding as he heard this. Now, everything seemed to make sense.


Just as he was about to ask Kenjaku another question, a door floating in the air behind them opened up and a man with messy hair appeared.

His eyes flickered around until he found Mahito, who was still fighting wildly with Jin.


The spirit in question suddenly heard someone shout his name and he put his hand up, signaling Jin to stop the fight.

Spotting the figure that called him, Mahito smiled and responded, "Choso! Is it done?"

Choso yawned and walked onto the beach, leaning on a nearby tree.

"The woman is dead. Just as you said, the finger attracted a cursed spirit that killed her. The boy...has made contact with his mothers corpse. If what you said is true, he's ready."

Mahito laughed with glee when this news was delivered to him.

He could finally enact his plan.

With a glance towards the side, Mahito shouted, "Jinnnn~. Let's go outside! I wanna introduce you to a close friend...and someone else that's dying to meet you!"