I've fallen for someone

The year is 2026. BTS, the most famous boyband, is all over social media. Their music, their style, their messages of love and unity have captured the hearts of millions around the world. But something is amiss. It's been three months and yet BTS hasn't come live or posted anything. The ARMY, their dedicated fanbase, is left in the dark, wondering, waiting.

As time went by, social media comments were filled with pleas for BTS.

"Please come back. We are sorry for what happened with the manager's wife. Please forgive your dear ARMY, your ARMY can't live without you. We're nothing without our 7 angels," +9k likes.

"We don't deserve them. They give us happiness, love, everything, without even asking! And what did we do? We hurt our angels. They deserve better, far better than this," +5k likes.

"Why should ARMY take the blame for this? True ARMY would never do that. It was done by haters, those f*cking haters and also those who call themselves ARMY but in reality, they are even worse than haters," +4k likes.

"True, it's all done by those haters and toxic fans and this time they crossed all the limits. This time they took a life, a life of an unborn child!" +5.5k likes.

"Why are they making fuss over things. And why you army making it so big deal!!! tbh it was all tae's fault. he is the reason of fandom's misunderstanding. If he didn't come with that woman, this all would never happen!"

"Bullshit. Because of people like you, today Army being ashamed in front of the world. Because of people like you A mother lost her child and you people are not even guilty!!! God is watching you. have some shame!" +1.5M

"I understand that an innocent mother lost her unborn child because of these types of haters. and now BTS are angry with us, but what should I do with my stupid heart. I can't live without my seven angels. plz come back to your dear Army!!! please MYLOVE!!" +1.2M


Meanwhile, the members shaking the whole world was seen, In the heart of Seoul, within the walls of their company building. The members of BTS were just being themselves - playing around, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. They were not the global superstars that the world knew them as, but seven young men who shared a bond of friendship and a love for music.

They loved their ARMY, their fans who had supported them through thick and thin. But they also wanted to remind everyone that they were human too. They had dreams, fears, joys, and sorrows just like everyone else. They had every right to live like normal humans, away from the constant scrutiny of the public eye.

And so, they made a decision. A decision that shocked the world. They decided to disappear from social media. This was not a decision taken lightly. It was their way of expressing their disappointment over the tragic incident that had occurred a few months ago.

Their silence was a statement, a plea for understanding and respect. It was a reminder to their fans and to the world that while they may be idols on stage, off stage they were just as human as anyone else.


In the bustling corridors of the BigHit building, Jungkook burst into the room, his hands cradling a broken Army Bomb. "Hyung! Namjoon hyung! Look at this Army Bomb," he exclaimed, his eyes wide with mock horror as he pointed at Jimin, who trailed behind him, a picture of innocence. "Jimin hyung broke this!"

Jimin's eyes widened in surprise. "What? No, I didn't break it. It's-"

Before he could finish, Jin cut in with a teasing tone, "Yaa! Jimin-ah! Why are you stealing Namjoon's job? Why did you break this Army Bomb?"

Namjoon, caught off guard, could only stare in stunned silence.

With a pout forming on his lips, Jimin turned to V, seeking an ally. "Hey V! You were there, you saw it right! I didn't break the Army Bomb."

V, leaning against the wall with a mischievous grin, responded playfully, "I'm blind, don't you know!"

Jimin's annoyance was palpable as he retorted, "Argh! How could you do this!"

At that moment, Suga and Jhope entered, their curiosity piqued. "What's all this commotion?" Jhope inquired, looking around.

Jimin opened his mouth to explain, but his gaze fell on the Army Bomb in Jhope's grasp. "Wait! Why do YOU have that Army Bomb?" he questioned, his confusion evident. He gestured to the broken one in Jungkook's hands. "And what about this one?"

Suga examined the broken Army Bomb with a raised eyebrow. "Do you expect me to give this broken Army Bomb as a gift to the Army?" he asked, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Jimin, now utterly baffled, could only muster a perplexed, "Huhh?!"

Jungkook, sensing the need to clarify, began, "Actually, hyung," he said, "Jiminshi arrived late, as usual, after you went to fetch the new Army Bomb. Out of curiosity, he touched the broken one."

"And that's when Jungkook started to tease him, saying he broke your Army Bomb," V interjected, the smile never leaving his face.

Laughter filled the room, and Jimin, though glaring at his bandmates, couldn't help but join in, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "So, you just pranked me."

V nodded, his eyes twinkling with humor. "No, we just proved my iconic line. 'Jimini pabo'."

The hall echoed with their laughter once more, the bonds of friendship and camaraderie as strong as ever.


In the heart of Seoul, under the soft glow of twilight, BTS meticulously assembles an array of treasures for their Army. Each autographe album is a whisper of gratitude, every piece of purple stone jewelry a testament to their shared journey. These are not mere gifts; they a symbols of an unbreakable bond, lovingly crafted by the hands of BTS.

While BTS is excited to meet their Army, the fans are equally eager. The air is thick with anticipation. The Army's hearts flutter with a cocktail of emotions- excitement, longing, and a touch of melancholy. They had clung to the hope of a birthday surprise from their belove Hobi, but all they received was a brief message from HYBE announcing a fan meeting on March 1st.

Now the fans are both happy and sad. They are happy because they can finally meet their idols, but sad because they can't celebrate J- Hope's birthday. They have to wait until March 1st. However, the Army loves BTS and can do anything for them. Waiting a bit longer is insignificant for them.

As idols, BTS has both fans and haters, but the most scary part is the obsessed fans. It's a twisted love that knows no bounds, one that ensnared Jiho in its cruel grasp.

A few months ago, V was going to Busan for his new MV shooting. PR manager, Mr. Kang's wife, Jiho, who is also one of the makeup artists, was three months pregnant and wanted to go to her home in Busan. As Manager, Mr. Kang was busy with other schedules, V offered Jiho to accompany him, which she accepted.

Unfortunately, some obsessed fans saw her at the airport with V and assumed she was hitting on him, so they took pictures of them and posted them on social media, criticizing her. Tragically, Jiho couldn't handle the hate from social media and fell into depression, which led to her miscarriage.

When the misunderstanding was cleared up, it was too late. After that incident, BTS, showing their anger and disappointment, stopped making public appearances.

Now that BTS is not showing up, haters have started to spew nonsense about these seven angels again. But this time, as long as BTS has their true Army with them, the haters can do nothing.

Moreover, when the detractors dare to raise their voices, they are met with a force as formidable as the tide, for to harm BTS is to invoke the wrath of millions. This is how the strong bond between the Army and BTS grows even stronger.

As time flies, the highly anticipated day has arrived for the Army. it's finally March 1st, the day of the fan meeting extravaganza. The lucky Army members who managed to get tickets are filled with excitement, eagerly awaiting the moment they can be in the presence of their beloved idols.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Army (including you and me) anxiously await the release of the link that will grant them access to the live fan meeting, like a treasure waiting to be discovered.

The atmosphere is electric, filled with anticipation and a sense of unity among the fans, as they come together to celebrate their shared love for BTS.

As the fan meeting begins, the atmosphere buzzes with excitement. The energy in the room is infectious, with fans cheering and singing along to every song.

The BTS members interact with the Army, sharing heartfelt stories and funny anecdotes. It's a moment of pure bliss and connection between the artists and their devoted fans.

As the fan meeting edges towards its finale, the atmosphere thickens with anticipation. Jungkook, the golden maknae, takes a tentative step forward, his fingers wrapped around the microphone with a grip that belies his inner turmoil.

The stage lights cast a halo around him, illuminating the subtle dance of emotions playing across his features-a delicate interplay of trepidation and resolve.

His gaze flits over the crowd, each pair of eyes a mirror reflecting his own uncertainty. It's a moment suspended in time, where every heartbeat is a drumbeat in the symphony of his anxiety.

The silence is a canvas, and his voice, when it finally breaks through, will be the brushstroke that colors their world.

Jimin, with the intuition of a kindred spirit, sidles up to Jungkook. His presence is a silent solace, his smile a lighthouse guiding Jungkook back to shore.

The gentle nudge is more than a physical gesture-it's a transfer of strength, a silent communication that says, "I'm here with you."

The crowd senses the shift, a collective breath drawn in as Jungkook finds his voice. It's a fragile thing, laced with the weight of his confession.

"Hyung, I'm too nervous about the Army's response," he admits, the words a tightrope walker's careful steps across the chasm of his fears.

V's voice erupts, a beacon of unwavering support, cutting through the tension. "Army is always by your side!" he declares, and the crowd erupts, a single entity united in their encouragement.

Their voices are a tapestry woven from threads of loyalty and love, enveloping Jungkook in a warm embrace.

The exchange between the fans and Jungkook is a dance of words and emotions. Each shout of support, each affirmation, is a brushstroke adding color to the scene.

"Jungkook-ah! Say whatever you want to say. I'm always with you," one fan cries, her voice a lifeline thrown into the swirling currents of his doubt.

Jin's anticipation is palpable, his voice a crescendo of excitement that ripples through the air. "Look, all the Army is eagerly waiting. Just go ahead and say it," he urges, and the crowd leans in, a forest of bodies swaying with the rhythm of his words.

Suga's playful tease is a spark in the darkness, a moment of levity that slices through the gravity of the moment. "Come on, Jungkook. You're not going to chicken out now, are you?" It's a challenge, a spur to action, and the crowd chuckles, a chorus of mirth that lightens the heart.

With a deep breath, Jungkook steadies himself, his voice a blend of excitement and determination. "Okay, okay..." Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath,

"So... I've fallen for someone," he confesses, and the hall falls into a stunned silence as this revelation takes the Army by surprise, their eyes widening with anticipation and curiosity.

The Army slowly processes the news, their eyes locked on Jungkook, waiting for him to continue. The room is filled with a mix of curiosity and excitement as they eagerly look for the rest of his revelation.

Jungkook glanced around, "Army, you've been with me through thick and thin. You've celebrated my victories and wiped my tears. you are not part of my life, you ARE my life." His gaze lingers on the fans who've become family. "And she? she is the reason, why I'm alive. I can't live without her."

"I know you're all wondering who she is." Jungkook, being mysterious, teases the Army, saying, "Army is known for their eagle eyes, so now it's time to use them. I won't reveal my girlfriend's identity. You have to find her by using your eagle eyes. Don't worry, I'll give you hints from time to time."

Slowly, his face turns serious. "And when you find out who she is, I hope you give her love too." he looked at Army with hopeful eyes.